So ends the story of Nine Months. Thank you. You've been a great audience! White and Black is already on the way. I hope you all come back for me. ^_^
I'm so grateful for the latest issue of "The Journey" column, by SLWatson. It helped me get through the separation anxiety. Man, ending a story is hard to do, whether you get 30 reviews or 250 reviews.
Thus, days passed in the life of the Himura family.
The entire police force took up a collection, in honor of their beloved chief trainer's new baby. It was because of preparations for this baby that they met this magnetic and helpful personality. Kami-sama had been kind to them, and they were very grateful. As for the money collected, some of it was used to buy a few more clothes and sheets. Much of it was saved for the time when they could buy a baby carrier, so they can eventually sling the baby onto the mother or father's back when he was a little older.
Kaoru double-checked Kenshin's calculations of the trainees' grades. The trainer had sufficient reason to celebrate in a peculiar and dangerous manner. The figures were almost all correct, and they adequately assessed each trainee. Chief Uramura was filled with pride to know that no trainees would fail this year. He had Himura to thank for that, and he did not regret giving him that job.
Kaoru, of course, never allowed her husband to celebrate in such a peculiar and dangerous manner again. Seeing him at the brink of death once was good enough for her. Hopefully she did not have to see it again. Therefore, the presence of sake in the dojo was closely monitored from then on. Kaoru personally inspected every new bottle of anything that Sanosuke brought home. For the same reason, no sake was found on the practice area, that night when they celebrated the new baby. Instead, there was plenty of sushi, sashimi, rice, sukiyaki, and other food spread out on the floor.
Unfortunately, a week went by, and still the baby was known as "the baby". Nobody would agree on what he should be named.
"Name him after the father!" almost everyone suggested initially.
"Dame de gozaru!!" the father protested. "One of me is enough, thank you!"
"Name him after one of us!" Yahiko suggested.
"Naaah, that would create confusion eventually," Sanosuke objected.
"I've no problem with that," Kaoru commented. "Just as long as we don't call him Hajime! I'll have this awful image of Saitou every time I call my son to dinner………"
"We need something better for this than just guesswork," Misao finally stated. Out of her large duffel bag she produced another thick book, full of names with their interpretations. "This should increase our options."
Sanosuke grabbed the book from her and flipped through the pages. He ran his finger through the list of names on a page. "Ah! Found it! Now I can find out what my name says about me." He read aloud. "A clever mind, good business judgment, a sense of responsibility, and an appreciation of the finer things of life."
"REALLY now?" Yahiko raised an eyebrow.
"…… desire the security of a peaceful, settled home environment where you can enjoy the companionship of family and friends……" Sanosuke continued reading.
"Yeah, so you can freeload on them!" Yahiko piped up.
"I'll get you for that------------" Sanosuke began to beat him to a pulp.
"Okay, so we skip that idea," Misao sweatdropped.
Baby names began to fly from all directions, from all heights, from all angles, from all distances, at random.
Hiroshi! Yuki! Shinji! Kaigaishii! Hotaru! Kaoshin! Kou! Kentarou! Keitarou! Joji! Hiroshi! Kensaki! Kensai! Ichiro! Satsuke! Hikaru! Soushi! Kinmaru! Momotarou!
[Thanks everybody!]
"Shinta!" someone piped out.
"DAME DE GOZARU!" Kenshin instinctively responded.
"Why not? It's pretty nice."
"Just because………" he faltered.
They all shrugged.
Shinichi! Hibiki! Tomoka! Chuji! Gyo! Yuhi! Touya! Aki! Souchirou! Hideaki! Tonami! Kiminobu! Kaede! Akira! Hanamichi! Hisashi! Riyota! Shun! Reiji! Amiboshi! Suboshi! Hakkai! Goku! Gojyo! Recca! Yusuke! Kuwabara! Hiei! Kurama!
[Some anime guys I know. ^^ See A/N at end.]
"Are you out of your mind, Yahiko?! My son is not a dog demon!"
Bart! Duero! BC!! Rabat! Shal! Shura! Georg! Darl! Beret! Squall! Tidus! Sephiroth! Cloud! Vash! Nicholas! Zechs Merquise! Van de Fanel! Kurapika! Killua! Leorio! Gon!
