I'm not even going to try to apologize ( but like i'm totally sorry) hope you enjoy it. xo Brooke

Unexpected Love

Chapter Two: Whole lotta nothing.

We are sitting in the back of a squad car, a freaking SQUAD CAR. That's all I could think to myself as both the detectives settled into the front seat, my dad is SO going to kill us. "Detectives, do we really need to go into the station?" asked Tracy sweetly as she made eye contact with Barber and smiled at him. "Yeah, can't you just put us down as confidential informant's, emphasis on the confidential part" Gail added with a little more attitude then someone who's asking a favor should have in their voice.

"See the thing about confidential informant's blondie" Swarek said turning around to smirk at her, "is that they usually a) actually inform you of things and b) give you at least a full name. Since the three of you have yet to do either, we're forced to take you down to the station" he said turning around and pulling out of the parking lot. "Plus I would have chosen to bring you in in my truck, but apparently you've ruffled more then just my feathers tonight."

I couldn't hold back my scoff at the ridiculousness of the whole situation as we drove towards the station, and what will probably be my final resting place once my dad finds out. "What's that Bambee? Got something to add to the big pile of nothing you've given us all night?" Sam added as he looked at me through the rearview mirror. "uh yeah, actually I do. First of all you drive a truck? Seriously? Second off all you don't exactly look like the type of guy who gets his feathers ruffled by anyone, ever" I spat out throwing his words back in his face. "And third of all it seems to me that I did you a favor, dumb and dumber don't seem to know their heads from their asses, maybe if you guys had trained your roo.."

"ANDY!" both Gail and Tracy yelled out staring at me shocked, I didn't ever raise my voice at people, and my father had definitely taught me better then to disrespect my superiors. Something about this guy just really got under my skin, in the worst way possible, or was it the best way possible? I don't know but it was starting to really piss me off. "No please, I would really love to hear more about my ineptitude," Swarek bit out dryly as he pulled into the parking lot of 15 division.

I opened the door for the girls and they slipped out one by one eyes glued to the floor as they walked towards Jerry and through the side door to booking he had just opened for them. I shook my head as I slammed the door closed and followed them through the door, these chicks were acting seriously weird. First with Bambee's moves at the club, then being able to read our badges and then the whole insisting on not wanting to be brought into the station thing. I was starting to think we had either caught some sort of criminal masterminds or these kid's were hiding something way bigger.

"Hey Sammy you finally found Charlie's Angels huh, what took you so long?" Oliver said with his back turned as he signed some paperwork. "I switched with a rookie just to see you bring them in…oh for god's sake you have got to be kidding me" Oliver yelled all of a sudden as he turned around and stared at the three girls who now looked at him with pleading eyes. "no no no, NO why, why do you do this to me?" he yelled to the ceiling as Jerry and I looked at him in disbelief. "Oliver buddy, are you having a stroke or something?" asked Jerry as he walked closer to him with an arm outstretched as if to steady him.

"Uncle Ollie I can explain" Said Bambee taking a step towards him and I whipped my head towards her, uncle Ollie? "What the hell is going on here?" I demanded staring from the girls to Jerry's equally confused expression to Oliver's dare I say angry face. "NO, no I do not want to hear it Andy, not right now" Said Oliver as he walked out from behind the counter and towards the girls, "do you have ANY idea the kind of danger you three put yourselves in tonight? The risk you took with a 6-month long operation? What do we say about stepping in the middle of another team's operation?" he demanded as he paced the same 5 steps back and forth in front of them, as all five us ping pong-ed our heads back and forth watching him with rapt attention "well?" he demanded staring expectantly at them.

"Never walk into another team's operation blind, it not only puts you at risk, but all the other players who you may not know are involved. It's sloppy, and bad policing" recited the girls as they all noticeably stood up straighter and held their heads up high, if I wasn't so confused I would be impressed, but my confusion won out in the end as I heatedly demanded "would somebody tell me what the hell is going on here? NOW! How do you know these girls Oliver? And who the hell are they?"

"They wouldn't give us their names or any information and didn't even want us to bring them back to the station," said Jerry looking between the girls and Oliver as if hoping someone would finally start talking. "

"You didn't tell them your names?" asked Oliver with a smirk on his face, apparently having calmed down from his episode. "No…sir," Said Gale finding her voice finally. "If they don't know your name they can't put you into the system, or find you again," she said as she smirked in the direction of the detectives who were now staring at the girl's with mouths wide open. "yeah well I wouldn't think to highly of my self if I were you blondie, we would find you easily if we wanted too."

"No actually Sam, you wouldn't" said Oliver giving him a dry look, "Charlie's angels over here are Andy Mcnally daughter of Detective Tommy Mcnally and her best friend Tracy Nash who's basically Tommy's other kid and blondie over there," he said laughing at her annoyed look "Is a Peck, they grew up together and have been being unofficially trained since they were 6 years old. So no, you wouldn't have found them."

Andy sensing that this was her opportunity finally jumped in "and since we are so amazing I was wondering if you could maybe just this once not call our parents so that we all don't die tonight." She said trailing off at the end as she saw Oliver start to shake his head halfway through her speech. "Absolutely not Angel, I don't particularly have a death wish, and while your dad maybe retired. It doesn't mean I won't always be his rookie, and he will not hesitate to shove his boot up my ass if I mess this up. So nu uh uh uh...no puppy dog eyes" he said shaking his finger at the three of us, "you messed up, and you dragged these two into this mess with and while I admire your handy work. You need to be prepared for the consequences of your actions. You'll be lucky if your teachers at the Academy don't hear about this."

We'd been sitting in the room for 30 minutes when the door suddenly opened and there stood my dad and Gail's parents, "oh shit" I heard Gail mumble under her breath echoing my thoughts exactly. My dad we could maybe handle, the three of them together on the other hand? No way, no freaking way. We were all so beyond screwed and it was all my fault, I looked at the other girls and was about to apologize when my dad started yelling…