A lot had happened in the thirteen years since Jamie and Eddie had gotten married. Beckett had made Lieutenant the following year, leaving the Twelfth to go to the Twenty-fourth Precinct. Castle popped in occasionally to see Ryan, Esposito and Jamie, but it wasn't the same. Things were changing. But some of them weren't all bad. Just after their second wedding anniversary Jamie and Eddie had their first child, a boy, Charlie Joseph Reagan. However, since Beckett's leaving Homicide, a series of changes began within the squad. Ryan also got promoted to Lieutenant, and moved to the Fifty-fourth Precinct, funnily enough becoming the Lieutenant for Major Case, and Danny's boss.

It led to a Sunday dinner Jamie wouldn't forget in a hurry.

"Wait." Began Danny, with his fork halfway to his mouth. "Ryan is becoming the Lieutenant for Major Case. My squad!"

"Yes," nodded Frank, trying, and failing, to keep his smile off his face.

"But I watched him grow up!" exclaimed Danny, seeming to forget about his fork of food. Which was still being held up in the air. That and the look on his face caused one-year-old Charlie to start giggling at his Uncle. Soon causing everyone else to snigger into his or her hands.

"And?" prompted Henry, trying not to look at his youngest great grandson, knowing he would lose all self-control once he set eyes on the giggling toddler.

"It'll be weird!" protested Danny, "It'd be like Jamie being my Lieutenant!"

Jamie frowned at his brother, "You know that won't happen. They don't allow relationships between partners, so do you honestly think they'll let brothers work out of the same squad? Even if one is the Lieutenant?"

"I know that!" countered Danny, rolling his eyes at his brother, "But my point still stands. It'd be weird!"

"Well I hope you can soon get over it," commented Frank dryly. "Kevin starts as the Lieutenant of Major Case tomorrow."

The whole table had erupted into laughter at Danny's face. And imaging the look on Danny's face the next morning when Ryan arrived.

Harris also moved from Homicide going to Gangs. So Jamie and Esposito became partners. They got on really well, but Jamie knew Esposito was missing Ryan. They had been partners for eight years before Jamie became Detective as it was. Two of those years were even before Castle wormed his way into the squad. So it didn't surprise Jamie that, a year later, when the opportunity to be promoted to Lieutenant arose, Esposito took it. Jamie figured working in the squad where he was used to seeing Beckett, Castle and Ryan everyday, but not seeing them, was hard for Esposito. So while Jamie found it sad to see him leave, he understood it. But like Ryan and Beckett, Esposito was leaving the Twelfth to go to the Twenty-second's Narcotics squad.

Much to everyone's amusement, that same year, Jamie and Eddie had another child, a girl this time, Eloise Mary Reagan. Ryan and Jenny also had a child, Joshua, and Beckett and Castle had their first child, also a girl, Johanna. The babies' father's may or may not have been placing bets on the chances of Joshua, at some point in the future, dating either Eloise or Johanna. Of course they kept this secret from their wives.

Two years later came along another daughter for the Castle's, Sophie. Jamie still chuckled to this day when remembering a desperate conversation with Castle, the day after Sophie was born.

"It is like I am destined to forever have daughters and be surrounded by women!" exclaimed Castle.

Jamie shrugged, "Come on Castle, it can't be that bad."

Castle stared at him wide eyed, "You fail to recall I used to live with my mother, Alexis and Kate. But now mother and Alexis have moved out, Johanna and Sophie are there instead!"

"Castle. Seriously you're being over dramatic," soothed Jamie, as he patted Castle on the shoulder.

"At least you and Ryan both have one daughter and one son! You don't understand! What happens to me once Sophie and Johanna are teenagers?! It was bad enough with Alexis, but Sophie and Johanna are only two years apart!"

Jamie had nothing else he could say to Castle that might have helped. Because he was soon distracted by his father's retirement from being the Police Commissioner. In a way it helped Jamie feel more at ease. Since his joining the force, eyes had been on him, all because he was the Commissioner's son. Danny and Joe, both had the easier time, due to Frank not being the Commissioner when they joined the force.

