'Yeah?' Cake walked into the room with Beemo at her side, the little computer console wearing a much too large football jersey, black shorts and soccer shoes.
'Beemo has a big game on today, and I'm going to stay and watch. You wanna come with?' Fionna shook her head as Cake picked up a green scarf and wrapped it around her furry neck.
'Nah, I'll stay here. It's too cold for me outside.' Cake nodded and picked up Beemo, before stretching down to the lower levels of the treehouse.
'Okay, we'll be back in about an hour and a half, Fi.' She called back up the ladder, before Fionna heard the door open and slam shut. She watched them go out the window, shivering at the thought of playing football in the chill late autumn wind.
She sat down on the couch and drummed her fingers on her lap, suddenly at a loss for what to do. She had an hour and a half of complete alone time, and she couldn't play Beemo. Suddenly a thought flashed across her mind, and she blushed, quickly trying to shoo it away. But as she stood up and retrieved a soda from their fridge, the idea languished in the back of her mind, unduly tempting. Sighing, she put her soda down on the kitchen bench, determined not to feel ashamed. It was her life, she could do as she pleased, and no-one had the right to judge her! Come to think of it, what's to say everybody didn't do it? She reasoned with herself as she walked into the bathroom and pulled down the animal skins, shutting the room off from the rest of the house.
Marshall-Lee floated languidly on top of the Treehouse roof, enjoying the fact that the overcast sky allowed him to come out during the day and perhaps only recieve a minor, human-like sunburn, which his vampire healing took care of almost instantly.
He sighed lazily, then floated down around Fionna's house, bored of simply hanging. He had seen Cake and Beemo leave a few minutes previously, so now seemed like the perfect time to maybe mess with Bunnyblue a little. He noticed that the bathroom window was open and floated through, stifling a gasp and making himself invisible when he realised Fionna was inside, letting down the animal skins that covered the doorway. He froze, half through the window, unsure as to whether to continue with his plan. Creeping Fionna out while she was in the bathroom seemed a little wacko. He wasn't that perverted. A sudden image of Fionna beckoning him into the shower flashed through his mind and he shook his head. Yep, definitely leaving. Suddenly, he heard the hinges of the window creak and he hissed in surprise, jerking his legs in through the window before his feet where cut off by the edge of the windowsill.
Fionna frowned and stopped, moving the window back and forth but didn't hear the strange noise she had heard when she first started closing the window. She shrugged and snapped the latch shut before stepping back and leaning over the bath, turning on the tap and adding copious amounts of bubblebath to the water.
Marshall-Lee watched her in amusement, before looking around the room and realising that all his exits were blocked. He inspected the animal skins quickly, but they hung too close to the ground. And if he moved one, Fionna would realise someone was there and flip out. Sighing mentally, he turned back around and clapped a hand over his mouth, involuntairly floating a good few feet backwards before he hit the wall with a soft thump.
Fionna paused, dropping her bra on the ground and picked up her shirt, holding it to her chest.
'Hello? Is someone there?' She called out nervously, poking her head out through a small gap in the middle of the animal skins.
'Hello-o?' Hearing no reply, she frowned, but went back to her bath, carelessly tossing her shirt over her shoulder and starting to unzip her skirt.
Marshall-lee stared at her, completley transfixed as she removed her skirt, then rolled off her socks. As her thumbs slid under the edge of her panties, he squeezed his eyes shut and quickly turned around, quietly placing both hands against the wall and splaying his fingers, breathing shallowly so she wouldn't hear. He opened his eyes and stared at the worm-eaten wood in front of his face, a thousand and ten thoughts racing through his mind.
Sure, he liked Fionna. And maybe in a few years, when she was a little older, he had thought that maybe he'd take her out somewhere. Eat a cheesedog. Watch the stars.
Make out.
But not yet, no-o way. She was still only sixteen, and despite his rather excellent (if he did say so himself) reputation, he wasn't the type to go after the barely-legal ones. And Fionna wasn't just some girl. If he broke her heart she would barbecue him on a spit and feed his liver to a giant goldfish-beast. While she tap-danced on his grave.
He heard a splash and a contented sigh from behind him and slowly, keeping his face tight just in case he managed to see something he wasn't meant to see, turned around.
Fionna dropped her bunny hat on the floor and sank deeper into the bubbles, smiling happily as the suds poofed up around her shoulders. It made her look like a guy-version of the Ice Queen with a long-ass beard. She stretched out of the water and reached up to the window sill, grabbing a light green bar of soap. As she rubbed it along her arms, sitting up straight again, she began to whistle a vaguely familiar tune.
