Lifetime of War
Within a year of their victory the Humans sent numerous ships to contact the Geth and established the New Council. Their Quarian allies were understandably angry at this blatant violation of their treaty. The Quarians even threatened to break off their alliance with the Humans.
Many wanted this to happen so the old Council could return. Truth is we do not have the strength or the will to wage another war. Repairing what worlds were left is more than enough for both sides.
Three years of high tensions passed before the news networks announced the Geth had agreed to let the Quarians back home if they promised to not to declare war against the Geth. While happy at the news of finally having a home world again, the Quarians never forgave the Humans for violating their deal.
Soon the Geth were seen in every part of the Galaxy. They expressed their interest in learning about us organics. The Geth also displayed an impressive military force- their dreadnaughts numerically equal to the numbers the Turians had before the war. In due time they joined the Humans and Quarians as leaders of the Galaxy.
When the New Council was established it was originally the Humans and the Quarians as the heads. Those who turned traitor during the war swiftly became rich, powerful, and held the ear of the Human and Quarian Councilors. It took some time but when the Geth became the third member of the Council it was those same traitors who persuaded the Humans and Quarians to establish an Honorary Council where they could voting right but not the right to veto.
As for those who did not directly partake in the war; they were quick to court favors from the New Council. They were more than generous in lending money, personnel, and supplies to speed up post-war reconstruction. Soon they realized they would still retain their status as minor races, even if the term wasn't officially recognized. There was one big difference: the New Council was more appreciative and generous of them compared the old Council. As such they were treated more fairly, their concerns listened to and more often than not resolved.
Finally we reach the final group. Us Turians, Asari, and Salarians who did not submit to the New Council. We are exiled to the Terminus rebuilding what worlds we have left. All mass relays out of and into the Terminus are heavily guarded.
Eventually, the New Council will come.