Title: Thunder

Pairing: Kiba/Hinata

Rating: T for potential subject matter.

Disclaimer: I do not own these Naruto characters and stand to make no profit from posting this story.


Dog Days were upon them.

The heat was oppressive but the storms were worse.

Every evening it seemed a thunderstorm rolled across the valley where Konoha was located.

Akamaru trembled between the two of them.

He whimpered when the thunder crashed.

Absently, she reached to stroke his head.

Her hand brushed Kiba's, patting his dog.

Lightning flashed, the scent of ozone in the air unmistakable.

Hinata inhaled sharply, feeling she should draw her hand away, but Kiba's closed softly around her own.

They counted the seconds, one…, two…., three…., four…, his lips pressed against hers.

Thunder rolled across the sky.

A/N: Dog Days occur in the Northern Hemisphere when Sirius the dog star rises with the sun. It is believed to be the hottest time of the year. Dog Days traditionally occur between July 3 and August 11. Where I live it is, in a word, sultry. This was a series of drabbles, 40 in all, one for each day of dogs days for Kiba and Hinata that I wrote several years ago. I forgot why I took it down, but doing some housekeeping I found it and decided to put it up again. Enjoy.