Week six - Monday 6.15am
Phil's careful not to spill the overly filled coffee in his hand as he sits down in his usual seat, he rests the cup on the empty seat next to him and opens his briefcase to retrieve his morning paper before shutting it again and squaring it away between his legs, (the briefcase not the paper) and picks up the cup again. He takes a couple of sips from the cup, but it was still too hot to get more than a flash of bitterness on his tongue, it still feels good though, waking his mouth up to the day ahead.
He opens his paper and takes a glance at the headlines, his eyes catch a running figure desperate not to miss the train, it's a sight that you tend to see a lot when you travel every day, but it never stops anyone from seeing the humour in it, Phil included. He prides himself on punctuality, he would never leave it that late to get to the train. They were foolish, more concerned with queuing up for a coffee and whatever else was in the bag he is carrying, than catching the train, surprise always written on their faces when the train doesn't wait for them. The man in question has his cup balancing in one hand and the paper bag in the other, miraculously none of the coffee is spilling as he just manages to pull himself up onto the train before the doors hiss shut. Phil looks at the figure as he nonchalantly walks down the aisle not even breathing hard, Phil tuts to himself, he can't help but think it's not fair. He notices these days, the aches and pains in his body, he tries not to think about. The fact, that he gets winded going up a flight of stairs quickly is irritating enough but, to think it is because of his age is... The runner sits down with a cocky grin, Phil resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the man, and says instead, "You know you are going to miss the train one day."
"Nah I had plenty of time," he says cheekily back. "Besides," he comments, hold up a paper bag like a trophy, "It was worth it."
Phil rolls his eyes, "Maybe for you, you can work it off during the day, but if you keep buying me pastries in the morning, you'll have to roll me out of bed," Phil said dryly.
Clint snorts his coffee as he takes a sip, and starts coughing, so Phil gives him a thump on the back, "That serves you right for having the dirty mind of a teenager," he murmurs as the thump turns into a rub.
Clint gets his coughing under control, his voice is more gruff than usual when he says in hushed tones, "You shouldn't be allowed to put the words, morning, bed and roll in one sentence when I'm taking a mouthful of coffee."
"Did you ever get over being hormonal, Clint? You are such a child."
Clint knows and plays up to it, to the full.
"And you," Clint casually slings his arm around Phil's shoulder, "My friend, are a sex god!" Clint loves manipulating that little blush that creeps up Phil neckline, especially in public.
"Are you coming back to your flat tonight?" Phil asks him casually changing the topic.
"Eager to get rid of me? Weekend too much for you?" He pouts theatrically, "Are you bored with my body already?"
Phil laughs freely and says deadpan, "No, I haven't quite finished with it yet."
"Oh, thank heavens, because your bed is so much more comfortable than mine, and your TV system is to die for."
Phil snorts, "Well it good to know where I stand in the order of things, please tell me I'm close third or at least not behind the coffee machine?"
"Oh! I forgot about that sexy caffeine maker." He clamps his hand down on the shoulder he has his arm slung over. "But," he sighs, "I suppose I should go and water the plants."
"Do you own any plants?"
"Actually, damn, no I don't. I suppose I'll have to make do with a whole nights sleep though," Clint leans right into Phil's ear and whispers, "You, beast, you!"
Score number two, as there goes another blush.
Clint is insanely happy. Phil and himself have been together as a couple for just over four weeks, and in those weeks the pair have come so far.
Phil is blissfully content too. Clint has his arm around him and he loves how demonstrative the younger man is in the public. Clint is far more playful than anyone that Phil has previously dated. No one would probably believe it because Phil is seen by most as a rather bland boring man, but he loves Clint's sense of humour and gives everything he has back.
"I'll miss you tonight," Phil says. Clint had stayed with him all weekend, and it had felt so right having him in his place. Clint offers him the open paper bag and Phil dips his hand in and pulls out a large pastry. "Geez, it's huge!"
Clint ticks his head from one side to the next like a metronome, and cheekily says between mouthfuls of his own cake, "I get that a lot!"
Phil can't help grinning at him, but rolls his eyes as Clint takes the huge bite from his breakfast and then licks his fingers provocatively.
"You know his is a public place, right? That is way beyond PDA."
"Can't help it, Boss, you just make me so horny." Phil's heart flutters a bit at the words, even if he is, in fact, immensely embarrassed. It might as well continue though so Phil reaches down to his briefcase, picks it up, opening it swiftly and pulling out his own paper bag. He puts it on his leg before closing the lid and replacing it between his legs.
Clint watches Phil as he toys with the edges of the paper bag he has pulled out of his briefcase. He has a pensive look on his face as he stares down at his package (no pun intended).
"I...ah..." Phil pushes the bag into Clint hand.
Watching Phil's face blush up again, Clint slowly opens the bag, "Oh!"
"You don't have to... I was just doing mine and..."
"Thank you," he lays his hand on Phil's and squeezes until he looks up at him. "You made me lunch," he states with a shit eating grin on his face.
"It's not a big deal, Clint, it's only a cheese sandwich."
"It is a big deal, nobody has ever made me a packed lunch before."
"Nobody?" Clint hadn't talked about his childhood much in the short time they have known each other, apart from making it clear it was pretty bad.
He watches as Clint looks down at the sandwich in his hand, "No, you're the first."
Phil's lips turn up understandingly and confesses, "Hell, I wish I'd put a bag of chips or a bar of chocolate in too now.
Clint laughs and quirks his eyebrow up in question, "Maybe next time."
"Oh, definitely next time, maybe I'll even push the boat out and get ham!"
"Nice! I love a bit of meat!"
Phil sighs, then ignores it the best he can, and holds out his finger in warning at Clint and jests, "Don't go expecting treats every time though."
Clint laughs and mockingly says, "Oh no sir I won't," he lets Clint pull him across and plants a kiss on his cheek.
He finds himself saying without any preplanning, because it's as out of character as Phil has probably ever been, and its wrong on so many levels not least that they have only been together a very short while, but it feels right and the words bubble out half nervously and half excitedly, "You could just move in." He looks up and is surprised not to see disbelief on Clint's face.
"I could." Clint says back, as they look into each other's eyes before smiling together and linking hands.
The End.
Thank you for Reading and I hope you enjoyed it!