Two updates in a week! Well if any of you have been watching or listening to the news here in the US, Texas is getting poured down by Hurricane Harvey right now. Flooding everywhere, so I'm stuck at home and I'm bored.

I did edit it myself, so if you see a mistake somewhere just let me know and I'll get right on it! This is just the first half of chapter six! I wanted to post it as it has been in the works for nearly a year, figured I should show it already. Hopefully I'll be able to post the second half soon (I think I just jinxed myself right then).And while I was combing through this I realized that this chapter, well actually the whole story, if nothing but fluff. I found that the romance doesn't start for another couple of chapters, first between Naruto and Sakura and then Itachi and Naruto . . . dammit.

Anyway, enough with my onesided ranting, I hope you guys like this first half of the chapter!

The Promise: Chapter 6: Bonding Between Elder Brothers

A Tuesday morning at 6:38 am found Naruto barely staying awake as he rubbed Sai's hair dry with a towel, having gone to bed later than he had hoped after last night's information. Natsu walked into the kitchen, his hair sticking in all directions without being brushed, in his hand was a cell phone that had been going off for the past few minutes in Naruto's room. When Naruto heard the ring tone coming from the phone, he didn't need Natsu to tell him who was calling; Naruto froze at the sound that he hadn't heard in years, that he secretly wanted to hear for years. Natsu glared at Naruto, not seeing the shock in his brother's eyes, and handed the phone to him roughly while mumbling to himself about getting up earlier than he should.

Sai turns to Naruto, worry in his eyes when he sees Naruto staring at the phone until it quiets down; opening his mouth to ask him a question the phone starts ringing again. Shaking his head, Naruto answers the phone with shaking hands; he knows that it's stupid to freak out at Itachi's ring tone, not hearing it for several years, but the guy lives here with his kids. It'll look weird if the guy doesn't call to check up on his own kids … "-arto? Hello?"

Snapping out of his train of thought, he looks to his phone, realizing that he answered it, "Hello?" he responds sheepishly.

Hearing Itachi sigh in relief had Naruto blush lightly, "Are you alright or were you still asleep?" Itachi joked a little; a flash back passed in front of Naruto's mind of how hard it was to get up before ten am, the creative ways that Itachi would wake him before he left to work with his father . . .

"No, I'm awake," Naruto rested his head against his shoulder with the phone in the middle, his hands resuming his previous mission: drying Sai's hair. "I have to, remember?" Sai tilts his head back to look at Naruto, holding his empty bowl, "Did you want more, Sai?"

"No, thank you," Sai whispers, a small smile appearing on his face for the smallest second.

"Alright," draping the semi-dry towel on the back of his chair, Naruto picks up and places Sai on his feet, "you have a few minutes till Kakashi comes, 'kay?" Sai nods and walks to the living room.

"Did he eat everything?" Itachi asked after it was quiet for a few seconds.

"Yep, he really likes cereal," Naruto picked up the bowl and rinsed it in the sink.

"Cereal?" Itachi coughed out, "You mean you're giving him sugar in a bowl?"

Naruto snorted, "It hardly has any sugar," he looked at the bland flavor, "its flavorless, either you add sugar or fruit for flavor, Itachi, calm down. He's tried the ones that I have and he likes this plain one the most."

Itachi gave a small groan, "I'm trusting you on this," sigh, "so I'm guessing that he's awake enough to talk to?"

Naruto smiles, "Sai," he calls out for the boy, a few moments later he appeared before Naruto, "your Chichi wants to talk to you." Naruto's smile grows when Sai visibly perks up and reaches for the phone before remembering that he hadn't asked for it; "Wait a sec." Naruto handed the phone to Sai, turning him and giving him a small push to the living room. Glancing at Natsu who walked back to the kitchen halfway dressed for school, Naruto turned back to the kitchen to start making Sai's bento.

Natsu having made himself a bowl of cereal, the bowl nearly spilling over, slowly moved to see what Naruto was making; "You're making those again?" he asked with a spoonful of cereal in his mouth, wrinkling his nose at the sad smile that Naruto was attempting to make.

