Eddie's POV
When we'd reached London, I'd gotten another call from the hospital. Apparently, someone had shot Patricia while she was waiting in the hall to see Alfie. Thankfully they missed any important arteries.
Nina looked horrible. She was crying and sleeping the whole way there. Her mood swings didn't help the situation at all. It was like hearing that her brother and sister were dying, even if Patty wasn't as far off as Alf.
We walked into Alfie's room first. I held my wife as she sobbed into my shirt at the sight of him.
Willow was spaced out the whole time. She just stared at Alfie until they took him away for surgery; even then she just walked out with Joy trailing behind her to make sure nothing happened to her like it did with Yacker. Lord knows that if we loose Alf or Wils, the Anubis/Sibuna Allumni, will all be a crying wreck in this place.
Amber rushed over to Nina as we waited for the surgery. "Does he know?" she whispered.
"Yes, I know about the baby." I sighed.
"I'm happy Ambs,really, but this isn't the time for baby-talk. We still need to go see Patricia." Before anyone could say another word, a timid looking Piper walked into the room. Amber gasped loudly before stomping angrily over to her.
"You have some nerve, waltzing in here as if he wants you here!"
"Amber!" Nina chastised, jumping up from where she sat next to me.
"She knows it's true. I'm surprised she even had the guts to come in here."
Piper wore a strait face as Amber spat insults at her. "Look, I know me and you didn't exactly get along, but he's my friend too. I was out in the car charging my phone when Fabian called and told me my twin was shot." She paused. "I was just wondering if anyone wanted to come with me to see her while we wait for Alfie."
Amber and Piper hate each other; with a burning passion.
Nina grabbed my hand, pulling me up with her," We'll come Piper. While Amber stays here to think about how incredibly rude she's being."
When Neens scolds her, Ambs starts to act like a 4 year old on time out. She sulked over to an empty seat and plopped down with a loud huff, crossing her arms.
I really hope Trix is okay.
Piper's POV
"I'm soo sorry about her ,Piper. You know how out of hand she can be." Nina was sweet. She was always trying to make up for something someone else did. I lead them to Patricia's room, knowing that if anything sketchy started to happen, Eddie wouldn't hesitate to take out a suspect.
We walked into the room to see Fabian and my sister talking. She clung to his hand as they put the iv into her arm.
"Piper! Where have you been?" she asked.
"I was out in the car. I needed to charger my phone. I was just about to come up when Fabian called me." She nodded before looking over to Nina and Eddie.
I'd almost forgot what had gone on last semester at Anubis house.
Nina and Eddie rushed to her side and Nina grabbed her hand. "What the hell happened?" asked Eddie.
"Well- Fabian and I were sitting in the hall and talking and then this person came out of nowhere and just shot me. Nurse says the bullet went straight through. I'm lucky."
"Yes you are." added the dirty blonde girl. "I'm glad you're okay."
"Thanks Neens."
As they continued to talk I looked down at my phone. He was asking me to do something again. I looked around frantically trying to see where he could be.
Excuse yourself from the room , the message read. "Uh you guys, I'm just gonna step out real quick. I have to take a call." They all nodded or said to be safe. And when I closed the door behind me, he was there. His big hand was wrapped around my throat. I gasped at the sudden appearance of my nightmare.
"You were supposed to hurt her." He spat.
"I'm sorry. It was just too hard. She's my twin. We've been together since before birth. I can't kill her."
He smiled maniacally. "I understand. It's just a small weak spot." He sighed. "I'll get someone else to do it. You just worry about every one else." He let go of my neck. My own hands flew up the massage the pained area.
Why did I get myself involved in this?
Benjie"s POV
Oh no. I'm dead. I am ,like, so totally, no way to get away from this dead! The nightmare wants me to kill them. Piper couldn't do it. I walked into the hospital hoping that there'd be someway to avoid me dying. at least avoid dying by the hands of Eddie. The nightmare says they're dangerous and that they will try to kill everyone in the world so that they may rule as gods.
I thought she was crazy at first and then I saw what they could do. Eddie and Nina have unspeakable power. Their friends would do anything to protect them.
I took out my phone dialing his number. "Benji?" He asked.
"Yea. Hey Ed. I heard you were in London. Do you wanna hang out?"
"Uh, can't right now. Me and my wife are at the hospital. Alfie got in a car accident and Patricia got shot."
"Oh my. Well I could come up there. I just finished visiting my Grandmother. What floor are you on?"
"I think 3rd floor, room 338."
"Alright. I'll be up in a hurry." I hung up stepping into the elevator. Yep, I'm gonna die