You really don't have to read this.

Like, I'm flattered if you want to, but you really don't have to.

If you do, then I hope you enjoy and review (or don't).

Another Cliffhanger

(Ten Years After the Liberation of the Elemental Lords)

*Boom Boom*

Brilliantly colored fireworks exploded in the air around the spires of an opulent castle made of dark purple stone. Cheering crowds milled about the city streets surrounding the violet castle as a stately procession made its way down a central road and into the castle's courtyard.

"And we are back for our live coverage of the Ashbell Empire's annual Founding Festival!"

Using state of the art broadcasting devices, numerous news networks were covering the festivities so that viewers from all across the continent could marvel at the magnificent displays put on in the capital during the whole week of the Founding Festival.

"That's right Sera! As always, I am in awe of the beauty of Megidoa! It's hard to believe that just ten years ago this place was nothing but an ancient ruin!"

"It certainly is astounding Petra. But with the power of an Elemental Lord, I suppose fixing a mere city is simply child's play for our Empress"

"Oh, speaking of, there she is now! Empress Ren Ashbell the First has just walked on stage!"

Greeted by deafening cheers, Ren Ashbell walked along the massive stage set up in front of the castle, all smiles and waves. Despite her royal position, she wore what she always wore, a simple black dress that was as dark as a starless night. By her side was a glimmering silver sword.

After making a few rounds around the stage, Ren sat in the makeshift throne in the center of the stage along with several guests who were already seated.

"It seems that the award ceremony is about to begin Sera!"

"It sure does Petra. As is tradition, the Right Hand of the Empress, Rubia Elstein-sama will announce the awardees"

As if on cue, a red-haired woman in a dark blue dress came on stage and walked to a podium next to Ren's throne.

"And there she is. Gorgeous as ever. What I wouldn't give to date that magnificent—"

"Calm down Sera! We all already know how much you admire Elstein-sama"

"I mean who doesn't? She was basically entirely responsible for freeing the Elemental Lords!"

"Now now, that isn't giving everyone else who contributed credit, Sera. Besides, the ceremony is beginning!"

"I'm just saying, she's basically the best person to ever grace—"

"Shut up"


"For your achievement of suppressing the mad Earth Spirit destroying our croplands, please come to the stage Leonora Lancaster"

Completely oblivious to the newscasters' comments, Rubia called the first awardee to the stage. At the call, a girl with short hair and a cute hat walked on stage and received a medal.

"My My, if it isn't the winner of the Blade Dance five years ago! It seems that Lancaster-sama gets called to the stage every year doesn't it, Sera?"

"Well, that just goes to show how proactive she is protecting the peace of the land. Her efforts just go to show how strong the relationship Empress Ashbell has with the Dragon Lord Bahamut"

"I heard she was initially opposed to the merger to form the Ashbell Empire, but it seems she's quite happy to help us out now"

"Well, they say a good knight can recognize what is best for their country"

"In celebration for your promotions to squad captains, please come to the stage Muir and Milla Ashbell"

Once Leonora shared a friendly handshake with Ren and left the stage, Rubia called out two names while trying to hide an expression that said 'who thought this was a good idea'. In response to her call, two young women took the stage, one with ash grey hair and the other with heterochromatic eyes.

"Oh my, if it isn't the Empress' adopted sister and daughter! I heard rumors that they had entered the guard corps, but to think they became captains already!"

"I suppose that kind of excellence is only to be expected from the family of the Empress, adopted or not"

"Indeed, that's awfully convincing considering how strong Ashbell-sama is!"

"In recognition of your contributions to ending the economic recession in the Holy Kingdom of Lugia, please come to the stage Lily Flame"

Muir and Milla both gave Ren a warm hug as the next name was called and a beautiful Elfim woman skipped on stage with a cunning smirk on her face.

"Oh my, so she got called after all"

"Ah, yes Lily Flame. Lily…who is she again?"

"You…You are joking, right? We covered her literally last month"

"No, no I remember now, so don't hit me Sera! She's the head of the national bank, right?"


"She allegedly has connections to multiple criminal organizations and is involved in multiple major scandals and…huh? Why is someone like her getting an award?"