Naruto looked at him, "I know that it'll be eaten," he huffed, "and not traded for other's food."

Natsu blinked and took another slow bite of his breakfast, "if it makes you feel better," he said softly as he picked up his bowl, "I couldn't get much anyway, it was too weird looking."

Naruto turned around, a bit red faced, to Natsu, who was smirking at him, when Sai walked in, looking at the two of them. "Yes, Sai?" Naruto narrowed his eyes at Natsu before kneeling at the boy.

"Chichi says that he had get ready for work and that he says 'thank you' for helping me and Sasuke," Sai handed back the phone that was cradled against his chest. Naruto thanked him for the returning the phone, rubbing his head gently; "And," Sai lightly blushed, "I like the bento from yesterday…" Sai didn't have a chance to say anymore before he was pulled into a hug by Naruto, saying how cute he was for telling him how good his bento was. Natsu sat at the bar and rolled his eyes at the scene, thinking to himself that the amount to gooey love is bad for a young person like him.

At 7:05 am Kakashi knocks on the door, that is opened a moment later by Natsu; the two greet each other awkwardly as one didn't really get to talk to the other while the other just kept smiling through his mask. Sai slowly turns from his seat on the couch before getting up and hugging Kakashi, greeting the older man with a small smile. "Sasuke!" Natsu, who is returning to his corner of the couch, jumped at Naruto's shout followed by then widening his eyes as a giggling half-naked baby, below the waist should he add, ran out of the hallway and into kitchen.

"Why is there a naked baby running around?" he asked quietly to Sai just as Naruto came walking after the child, his front shirt wet around his stomach.

"Ototo doesn't like to wear clothes in the morning," Sai said softly in return, "I'll get my things."

Kakashi laughed at the small scene; "Kakashi?" Naruto walked out of the kitchen with Sasuke pouting in his arms, now wearing a pull-up thankfully.

"'Morning!" he waved, holding out his arms for Sasuke which Naruto passed him over without much of a thought.

Looking down at his shirt, Naruto mumbled that he needed to change shirts and disappeared into his room. Sai had tied his shoes and pulled on his backpack stood at the front door, waiting patiently to leave for school. His heart beating quick, his hands shaking from nerves that he had no idea of where they came from; maybe Naruto-san won't give him a good-bye hug like he did yesterday? Perhaps his hugs are given once a day? Sai's body filled with a cold and empty feeling at the thought of not getting hugged by Naruto again, which is silly as they just met a few days ago. It would also explain why his classmates were right …

"What's wrong, Sai-chan?" Naruto kneeled in front of the boy, brushing his hair back from his eyes. "You look sad," Naruto held the urge to pull him into his arms again, thinking that the child would need time to accept that Naruto is a more emotional and physical person than his father.

Sai shook his head, giving a small shaky smile, his body slowly filling with the warmth that came from Naruto's gesture and concern. Naruto gave him a worried look for a moment before nodding along, "Okay," he sighed, "now you have your homework?" Sai nodded, "And your homework folder, pencils, colors?" Sai nodded once more, "And your bento?" Naruto listed off the small number of things that he knew were placed in his plain dark backpack.

"Yes," Sai started to fight a smile off his face, believing that it's too unUchiha, "I have everything for school."

Naruto tapped his chin, "Hmmm," Sai tilted his head to the side, "I think that you're still missing something…but I don't know what that would be. What do you think, Sai-chan?"

Looking down to his shoes then to the side where Kakashi stood, listening to Sasuke who spoke with a serious face, then to where Natsu's hair could only be seen, and then back to Naruto. A blush colored his cheeks, a hopeful smile filling his small and chubby like face, his heart picking up speed once more, and his hands played with the bottom of his dark, thin jacket. "A hug?" he whispered so softly that Naruto, even kneeling just a half a foot away, could barely hear. A few seconds passed before Naruto pulled him into a hug, squeezing the air from his backpack and body, and whispered "that's what I was thinking, too." Naruto sat on the backs of his feet, his head resting on Sai's, smiling when the smaller body returned the tight hug and the small hands gripping at his back.

