I finished updating the prologue, as you can see. I'm going to go ahead and post it so that you guys can have a good idea as to what kind of changes I'm going to be making. Nothing too drastic, but there will be different details thrown in here and there. Plus, my grammar and spelling has thankfully improved. Let me know how I did!


Five year old Akari Yoshida swung silently on a park swing. Her dark eyes, glittering with awe as she observed her two siblings. The fraternal twins, Mizuko and Riko, stood a few feet away as they took turns throwing kunai. The target in front of them littered with holes from previous practice. Akari holds her breath as her sister, Mizuko, winds back her arm. Exhaling with excitement as the weapon flies from her hand to hit the wooden target.


Mizuko had missed the bulls-eye by one ring, the older girl frowning in disappointment. Still, Akari was impressed and clapped her hands in encouragement. She enjoyed following after them, watching them practice any chance she got. Though this was only their first year at the Academy, the twins were at the top of their class. Well almost, one student taking the number one spot. Seeing as how it was a Hyuuga, a kid from one of the top clans, they weren't all that broken up about it. Either way Akari still thought her brother and sister were amazing. She believed that her siblings were on their way to becoming great ninja. Worthy to protect Konoha. Akari couldn't wait till she joined them the coming year. A year below them but working just as hard.


Another kunai strikes a bit closer to its mark, this one thrown by Riko. Akari focuses as her sister takes her turn again, preparing to throw another. Her hands itch to give it a try, watching every move her sister makes with rapt attention. The flick of her wrist, the muscles on her arms, the way she positioned her legs and feet. Then it was over. The kunai flying through the air and hitting just a few inches from the center. Akari chewed on her lip as she stared at the target, wondering if she will be as skilled as her siblings.


She startled a little, glancing over at her brother. Riko was smiling at her, walking over and holding out a kunai.

"Why don't you give it a shot? Can't be fun just sitting there watching." He grinned.

Akari's face lit up in an instant, taking the weapon from his hand and into her small grip. He lead her over, showing her where to stand and mimicking a throw in an effort to teach her. Akari listened carefully but she felt like she already knew what to do. Glancing at Mizuko, she pictured her sisters last attempt in her head. Then she was facing the target, trying to position her body the way Mizuko had. After a brief moment, she took aim and let the kunai fly.


Akari blinked in surprise, gaping at the target with disbelief. Her siblings were shocked into silence, staring back and forth between their younger sister and the bulls-eyes. The kunai had not only hit the the target, but it was buried dead center! Slowly, once she realized she didn't imagine it, a broad grin overtook Akari's face. The twins startled as she let out a loud whoop, jumping up and down in excitement. The two oldest shared a look, both still astonished by the turn of events. But their little sisters excitement was contagious. Shrugging, they broke out into a smiles.

"You're a natural, Akari!" Mizuko giggled as she high fived her.

"The teachers at the Academy won't know what hit them!" Riko ruffled her hair.

Still, once they left the park in the direction of home, the twins couldn't help but stare at Akari curiously. Did she really learn that quickly just by watching them these past few days? They will admit, they were good but not that good. The only person in their age group who had managed a direct hit on a target was Neji. But that was because the kid was a prodigy, already using his Byakugan with ease at just six years old

Riko looked to his twin, Mizuko staring back. Maybe there was more to their sister than they thought. Akari had always been different from them, more observant and picking up on things quicker than most five year olds. Mizuko shrugged then, figuring that their younger sister was probably just born to be a ninja. Riko took this as a sign to let it go, accepting Akari's new found skill.

As for the little girl, Akari skipped ahead of them with her confidence sky high. Already imagining herself impressing her classmates once she was enrolled. She had always been excited to join the Academy, but now even more so. Akari was to distracted by her excitement that she didn't even stop to glare at Sakura and Ino. The two girls hiding behind a corner as they stalked Sasuke Uchiha again.

Akari paid them no mind, not feeling her usual annoyance towards them. She was too eager to get home and tell her parents what she had done. Moments later she wished she had kept it to herself.

"Akari do you feel okay? Oh Kin, maybe we should ask Itachi to come by?"

Her mother looked to her father, the distress clear in her eyes. Kin Yoshida was staring at his younger daughter with great intensity, Akari fidgeting under his gaze. The twins were sitting on the living room couch on either side of her, wondering why their parents were reacting this way. Usually parents were proud when their child accomplishes something so great. Instead, their mom and dad were acting as if Akari had broken a leg. Or worse, broken someone else's. The poor girl didn't know what to make of their reaction.

