Hello guys, this my first story. Tell me how I did, and if it's satisfactory to some of you, I'll continue it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Love hina or anything related to it, Ken Akamatsu owns it.

Keitaro was outside Narusegawa's door, he was standing there for 10 minutes, it was a miracle that no one has seen him just standing outside her door. He was going to ask Naru on a date, he got some tickets to the Kanagawa Theme Park, that was going to have an event, this evening from Haitani and Shirai.

'Just ask her! There's nothing to be nervous about, you're her boyfriend and she's your girlfriend.' Keitaro's mind said, berating himself.

'She has been distant this past few weeks, and whenever I ask her on dates she just declines.' Keitaro replied to the voice in his mind.

'Just give it another go, maybe this time she'll accept.' His mind said, encouraging him.

Steeling his nerves, he knocked on the door and said, "Naru? It's me Keitaro."

A few seconds later the door opened and he saw Naru, and guessing from what she's wearing it looks like she was going out again.

"Oh, Keitaro." Naru greeted him with a cheerful smile. "What is it?"

"Oh, uh, um, I-I was wondering if you're free this afternoon." Keitaro asked her nervously. "I got these tickets-"

But before Naru interrupted him, and she was frowning a little.

"I'm sorry Keitaro, but I'm going out with a couple of my classmates." She said. "Maybe next time."

"Oh, O.K." He said, with a sad smile on his face.

Naru then went outside her door, closed it and faced Keitaro.

"I'm really sorry Keitaro." She said and went downstairs to go out.

Keitaro just stood there with a sad look on his face.

'She rejected again.' Sighing mentally. 'What should I do with these tickets? It was kind of expensive.'

Going back to his room, he was thinking of taking someone else to the theme park.

'Mutsumi is in Okinawa, staying for the rest of spring break.'

'Shinobu is with her mother today, it's her birthday.'

'Kitsune is working. No need to bother her.'

'Su was back in her home country. She was asked by her sister there, she said it was only for today.'

'That leaves me with Motoko, where is she by the way?'

Looking around the Hinata-sou, his first guess was the roof. Coming up the stairs, he saw the Kendoist practicing her Katas.

Looking at her, Keitaro could see that she has been practicing for hours now, basing from the sweat on her brows.

Feeling a nearby presence, she turned her head to see that it was Keitaro.

"Good morning, Motoko." Keitaro said, smiling at her.

"Good morning to you too, Urashima-san." She greeted back, putting her sword back to its sheath. "What brings you here?"

"Oh, I-I was going to ask if you're free this afternoon." He asked, a bit nervous. "You see, I've got these tickets to the Kanagawa theme park, and I was wondering if you would go with me?"

"Why not ask Naru-sempai, she is your girlfriend." She said, a bit confused.

"Well, she's going out with some of her friends." He said, with a hint of sadness in his voice. "So, she declined."

"Is that so…" She muttered, feeling sympathetic for Keitaro.

She knew that Naru was being a bit distant to Keitaro this past few weeks, she was there one time when she rejected his offer for a date.

"I am almost done with practice today, and I would like to see the sword display again. So I accept." She said, giving Keitaro a hint of a smile.

Keitaro, just now registering Motoko's words, was surprised to hear that she agreed to come along.

"Really? Oh, Thank you, Motoko-chan!" He said, quite excited, not noticing the –chan suffix. "I'll meet you outside by two o'clock."

Feeling that he should at least fix himself up, Keitaro ran back to his room, leaving a blushing Motoko.

'He called me, Motoko-chan.' She thought, bashfully.

'Don't over think it, he was just probably surprised that I accepted his offer.' Shaking her head, to rid herself of her thoughts.

Getting back her focus, she resumed her training. But now, she did it with a smile on her face.

Waiting outside the Hinata-sou, Keitaro was waiting for Motoko. Looking at his watch, it was now 1:30.

Keitaro was always really early for dates, always being an hour or two early.

He was nervous, going out with Motoko on a trip to the theme park. Technically,this wasn't a date, he was already Naru's boyfriend. It was only a friendly trip.

Looking back to his watch again, it was 1:45 now.

Keitaro was even more nervous now, thinking that Motoko had second thoughts and wouldn't come.

Before he could panic, and go back inside the Hinata-sou to look for Motoko. The Door opened, and out came Motoko.

His mouth opened in surprise, he was awestruck by her beauty. She was wearing a blue cheongsam shirt and a white skirt that a bit above the knee, she also tied her hair into a ponytail with two bangs falling down on either side of her face.

Seeing the surprised look of Keitaro, Motoko was looking down the ground, avoiding eye contact.

"I-Is there something wrong with my outfit?" She asked, feeling nervous that she looked horrible in her outfit.

Breaking out of his trance, Keitaro shook his head and said, "Oh, ah, N-No. Motoko-chan, you actually look great it in."

Both of them were sporting a blush on their faces. They both stood there awkwardly for a minute or two. It was Motoko who broke the silence.

"I think we should go now, Urashima-san."

"Ah, You're right." He replied.

Going down the stairs, they walked towards the Metro station, where it'll take them to the Theme park.