Rolling back to the backs of his feet, Naruto brushed and smoothed out Sai's uniform, "Now, I want to hear about what happens in school, ok?" Sai stares at Naruto, his mouth opened slightly, "Good and bad," Naruto ruffled his hair before getting to his feet, slightly dizzy from kneeling for so long.

Kakashi smiled from under his mask, his mind further at ease that the boys would be safe and loved with Naruto around. "It's time to go," Kakashi said, setting Sasuke onto his feet and laying a hand on Sai's shoulder, guiding him to the door and then to the car. Naruto waved them bye outside, having to chase Sasuke when he started to run after the two, telling the crying baby to say 'bye-bye' to Sai as they walked down the stairs.

Inside the apartment, Natsu stared at his book, not reading it but staring, his mind bringing up memories of when Naruto would do the same with him just a few years ago. The memories were pushed down, wanting to be forgotten, as Itachi would be there smiling at them, waiting to drop off Natsu at school before going to work. Natsu hates those memories; hates that it both warms and freezes his chest, that it still burns his eyes with the need to cry, that it can make him miss his big brother that left him. Naruto and Itachi had raised him when he was just starting school, before he left, they were like his parents even if he knew they weren't. Seeing Naruto do the same thing to Sai that he once did with him, knowing that soon Itachi would be there to take Sai to school, the jealousy ate at him. "-school, Sasuke," Naruto's voice broke through his thoughts, having him pay attention to his book, when a half-naked toddler was dropped on his lap. Natsu and Sasuke stared at one another before both turning to Naruto who just smiled, "You two need to get to know one another," he huffed, "and I need to take a shower, it's already seven fifteen!"

Natsu watched Naruto walking back to his room before the shower turned on; "Papa?" jerking at the question, Natsu moved his school book out of the way before Sasuke scrambled out of his lap and onto the floor. Quickly bookmarking the page before closing it, Natsu stood up with jerking movements after Sasuke. "Papa, where you?"

"Uh," Natsu stared at Sasuke, following him around the apartment, wondering what to do since he had zero knowledge of taking care of kid. "Hey, Sasuke, let's get you dressed!" 'Yeah, it'll be better to put some more clothes on him since it's cold outside. Yeah…'

Sasuke walked around the dining table, looked at Natsu before saying "No" and walked off to the room that he and Sai share, "Papa?"

Natsu followed Sasuke into the room and saw that there was already a set of clothes ready to be worn for Sasuke; smirking Natsu picked up the younger boy and tackled him onto the bed (gently) and attempted to dress him. Both were fighting on the bed; one giggling, believing it a game, and one huffing out, wondering how a small person can have so much strength. A shout of victory came from Natsu when Sasuke now wore a pair of soft jeans; Sasuke, not liking the fact that he lost, started to sniffle, his lower lip twitching. "Crap…" Natsu whispered, poking the younger in the stomach, hopeful that it'll make Sasuke laugh. A soft hiccup made its way to his ears before Sasuke started to cry softly, tears falling onto his bed, his small pudgy hands hiding his eyes from view. Not knowing what he did, or what do even do, Natsu picked the boy up in his arms and ran into the living room, looking around for a toy that would make him stop crying. Seeing that there were no toys laying around, 'Right, he just woke up!', he twisted around dramatically that he nearly fell, Sasuke giggled in his grasp.

"'gain!" Sasuke giggled, his hands tightly griping Natsu's loose shirt; Natsu sighed with relief that the tears had stopped and dried up. A dull thump echoed in the dining room, a gasp of air leaving Natsu's chest, "Say ''gain'!" Sasuke glared at him. If there was one thing that Natsu hated the most from Itachi, was the glare to do as told; the very same glare that he's getting from Sasuke, which seems cute on a two-year-old. Attempting not to crack a smile or laugh, he just nodded and made himself dizzy twisting, turning, and even running around the room to get the boy to laugh again; anything to stop him from crying. 'I hope I don't get a bruise from him, I didn't know he could hit this hard!'