"Hana, maybe it's best if you go get the boy." Her father finally answered.

He hadn't said a word since they explained what happened. Akari was on the brink of tears, not liking his silence. He had never been the serious type, the laugh lines of his mouth prominent around his lips. It scared her, seeing her carefree dad act this way. She glanced questioningly at her mother who gave her one last look before hurrying out the door.

"Akari, sweetie, did you feel anything strange before you hit that target?"

She stared at her father, unable to bring herself to respond. Instead, she gave a slow shake of her head. Her father searched her face carefully wondering whether to believe her or not. He peered into her round eyes, noticing not the red he was dreading but fear. They were frightening her, he realized. The little girl oblivious to the reason of her parents panic.

Sighing, he ran a hand through his hair. Praying that they were overreacting and that his daughter was just talented for her age. He forced a smile in an effort to ease her unease, telling her to wait in her room until her mother got back. Akari nodded, getting up from the couch without complaint. As she made her way upstairs, he hoped the girl would never receive the ability that will surely get her taken from his life.

"Dad, what's going on? Is something wrong with Akari?"

The twins stared at their father, brows furrowed in worry.

"No, she's fine. We just worry too much." He assured them.

They didn't look to have believed him, but they nodded anyways. Leaving to follow their younger sibling upstairs. Kin stared after them, knowing that he'd have to tell them the truth eventually. But not right now, they were too young.

A little while later, Hana returned accompanied by two Uchiha's. The young boys looking identical with their black hair and onyx eyes. It pained Kin a little as he saw them standing in their hallway. The sight of them only reminded him that Akari was not his own. The oldest of the two walked towards him then, a hand held out. He took it and thanked Itachi Uchiha for coming.

"I apologize for bringing Sasuke." Itachi said.

His tone of voice was strangely mature for a ten year old kid. Staring up at Kin with a polite expression, and back straight. Kin glanced down at the smaller of the two, the five year old hiding behind his older brothers legs. Looking up at him with round dark eyes similar to Akari's.

"I was to spend some time with him before my mission later today." Itachi explained.

The older man understood and welcomed the Uchihas into his home. His wife offered to take Sasuke to the kitchen for a drink and the young boy obliged. Once he was gone Kin proceeded to explain the situation. He knew he could trust Itachi. He was the only Uchiha who knew of Akari's origin. Why the boy willingly kept it from his father, Kin wasn't sure. Still, he greatly appreciated it. Fugaku would surely take his younger daughter from him without hesitation.

After thoroughly explaining what had happened to the young man, Itachi nodded in understanding. He asked to see Akari and was led upstairs to her room. She was sitting patiently on her bed, her short legs swinging back and forth over the edge. As Kin led the Uchiha in, recognition flashed across her face. Her siblings were with her but they respectfully left the room along with their father. Itachi walked up to her, taking a seat on her desk chair.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked.

Akari glanced at him shyly, fingers playing with the hem of her blue dress. She knew very well who Itachi Uchiha was. The older boy practically a legend among the younger kids. It was rare for a child his age to already be a Chunin, going on missions they could only dream of. Akari could feel herself blushing, never thinking the boy would come to see her.

"You're Sasuke's older brother. An Uchiha." She mumbled.

Itachi stared at her, taking in the little girls features. Wondering how long it would take for her to notice she was one too. To anyone else, it was obvious she wasn't the true daughter of Kin and Hana Yoshida. There was absolutely no similarities between them. Neither of them had Akari's ebony hair or dark piercing eyes. The little girl definitely stood out among her siblings, the twins looking to be her complete opposite with their light brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Right. Tell me, was that really your first time throwing a Kunai?" He asked her.

Akari frowned, looking a bit disappointed with his question. Upset that he thought she would lie. Akari was nothing but truthful, maybe even a tad bit blunt at times.

"It was, I swear!" She pouted.

"And you didn't feel anything strange? Your eyes didn't feel weird or anything?"

Her eyes? Akari chewed on her lower lip thoughtfully. No, she didn't thinks so. Thinking back, all she had done was copy her sister the best that she could. Nothing strange about it.

"Uh uh. I just threw it." She shrugged.

Itachi watched her carefully, reading her face in search of any sign that she was lying. Akari stared back, her head tilted to the side curiously. Looking a bit confused by his questioning. He sighed, accepting what he already knew. There was no possible way the girl could have awakened the Sharingan. She had yet to experience anything traumatizing enough to trigger it. Kin and Hana had just overreacted, like he had thought.

