Kakashi sat on top of Sasuke, holding the young genin's arm behind his back, as he continued his lecture to the three possible members of Team 7.

"Ninja missions are carried out in squads," he continued, "of course you need individual skills, but teamwork is an essential element. Every shinobi understands this. When individuals put themselves above the squad this can lead to failure and death!"

"For example," Kakashi pulled out a kunai, "Sakura! Kill Naruto now or Sasuke dies." Sakura gasped in surprise as Naruto looked with a panicked gaze between the the two of them.

But just before Kakashi could continue and explain how this sort of dillema could occur during a mission, Sakura let out a piercing, "NOOOOOOOOOOOO, NOT SASUKEEEEEE!"

As Kakashi flinched, his single visible eye clenching shut as he turned away from the loud sound, he missed the young girl reach into her kunai pouch and chuck the blade straight into Naruto's forehead, killing him and Sasuke simply looked on at the dead body.

'Well,' Kakashi thought morosely, 'at least Sensei designed the seal so that the Kyuubi will die as well.'


Obito Uchiha, disguised as Madara Uchiha disguised as Tobi, sat in shock as he was informed of the news of the death of Uzumaki Naruto and the complete eradication of the Kyuubi and it's Chakra.
"Well shit..."