Suigetsu sipped on his gallon of water through a straw lazily taking in the shabby homes of Area 17 as Karin drove. "We've been driving around forever. Don't you think we should just park somewhere? That river looks nice."

"We're patrolling the area. If people are involuntarily acting strangely in the area, we should come across something odd soon. If not, I'm sure that someone will call in an incident. If that happens we need to be ready to get to the scene." Karin said all this with a serious face while feeling she was a bit lost. She waved at the girl sitting on the corner. She was pretty: green eyes and blonde hair. Karin envied her.

Karin elbowed Suigetsu, "Have u heard anything on the radio?"

"No, it's been dead."

"That's odd. All those incidents one after another and now nothing?"

She had passed the girl on the corner again, but her GPS told her she had not passed the same spot twice. That's when she saw the girl standing on the street corner again. No…she was similar but not the same girl. And this time she noticed a cell phone in the girl's hand. Karin felt goosebumps cover her arms. She always got them when she felt she was being watched.

As they passed the girl Karin saw the girl pick up her phone and make a call. Then Karin adjusted her gaze and as expected observed another girl waiting on the upcoming corner. Then the girl made a call after they passed. She was less conspicuous but still noticeable.

"Suigetsu, they're keeping track of our movements and reporting them to someone. We aren't close to any known drug lords, are we? They're known to do this."

He shook his head, "None that are on our radar. Doesn't mean we aren't near one."

Karin swiftly made a turn. There weren't any drugs in the people's systems. She would report the possibility of drug dealing in the area, but her assignment was to investigate the odd behavior. Better leave this to another division.

"Maybe we should try to interview some witnesses."

The hotel manager's face was sweaty and his breath smelled awful: the coagulation of at least three different types of fast food and tuna all caught rotting between his unflossed teeth.

"Sir! Are you okay? Please explain what happened here!" Jiraiya pushed the man away and stood up taking in the scene. He could not believe it. The girl, the brick, the window he'd have to pay for. His head was spinning.

"Where did she go?"

"Police are chasing pink and red girls in car."

"She didn't have a-where are my keys?"

Jiraiya could not stop the panic he was feeling. Everything, all the evidence he had was in that damn car. "The police aren't going to chase them alone!"

"Who's going to chase with them? Sir, the window in broken. Your contract says-"

Jiraiya quickly collected all his possessions while ignoring the manager and made a mad dash away. He couldn't let them take away his whole investigation – nor could he pay for the window without his wallet.