"Come. Your father is waiting."

He stood then, holding out a hand to her. She stared at it for a moment, her round cheeks flushing a little. Then she took hold, letting him lead her back downstairs. Itachi glanced down at her as they walked, hoping the Sharingan never made an appearance. It was best that no one found out the truth about her, that they never saw her for who she truly was. Akari was better off with this family than her previous one, he knew.

Akari looked up at him, amazed that she was holding hands with Itachi Uchiha. Not sure why he had come but still excited by his visit. She had once thought he was unapproachable. Somebody you respected from afar. Yet here he was, in her house and giving her a kind smile.

Once they reached the bottom floor, he let go of her hand and was pulled aside by her father. The two began whispering to each other, Akari watching them curiously. Seeing as how it looked like grown up talk, she left them in the living room and went to the kitchen. There, she paused. Taking in the sight of Sasuke Uchiha sitting at her dinner table. The twins beside him as they shared a bowl of fruit.

"Akari, come say hello"

It was her mother who had spoken, the older women watching her expectantly. The others turned to look at her, finally noticing she was there. Sasuke watched her cautiously, the boy always standoffish around girls. Akari stared back, not sure how she felt about having the kid in her house. Still, she did the polite thing and approached him.

"Hi." She said.

He narrowed his eyes, probably expecting her to gush all over him like most of the girls in the village. She just stood there, waiting for him to say something. Finally, after a moment's hesitation, he gave her a curt nod.

"Sasuke will be joining the Academy next year, same as you" Her father explained.

He come in behind her, Itachi on his heels. Sasuke smiled at the sight of his brother, sliding off his chair and immediately latching onto his leg. Akari just nodded at her father, having already known this. Sasuke was the same age as her and will most likely be her classmate.

"Come to me if you ever need anything, Akari." Itachi placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

Akari grinned up at him, promising to do just that. Sasuke watched her carefully, looking unsure of what to make of her. Then Itachi was excusing himself, leading his younger brother out the door. She followed them out, waving from her front porch until they were gone.

From that day forth Itachi would visit occasionally if only for a few minutes. Just to check up on her and see if she was doing okay. With time, she grew to care for the older Uchiha, always excited for his visits. Some days he would bring Sasuke, the kid following after his brother eagerly. Akari had thought he would be difficult to be around, Sasuke having the tendency to be rude at times. Not to mention cocky and a tad bit condescending. Still, she found that he wasn't that bad of company. He didn't seem to mind her presences all that much either. They weren't exactly best friends but they got along fine. He occasionally even came around on his own, without Itachi as an excuse.

Sasuke didn't really talk much about his family, or his life in the Uchiha clan. But he certainly had a lot to say about his older brother. He practically worshiped him, telling Akari dozens of stories about Itachi. She quite enjoyed them, understanding why Sasuke was so proud of his brother. Not many people got as far as he had in his short ten years.

If they weren't talking about Itachi, the two were running after the twins. Practicing with them and finding that they were both pretty skilled. Soon enough, they were competing against each other to see who could do better. Unfortunately, she found herself losing to Sasuke more times than not. She blamed it on the fact that she had Itachi as a brother though.

After a while, Itachi had stopped coming around as much. He had turned eleven and had joined the A.N.B.U pretty quickly after. The older Uchiha also seemed to be acting a bit differently. Smiling less and acting more serious than usual. It was as if something was bothering him. She figured it was all his missions. Sasuke said he had a lot of them, his brother leaving the house for days at a time.

Akari and Sasuke spent a lot of time together for the next few months, the two of them falling into an easy friendship. But things changed when it came time for the two children to join the Academy.

Akari was late her first day, having been unable to go to sleep the night before out of pure excitement. She apologized to Iruka Sensei as soon as she arrived, looking around for an empty spot. As she searched, she noticed Sasuke watching her from the back of the room. Akari didn't really expect him to save her a seat so she wasn't surprised to find the spot next to him taken. Some kid with a cute dog on his head sharing his desk. Frowning, she realized that she didn't have a lot of options, there being only two seats left. Either she would sit next to Sakura Haruno or next to some blonde kid with whiskers. Obviously she chose to sit next to the stranger. A few kids gave her a look when they saw her approach him. The blonde looking up at her with obvious surprise.

"Hi, I'm Akari" She smiled at him as she took a seat.

The blonde blinked at her, looking very confused. Slowly though, a broad grin overtook his face. His eyes glistening a little with an emotion she couldn't quite place.