It also seemed that Castle's concerns of being left home alone, in the future with two teenage girls, was unfounded. Because a year later Beckett left the NYPD and became a Senator. It seemed to be a time period of people Jamie knew leaving the force. Seven years after his and Eddie's wedding Renzulli also made the decision to retire, and even offered his services as a babysitter for the two youngest Reagans. It was also the same year Eddie became a Sargent. Despite this promotion she remained in the Twelfth, which Jamie was thankful for, because he would readily admit that he was missing all the people he used to work with.

The following year, however, Eddie was on maternity leave once again because of the arrival of Lillian Elizabeth Reagan. This year Ryan was promoted to Captain in the Central Robbery Division. This led to much celebration at the Old Haunt. And many headaches the following morning. Eddie had, to her amusement and Jamie's pain. Unleashed the six-year-old Charlie and five year old Eloise on Jamie while Eddie fed the two-month-old Lily. Jamie also made a decision, there was still many changes going on in Homicide and he had already had two partners in the five years since Esposito left. So when Gates had heard of an opening in the Twelfth's Missing Person squad she gave Jamie a transfer. So on Jamie's last day in Homicide after eight years, he went and said goodbye to Gates.

Gates was allowing Jamie to leave Homicide halfway through his shift so he could spend the rest of the day settling into his new squad. Without having to take his belongings home, only to bring them back to the same precinct the next day.

"I just wanted to say goodbye Sir," said Jamie as he popped his head around Gates' office door. Gates stood as she beckoned Jamie into her office. She outstretched her hand and Jamie shook it.

"It has been wonderful working with you Reagan," she smiled one of her rare genuine smiles. In the past years Jamie and Gates had had to work together on a few cases and had gotten on very well. So much so Victoria Gates and her husband were Lily's Godparents. (Ryan and Jenny were Charlie's Godparents and Renzulli and his wife were Eloise's Godparents).

"You too. I'm sorry to go, but I can't help but look forward to what's coming," admitted Jamie softly, as he looked out through the office window into the bullpen.

Gates walked around her desk and rested a comforting hand on Jamie's shoulder. "That is to be expected. And every member of the force that I have met, have all felt the same thing."

Jamie smiled and nodded at her, and then taking a breath he shook Gates' hand once more and walked out into the bullpen. A cardboard box sat on his desk with the items from his locker. He added the items from his desk into the box; the last item he took was his nameplate. He then looked at the desks that used to be occupied by Ryan and Esposito. Now occupied by two younger Detectives, who were aware of the legacy of the Detectives who sat at those desks before them. And trying to live up to those legacies.

He turned and smiled as he past the break room where some Detectives were using the coffee machine bought by Castle, all those years ago. Despite his friends leaving the squad, Castle opted to leave the machine there, unknowingly acting as a reminder of the team, which Castle worked with, and their legacy. Once Jamie reached the elevator, he took another deep breath and stepped into the elevator and turned to look out at the bullpen. He smiled thinking back on his eight years in the squad. Arriving as a green Detective and leaving a Detective that had grown a lot thanks to his original partner and friends. The doors slowly slid shut and the elevator began to climb to the sixth floor where the Missing Persons squad was located. Jamie knew the next day that there was a very high chance he'd get off at the fourth floor.

When Lily was two, Eddie and Jamie had their last child, Matthew Francis Reagan, who Charlie regarded with relief, because finally he had a brother as backup against his sisters. And a year later Beckett and Castle had their last child, much to Castle's enjoyment, Adam Castle.

Twelve years after Jamie joined Homicide, and four years since he left. Gates had moved on up the ranks and Esposito came back to the Twelfth as Homicide's new Captain. On Esposito's first day he and Jamie rode the elevator together after meeting when they both got out of their cars.

The elevator pinged when it reached the fourth floor; Esposito walked a few steps and then turned to look at Jamie. "Aren't you getting off?"