Marshall-Lee's eyes popped open wide as she sat up, the foamy white bubbles slowly sliding down her clavicles and dripping into the water from the tip of her slick breasts. As she rubbed the soap bar across her chest, humming as her hands grazed across her strawberry nipples, Marshall-lee quickly slapped a hand across his nose, wary of the familiar sense of pressure the he could feel receeding the back of his head and into other places. If he got a nosebleed now, the maroon liquid dripping onto the floor would totally give him away.
Fionna stuck her leg into the air and soaped up, grunting as she stretched to reach her feet, before splashing the water in the bath over her body. She disappeared under the water for a few seconds, and Marshall-lee floated closer, unsure of what she was doing. A small trickle of bubbles rose up from the spot where she had vanished and then she burst through the surface of the water, shaking her head like a dog. She reached for an orange bottle of shampoo on the window sill and lathered it through several feet of her hair, singing as she did so.
' Good little girl
That's what I'm acting like
But who said that I
Had to always be fine
What if I flipped up the world?
To be a bad little girl.'
Marshall-lee smiled. So that was why it sounded familiar. He recognised it as the song he had sung for her that one time he had tried to get her to admit she was crushing on him. Turned out the whole stunt was to no avail. He watched her sluice the suds from her hair, folding his arms and smirking in spite of his situation. Why would she have bothered to remember his song if she didn't like him, just a little bit? She was totally in to him. She just didn't realise it yet.
As soon as Fionna had finished washing her hair out, she sat in the water and looked around herself guiltily.
' C-Cake? Beemo?' She called out, hugging her knees to her chest and flushing slightly. Marshall-lee raised an eyebrow, now casually floating over by their sink. Why would she be calling out for those guys? She knew they were gone, so what...?
Fionna sank down beneath the remaining bubbles until all that remained of her in sight was her shoulders and head. She shifted slightly, then a few seconds later her breathing hitched. Another few moments passed then she closed her eyes and bit her lip. Marshall-lee watched her, confused, as she opened her mouth slightly and panted, her pink tongue sticking out over her lower lip and and her breath mixing with the steam that drifted off of the surface of the water.
Suddenly, Marshall-lee understood what he was witnessing and blushed profusely, flying away from the sink and grabbing the sides of his head with both hands. He tried to stop himself from hyperventilating as he shook his head rapidly. He would not picture what was happening behind him. If he was too loud, Fionna would hear him and then he would really be in the shit! Not that he was exactly in happy wonderland right now.
Though it definitely would have been in different circumstances.
Fionna moaned loudly then subsided into soft mewls; Marshall-lee heard the water splashing out of the tub behind him, slopping on to the floor. He gritted his teeth, turning around in spite of himself due to sheer curiosity. There was nothing he could do, though it seemed like it no longered mattered how loud he was, because Fionna would easily drown him out with her cries.
This was so wrong.
This was SO wrong.
Fionna had her eyes still tightly closed and a red flush spread across her cheeks and down her neck. She bared her teeth then clenched them together sharply, her breath hissing quickly between them. He back arched as more water sloshed over the side, her nipples standing hard from her chest, betraying how aroused she was.
Marshall-lee tasted blood running over his upper lip and quickly wiped it away, before looking around frantically. He had to get out of here.
He realised that since Fionna was somewhat preoccupied, he could probably sneak out into her living room if he was really quiet and didn't make any sudden movements. He cautiously flew over to the animal skins and reached out for the highest hanging one.
' Ah, M-Marshall...Ooh.'
He stopped dead in his tracks, his whole face flushing a dark crimson. Had she seen him? No she couldn't have, he was still invisible. So then was she..
He twisted around, as Fionna's left hand burst out of the water and gripped the side of the bathtub with so much force he thought she was going to break clean through the wood. She bit down hard on her lower lip, drawing a few droplets of blood before she opened her mouth and cried out, swallowing down her accelerated breaths before whimpering once again. Her knees, which were now visible pushed against either side of the tub, shook slightly as her grip loosened on the wood.
' Ah!... ahhh.'
She sighed passionately, tipping her head back. As her ribs heaved in and out of the water
she continued to breath heavily, her exhalations whistling out from between her lips.
Marshall-Lee absorbed the scene in front of him, his jaw hanging slightly slack as he watched her close her legs and roll her head from side to side, purring like a cat lying in the sun. Her smile said it all, a coy, guilty little curve to her dark red lips as she playfully flicked a bubble off of her navel.