"Hi! I'm Naruto! I'm gonna be Hokage someday!" He exclaimed.

He said it loud enough for the class to hear, the students bursting into hurtful laughter. Akari scowled, flashing them a firm, disapproving glare. The laughter fell into spiteful snickers, the class calming down but still leering at the back of Naruto's head. Akari huffed in annoyance before turning back face her new desk-mate.

"Well, it's my pleasure to be sitting next the future Hokage." She told him.

Making sure the rest of the class heard her, too. Naruto's smile grew impossibly wider, his blue eyes sparkling with gratitude. Akari looked around the room then, at her new classmates. They all seemed to be staring at her as if she was nuts. Sakura in particular had a look of disgust on her face. Knowing that the girl didn't like her very much to begin with, Akari stuck her tongue out defiantly.

"What are you looking at cotton candy head?" She asked.

The girl sent her a glare before crossing her arms and facing the front. Satisfied Akari did the same, Naruto still grinning beside her. That day she found out how much she enjoyed the blonde's company. He happened to be a very exuberant kid, incredibly cheerful for someone who seemed to be hated by everyone. She wasn't sure how he could smile so easily, knowing how alone he was. Somehow though, he managed to be the brightest kid in class.

Akari found herself unable to stop smiling at his side. The boy able to bring a laugh out of her easier than anyone she knew. She noticed how he was the complete opposite of Sasuke, more carefree. It was quite refreshing to be around him. As she thought this, Akari stole a glance at the Uchiha to find him already watching her. Sasuke turned away quickly though, blushing a little when he noticed she saw him. She frowned at this, not sure why he had reacted that way. Shrugging, Akari continued to laugh at Naruto's jokes and antics. Antics Iruka Sensei didn't appreciate.

Thus her first day at the Academy began. And she loved every second of it! The rest of the week went surprisingly well. Akari had no problems keeping up, able to accomplish nearly everything Iruka Sensei taught. She found that if she paid close enough attention, if she focused on the little things, she could learn things fairly quickly. Soon enough, she was top of her call with Sasuke a close second. She wasn't surprised by this, already knowing how skilled Sasuke could be.

What she wasn't expecting was Naruto's skill level. He tended to talk big, and she always found herself believing in how skilled he was. So it always caught her off guard when he was unable to keep up, eventually falling to the lowest ranking in their class. It turned out that it was harder for him to pick things up, often struggling to complete the assignments. But no matter how many times he failed, Naruto kept trying. No matter how many times the others brought him down he got back up. Giving up was not an option for him, the boy continuing to push through with that same grin on his face.

Akari realized that though he wasn't all that exceptional, or on the same level as Sasuke, she still admired him. She grew fond of his perseverance, his inability to give up. At first, she thought she was the only one who felt like this. But, Akari has always been observant. It didn't take her very long to notice the pretty pale eyes that seemed to follow Naruto's every move. Hinata Hyuuga was a timid little thing, barely able to speak above a whisper, so she tended to blend into the background. Akari wanted to make it her goal to get the girl to open up. To maybe one day have the guts to approach Naruto. It was just too bad that she wouldn't be seeing either of them much longer.

The day started out as usual. Iruka Sensei starting the class, Naruto disrupting it, Iruka yelling and Naruto getting in trouble. The usual. Then he had taken them out to the training grounds, the wooden posts lined up in front of them. They were all given five shuriken to hold until it was their turn. All of them eager to give it a try and show off what they could do.

Akari didn't realize that Iruka had been keeping a close eye on her progress up until then. If she had, she might not have done what she did. She had stood towards the back of the line next to Naruto. Watching as Shikamaru tried to keep Choji from choking on his chips. She wasn't really paying all that much attention to the rest of the class, waiting patiently for her turn. But then Sasuke was stepping forward.

Akari looked away from Choji, her eyes following Sasuke as he faced the target. The boy took one look at it before throwing the sharp weapons confidently. All of his stars landing either on the bulls eye or the ring around it. It wasn't perfect but it was a lot better than what the others had done. Everyone was immediately impressed, all the girls squealing with excitement. They shouted out Sasuke's name, congratulating him with hearts in their eyes. The Uchiha kept a straight face the whole time.

"Guess the guy really is the best." Shikamura yawned beside her.

Akari felt Naruto tense at his words on her other side. Shikamaru must have too, because he looked over at the blonde with a raised brow. The two of them watched as he stomped his way to the front of the line.

