We were just kids, living in the same neighborhood, same street, same road. I went to his house to play all the time. He was a sweet, if not withdrawn and shy kid. We would play with dolls, he loved it. They always had the most romantic love story and got married while all the other dolls watched. That was when we were about three or so. We have been friends since we were babies, because our parents both had a spouse die in the war, and they were in support group together, and left us with the same sitter. I never knew my daddy, He never knew his mommy.

I went to his house every Saturday, and we would play dolls, watch cartoons, maybe take a nap. We were so close, nothing could separate us. Soon, we started going to each other's house just about every day. We loved playing together, and our parents were great friends, and were there for each other when they needed help, such as on their anniversary, or their dead spouses' birthday.

"Hey, Karkat, I'm sleepy... can we take a nap?" I said one day when we were four.

"Sure, I'm kinda sleepy too.."

We climbed into his bed, where we always napped, and snuggled close to keep warm, because we both tend to get cold when we sleep. Just before he fell asleep, he put is mouth on my forehead gently and kissed it. I looked at him, kinda confused.

"Daddy says that you kiss people before they sleep, and the bad dreams go away. You said earlier that you keep having scary dreams, so I made them go away." He said, smiling. I smiled back and kissed his forehead in return.

"There. No more bad dreams for you either!" I said, and curled up, and fell asleep. And he was right. I didn't have any bad dreams.

About a week later, we had been doing that every time we took a nap. Our parents thought it was cute, and let us keep doing it. But then, in the middle of the night, The doorbell rang, and when I got to the stairs to see who was here so late, I saw mommy close the door, and Karkat crying. I ran down and hugged him tight and looked at him. Mommy sat us down at the table, and explained that Karkat saw his daddy pass out, and start thrashing around. He did the right thing by calling 9-1-1, and now he had to stay here for a few nights while his dad was in the hospital. I felt bad, and went to the fridge, and gave him my last juice box. He nodded and took it, and mommy opened it for him. He was still crying and shaking, so she put on a Disney movie for us, and let us snuggle with her on the couch until we fell asleep, and Karkat was okay. He fell asleep before I did, and just before I fell asleep, I leaned over, kissed his cheek, and whispered, 'no more bad dreams', then snuggled up to mommy, and fell fast asleep.

The next day, we awoke in my bed, and he had stolen the blankets from me. I didn't blame him, and just laid next to him until he was awake. He looked around, kinda confused, then remembered the night before, and his face fell. I hugged him tight, and he hugged me back, sniffling a bit.

"Hey, don't cry...lets go eat some food, okay? Then maybe we can go see your daddy!" I encouraged, and he smiled a little bit.

"Okay, that sounds good..." he said, getting up. I stopped him, grabbed my blanket, and tied it around his neck like a cape.

"You get a cape because you are super hero for saving your daddy!" I said, and he smiled and laughed a little.

" I suppose I am..." He said, before racing me down to the kitchen for breakfast.

His daddy was let out a few days later, and was safe to come home. Karkat hugged him tight and didn't let go until he got home. We all went to his house and had lunch to celebrate him coming home. Karkat and I watched cartoons for a bit while my mom talked to his dad. It was a great night, and it even turned in to a sleepover for me and Karkat. His daddy told him again how brave and smart he was for calling 9-1-1, and Karkat beamed, hugging his daddy. He was glad to make his daddy proud.

A/N Well, I'm back from the dead! I will try to update as much as i can, and hopefully that will be often, because I really like this story i have planned! If you know the song well, you might know where this is going. If not, i hope you enjoy, and you stay on the edge of your seats with excitement!