So, I'm writing a story for my bro BinkyBunny.





He stared at her beautifully deep oceany eyes and craved to taste her lips again. He followed each wave and curl of her hair down on her shoulders and past. She was everything he wanted, yet she had left him in the blink of an eye.

Tavros raised his eyes from the framed photo as the doorbell rang through the apartment.

"Daddy, do we have visitors?" A five year old with wavy, almond hair and vibrant ocean blue eyes asked from her spot on the floor. Tavros nodded to his daughter as he crossed the living room to reach the front door.

"An old friend from high school." He said before reaching the door and looking out the peep hole. On the other side he saw the tall figure with messy short, curly hair and make up. Tavros smiled as he opened the door.

"Gamzee!" He said his name like it was sugar on his tongue. He'd like to say it more and more. "Gamzee, hi, hey, it's uhm, been a while, wow, your make up." Gamzee's current make up was a lot more detailed now than it was back in high school. In middle school it was grey circles and a grey oval over his lips. In high school it started taking shape, by senior year it looked like a hallloween mask. Now, it just looked like a real skull, even the shading was perfect.

"Don't think I would've recognized a brother, with your new hair and shit. Ain't bad looking though. Fucking love it." Gamzee says finally lifting his face. Tavros feels chills run down his spine from just looking at Gamzee's make up.

"Hehe, t-thanks Gamzee. Where's your uhm, stuff?" Tavros asks looking down at Gamzee's feet. There was just a long but thin(barely filled) duffel bag. Gamzee lifted it and swung it on to his shoulder.

"Right here." Gamzee says. Tavros moves aside and lets Gamzee into the apartment. However Gamzee stops after a few steps into the apartment. He stares at the small girl on the ground who looks back at him calmly.

"Who is she?" Gamzee asked looking back at Tavros. Tavros shut the door and cleared his throat nervously.

"Uhm, she's my daughter." Gamzee's eyes widened and for a second he seemed to be disappointed, but he turned back to the little girl with such a great smile.

"Hello, my name is Gamzee Makara, I'm friend of your daddy. What's your name?" She doesn't reply though, instead she reaches out and touches Gamzee's face.

"Are you dead Gamzee?" She asks looking from his make up into his eyes. He chuckles shaking his head.

"Nah, this is just a mask."

"This is Arabella." Tavros says reaching down and picking her up. "Honey, Gamzee here is going to baby sit you while I'm at work okay?" Tavros says. Arabella throws her hands up gasping.

"Gamzee the dead man!?"