Arriving at their destination, Keitaro presented their tickets to the clerk.

The park was crowded, it was littered with families, group of friends and couples.

"Let's first see the sword display," Keitaro suggested. "I know that you're eager to see it."

Motoko nodded, and they went their way there.

Along the way, Motoko was sensing a familiar essence. It made her stop and try to pinpoint where the essence was coming from.

"Is something wrong, Motoko?" Keitaro asked, confused on why she stopped.

Taking one last look, Motoko shook her head and said, "It is nothing, Urashima-san. Let us be on our way."

Scratching his head, Keitaro merely shrugged it off and went on their way.

Arriving at the Sword display, Motoko was awestruck on the number of swords on display. There were swords of all kinds; e.g, antique swords and newly made ones.

Keitaro was watching with amusement, it was fun seeing Motoko admire the display with enthusiasm. It was like watching a kid drool over the hottest new toy, but Motoko still had the grace and decency to act like her age.

"Keitaro, look at this article here." Motoko said, ushering him to where the article was.

Reading the article, it was about the Hina sword. The same one that as the Urashima Heirloom, the one that Keitaro gave Motoko.

The article said, that after destroying half of Kyoto and being sealed by an unknown faction, the sword was never seen again.

Beside the article, a replica was on display. It looked exactly like the Hina sword, but this one didn't have the Urashima name written on the handle.

"Does this mean that the sword is actually a rare artifact?" Keitaro asked.

"I only heard stories about a sword that did indeed destroy half of Kyoto and it also almost wiped out the whole Shinme-ryu, it was our family that sealed it." Motoko stated. "But I didn't know that it was actually this sword." Holding up the sword.

"Actually, I think your sister, Tsuruko, mentioned something about the sword." Keitaro said. "But we were in battle, so I didn't think about it much."

As they were talking an attendant was passing them by, but saw the sword in Motoko's hand. Looking at it more carefully, he saw that it was the Hina sword. Surprised to see the sword, he immediately went up to them and asked them.

"Is that the original Hina sword?" The attendant asked, eyeing the sword. "The original Urashima Heirloom?"

"Yes, it is." Keitaro answered, nodding his head. "My name's Keitaro Urashima, my family owned the sword and I gave it to her, Motoko Aoyama."

"An Aoyama?!" The attendant was flabbergasted.

"Yes, I am Motoko Aoyama of the Shinmei-ryu." Motoko introduced herself, bowing to the attendant.

"It was rumored that your family was the one that sealed the sword. Is it true?" The attendant asked, curiously.

Motoko nodded her head.

"This is a revelation!" The attendant said, loudly. "If it isn't much trouble can we ask you to come to our office and talk about the sword and both of your family?"

Motoko looked at Keitaro for his opinion, Keitaro nodded his head approvingly.

"We would appreciate it." Motoko answered.

Ushering them to the office, Motoko again felt the familiar essence. Stopping to locate it, but it was too faint to pinpoint exactly where it was.

'What is that essence that I keep sensing?' Motoko asked herself.

Motoko took a note to be more careful, and followed the attendant again.

After their impromptu interview with the sword display staff, Keitaro and Motoko went to find a place to eat.

It was evening when they finished their talk with the staff, taking more than 3 hours.

Finding a simple café shop, they ordered some sandwich and juices.

"I was a bit embarrassed to say that I merely found it in the storeroom, a family heirloom just placed in a dirty old storeroom." Keitaro said, disappointed in his family for not taking care of their heirlooms.

"Maybe it was intentionally placed there," Motoko said, trying to lift Keitaro's spirit. "It is cursed, you know."

"You might be right, but still…" Keitaro said, not convinced. "Anyways, what do you think of the trip here? Except for the interview we had, did you enjoy your time here?"

"Getting out of the house is a bit refreshing, even though it is crowded, I enjoyed the atmosphere." Motoko said.

"That's good," Keitaro said, sighing in relief. "I thought that you wouldn't like it, with this many people around."

"I do like being alone when I'm training, because there's less distraction." Motoko said. "But I am human, I do feel lonely sometimes."

Keitaro stared at Motoko with examining eyes, he didn't think of that. Thinking about it, she spends most of her time alone, training. He just assumed that she liked being alone.

"I'm sorry, Motoko." Keitaro said, looking down at his plate.

"Sorry? For what, Urashima-san?" Motoko asked, confused.

"I'm sorry, that we don't spend that much time with you." He said in a low voice. "I didn't think that you'd feel lonely for that, I thought that you like the solace."

"No need to worry about it." Motoko said, waving her hand dismissively. "It is partly my fault, I keep distancing myself to others."

"But still…" Keitaro said, but before he could finish Motoko cut in.

"I said no need to worry, Urashima-san." Motoko said. "If you really want to get back, then let's go out again, when both of our schedules are free."

"O.K., it's a promise." Keitaro said, smiling at Motoko, who blushed in return.

Looking at his watch, he saw that it was almost time for the event.

"I think we should go, Motoko." Keitaro said. "It's almost time for the fireworks display."

Motoko nodded, and they both went on their way.