"Foreign names? No, I prefer a Japanese name." Kaoru ended the present tirade.
Chichiri! Tasuki! Tamahome! Hotohori! Chiriko! Nuriko! Mitsukake!
"Wait a minute…………..aren't those the 7 Suzaku stars?" Kenshin interrupted.
"Just trying," Misao scratched her head.
"Heero! Wufei! Duo! Trowa! Quatre! Yoji! Aya! Ken! Omi!"
[The Gundam Wing and Weiss Kreuz boys, respectively]
"This is going nowhere!" Misao pulled at her braid in desperation. Father and mother agreed, and left the problem hanging for another day.
Three days afterward, Kenshin and Kaoru made their way through the market to the precinct. In her arms Kaoru carried her redhaired son, ready for display to 50-something adoring rookie cops. She had on her kendo uniform, and her bokken was slung around her back. Kaoru decided, and Kenshin agreed, that she should slowly get her teaching positions back, one school at a time as she was capable. To get used again to the rigors of the discipline, Kenshin would accompany her from the precinct to one of her schools for practice.
But the street leading to the precinct was jammed with people, all whispering and showing concern. Kenshin made a few inquiries. Apparently someone was resisting capture and making a lot of noise.
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!" an old man was protesting. "Get your hands off my vegetables!"
Scattered on the street were turnips, carrots, and cabbages, spilled from the man's overturned cart. Cart and owner were surrounded by a ring of policemen, laughing at the man's plight.
"Did you know there are laws against peddling in these parts, old man?" one cop jeered.
"I have a legitimate business! You're just bullying the populace!" the vegetable seller retorted.
"Oh! So now you answer back at an officer of the law! You're definitely coming with us now!" another cop sneered and kicked him from behind.
The old man looked imploringly at the crowd watching the spectacle, and silently begged for any help they could give.
Someone in the crowd suddenly began to speak with authority. "The uniform is not used as a license to mistreat citizens."
"Use your influence to help people, not to hurt them!" A woman's voice beside it added.
The crowd turned in the direction of the voices, and backed away from them. Soon the policemen found a redhaired man and a woman in kendo uniform, standing bravely side by side. A storekeeper in the crowd kept a baby in a bundle around her arms for the young lady.
"The chief trainer and his bossy wife," the leader stepped toward them. "I've heard about you two from the rookies." The other policemen began to circle them. "You've made them too soft with all your idealistic words about using the office well. I'll prove to those little boys who idolize you so much, that your idealism won't work in the real world!"
"You can try," Kenshin challenged, and assumed the dreaded battoujutsu stance. Kaoru beside him was in the preparatory battle stance as well.
The policemen charged.
They took on all comers. From the left Kenshin brought down ten men with one powerful swing. From the right Kaoru hit at wrists and arms, disabling some and felling swords from others. Both hit at vital points, preventing all attackers from hitting them again. Their hands and feet flew through the circle of people. Many of the challengers never knew what hit them. Many felt a combination of the man's swift strike and the woman's hard blow.
Soon, a contingent of forty policemen was sprawled on the ground, either unconscious or nursing terrible bruises, but all alive. A few seconds of silence as the fact sank into the spectators' awareness, then loud cheers and applause rang through the market. The crowd was ecstatic at their success, grateful that justice had been served. The shopkeeper gave back Kaoru's baby with a victorious smile.
"Well, anata, NOW could I work for all three schools again?" a sweaty kendo teacher asked, as she replaced the wooden sword to her back.
"I still say take your time, koishii. You do have to think about the baby now," the trainer replied with a patent smile as he sheathed his sword.
A small police contingent arrived a few minutes later and assessed the damage. Kenshin gave the official report, with recommendations of suspension for the leaders and sanctions for the rest. This was noted and considered. Kenshin had the respect of the entire force, and his words were taken seriously.
The old man the couple protected hobbled toward them and bowed very low. "I am eternally grateful for your assistance today. Without you, this kind of thing would have happened to me again, and I would be too weak to sell vegetables. Because of you, I have my business back."