"Why does he insist on embarrassing himself." Shikamaru sighed.

"Maybe he's not all there, you know?" Choji said, munching on his chips.

Akari chewed on her lower lip as she watched Naruto needle Iruka Sensei for his turn. She knew how he felt about Sasuke, Naruto considering him his top rival. Someone he had to beat to prove to the world he had what it took to be Hokage. Their teacher gave in to his whining, letting the blonde step up to face the targets. It didn't work out the way he wanted. Not a single shuriken made its mark. The others instantly making fun of him as he stood there with his head hung low. Akari made to go and cheer him up somehow, but then his head shot up again with the determination back in his eyes.

"Doesn't matter! I'm still gonna be Hokage one day!" He proclaimed.

Akari smiled. She should've known something like this wouldn't bring him down. It would take more than that to break Naruto Uzumaki's spirit. Beside her, Shikamura eyed Naruto speculatively. As if he was trying to figure him out.

"Yeah right! What village would be stupid enough to make you Kage of anything!" Kiba snickered.

"As if you have a better shot. Listen to your own advice, Kiba. Not just anyone can be Hokage." Akari scoffed in defense of her friend.

Kiba scowled at her, crossing his arms with a huff. Shino stood beside him, staring at Akari with an unreadable expression behind his black glasses. Hinata stood nearby as well, watching the scene quietly. Her eyes flickering shyly towards Naruto. The blonde, like usual, didn't notice. To busy looking back and forth between Kiba and Akari.

"Well if I can't be Hokage, then he sure as hell can't. Not with crappy skills like that." Kiba grumbled.

"The whole point of the Academy is to learn. He still has plenty of time to get better."

The rest of the class was listening to their argument now, crowding around. Naruto came to stand by her, a slight blush on his cheeks at her words. She wondered if she was the first person to have ever defended him. The thought made her angrier than she thought possible, her grip on the shurikens tightening.

"Why have a Hokage who's bottom of the class, when we could have someone as strong as Sasuke. Clearly he's the better choice." Sakura joined in.

The girl looked over at the boy in question, probably hoping that he would appreciate her words. Sasuke wasn't even paying attention, looking bored with the conversation. Though he gave Akari a brief glance, an irritated expression on his face. Probably annoyed with her for causing an unnecessary scene.

"What? You think he's the only one who can make a throw like that? It wasn't even all that impressive." Akari rolled her eyes.

She was lying of course. She knew that what Sasuke had done deserves some recognition. The six year old was already well ahead of their class, very skilled for his age. Still, she was too wound up to praise him. Akari understood that it wasn't his fault that the class practically worshiped him. Still, she couldn't help but feel some resentment towards him because of it, hating that they were always comparing him to Naruto.

"WHAT?! Sasuke's the best out of all of us!" Ino yelled.

"Yeah! As if you could do any better." Sakura scoffed.

Akari scowled at them, shoving past her classmates to take a turn, eager to prove Sakura wrong. Iruka, who had been watching them argue with exasperation, didn't try and stop her. She gave her teacher a quick glance, not noticing the observant look in his eyes. At his nod, she faced the target and aimed. Like she had practiced, time and time again, she flicked her wrist and sent all five stars flying. Akari didn't even have to look to know she had done it. Every single star had hit the mark, the bulls-eye barely visible beneath them.

Holding her chin up high, she turned back to Ino and Sakura. The two girls gaping at the target with disbelief. The rest of the class looked just as surprised, blinking at her with wide eyes. Sasuke on the other seemed to have expected this. Watching her silently, a small undecipherable smile on his lips.

"Yeah! Way to go Akari!" Naruto cheered.

He rushed over to her, hand held high above his head. Grinning, she jumped up to slap it in a quick high five. The day continued as normal, the rest of the class taking their turn with the shurikens. The incident behind them, and long forgotten by the forgetful six year olds. But not forgotten by their sensei who had made a decision that day.

The next morning, Naruto found the seat beside him empty. The girl he had become close friends with, nowhere to be found. He frowned, laying his head on his arms and keeping uncharacteristically quiet throughout the whole day. He didn't notice the dark gaze of a certain Uchiha who also eyed the empty seat. Sasuke ended up watching the door all through class, waiting for said girl to come running in. When she didn't, both of them came to accept that she truly was gone.

As for the girl in question, she was just a floor above them. Sitting nervously between her siblings, surrounded by new and unfamiliar faces. Akari wasn't sure how well she'd do among her new classmates, but she had no other choice than to try.