"Despite some of her more questionable actions, she knows how to make money flow. I just hope she isn't planning to start trouble here"

"In recognition of your efforts in greatly reducing the rate of crime in the Fahrengart Territory, please come to the stage Duchess Ellis Fahrengart"

Lily tried to get a hug from Ren and was completely ignored by the raven-haired empress as a blue-haired knight took the stage to receive her award.

"Now this is a surprise isn't it, Sera?"

"That's right. Usually it's the knight captain Velsaria Fahrengart that gets awarded, but this time it seems that it's her younger sister, the current head of the Fahrengart Family"

"I do hear the Fahrengart territory is beautiful this time of year, why don't we cover some new there?"

"That is not how this job works Petra. Anyway, the young duchess has been doing all sorts of work to make her territory safer, so her award is well deserved"

"It's a bit of a pity we won't be seeing Velsaria-sama's gallant form this year though"

"There's always next year Petra. Given her passion for justice, it's only a matter of time until the Captain of the Guard does something award-worthy"

"For your discovery of ancient Ice Giant ruins of enormous archeological significance, please come to the stage Marchioness Rinslet Laurenfrost"

Ren and Ellis shared a tight embrace as a blonde noble with emerald eyes received her award with a pompous laugh.

"Now this is the second year that the Marchioness has been awarded in a row, isn't that right Sera"

"Surprisingly good memory for you Petra. Certainly, last year she was recognized with her sister Judia Laurenfrost for their historical treaty with the Elfim tribes living in the Laurenfrost territory"

"Eh he he he…wait, that wasn't a compliment was it?"

"It sure wasn't. Anyway, it seems while she was visiting her new Elfim allies with her family, Marchioness Laurenfrost got lost and stumbled upon the ice giant ruins"

"Huh, so even luck can get you awarded"

"This certainly isn't the first time Petra. A few years ago, the third princess of Quina was learning acupuncture from a friend and accidentally discovered a new pressure point with amazing medical potential, She was awarded for it, don't you remember that Petra?"

"Oh…yes…I…remember covering that?"

"You're lying"

"EHHH!? How could you tell!?"

"Petra, you weren't even working here yet the year that happened"

"Guh, what a dastardly trap Sera!"

Unaware of the two news anchors exchanging banter, Ren and Rinslet exchanged a short hug. When they parted, Rinslet handed Ren a letter with the words "From Ymi" written in neat text, just as Rubia began to name the next honoree.

"For making great strides in the field of spirit magic research, please come to the stage Princess Fianna Ray Ordesia"

Waving energetically to a cheering crowd, the dark-haired princess ascended the stage escorted by a knight spirit clad in ebon armor.

"From almost being booed off the stage ten years ago, Princess Fianna sure has made a comeback, hasn't she?"

"That's right, you once told me that you attended the original founding ceremony of the Ashbell Empire when you were still in school, didn't you Petra?"

"Yup, back then everyone was calling her 'the traitor princess who sold off the Ordesian Empire to the Holy Kingdom of Lugia and the Alphas Theocracy' and stuff like that. But now, just hear how loud the applause for her is! It really warms my heart!"

"Well it is pretty hard to argue with the results that good, for both the princess and Empress Ashbell"

"True enough Sera! This is the fourth year that Princess Fianna's research has produced results worth of being awarded. The most recent time was two years ago when she discovered a way to use spirit magic to promote crop yields. And this time she researched—What's with that look Sera?"

"Are you stupid Petra? We can't say that on air! Kids could be listening!"

"O-Oh, good point Sera! Well, all the adults already know what she did, isn't that right viewers?"

"…Petra, the camera isn't on us. No one can see you winking"

"R-Right…w-well just imagine me giving a super cute wink everyone~"

"There are few human beings in this world less suited for the word 'cute' than you"

"That's too cruel Sera!"

"As your friend, it's my responsibility to tell you what you need to hear. It's for your own good"

While the newscasters were distracted, Fianna shared an overly long hug with Ren and had to be dragged off stage by security. Shaking her head as if to say, 'as expected of Fianna', Rubia turned her head away from the spectacle and returned to her list of awardees.