The doors began to slide shut and Jamie outstretched an arm to keep the doors open.

Jamie smiled sadly, "I haven't got off here for four years Javi."

Esposito's face dropped in shock, "I forgot." He looked out at the bullpen before him. "It'll be strange without you. When I left, you were still here. Now no one is here."

Jamie clapped Esposito's shoulder, "If I could manage without you all, you'll be just fine. How about I pop down to meet you for lunch? It's about time I came back to Homicide."

"Sounds good to me," nodded Esposito.

Jamie stepped back into the elevator and smiled at his friend as the doors shut, and took him up to the sixth floor.

And now thirteen years after joining Homicide as a new Detective, Jamie was just about to start a Monday morning as a newly promoted Lieutenant. Somehow, he was able to remain in the Twelfth, as the Lieutenant for Narcotics. Something that Jamie found funny, as it was the first squad in which Ryan had began his Detective career.

Matthew, who had stumbled into his parent's room, looked up at Jamie with his arms raised, pulled Jamie from his thoughts. Jamie smiled down at his youngest son and picked him up.

"Did you escape from mommy again Mattie?" smirked Jamie.

Matthew just chuckled into his hands. Jamie shook his head smiling; he picked up his jacket from the foot of the bed and walked out of the bedroom, with Matthew still perched on his hip. He walked down the stairs of the house he and Eddie bought just after Eloise was born. It wasn't far from his grandfather and father's house in Bay Ridge. It meant Jamie and Eddie both had a longer drive to work, but neither minded because it meant their children could see more of Frank and Henry.

Eddie looked up from where she was crouched in front of Lily buttoning up her coat.

"You found the escapee then," she chuckled.

Eddie had a day off after pulling a double shift and so was walking the older three to school and Jamie was dropping Matthew off at his father's house, as was the original plan. But despite Eddie's unexpected day off, Matthew still insisted on going to his grandfather's house. Jamie put Matthew on the floor and Eddie swooped in and put his coat on before the three year old escaped again.

Jamie turned to look at his other children who were all ready and waiting patiently by the door for their mother. Jamie looked at them proudly, while all four children had their mother's stubborn streak, the older three seemed to have his own quiet and calm attitude as well. Matthew on the other hand, was all his mother, looks and personality. Eloise also looked like Eddie, it was obvious that they were mother and daughter. Lily looked a lot like Jamie's mother, the same shape of face and her little nose. Charlie was definitely a Reagan; there was no doubt about that. Jamie had heard his dad telling Eddie that Charlie was a spitting image of Jamie at that age. However, sometimes when he looked at his son, Jamie could swear he was looking at a young Joe. But it had been said when he and Joe were growing up that they looked so alike they could have been twins.

"You guys already for school?" he asked,

"Yes dad," drawled all three. Jamie hid a smirk, they sounded just like their mother in that moment. He turned and shared a smile with Eddie.

"Are you looking forward to your new job dad?" asked Charlie,

Jamie nodded, "Yes I am."

"Aren't you a cop anymore?" exclaimed Lily in shock, and also some disappointment because she boasted to her friends a lot of the time, how cool her parents' jobs were.

"No he is!" interrupted Eloise, "He's just not a Detective anymore."

"That's right Ellie," smiled Jamie, he gently squeezed her shoulder.

Lily nodded, while she was a bit young to understand the ranks in the force, Charlie wasn't. "So does that mean you get to boss Uncle Danny around?" he asked. Jamie heard Eddie snort while trying to stop laughing.

"Kinda," replied Jamie, trying to hide his own amusement. His older brother had decided that he preferred being a Detective and felt he could do more good in his role as Detective, and so had never taken an exam to get promoted.

Seeing that Eddie had finished getting Matthew ready, Jamie kissed the tops of his older children's heads. Kissed Eddie goodbye and watched as the oldest three walked beside their mother on their way to school. Jamie scooped up Matthew, shut the front door behind him and made his way to his car. Once Matthew was securely in his booster seat, he began the short drive to his father's house.

