A/N: Hiya everyone! I'm here with a short drabble for 'XxCherriesandChocolatexX' for her birthday! I don't even think it's still her birthday where she is but it is here! And, well, better late than never, right? It's not a masterpiece and it's certainly not long (290 words) but I wanted to give Mushy something! Happy Birthday, Mushy!

Me: Ash, Misty, disclaimer please!

Ash and Misty: YellowDragonMuffin does not own the characters or anything else she could be sued for! Only the storyline!

Pikachu: Pika pi chu! (On with the story!)

Ash woke up with a jolt, gasping and panting as he sat up, his hair flopping over into his eyes.

"Ash? What's happening? Are you okay?" came a worried but tired voice from next to him, rolling over in bed to face the newly awoken boy.

"I-I'm okay, Mist, just a nightmare," Ash replied, calming his breathing back to normal.

"What happened in it?" Misty questioned, sitting up and shifting herself so she was next to Ash, wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning on him. Ash gulped, before attempting to explain what had happened in the strange but frightening nightmare.

"W-well first you were chasing me with your mallet, trying to hit me, but then y-you morphed into a-a giant mushroom?" Ash explained, sounding unsure of it himself, "And then I fell into a hole and I didn't have any ears and I was panicking and I-a-and I-" Misty cut Ash off from his ranting by placing a soft but loving kiss on his lips.

"Ash, you are so strange sometimes. I can't even remember why I said I'd marry you," Misty said, jokingly, smiling lovingly at Ash after she had pulled away.

Ash was left in a daze, still frightened from the nightmare but at the same time grinning like an idiot at Misty, remembering how much he loved her

"Anyway, you're probably just nervous for tomorrow," Misty reasoned, leaning back on his shoulder and admiring the ring sitting on her finger contentedly, white rimmed with a light blue sapphire sitting in the middle, sparkling in the moonlight leaking through the window.

"Yeah," Ash agreed, placing his arm around Misty, thinking of how they have their whole life ahead of them and this will just be the beginning…

A/N: Well, like I said, not a masterpiece, but I still hope you all enjoyed it! Oh and I got the nightmare from a conversation Mushy and I had! XD

Once again, Happy Birthday, Mushy!

Hope you all enjoyed! Don't forget to review, I really appreciate it! :)
~Yellow :D