"For your quick thinking and heroic actions in protecting the Mausoleum of Demon Kings from a cabal of grave robbers, please come to the stage Luminaris Saint Leisched"

With a dignified gait, the golden-haired paladin walked onto the stage to thunderous applause.

"Like Leonora Lancaster, Dame Leisched is also a previous Blade Dance victor and no stranger to these award ceremonies"

"I heard she was injured in a military operation a few years ago, but it seems that she's made a full recovery! Isn't that great Sera?"

"Indeed. There were plenty of rumors that she was going to retire, but it seems our beloved Paladin still has plenty of fight left in her"

After greeting Ren with a hug and exchanging a kiss on the cheek, Luminaris walked briskly off the stage, her blonde locks dancing in the wind.

"In recognition for your countless sleepless nights of effort required to complete the Master Level Sudoku challenge, please come to the stage, Princess Sjora Kahn"

A tired-looking woman with tanned skin took to the stage, hailed by scattered applause as most of the crowd looked to each other in confusion.

"It seems the princess isn't being received very well. I suppose considering her infamous reputation, that's only to be expected"

"Still, she's mellowed out a lot in recent years. I heard last year she was almost awarded for destroying some dangerous cult"

"Yes, I'm sure she's on the right track! That being said…what the heck is Sudoku?"

"I was just about to ask you that exact question Petra."



"W-Well if the Alphas Princess is being awarded for doing it, it must be something really important, right!?"

"Y-You're absolutely right! Well done Sjora Kahn, I'm glad your momentous efforts have been recognized"

"Yay! Yay! Congratulations!"

"W-Woo! Astounding, Princess Sjora! You're the best!"

Pushed forward by a similar sentiment of 'I don't really get it, but it's probably something amazing', the rest of the audience slowly began to participate in the applause as well. Meanwhile, Sjora and Ren exchanged a firm handshake as Rubia watched them wondering 'is it really okay to give someone an award for that?'. Letting out a silent sigh of defeat, the red-haired woman decided to ignore that thought and recited the last name on her list.

"In recognition of your many years of military and academic service, and in celebration of your retirement, please come to the stage Greyworth Ciel Mais"

Deafening applause and cheering immediately erupted as the aging gray-haired woman stepped on stage, her monocle bearing eye twinkling in amusement.

"W-W-W-Whaaaaaaa!? The Dusk Witch is retiring!? N-No way!"

"C-C-Calm down Sera! Deep breaths! B-But this certainly is big news! To think THE Greyworth Ciel Mais would be announcing her retirement out of the blue like this!"

"Big news doesn't even begin to cover it! I-I mean she has been retired from military service for a while now and she is getting to that age, but I figured there would still be a few years until she did it! T-This is like the end of a legend Petra!"

"It's not like she's dead Sera, calm down!"

"Y-You're right. Phew…phew…okay, I've calmed down a bit"

"Still, you are right in that this is an astonishing announcement. Because she spent most of her time after the nation's founding managing her academy, Dame Greyworth has not had the opportunity to be recognized at any of these award ceremonies"

"You are correct Petra. The Empress must have felt it would only be appropriate for Dame Greyworth to receive an award on the last day of her service. After all, she was critical for the founding of the Ashbell Empire. For her to never be awarded for all her contributions would a travesty!"

"Right, right! I'm so glad that Greyworth will have her moment"

"Everyone! Make sure to pray that Dame Greyworth has a peaceful rest"

"No, as I said, it's not like she's died or anything like that"

"Excuse me, but I have an announcement to make"

After receiving her award, instead of walking off the stage, Greyworth walked up to the announcer's podium and began speaking into the sound amplification device. Rubia, who was forced to step aside, only responded with an exasperated shrug.

"Everyone, thank you for your warm regards. I'm sure many of you are surprised by my sudden announcement, but I do believe my retirement is necessary. As much as I have enjoyed my years as Director of the Aleshia Spirit Academy, new blood is needed to properly guide the next generation…"

"Oh my, oh my, what's this?"

"This is quite unorthodox, but if anyone gets to speak over Rubia-sama, it would be Dame Greyworth"

"…As such, I am proud to announce today who I have decided to take over the Aleshia Spirit Academy when I leave. She is a former student of mine who I have the utmost faith in. I believe she will be able to embody the spirit of the academy even more than myself. Everyone, please welcome Claire Elstein!"

