The Pyro didn't want to disturb his engineering friend as he passed through the kitchen. He had seen how angry everyone had been with each other, so he knew that being around the others would only bring himself harm. He only wanted to get one of the many lighters he kept in the kitchen, in a big drawer, and thankfully the Engineer didn't really respond to the shuffling noises he couldn't help but make.

His goal was to get to the doctor. Something strange had been happening to him; bright, colorful fumes were emanating from the Medic. They were very pretty and almost irresistible, but Pyro had a stronger mind than that. Still, he felt he should do something about it – maybe Medic just wanted to feel pretty. Pyro would do anything for the doctor; he was such a nice man, and if he wanted to feel pretty, then by gosh, would he help him out with that! And that's just what he was up to.

Pyro stopped by his room to gather a bundle of flowers he had found, then continued in the path the Medic took. Countless trips to the infirmary left an imprint in his memory as to how to get there, though he did visit considerably less times than his friends. Pyro's heart fluttered once he made it to the door. Maybe the doctor wouldn't like his gifts? Oh, how horrible that would be! The firestarter didn't want to risk embarrassment for something as small as what he was going to give to his friend. Still, he had to open the door and help him out with his quest to be beautiful.

The Medic was inside, fretting over a few jars of sparkling liquids, still sporting the colorful wisps about him. Rainbow clouds of smoke puffed out of a beaker, causing the Medic to exclaim to himself what a horrible job he was doing. Pyro tilted his head, inching closer to his friend, wondering why in the world he thought he was doing a bad job when he made such wonderful things! He hesitated in making his presence known, holding the flowers and lighter behind his back as carefully as possible. He was found out, however, by a very frightened Medic who turned around to grab something from his desk, leaping backward and yelping at the sight of his teammate.

"Pyro! Mein gott!" The doctor shouted, catching his breath, "Vhat is it you vant!?"

Though he was a little taken aback by his friend's shouting, he fumbled with the flowers behind his back and lit them on fire, causing them to glow bright, vivid colors. He produced them to the Medic as a shy little kid would.

"Sparklers." The German laughed a bit, relieved from his work with a bit of Pyro's innocent humor, "Zhank you, Pyro. I needed zhat."

Emboldened, the pyromaniac bounced on his feet a little, glad that he had brightened his friend's day. Without asking, he grabbed an empty mug off of Medic's desk and dropped the flowers into it, putting his hands to his face and watching them glow.

"Ahh...Pyro?" The doctor tilted his head a little, gaining the maniac's attention, "Were you...affected by zhe any vay?"

He cocked his head as well after turning to his friend. He understood his teammates just fine, but sometimes they said the strangest things. Was Medic referring to the water they drank? Or was it the flood of that icky mucky sludge from the other day? And how would that even affect him? So many questions!

"Do you understand vhat I am saying?" Medic creased his brow, focusing on the goggles of the has-mat suit, standing straight up by now. The Pyro shrugged in response.

"Alright," he continued, sighing in annoyance for having to stop his chemistry work, "Lets do some tests..."

The good doctor redirected the genderless team member to a nearby gurney, asking him to sit as he pulled up his desk chair. Medic supposed this would work too, considering he should test out his new theory on someone willing enough to subject themselves to him. Pyro was usually just the person to do so, though he did have a prefence about keeping his suit on. Something to do with the feeling of comfort it gave. Perhaps it was a security blanket or sorts? Ah, but those were thoughts too stale for their current predicament, so he focused on the matter at hand.

"Alright. Vhat I need you to do is, I need you to tell me a few things...," Medic rethought this. Pyro mumbled behind a gasmask almost all the time, and when he wasn't doing so, he was no where to be found. He sat in his chair, peering up at the Pyro, "I'll stick to yes or no questions."

Pyro nodded. Anything for the doctor! He wondered to himself if this was something serious or not, and became a little worried. He didn't mix well with serious issues. When ever he tried to focus on something other than fire and his friends, he'd grow a little...antsy.

"Do I smell good to you?"

A nod.

"Do you like me?"

Another nod.

"Do you, eh...Do you have...feelings for me?"

He tilted his head.

"Vell, ah...Do you like me, in a vay zhat is more zhan just friendship?"

Pyro hesitated, then shrugged, looking away.

"Just as I thought." Medic grabbed a notepad and a pen from a nearby table, handing them to the Pyro, "Tell me exactly what you are feeling in this instance."

Pyro grabbed the materials, and stared at them, as if he didn't know what they were for in the first place. Medic reminded him by opening the notepad and placing the hand with the pen onto the paper.

"Please write vhat I asked of you – do not draw instead."

He looked from Medic back to the notepad and began scribbling words onto the paper. A few minutes pass by. Writing English is not one of his strong points. When he was finished, he shyly handed the paper back to the doctor, who swiftly went to check what was on it.

The page read,

"i juzt w aNT yOu tO be happi"

Medic understood, and gave a wide grin, chuckling to himself. He patted his friend's back. The maniac was so innocent in his thinking – Medic could tell that much. He wanted the best for his friends, and didn't even know what he was doing was pure heartless murder. Anyone would be too frightened to be around him, but the doctor knew better. He knew who he was after all.

"Ja, I know, fraulein." Still smiling, he went to place the notepad and pen on his desk, "You're hard to read, but you alvays make my day better. Come here."

Pyro, happy as could be, jumped off of the gurney and made his way towards the doctor, who turned around just to give him a small hug. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it still made the Pyro bounce a little, clapping his hands.

A deep voice was heard calling for the doctor from down the hall. Medic knew who was coming.

"Herr Pyro," Medic put a hand to his friend's shoulder, "It is time to leave. I doubt you vould like vhat's about to come next."

With that, he was led to the back door, and left as quietly as possible.