Naruto stepped out of his bedroom, hair semi wet, already dressed in his baby blue button down shirt, black slacks and socks, his tie hanging around his neck. Looking at the time on his watch, knowing that Natsu wouldn't be late but also knowing that said boy liked to be early; "Natsu," Naruto walked out of the hallway into the dining room just as he ran passed him and into the kitchen with a giggling bundle in his arms. Smiling at the sight, Natsu, the swimmer of the family, out of breath, nodding when told to go faster by a baby. "No running in the house, Ototo," resting his hands on his waist, Naruto tried to give them a serious look but failed horribly when Natsu slid down to the floor, gasping for air, with Sasuke laughing. "You want me to drop you off at school, its twenty till."

"Papa!" Naruto picked up Sasuke from Natsu, taking him to the booster seat and set up a bowl of dry cereal and sippy cup filled with milk. Sasuke tilted his head side to side, thinking about the bowl, before taking one of the grains and eating it. Naruto himself made a bowl of cereal and some toast, hoping that he'll get a cup of coffee at work. Joining Sasuke at the table, he smiled when Sasuke ate and took a sip of the milk and repeated the process; Natsu had caught his breath, rubbing his arm where Sasuke hit him, started to gather his things to leave.

"You want the ride or you going to walk?" Naruto asked as he took a bite of the toast, watching his younger brother.

"I'll walk," Natsu laced up his shoes, "it's cold outside so it'll be good practice for holding my breath."

Raising an eyebrow, "Really?" Natsu nodded, grabbing his jacket, "Alright, if you say so," smiling when he got a glare, "I'll be back after you get here. Be safe!" Natsu waved as he left the apartment, giving an awkward wave to Sasuke who turned and said bye. "Well," Naruto leaned into Sasuke, "it's our turn to leave, huh?" Sasuke smiled.

The two left the apartment by seven fifty and, even though Naruto is only ten minutes away with traffic, arrived late for the first time. Making sure that Sasuke was holding his hand while he carried the necessary bags in from the car, Naruto quickly decided to leave Sasuke's bag of toys in the office. Making it up to his floor and down the office, Sakura appeared by Naruto's office doors quickly taking one of the bags. "Good morning, Sakura-chan," Naruto smiles at her, thanking her for helping.

"Good morning, Naruto-san," she blushed at him, before kneeling on the floor, tickling Sasuke on the stomach, "hello to you as well, Sasuke-chan!" Sasuke hugged her before running into the office that Naruto somehow opened with his arms carrying multiple bags.

"How was your evening?" Naruto held the door open for Sakura, "Did you do anything fun?"

Sakura shook her head, "I don't go out like you do, Naruto-san."

"It's only on weekends, when Natsu is with my brothers," Naruto held out his hand, walking to the other side of his office to set up his computer and files that need to be worked or done. "And my invite is still open for any weekday or weekend," Naruto looked up and winked at her, liking the fact that he made her laugh with a slight blush coloring her cheeks.

"I didn't do anything fun, in your standards, I did find a book that I might like but I haven't started to read it yet," she sat down on the couch, watching Sasuke opening the toy bag with difficulty before squealing when he managed to get a large stuffed animal out. "My sister called last night," she whispered, not wanting to look at Naruto after what she spilled the yesterday.

"Ino, right?" Naruto said softly, coming to kneel by the bag to empty it out on the floor, making Sasuke hug him at the easy access to his toys. "Kakashi told me about her last night," he turned to her, "we really look alike?"

Sakura laughed, "Yeah, she told me, before we met, that it would be like dating herself." Naruto shuddered at the thought, "You still don't remember her, though?"

Naruto got up and sat next to her, elbows on his knees, "I can't honestly," he rubbed the back of his neck, "I am happy that the boys will know a friendly face here." Naruto smiled at her before making a small frown, "What did she call about?"

Sakura sighed, looking down at her hands, her nails were painted a light blue that could pass for silver in the light. "It sounded that she was a little tipsy," shaking her head, "I think it was just to vent to someone about how unfair Itachi-san was to her. She didn't get what she wanted and that the house isn't enough for her."