A woman with the same fiery hair as Rubia timidly came onto the stage to heavy applause and several cheerful shouts. Waving politely to the crowd, the woman stopped next to Greyworth, who handed her the sound amplifier.

"Thank you for your warm welcome everyone. Though I am still inexperienced, I hope to be an excellent headmaster worthy of filling Dame Greyworth's shoes…" Claire began her speech.

"That's Claire Elstein, Rubia-sama's sister!"

"Hmm, you can certainly tell they're related. Still, I haven't heard much about Miss Claire. Do you know of anything notable that she's accomplished, Sera?"

"Uh, she was on the same team as Empress Ashbell for the last of the old Blade Dances? How the heck can you not know that?"

"Oh yeah, she was! Sorry, it's just the other four have done so much since then that I kind of forgot about Miss Claire"

"Dumbass. Though you're not wrong in saying she hasn't had any really flashy achievements since the founding of the Ashbell Empire. However, she has been steadily restoring the formerly ruined Elstein territory all this time so she's pretty amazing in her own right"

"Huh, an expert in management then? That might be why Dame Greyworth chose her as a successor"

"Well, she's no slouch as an elementalists either. Even if she's not the most famous possible candidate, I think she'll do an excellent job as Headmaster"

"…Are you sure you're not just saying that because she's Rubia-sama's younger sister?"

"N-No! I-I'm sure that Miss Claire is just as wonderful as her sister in her own way…probably"

"Probably!? What's that supposed to mean?"

"N-No, it's just there are some rumors that she is involved with some criminal organization and stuff like that…"


"B-But if Dame Greyworth chose Miss Claire as her successor, I'm sure those are all false! There's no way she'd hire a criminal to run the Spirit Academy"

"That's true…Okay, let's look to Miss Claire's future with high hopes!"

"…Thank you for your time. To all you prospective students, I hope to work with you in the years to come!"

Finishing her speech at the same time the newscasters finished their conversation, Claire gave a light bow to the crowd.


"Do your best Miss Elstein!"

Surrounded by booming cheers, Claire turned around and walked straight to Ren Ashbell, who had her arms open invitingly. Without hesitation, the red-haired girl embraced the empress. Locked in a tight hug, almost no one noticed Claire whisper into Ren's ears.

"I swear on my very soul, I will absolutely kill you this time"

Having said her piece, Claire let go of Ren and marched off the stage. Watching the crimson-haired girl's retreating back, Ren's mouth curled up into a scheming smile.

"Oh, I know. I'm counting on you to do your best, Miss Claire Elstein"

Hours passed and night fell. However, even deep into the night, the festivities still continued, the city streets colorfully illuminated by lantern light. Even the grand castle in the center was glowing a bright purple, giving the area all around it a fantastical atmosphere.

"Phew, that took forever"

Still dressed in her pitch-black garb, Empress Ren Ashbell slowly walked down a dimly lit corridor, Terminus Est glinting on her hip. She had just left a grand ball that the Empire was hosting after greeting all the key players and was preparing for bed. Walking by her side was a black-haired woman in a white kimono and wearing a pale demonic mask on her face.

"As always, it's a pity I can never give you an award to reward all of your hard work Kazuki" Ren said without turning to face her attendant.

"There's no need to worry about that. I know it's necessary for our deeds to remain a secret to the general public" The masked woman replied without hesitation "Besides, it's not like your awards have any real value anyway"

"Ha ha, that sort of thing keeps the spirit of the people high you know? It lets them know there are heroes doing their best for the empire. Though you do raise a good point that the awardees don't get much" Ren replied with an easy laugh, evidently not at all upset by her attendant's words.

"Should we also give some money to the awardees?" Kazuki asked.

"No, it takes too much money to hold this festival annually as it is. It's a pity, but everyone will have to be happy with just the honor" Ren said with a shake of her head.

"As always, you are a miser" Kazuki said with a sigh "This is slightly off-topic, but what did Claire say to you during the award ceremony"

"Fu fu, of course you would be able to catch that" Ren said with a happy smile "She said that she was willing to play"

"Is that so? Congratulations. Your ten years of hard work is starting to pay off" Kazuki said.