"It's nothing, good sir," Kenshin bowed respectfully in return.
"My husband and I can't seem to tolerate injustice of any kind," Kaoru explained sheepishly. "We both believe in the sword that protects life."
The vegetable seller noticed the baby snuggled in Kaoru's arms and smiled at him. "You have a beautiful baby, dear lady. May I know its name?"
"Sumimasen, good sir, but we have not decided on a name for our son," Kenshin answered with embarrassment.
"Well, whatever you eventually decide to call him," the old man continued, "he will grow up to be a fine young man. He has wonderful examples of how a sword is rightfully used, and he will learn to use it from masters of the art. Eventually, teach him what you both know. Teach him the way of the sword."
"The way of the sword…….?" Kaoru asked.
"Ken—ji," Kenshin restated, and seemed to meditate on the word.
"Yes, Ken-ji. The way of the sword. Lead him in the right path, the path you have taken, and he will be the better for it." The old man laid a hand on the child's auburn little head, and gave him a short prayer of blessing.
Soon, the police led him away for questioning as a witness. Kenshin and Kaoru were left standing in the middle of the street, pondering the man's words. They looked at their little one, peacefully asleep with clenched little fists and sighing little mouth.
"Ken-ji. The way of the sword." Kenshin mused.
"Yes, he will live in the way of the sword," Kaoru mused with him. "It's the fate of a child born to a swordsman and a kendo master."
Kenshin remained silent for some time. He looked at the baby's face, then met his wife's brilliant blue eyes.
"Kenji. His name is Kenji."
Kaoru pondered over the name for a moment, then cooed at her redhaired son.
"Welcome to the family, Himura Kenji."
The anime guys I mentioned above come from: Detective Conan, MSCD Shin Hakkenden, Ayashi no Ceres, His and Her Circumstances, Slam Dunk, GateKeepers, Hunter x Hunter, Flame of Recca, YuYu Hakusho, Vandread, Strange Dawn, Final Fantasy (I know, it's not anime), Trigun, Escaflowne, Fushigi Yuugi (all 7 seishi).
I remember reading the meaning to "Kenji" in some site, in contrast to "Kenshin" which means "heart of the sword". Trivia: in Japanese, "kenshin" as a word means "devotion". I guess a man's loyalty is seen by how he uses his sword, way back then. Chiki hopefully can confirm if I'm right or wrong.
EK would expressly like to thank the following people:
Nobuhiro Watsuki-sensei---for making such unbelievably believable characters in such an awesome story. All 3,000plus fics here are a tribute to his greatness! I really hope he makes more manga eventually. ^^
Chiki---for liking and believing in Seven Days so much that I was brave enough to start Nine Months. And for the constant support! More power to your awesome fics!
Jason M. Lee ---for being the very first reviewer, and telling me that writing a pregnancy fic isn't a crime against humanity. Getting his consistent reviews is like getting a Good Housekeeping seal of approval. He gave one to Seven Days, then helped all the way throughout Nine Months. I learned a lot about Japanese culture and pregnancy, thanks! Domo arigatou gozaimasu!
Firuze Khanume---for giving practical insight into pregnancy, which I and JML didn't know. ^^
Naomi---for all the help with Seven Days, which helped a lot in making Nine Months a much better work.
Diablo---for defending my use of "-dono" for Kaoru.
The rest of the reviewers, from beginning to end:
Vesca, Crystal, marstanuki, Yen, kawaii sakura-chan, Hana Himura, C-chan, Larania, Chibi-gami, Emiri-chan, Sabrina-star, Siomei, Kiki, Aki, White Plum, Ro-chan, Kaoru Himura, Spellcaster the Diamond, Miya-chan, mi-chan, elyssalyn, Lynne Katrea, rurounix, Aisha C, Kaylee, bunny, yolei81, Lina Gabriev, Azura Dea, Val, Ayce Shade, soul, Hotaku Yukishiro Tomoe Kamiya, fehrocious, V-babe, Misao Soup, CardMistress Sakura, Tanuki-dono, Sano, Shiko, Kriska, Moonwind, jibeth, Xellina, kurara, ayumi, Takato the Wolf Taikashi, Chavi West-wind, SailorLoneStar, dewey, Sabbie (yes, I'll get to write for Vandread……eventually…..), AutumnFire, Nadachi-chan, trickster, Mistress of All Worlds, aku-chan, Ajay J., and several anonymous reviewers!!