Naruto nodded, "How is it that she got spoiled and you didn't? I mean, her parents adopted you right?" He leaned back into the couch, "You don't have to answer," he realized a second later what he had asked about, "its personal stuff!" Naruto waved his hands to stop her from answering.

"It's ok, Naruto-san," Sakura gave him a strained smile, a moment later she stood up, straightening her dark pink skirt and blouse, "lunch in your office or did you want to eat out?" she whispered.

Naruto felt a small tug at his chest at the sound of her voice, "Here would probably be best," he motioned to Sasuke, "you pick and I'll pay, okay?" he walked her to the door, wanting to make her smile to relief the tiny guilt.

She did smile, a hesitant smile before growing with her confidence, "Agreed," and without a thought, she leaned in a gave him kiss on the cheek. Both froze, their hearts beating quickly, their faces turning red at the action; Sakura stepped away, not sure if Naruto were okay with the small kiss. Naruto took in a shaky breath, nodding and rubbed the back of his neck, a shy smile appearing on his face. "I'm so sorry, Naruto-san!" Sakura looked away, trying to figure out how that even happened.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, Sakura," Naruto said, "it's not like I minded at all actually." He could feel the blood rushing to his face when he said that, he cleared his throat, "I'll see you at lunch then."

Sakura nodded, glancing at Naruto for a second, seeing that he's just as flustered as herself, "right." Both stared at each other for a moment longer before she opened the door and walked away; Naruto closed his eyes and leaned against the door, listening to her high heels clicking away to the other side of the building. "Right," soon his heart slowed to its regular beat, a strange and slightly familiar feeling filled him. Of course it felt different from when Itachi kissed him when they were younger; hello Sakura is a female, so of course it would feel slightly different … Naruto having never dated a girl before, he would keep women company as a host or make the drinks at the bar on his weekend job. Maybe Sakura would be the change that he needs, after all he is curious, even if his first real, and only, relationship was with a guy.

"Oi, Naruto!" the door banged open with his secretary, making him yelp in shock, as she walked in and dropped a mountain of files on his desk. Naruto groaned at the sight before sliding down the door, pretending to cry when he saw her giving Sasuke small amounts of candy. She walked over his body, purposely stepping close to his hands and crouch area, "There's more coming in throughout the day," she nearly closed the door, "and they're due in two days' time. Have fun!" the door closed with a click. Naruto truly cried, wondering why he had the pushiest secretary in the building.

Tiny time skip to Thursday morning

Today is the day that Itachi would be back to their apartment, Naruto, knowing this, knew that he had to make a special diner for the guy and clean the house, not that there's much of a mess since Sai would help Sasuke pick up all his toys and clothes. Speaking of which, Naruto had just sent Sai to the living room, having already eaten his cereal with slices of banana along with a small cup of orange juice. Not having heard the phone go off, Naruto walked back to his room, quickly checking on Sasuke, to grab his phone and see that a text message had come in not too long ago.

I won't be able to call today, there's just a few things left and I'm leaving earlier than planned. – Itachi

Opening the message, Naruto began to respond when a thought popped in his head and then, with a smile, he walked back to the living room and gave the phone to a sleepy Sai. "Your Chichi said that he'll be able to come back sooner, Sai, but he won't be able to call us today." Sai looked up at Naruto with the phone in both his hands, "Wanna send him a message?" Nodding quickly Sai slowly tapped the right letters, with Naruto's help, and sent it to Itachi.

It was a few minutes later, Sai holding the phone to his chest while taking a small nap on the couch, there was a reply; Sai didn't wake up at the loud ping nor when Naruto gently pulled the phone from his grasp.