"Oh, don't act as if you aren't involved. In truth, you're the one who's most concerned about this plan" Ren said with a mischievous glint in her eye.

"More than you? I don't think that's even possible" Kazuki returned.

"Fu fu, let's just say we're equally invested then" Ren proposed.

"Fair enough I suppose. Anyway, at this point the only thing left is—"

"—Oh, there you are Ren. Good, you're here too Kazuki"

Lightly jogging toward them from the opposite end of the hall was Velsaria Fahrengart, her blonde hair dancing back and forth as she approached.

"Hey there, what's going on Captain Fahrengart?" Ren called out teasingly.

"Since it was such a minor organization, it took a while to track them down. It was especially difficult since they were based so far away and—"

"Whoa, slow down there Velsaria. I have no idea what you're talking about" Ren declared, holding out a restraining hand.

"Right, sorry" Velsaria replied with a nod.

"Start from the beginning. What happened?" Kazuki asked.

"Roger. A few weeks ago, we received a request from Quina to assist in the investigation of some sort of cult based in the far reaches of their Empire. And while we were gathering information about them, we received reports of an extremely skilled female assassin working for them" Velsaria reported.

"Well, that isn't particularly surprising. I mean plenty of…wait. You don't mean?"

Sudden realization hitting her, Ren stared wide-eyed at Velsaria.

"Yes, this assassin seems to fit the description Kazuki gave us perfectly. We finally found her"

Once those words left Velsaria's lips, the hallway suddenly went completely dark. It was not that the lanterns had suddenly gone out, but rather Ren's Authority over shadows that plunged the vast hall into darkness.

"Fu fu fu…"

In the center of that realm of shadows, an ominous laugh that sent shivers down even Kazuki's spine rang out. And in the depths of that impenetrable darkness, a certain darkness spirit's mouth curled upwards in a sinister grin.

"…the time for waiting is finally over. Let the game begin"

(Six Months Later)

"Ugh, this job is way harder than I was anticipating…"

At the end of a very long workday, Headmaster of the Aleshia Spirit Academy, Claire Elstein leaned back in her office chair with an exhausted sigh. On her office desk, her contracted spirit Scarlet played with freshly grilled fish.

"I'm starting to realize just how much trouble Rinslet and I gave Dame Greyworth back then…" Claire muttered as she remembered the number of incidents certain problem children had caused in the past week alone "…no wonder she always teased us. It was probably her way of getting back at us"

Despite all of her complaints, Claire was enjoying her new job immensely. Though it was different from anything she had done before, Claire had come to realize how much she enjoyed helping young princess maidens grow.

However, no matter how much she liked her new job, Claire never forgot what her real goal was.

"Ren Ashbell…I'll take you down yet"

Ten years ago, Claire along with the rest of the girls of Team Scarlet had heard the 'truth' of the Organizations activities from Rubia and Ren. Ellis had immediately believed them, but Rinslet and Claire had remained suspicious of their ridiculous excuses.

'Freeing the Elemental Lords? Don't make me laugh, you declared you would kill them! You probably replaced them with spirits you control to facilitate your take over of Astral Zero'

Unwilling to believe Ren's outlandish story, Rinslet and Claire had begun intense training in preparations for a counterattack. However, after seeing how much good the Ashbell Empire was doing for the people and being convinced by Judia, Rinslet abandoned the idea. Though Rinslet didn't sell out Claire, she refused to assist any further in Claire's crusade.

'Onee-sama was on her side from the start, Fianna was brainwashed, Ellis was misled, and Rinslet gave up opposing her. But no matter what happens, I will never forgive her'

Recalling the smug smirk Ren Ashbell had given her six months ago during the Founding Festival, Claire's eyes narrowed angrily, and her scarlet hair flared up with black flames.


"Whoa! Sorry Scarlet!"

Warned by her spirit's sharp mewl, Claire quickly brought her emotions under control, her black flames dying down.

