Reviews for The Promise
Guest chapter 6 . 10/28/2019
la suite de la promesse
ArcticIllustrator chapter 6 . 5/9/2019
What an adorable story! It's so hard to find Itachi/Naruto flash fanfics. Good job!
solitare1 chapter 6 . 11/25/2018
Just when I was really getting into it no more chapters. I am so looking forward to more of this story.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 6 . 8/23/2018
Poor Natsu and little sai and sasuke. Please update.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 5 . 8/23/2018
Please update this amazing story soon.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 4 . 8/23/2018
Naruto you would have be amazing parent.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 3 . 8/23/2018
Please update.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 2 . 8/23/2018
Good chapter and won't you added M- pregnancy into this story?.
yuzukikuran476 chapter 1 . 8/23/2018
Thank you for making this Itachi and Naruto Yaoi story and please do keep making more amazing itachi and Naruto Yaoi stories and well done with this chapter and please update soon.
AlyssaOtaku69 chapter 1 . 5/13/2018
That's a weird request.
black-empress22 chapter 1 . 4/9/2018
I'm mean
black-empress22 chapter 1 . 4/9/2018
what the hell itachi is an assignment going back to Naruto after leaving him and marrying a woman if I were Naruto I would not accept him back to hell with him
lara5170 chapter 6 . 2/3/2018
This was interesting. Please tell me that Naruto and Sakura are not a pairing in this because it would be sad. Is this being continued?
cutiepie0812 chapter 6 . 11/15/2017
First of all, I just want to say it I am truly sorry that I haven't left a review for some reason I just got so stuck in reading your chapters that I thought of you silly me. Anyway I love the story like it's in my favorites and the whole dynamic of how you have Naruto and Itachi relationship is really cute to me. Also I really cannot wait for you to bring him back home I need to see where this relationship goes because to be honest doesn't to be love story but then you would turn like a whole different way and I wouldn't know but I will be shook if that happened but I probably still enjoy it. I can't wait for your next update I saw that you said that I'm guessing you were working on the next half of the others chapter come on girl just posted I'll be here I'll leave a review I'll even go back and review the other stories that I forgot to review. Bye bye
Guest chapter 6 . 11/6/2017
Just stumbled upon your story. Really good... why so long between updates?
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