A/N: Okay, I know I have a lot of unfinished stories \\shot but this ship has been driving me crazy and I couldn't resist.

6/27/14: Thank you for your reviews and suggestions ^-^

(this is all from Natsume's POV)

Sigh. Where was this place again?

I was in the forest looking for the Matoba Clan's hideout; geez, how annoying.
On my way home after school another youkai bumped into me, I really didn't want to deal with any youkai today, but such a wish was too good to be true. The youkai begged of me to retrieve an important mirror of his that had been stolen by the Matoba clan; it wasn't just some mirror, though, it was a mirror that reveals a secret passage to the youkai's land which could only be found using this certain path. The youkai looked to be in much distress, for he feared that the Matoba clan would go and massacre all of the youkai that reside where he's from; knowing Matoba, I have no doubts of that happening, so there was no way my conscience would have allowed me to just brush then issue away.

I swear it was a little further down and then somewhere on the right. . ., I thought to myself. I didn't have Nyanko-sensei with me because I couldn't find him; he was probably out drinking again, how vexatious. I know it's not a good idea to go to the Matoba clan's hideout without Sensei, but I really do have to stop Matoba before the worst happens, and I don't have time to waste searching for a presumably tipsy cat.

Ah, there it is!, I finally stumbled upon the building after spending about almost an hour in the forest; I better make this quick, it's going to get dark soon and I don't want Touko-san or Shigeru-san to worry.
I stealthily sneaked up to the building, looking around to make sure no one is around, especially not one of Matoba's creepy flunkies.
Coast clear.
Cracking open the door, I peeked in. It was quiet and it doesn't seem like anyone's in the main room right now. Taking my chances, I slid in past the door and lightly ran to hide behind one of the large potted ferns in the room; I feel like I'm in a spy movie.
Okay, yeah, so I have the objective, and I am in the place of pursuit…yet I have no idea where in this whole building this small mirror could be. Sigh. Why do I keep getting myself in these messes.
Pensive, I began deducing the possibilities. It definitely won't be in the cell area, so the bottom floor is ruled out. I don't think Matoba would place it in the room I found that vase Youkai in since he's planning on using it now. Wait, that's it! If Matoba was planning on using the mirror now, then it would be in his personal room. I shuddered, I remember that room all too well. I really hope he's not in there right now, if he is, then I honestly don't know what I'll do.
Retracing my steps from my memory, I swiftly glided through the halls. There were a few of his youkai lackeys, and some clan members chatting; good, it seems that I'm not too late since Matoba clan members are still in the building. Rushing my pace, I hid behind the last wall that stands between the hallway of Matoba's room, and I. I waited for two of the lackeys to pass by the end of the hall before I initiated my move; I'm grateful that they do their job of keeping intruders out as well as Nyanko-sensei attempts to be my bodyguard. I smiled a bit at my comparison.
Alright, hallway's clear for now, better quickly do this now before someone else appears. Slowly cracking open a door once more, I took a peek inside. I held my breath as I scanned the room, only to find it empty.
Thank goodness. I repeated my process of furtively sneaking into the designated room, and quietly closing the door.

Alright, so, if I were a mirror, a mirror that would try not to get Natsume caught up in a nasty situation with the Matoba clan, where would I be?

Examining the room, the mirror could either be in one of the 2 closets; on, or in one of the drawers, of Matoba's desk; or, if for some desperate attempt, somewhere in Matoba's futon. With no time to waste, I respectively searched those places.
Closet: empty.
Other closet: a few swords and katanas; scary.
Desk: some letters that I have no time to meddle with, feather pens and ink, paper, a notebook…yet no mirror. Crap, this is not good.
I made my way to the futon; what do I have to lose at this point? I dreadfully walked over and knelt beside it, searching through the covers and the bottom of it.
Sigh. The mirror wasn't even in here all along.
Frustrated, I dropped my fist onto the pillow; there felt to be something solid under it. I hastily flipped over the pillow, yet nothing was there. I know I felt something…could it be in the pillowcase?

Footsteps, right outside the door; then, the sound of a hand on the door.

Oh no, my heart sunk. I inaudibly rushed to the empty closet, yet left a tiny crack open so I could peer within the room.
A tall, slim and pale figure with long raven hair walked in. This is bad, this is really bad. It was no other than my worst nightmare: Matoba. He walked in with a disgruntled look; even scarier. I held my breath as I watched the raven saunter through the room to the futon. No, he's going for the mirror! Gah, how can I stop him?
Matoba reached into the pillow case and pulled out a shiny hand-sized mirror with exquisite gold engravings that depicted vines and leaves. He exhaled an exasperating sigh whilst examining the mirror.

Heart beginning to race, I cuffed my mouth so I could regulate my breathing without getting caught. Matoba's gaze wandered from the mirror, to the closet. What?! I silently shifted my body to the side so that my back lay against the side wall of the closet, and I faced the back of the closet. Did he find me out? Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching me. Please, please no. My body tensed and I struggled to keep my erratic breathing inaudible.
A hand touched the door of the closet. That's it, it's all over for me now.