No one ever reads the bulletin board. It is made of plain cork, which is only visible after lifting the psychedelic flash of papers that are supposed to be eye catching, but when placed together, actively force anyone attempting to read them away with their near-radioactive brightness.

Nezumi somehow manages to spot the note anyway, while on his way to the library to return a copy of Much Ado About Nothing—his personal copy currently missing in action. It's handwritten on basic notebook paper, obviously torn out of a spiral, because the fringe still remains. Somehow the plainness of the paper only makes it stand out more amongst the colors.

Good morning, (or afternoon depending on the time you are reading this I suppose.)

My name is Shion and I am a sophomore. I am currently looking for a group to accompany me on a long road trip. I do not know of the destination, but I am willing to take suggestions. I just want to get out of this city for a while.

Please meet me at the school entrance and we'll see if we can work out gas expenses. Please contact your families and get permission before we go.

I hope to hear from some of you soon.


It's completely idiotic. With school still going on no one good is going to take this Shion up his offer. The only ones hopping off now either don't care, or are planning on dropping out. On top of that, the bulletin board is in public view, any idiot off the street could read this.

Perhaps Shion's counting on that and is looking for a couple of gang members to have his back as he goes on a rampage, but then there's really no reason to notify parents.

As it is, Nezumi reasons, he's probably just lonely. He reads the note again, studying the handwriting. It's neat, definitely planned out beforehand. This wasn't some spur of the moment decision.

There's something sort of endearing about the student's attempt to get company.

It's going to be a real shame when he gets mugged. Or worse.

Nezumi figures he's saving the man a lot of grief by taking the piece of notebook paper off the board and placing it in his pocket.

It surprises Nezumi that he's taking the time to protect the sort of imbecile that can't even realize he's placed a honeyed invitation for aspiring serial killers on the school bulletin—but the shock is fleeting and unimportant and Nezumi has a book to return so he forgets about Shion and the note soon enough.

After several arguments with the librarian because, no, of course he didn't steal their copy of Timon of Athens, if he was going to steal he'd obviously go after one of his better plays like Othello, what kind of moron did she take him for— Nezumi is finally able to peruse the stacks. He's debating taking a break from Shakespeare and spending some quality time with Molière, when a voice interrupts his train of thought.

"What's wrong with Timon of Athens?"

Nezumi blinks once, twice, before turning to face the speaker. The first thing he notices is a stupid tan beanie. Who the hell wears something like that, inside, with 90 degree weather outside?

He's probably a nerd.

He's got a cute face, round cheeks, large eyes that are an interesting shade of brown- almost purple. Nezumi's tempted to look closer but the student quickly breaks eye contact in favor of glancing at his plain brown loafers. He realizes he's waiting for him to reply, Nezumi scoffs, "What isn't wrong with Timon of Athens? It's just pure, unbridled, shoddiness from beginning to end. Probably unfinished, definitely unedited—it's bullshit. Shakespeare needs to steer away from morality plays, really."

To his surprise, the student laughs, "Wow, you're really passionate about this."

Damn right he's passionate. "I just don't like people thinking just because Shakespeare wrote something it's actually good. Need to form your own opinion, not follow like a sheep."

"You don't like Shakespeare?"

"Now let's not get ahead of ourselves. There are some masterpieces there, they're just hidden underneath a lot of junk, like everything else" Nezumi clarifies, and the student laughs again. The odd man stretches out a hand, looking much more confident than he was before. His eyes, Nezumi notes, actually are purple, not simply brown, and there's a peek of white sticking out from underneath his beanie.

Just what is this guy?

The student smiles at him, and Nezumi realizes he's staring.

"I'm Shion. Can I ask you a favor?"

And Nezumi suddenly understands the particular brand of idiocy that declares hanging a handwritten note from a sketchy school bulletin board as a totally okay means of friend-making; it's the same brand that strikes up conversations with strangers in libraries about Timon of Athens and asks for a favor.

It's time to get out of this. He's stuck his neck out one time too many for this pampered prince today.