I miss you too, I'll be home soon. – Itachi

Sliding the phone back into his pocket Naruto returned to the kitchen to finish the two bentos when Natsu walked out of his room dressed for school. Natsu walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of milk, taking a quick glance at the bentos, and continued walking to the living room to do some reading before school. Naruto smiled at his brother as he closed the two boxes, placing one on the counter for Natsu to grab, the other in Sai's bag. Cleaning up the kitchen, Naruto made a mental list of what they were low on and what would be made for dinner tonight; wanting to show his improvement to Itachi on his cooking skills. Natsu walked back into the kitchen to place his now empty cup in the sink, his eyes on Naruto as he muttered to himself around the kitchen. "What are you doing?" Naruto glanced at him when it hit him, "You don't go shopping until Friday, Aniki."

"Just getting ready for tonight and get whatever else we're low on," Naruto smiled at Natsu.

"You seem I don't know, like you're excited that he's coming back…" Natsu stated at Naruto, an eyebrow raised; after all, since when does Naruto hum to himself when making a grocery list?

Naruto turns away, praying that Natsu wouldn't see the blush that burned his cheeks, "It's just nice to come home to a clean house and to a hot, home-made meal, Natsu. That's it," Naruto cleared his throat, "I'm taking my shower." Natsu watched Naruto walk out of the kitchen and down the hall shaking his head before going back to his book in the living room. Sitting on the couch that didn't hold a sleeping child on it, he pulled the book back onto his lap and continued from where he left off. Naruto walked into the living room carrying a dozing Sasuke in his arms and gently dropped the toddler onto Natsu. "If he's hungry, there's some cereal that he can eat," Sasuke, now sitting on Natsu's book, turned to look at him, "now I'm going to take a shower."

Before Natsu could even say anything, he heard Naruto's door close, leaving him alone with Sasuke. Debating for a minute on what to do, Natsu sighed and pulled the book from under Sasuke and started to read out loud to the child. Lulling both himself and Sasuke to sleep with the story he was scared at the sudden knock on the door, jarring both him and Sasuke awake. Sasuke whined, tears brimming in his eyes, "Here, hold it like this," Natsu gave the book to Sasuke, making sure that he held the page they were on before making his way to the door. Taking a quick peek out the window he opened the door and stepped aside, "Aniki is showering right now."

Kakashi nodded and walked in, noticing a sleepy pouting toddler on the couch holding a book. "'Kashi!" Sasuke screamed in delight, waking both himself and Sai up. Only Sai didn't wake up in joy but fear, screaming out which scared everyone in the apartment. Sasuke whimpered in fear, sliding off the couch and running for Kakashi who picked him and tried to calm him down. Natsu, not sure of what to do, stepped over to Sai who was shaking, his hand reaching out to pat him on his head, just like Naruto would do. Only he didn't get the reaction that Naruto would; Sai started to cry, at first quietly before sobbing loudly. Natsu turned to Kakashi, not knowing what to do, to see that he was busy trying to calm Sasuke who was reacting negatively to Sai's screaming.

A moment later they heard hurried footsteps coming from Naruto's room down the hall, a second later he nearly slid into the kitchen looking around, trying to clue in at what happened. Natsu pointed to Sai, who was working himself quickly into a panic attack with his screaming and attempts to quiet himself with his hands; without thinking, Naruto went over to the couch and pulled Sai into his arms. Naruto sat Sai on the back of the couch, his eyes barely seen over Naruto's shoulder, slowly rocking him in his arms with one arm holding Sai along his waist and the other ran his fingers through Sai's hair. Seeing that Naruto would be able to handle Sai, Kakashi walked towards Sasuke and Sai's room, hoping to calm the youngest boy down. Naruto turned to Natsu, a small smile on his face, and reached out, wiping away the tears that had fallen without his notice. Natsu was able to see Sai sobbing into his brother's chest with his hands gripping so tightly onto Naruto's once clean shirt, "Go to school, Nat-Nat, it'll be ok."

Natsu sniffed and nodded, turned to grab his book before going to his room to gather his things; "You sure? I-I could stay-"

Naruto shook his head, "You need to go in today, remember, you get your test results back!" Naruto pulled Natsu into a hug, smiling when it was returned, and released him. "Let me know what you got during lunch, okay?" Natsu nodded and left, closing the door quietly behind him. Naruto looked down in his arms, gently tugging on Sai's hair to get him to look up, "You okay?" Sai's eyes were glazed, puffy and red, his face pale causing Naruto to become more concerned.