He stopped the car and after getting an excited Matthew out looked up to see his father already standing in the open door way. So Jamie let go of Matthew and smiled seeing his son run as fast as his little legs could take him to his grandfather. Jamie reached the house and saw Matthew sitting on the couch beside Henry. Despite Henry being in his early nineties he was still going strong.

"Looking forward to today son?" asked Frank.

Jamie turned to look at his dad and nodded, "Yeah I am. But I'm a bit nervous to be honest."

"Ah you'll be fine!" called Henry from the couch. He then added with a broad grin, "Lieutenant Reagan."

Jamie began to leave and huffed when Matthew attached himself to his legs. Jamie looked down at his son and smiled. "Yes Matt?"

Matthew looked up at his dad with big blue eyes and said, "You'll be careful daddy?"

Jamie stooped down and picked Matthew up and hugged him tightly, "I will bud." Three months ago Jamie had been taken to the hospital after being knocked unconscious by a fleeing suspect in the case of a missing girl. It wasn't the worst injury he'd suffered, but it had been the first time he'd been admitted to a hospital in thirteen years. Since he and Ryan had been taken hostage in fact. So Matthew had never had to see his father in hospital before, none of his children had, it had been a rough time for the kids then. But for three-year-old Matthew it had been scary for him and since then he always asked his dad to be careful before he left for work.

It was now lunchtime and Jamie looked up hearing a knock on his office door. And he smiled seeing the three people entering. Danny, Ryan and Esposito. All three having the same idea of bringing lunch.

Jamie looked at them with a raised eyebrow, "Didn't communicate then?"

"Shut up kid," commented Danny, but Jamie saw his smile. "So how's today been so far?"

"It's been really good. Strange though," responded Jamie, as Ryan and Esposito dragged up two extra chairs in front of Jamie's desk.

Esposito looked at his old partner when he caught Ryan looking out at the bullpen. "What you looking at bro?"

"My old desk," muttered Ryan. "I was only here for two years before moving to Homicide, but those two years helped shaped me as a Detective."

Jamie looked over at his friend, "Well if you ever wanted to come and reminisce I'm sure the Lieutenant wouldn't mind."

Ryan smirked at Jamie as he shook his head, "Well thank the Lieutenant for me."

Esposito chuckled, "If either of you want to come down to Homicide, I know the Captain so that will be okay."

All four of them started laughing and then Danny added, "Is what happens to you once you become a Lieutenant or a Captain? If it is, I'm happy as a Detective!"

Jamie looked at his older brother, "You do know, if we go to anything official you have to salute at me now."

Danny narrowed his eyes at his brother, "Don't push it kid."

The rest of their lunch was spent laughing and joking, while also remising about old cases. Soon lunch was eaten, so Ryan and Esposito took their leave, and as Jamie and Danny stood. The older brother smiled at the younger.

"I'm proud of you kid, and I know Joe is to," said Danny. Seeing the tall Lieutenant before him, but also seeing the little kid Jamie used to be. Whenever he looked at his nephew Charlie, he would remember long forgotten memories of Joe and Jamie getting into mischief. It also seemed Charlie was following in his father's footsteps in this matter, due to his friendship with Joshua Ryan.

"Thanks Danny," smiled Jamie.

"Just telling the truth," responded Danny, "See you later kid."

And soon Jamie was left alone in his office with his paperwork. Five minutes later he walked out into the bullpen, and took the time to get to know his Detectives. Once he was about to go back into his office he spotted three of his Detectives, throwing paper balls at each other. Jamie smirked to himself, while squads would gain and loose Detectives, some things would never change.

The End.

A/N Thank you so much for reading, following and reviewing this story it meant a lot! I might write some one shots based off some things I've written in the epilogue, some might just be for Castle or Blue Bloods so won't be posted with this story in the crossover section. But I might not write these one shots so don't hold your breath!