"Sorry, but I'm busy." Nezumi curtly replies, but Shion will have none of it,

"You aren't busy. You just told the librarian you would be here all night to annoy her."

Nezumi scowls, "It was a threat. I have things to do."

"But not for at least a few hours. People don't make threats like that without having some time to follow through. And this will only take a couple minutes." Shion swallows, his shoulders sinking slightly, "Believe me, I wouldn't ask if I was allowed to do it myself."

It's the damn beanie. It's so out of place on Shion's head, and his shuffling is so uncomfortable. Nezumi weakens.

"What is it?"

"Can you…um. Well, you mentioned stealing Othello earlier—"

"—If you're about to ask me to steal fucking Othello I don't—"

Shion scoffs, shakes his head, "Nothing that illegal. They have 3 copies. I was wondering if you could buy one for me. I'll pay you after. "

The simple request surprises him. The library doubled as a bookstore when multiple copies of a book were in stock,

"Why can't you buy it yourself if you have the money?"

Shion's looking at his loafers again. He's frowning, looking so thoroughly miserable that Nezumi almost regrets asking. "They won't sell it to me."

"And why's that?" Nezumi inquires.

Shion swallows, scratches his neck before looking up at Nezumi, "I was expelled. Earlier this week."

Wait—what? Nezumi pauses. He knew the schoolboard was going to hell but expulsion? What could someone like Shion do to get expelled? Bend a flower?

"What did you do?"

Shion shakes his head, "A friend of mine was being bullied and I attacked the student." He pauses, emphasizes, "I wasn't planning on killing him, just so you know. I know they've been spreading rumors around about me."

"Wait, hang on—what? Who did you attack?"

Shion frowns, "I only knew him as Rashi. He kicked me around a lot as a kid so…I guess it was the straw that broke the camel's back. His family isn't charging, but the school board decided to have me expelled. I don't feel bad about defending Sa—my friend, but the effects are truly unfortunate."

Shion had balls— Nezumi would give him that. Unexpected, and surprisingly unapologetic balls, but balls nonetheless.

Maybe he really is looking for a gang.

Shion scratches his neck again, "If you don't want to buy the book I'll find someone else. I didn't mean to, ah, force that on you."

But Nezumi's already heading toward the counter, and pulling out his wallet. Shion watches him from the shelves, unable to keep a slight smile from creeping onto his face.

Nezumi returns with a bag, and a still-smiling Shion digs in his wallet for payment.

"Thank you so much."

He hands Nezumi the 4 dollars for Othello, checking the bag, surprised to find another book beside it in the bag. Timon of Athens stares up at him. At Shion's questioning look, Nezumi simply shrugs and says,

"It was 50 cents, rightfully so, and you clearly haven't read it. Don't go off my judgment. Decide what you think on your own."

Shion glows at him, "Don't be a sheep, you mean."

"Exactly." Nezumi frowns, "Oh, and I have something else for you too."

He digs in his pocket for the note and offers it back to a confused Shion,

"You shouldn't hang this on the bulletin, your car is going to get filled with creeps."

Shion blinks, "Oh, my note." He frowns, "You took it down? But I still have an empty seat. If you're worried about creeps I've been doing thorough interviews…I'm a pretty good judge of character, you know."

"I'll fill it."

The words are out of Nezumi's mouth before he can help it. It comes out of nowhere, the sudden need to stick around this mystery that's willing to get expelled for nearly killing a kid but refuses to steal a book from the library.

The same mystery that picks travelling companions through a sketchy bulletin board, but has to make sure they alert their parents first.

He's cute and a little creepy with his purple eyes and white hair. Nezumi knows he'd be a fool to pass this chance up.

He's drawn to him.

And judging by the way Shion practically sparkles back at him and says "I'll get my interview questions ready!" the feeling is mutual.


Much Ado About Nothing and Othello obviously by William Shakespeare

Timon of Athens also by William Shakespeare although potentially co-wrote by Thomas Middleton.