"I know that this would not be a good excuse," Kakashi walked back in, Sasuke hiding behind his leg holding a stuffed toy in his arms, "but Sai-chan should stay home today."

Naruto looked down to Sai, wiping away the tears that silently fell, "I'll call in at work, see if they can send me the files or if it could wait until tomorrow."

Kakashi nodded, "I'll call in for him," he fished out his phone and quickly set to his self-given task.

Naruto brushed Sai's hair out of his eyes, "You want to stay home today with me?" Sai tightened his grip on Naruto's shirt, not wanting to say anything should it be a trick. "Well, I was going to the store to figure out what to make for diner for your Chichi," Naruto whispered excitedly, hoping to gain some sort of reaction, "think you can help me?"

Sai leaned forward, his eyes clearing up, "Help you?" No one had asked for his help before, not like with Sasuke…

"Yeah," Naruto smiled, happy to get the boy to talk, "something home-made, picked just by you or something that you helped create, yeah?"

Sai nodded quickly, his dark thoughts being chased away by Naruto- 'Papa,' he corrected himself. "Yes, please, I'll-I'll be good, I promise!" Sai nearly bounced from his seat on the couch, Naruto laughing as he held him from falling over.

"Alright, alright," Naruto smiled, "go change and we'll go, okay?" Naruto lifted the boy and placed him on his feet, watching him nearly run to his shared room; Sasuke closely following him.

Kakashi snapped his phone shut, having seen Naruto calmly handle Sai, "You should message Itachi-san to let him know," Naruto nodded. "Which, I would like to ask," Kakashi looked at Naruto, "if you could get him to talk."

"What?" Naruto scrunched his eye brows.

Kakashi sighed, "Sai has been having some . . . issues at school and at home when Itachi-san wasn't around." Naruto slowly nodded, "I worry that his little episode might having something to do with it or if Sasuke truly scared him."

Naruto went and placed a hand on Kakashi's arm, "I'll ask him, don't worry." Kakashi nodded in thanks before leaving the apartment. With a sigh Naruto went to his room to grab his phone and called in to work, messaged Sakura asking if they could go out tomorrow for lunch on him, before seeking out the two boys. Knocking on Sai and Sasuke's door, he peeked in to see Sasuke staring at Sai, who stared out the window in the middle of their room. "Ready?" Naruto whispered, gathering both boy's attention.

Sasuke jumped to Naruto, raising his arms to be carried; "Is it okay?" Sai turned to Naruto, his voice had a slight rasp in it, his dark eyes were slightly pink.

"To stay home?" Naruto picked up Sasuke and rested the boy on his hip, "As long as there is a good reason." Sai tilted his head to the side in confusion, "Like, you're sick or you have a Doctor's appointment," Naruto listed, "or, like what happened a few minutes ago, you need some time away from everyone. It's not a solution, Sai, its best to face the problem then to run away."

Sai looked away, his hands gripping the bottom of his shirt, "Like bullies?" he whispered so softly Naruto nearly missed it.

"Right, sometimes it's best to face it then to run away," Naruto could remember all those fights he and Kurma would get into to protect their younger triplet, Menma, during school and the orphanage they were in. "It's good to talk about it, too, keeping things bottled up can make you feel really bad, no one can help if you don't ask for it, Sai." Naruto knelt in front of Sai, gently pulling him into his free arm, "Chichi and I are here for you and Sasuke, with anything you need, Sai, don't forget that." Despite his knee starting to ache and throb with the thirty extra pounds from Sasuke resting against his shoulder, he waited for Sai to relax in his grip. It took ten minutes before Sai let out a shaky sigh and jerky nod before Naruto let him go; "Now, let's go to the store and see what we can make, yeah?"

Sai gave Naruto that small smile from before, his eyes showing the happiness that he would only feel with his dad. "Yeah!"

So, this is just half the chapter I'm hoping that I'll be able to finish the other half today and post it.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this half chapter! Please review, if you'd like, down below!

~Yoli Ravioli