That was so hot. Oh Gob.
He needed out, right now, or he was going to explode. He pressed his lips together and rubbed a hand across his neck, feeling his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed, hard. But now that Fionna wasn't engaged in other matters, there was absolutely no way for him to get out without attracting her attention. Grimacing, he floated into the corner of the room that was farthest away from the bath and landed on the floor, sliding down the wall until he was sitting hunched in the triangular space.
Fionna touched her lip with one finger, then scowled when she saw the spots of blood. That was going to be hard to explain to Cake. Shrugging, she relaxed and threw her arms out over the sides of the bath, lying back against it and simply enjoying the calm and deep sense of satisfaction.
Marshall-lee stared at her, flicking his lower lip out from beneath his razor sharp teeth before catching it again. He looked down at his jeans as he extended one long limb out across the floor, frowning guiltily at the obvious shape jutting out from between his thighs. Glob dammit, he just had to be at her house on the one day that she decided to do this, didn't he?
His mind started replaying the whole sequence of events, and hesitantly, almost unconsciously, the thumb and index finger of his right hand started playing with the zipper on his jeans, shifting it up and down. Remembering the way her breasts had gleamed, their strawberry tips glowing softly as she arched her back out of the water, he noiselessly undid his jeans and slid them down his hips a few inches, allowing his erection to spring out, still encased in his jockey shorts. His finger tips slid below the waistband of his jockeys and wrapped themselves around the shaft, causing him to growl softly as the pulsation in his groin increased.
He stopped himself, nibbling on his lip again, ashamed and conflicted.
What the hell was he doing?
He looked up as Fionna yawned then stretched her arms and stood up, stepping out of the tub. Marshall-Lee's left hand flew up to his mouth and he bit down forcefully on the pad of skin below his thumb to stop himself from groaning. Fionna paused next to the bath and stretched her back properly, then reached for a towel and began rubbing the fluffy material up her legs.
She was totally oblivious to the torture she was causing the vampire who remained hidden in the corner of the room. His eyes scanned her suprisingly mature body automatically. Large, smooth oval-shaped breasts, leading down to a gracefully curved waist and full, rounded hips. Though she had a surprsingly small patch of pubic hair, and it contrasted oddly with the blonde lengths hanging from her head.
Helplessly, he extraced his cock from his underwear and began rubbing up and down, keeping his other hand firmly gripped between his teeth as Fionna started drying her upper body. She massaged her boobs around in a way that made Marshall-lee want to jump on her and simply take her, right there and then. His fingers were growing slick with sweat and pre-cum, and he couldn't help but moan slightly around the wedge of flesh he had imprisoned in his mouth as he clenched his fist and tugged. Though thankfully, Fionna was so absorbed in drying all her hair that she didn't appear to notice.
He would grab her and pin her down on the floor, licking off the remaining beads of water with his tongue as she writhed under his touch. Her mouth would taste like the sweetest food, particularly with the blood that was still visible in the cut on her lip. Her nails would clench in his back as he entered her, and she would be tight, so fucking tight and hot around him. She would call his name just like she had before and scream, her hips bucking against him as he rammed into her.
'Ahh!..M-Marshall! Oh, Marshall-lee!'
Marshall bit down even harder on his hand but he barely registered the blood that suddenly dripped into his mouth. He couldn't make a sound, but...!
With one finally tug, he inhaled sharply through his nose as he came into his hand, the hot burst of semen spilling down over his fingers. Marshall squeezed his eyes shut and focused on remaining silent. Uhh...
Fionna froze, in the middle of wrapping the towel around her waist. She was sure she had heard something. It sounded like something hissing, or maybe sighing. She looked around and noticed a small green snake winding its way up the drainpipe for her bathroom sink. She stuck her tongue out at it, being very indisposed towads snakes ever since Cake had lured a bunch of them when she was trying to get rid of the PBH. The snake disappeared into a hole in the wall, and Fionna tucked one corner of the towel into place underneath her armpit indignantly. Stupid snakes.
She then picked up her clothes and hat and walked out of the room, climbing up the ladder to her bedroom.
As soon as he could hear her footsteps on the floor upstairs, Marshall-Lee made himself visible again and snarled to finally release the tension, the afterglow of orgasm spiking when his fingertips brushed the tip. He leaned his head back against the wall, breathing heavily through his nose as he listened to Fionna walking around upstairs.
Well, this made everything more complicated.
He sighed as he considered the ramifications. Obviously, Fionna could never find out that this had happened, so nothing would've changed on her end. But he'd never be able to look at her again without thinking of this. Dammit.