Thank you, thank you, thanks, maraming salamat, merci beaucoup, arigatou gozaimasu, selamat, muchos gracias, grazie, sankyuu!!
Final reviewer responses:
JML—If he saw Kenshin drunk and raving, Hiko would say "I don't have a baka deshi like that!" Point taken about the conversation with Tomoe. For someone younger than me, I depend on you way too much! ^_^ Thanks a lot for all the help! Can't have done it without you!
Kurara—Yup, Kenshin made it in time!
Spellcaster—Don't go more insane than Eni-chan! One Eni-chan is enough for the world!! ^^ Thanks for liking the kissing parts! And thanks for the baby name book idea!
C-chan—Thanks again for the sitey. I'm glad I made a moral point on you! ^^ Your Kenshin is sweet, continue!
Chiki—Really? I amaze you? ^^ Thanks, I guess! I'm glad you noticed that I omitted the –dono! I hope you keep reading, even if White and Black isn't K/K.
Anonymous—Thanks for the compliments on the raving. Kenshin needs to blow off some steam every once in a while!
Kaoru Himura—I apologize for getting your husband drunk. ^^ Thanks for liking the chap! As to naming your son Saitou—um, I think your counterpart, Himura's wife, will seriously object!!
Sabbie—Internet in your room, congrats!! I usually type at night so no one will bother me, since our PC is public domain. ^^ My mother knows that I like RK heaps, but she still asks me why I like watching fights and ugly people. ^_^ She always gets to see Shishio and the bloodier fights, just my bad luck. I've tried watching Vandread with her around, and she's still wondering what I see in those things. She has no problem with You're Under Arrest. Saiyuki, I dare not watch with her!
Kriska—Thanks much! Kou, as in Shin Hakkenden Kou? ^_^ I happen to like that redhead a lot, as well as Chuji, Tomoka, and Ray!
Yen—More E/M for you in White and Black! ^^ Well, Kaoru isn't the type to beat the hell out of Kenshin, so she screams the hell out of him instead.
Emiri-chan—No problem about the not reviewing. I have that same problem too with the other fics. I usually go on periodic reading sprees, so sometimes a lot of chapters miss reviews from me. I try my best not to do that, though, once I'm hooked on a fic.
Chavi West-wind—I wasn't too sure about Yahiko's schooling, gomen. But you do have to have awesome addition skills to be a good thief, right? ^^ Sorry you got confused about the dream sequences. Pesky would not accept my formatting. I originally had the dream conversations in italics, so it would be better understood. Sorry about the shortness. Unfortunately, some things in life have to end……
Firuze Khanume—Many many thanks! ^^ The accuracy of the nesting phase is attributed to JML! You're responsible for the accuracy of chap 19!
Marstanuki—E/M continues in White and Black. ^^ I know it's easier to picture E/K, but I don't like it that he's always used as an abusive boyfriend in such pairups. Not to flame people who do use it very nicely, of course, like Kyaa-kyaff!
Dewey—Sorry you don't like Tomoe a lot, but then she was still a part of Kenshin's life, so she's cool. ^^ Call him Kenji? You got your wish!
Shiomei—Thanks much!
Yen—No, Kenshin didn't go on a psychedelic trip. Hangover nightmare is a better term. ^_^
Mistress of All Worlds—Good idea, thanks! I'm really sorry you came during the last few chapters of Nine Months. Could I possibly beg you to read White and Black as well? ^_^
Aku-chan—There are times in life when being firm is necessary. I suppose this is one of those times. ^^ Thanks for reading!
Ajay J—Thanks a lot for the names! K/K forever to you too!
Bella—what do you mean about seeing chap 1 before? ^^
That's everybody! Once again, my sincerest expression of gratitude to each and every one of you! You've made writing Nine Months a spectacular experience.
EK out!