Yah! Hi guys, it is I, smoreo, and I am here to grace you with a multichap for my new OTP, Rufflout from how to train your dragon



"But dad! I wanna go kill the dragons!" Yelled 8-year-old Tuffnut.

"Not a chance, it's too dangerous. Stay here a protect your sister." Countered their father.

Ruffnut hadn't said a word this entire time. She had been thinking of a way to get out of the house after her dad left. She knew a way of course, but she didn't know if her spear would get caught on the way out or back in. Ruffnut knew in every way, even at that age, that she was 'the Alpha twin' as her father called her. She was smarter than her brother, she was stronger than her brother, she was more fearless than her brother. When they had been really young, Tuffnut was afraid of the dark and Ruffnut was afraid of Tufnut, but as soon as she grew out of that, she had come out stronger and more fearless than before. Tuffnut, on the other hand, stil has to sleep in the bed nearest to the hallway.

Tuffnut Thorston Sr. left and locked the door behind him, thinking that would stop his children from escaping, oh how wrong he was. Ruffnut immediately lunged for her spear, and quickly dressed in her shoulder armor and helmet, which were immensely too big for her. She took only a few steps toward the window when, "Hey, where do you think you're going?"

Really?! she thought to herself, He choses now to become responsible?

But another, more focused look at her brother showed he was thinking the same thing she was. He had his armor sloppily on, and his own spear in hand. "Where do you think you're going?"

"I'm going to... uh..." He paused like an idiot. "Take a bath!" He looked proud for some reason.

Ruff scoffed at her annoying brother. "So are you gonna help me kill some dragons or not?"

Tuff tripped on a table on the way out, so Ruff was first out. She threw the spear out in front of her, then clambered out herself. Tuffnut, being the lesser twin. tried to go throught at the same time as his spear, which got stuck. "WHere are you gong now? Come on and help me."

Ruffnut would have if this wasn't her only chance to prove that she was good enough to be a real dragon fighter. She had to do this. "Sorry Tuff! So many dragons, so little time." She printed toward the beautiful fiery chaos with her twin brother yelling after her to stop and help him or he'd 'kill' her. Psh, yeah right. He can't even kill a dummy in school.

Ruffnut was runnignt oward th chaos when she heard her best friend, Astrid, call to her. Astrid had been allowed to fight dragons since she could hold an axe, which was a really long time. "Hey Ruffnut!" Astrid then looked around a little before saying, "Where's Tuffnut?"

"Oh right, he couldn't get out of the house, stuck in the window." Astrid and the two boys she was with laugh.

Ruffnut didn't know these people. They looked to be her age, though. One looked a little bit on the chunky side, not really doing very much fighting. He was mostly just describing the dragon that was coming and telling the other boy where to hit it or how much and in what way it could incinerate, eat, and or crush him. The other boy was not chunky. He was a little stocky, but in a very muscular way. Even though he seemed around their age, he carried himself like he was more important. Astrid seemed to hate it, but Ruffnut thought it was cool. He nailed his hammer onto a Terrible Terror's head. It didnt' die, just looked like its head got too big for its body and tipped around like a drunk.

He turned around, saw her, and his manners got the best of him. "Hey," He swished his hair to the side under his also too big helmet, "I'm Snotlout."

"Ruffnut." She shook his outstretched hand.

"Yeah, so I've been killing dragons for a really long time." He puffed out his chest.

"Cool. This is my fir-." she didn't want to sound lame in front of someone she just met. "This is my father and I's favorite thing to do together." she recovered quickly.

"No way! M-me too." Snotlout's face brightened a little with a stutter.

"Yeah, but he doesn't trust my brother to do this stuff, he's not tough enough."

"What's his name?"


Snotlout scoffed a little.

"What's so funny?"

"Well, you just said that someone named Tuffnut isn't tough enough."

"I don't get it." Ruffnut was confused.

"Well..." Snotlout trailed off as he looked over Ruffnut's shoulder. He stopped stared, and the blabbered, "So you know what, I gotta go now, but it was nice talking to you, maybe I'll see you later, bye!" All in one breath as he ran off.

A big man with black hair and an axe came from behind Ruffnut chasing after Snotlout yelling, "Snotlout Haldor Jorgenson! Why are you outside? Who was that girl you were talking to? Where in Thor's name do you think you're going?!"

Rufnut hung around Astrid and the other guy, Fishlegs, stabbing things and making jokes, until she too got dragged away by her braids. Her father had come home to check on his children. When he found Tuffnut wedged into a window, crying, he knew Ruffnut had gone out by herself. She went to sleep with no dinner and on the floor with no blanket, but she still couldn't stop thinking about that boy, Snotlout, and how well they had hit it off, both trying to make themselves sound more impressive than they were of course, but she knew that they'd end up being good friends.

So I hope you liked it! Some chapters will just be art and like a paragraph. I'll tell you which ones thet are when I figure it out. For those days I'll post a link to it on my tumblr