After tucking everything back where it was supposed to be and zipping up his jeans, grunting slightly as the motioned stimulated his still-sensitive dick, he got up and floated over to Fionna's sink. He washed the cum off of his right hand, blinking at his other one as he did so. Huh, he was still bleeding. Must've bit down pretty hard if the vampire healing hadn't taken care of it already.
Deeming that he was now at least presentable, Marshall drifted out into her lounge and was surprised to find Fionna climbing down the ladder, fully dressed. Wow, she had done that quickly.
When she reached the bottom of the ladder, she jumped off and began to walk towards the kitchen bench, barely glancing into the main area of the lounge. Then she did a double take and stared in surprise at Marshall-lee floating casually in the center of her living room. They eyed each other for a few seconds.
' Um... Hi, are you in my house?' Marshall scanned her for a few seconds, multiple images flashing through his mind, before comprehending her words.
'Well Fionna, I was jacking off to you fingering yourself in your bathtub'
He blushed at the unwarranted thought and managed to stutter out a somewhat coherent response.
' I,um... I.. hurt my hand. Yeah. And I.. D-didn't have any.. bandages left. Um... yeah.' (It was coherent, not eloquent.) Fionna raised an eyebrow at him skeptically, before shaking her head and walking into her kitchen, reaching into one of the top cupbords and pulling out a first-aid kit.
' I, um, think I can...help you with that.' She said sarcastically, mimicking the way he had posed the statment. Marshall-lee rolled his eyes at her, kind of annoyed at himself for giving her the opportunity to tease him. She had caught him off guard, but even so. That deserved some payback.
'Yeah well, I got here earlier but I could hear water splashing in the bathroom, so I figured I should probably amuse myself for a bit until you weren't naked.' He smirked at her, watching her blush before drifting around her and slowly licking the back of her neck, causing her to stiffen and blush even deeper in surprise.
' Heh, you always look so... delicious, when you blush.' He murmured, before Fionna whipped around and punched him in the stomach, causing him to fly about a metre back into the air as he huffed out a small grunt.
' Stop being a creep, Marshall! You can bandage your own damn hand!'
She yelled before sitting down on the sofa and folding her arms, her righteous indignation blunted somewhat by the red flush spread across her cheeks. Marshall-lee shook his head and popped open the first-aid kit, smiling to himself.
' Learn to take a compliment, Fi.' He sniped back, completely recovered from his earlier bout of being tounge-tied. Fionna threw him a look which he pretended not to see, then scowled in outrage.
Was it weird that he found her feisty attitude completely sexy? Naw, there was nothing wrong with liking a strong, independent woman. He glanced at her as he wrapped the bandage around his palm, weaving it deftly around his thumb and index finger. He cocked an eyebrow when he caught her staring at him, and she quickly turned her face to the side doing her best to act like she didn't care at all.
As he wound the last of the bandage around his hand and dug in the box for a safety pin, he mused over his inhibitions. It'd be hard for him to be around Fionna without getting a boner from now on, especially if her position was at all compromised. She had been completely vulnerable in that bathtub, and any situation that mimicked that would remind him enough to turn him on. And obviously, that was something of a problem. A noticeable, awkward... hard one.
Dragging her into a sexual relationship now probably wouldn't do her any favours, considering she probably understood as much about what she had done to herself as she understood why the sky was blue. Though he wanted to. So badly. And judging by the way she had cried his name, she wanted that too.
But beyond her age, he inexperience and general icky feeling towards sex everyone has when they're just getting into it, he also had to contend with Cake. She'd chop his balls off if she ever caught him trying to get it on with her.
So for now, he figured he would just have a little more fun embarrassing his Bunnyblue. And since he knew that she wanted him, he could now make his move whenever he felt like.
Author's note: so this is a rewrite/beta/reboot or whatever you wanna call it of a story I've already got up on Deviantart. The original was a three part thingy rife with lemony goodness, but it was also the first lemon I've ever written so don't judge if the quality isn't as high as some of the stuff I've on here.
Part one [original] /d71lo9c
Part two: /d725b2p
Part three: /d73csup
So this one I'll probably be more then three chapters, and they ain't gonna get together 'officially' in this one as quickly as they did in that one [Read: lots of illicit sexy times] I don't even know why I'm doing this. Maybe I'm addicted to new things, whether they be reboot or brand new. IDK. just shoot me already, my faithful regulars. I am working on the other stuff, it's just slow going :(