"Thanks Scarlet. Wouldn't want to incinerate another chair so soon" Claire said, affectionately patting the hellcat's head "Still, even after all that training, End of Vermillion is still so hard to control"

While she was restoring the Elstein territory for the past ten years, Claire had been training non-stop to master the End of Vermillion and Ortlinde's powers. Even after she had taken up the mantle of Headmaster, she still trained whenever she had free time. Yet despite all of her training, her dark flames still burned out of control when she got too emotional, much to the terror of many a student.

"That's fine by me though. Even if I can't fully control it, if it gives me enough power to get revenge on them, then its fine" Claire said with a self-derisive smirk.


Sensing her master's distress, Scarlet plopped down on Claire's lap and curled up in a warm ball.

"Ha ha, thank you Scarlet" Claire said with a happy smile.

Having been abandoned by all of her friends, the cute hellcat/Valkyrie felt like her only ally.

'Even with all this strength, I still need an opportunity…I suppose the Blade Dance is my best bet after all' Claire pondered.

The new Blade Dance was almost identical to the old one with only two major changes. First, one would be held every year. Second, the reward for the victor was not a wish from the Elemental Lords but rather an audience with the Empress, Ren Ashbell.

'That audience is probably the only way I can get to her without any guards. Winning the Blade Dance shouldn't be a problem for the current me but…'

As she thought that, Claire eyed a piece of paper on her desk, the official rules of this year's Blade Dance that had been distributed a few months ago.

"Is this fate? Another five-person team format…" Claire sighed nostalgically.

Given her position as the headmaster of the predominant academy for elementalists on the continent, it would be incredibly easy for her to acquire four capable teammates. However, the problem lay in the fact that she would need to find teammates who would be willing to help her with her plan to assault the Empress, or at least wouldn't interfere.

'And I've already noticed my spirit power declining from last year, so I can't afford to wait until the next Blade Dance either…ah, what should I do?' Claire asked herself.

She had already asked Rinslet but had been met with harsh refusal. Ellis had asked if she was joking when Claire talked to her about it and Claire knew better than to ask Fianna. With no other friends to count on, Claire could not find even one supported, let alone four.

"Perhaps we can be the solution to your dilemma?"

Suddenly, a masculine voice rang out to Claire's left.


Claire immediately jumped to her right and summoned forth her molten scythe Elemental Waffe.

"Oh, do calm down Madame Claire Elstein. I mean you no harm"

With those words, a young man stepped out of the shadows with his hands held up in the air. He was dressed in a dark robe, which contrasted strongly with his pure white hair. But perhaps what was most noticeable about him was the bandage wrapped tightly around his eyes.


"Oh, don't mind this, I can get by fine with my other senses" The blind man said, pointing to his blindfold.

"…You still haven't answered my question. Who are you?" Claire asked cautiously.

"I am…a sympathizer to your cause. Someone who has business with Ren Ashbell" The blind man said.

"How do you know about that?" Claire asked with a suspicious glare.

"That isn't important. What is important is that I am not alone. There are three more of us who want a chance to get to the Empress. And we're looking for a fifth" The man said.


At the snap of his fingers, three people suddenly appeared out of the man's shadow. One was a figure wrapped from head to toe in thick bandages. One was a wild-looking woman dressed in animal furs. And the last was a young girl wearing a fox-faced mask.

'Just from sensing their spirit energy, I can tell they're all incredibly powerful. If they're really going after Ashbell, this is a chance I can't afford to pass up' Claire thought to herself.


"What troubles you, Claire Elstein?" The masked girl asked.

"You three I can understand. But why does this man have such powerful spirit energy?" Claire asked.

Indeed, Claire had been so surprised by the sudden developments that she hadn't noticed at first, but the man before her was exuding incredibly powerful spirit energy. Something that should have been impossible, given that men could not become elementalists.

"Sorry, but we can't just give out our secrets unless you agree to help us" The masked girl said.

"Now, now, we can afford to give the lady a teaser. Perhaps it will convince her to make the right decision" The blind man said with a confident smirk.

"I'm listening…" Claire said.

"Allow me to introduce myself then" The man began "I hold spirit energy because I am the Demon King. As for my name, you can call me Kamito Kazehaya"

Incidentally, the title of part 2 would have been Kazehaya. The founding festival would have been the prologue and recruiting Claire would have been the start of the second or third to last arc. I added a few hints so you can figure out most of the major plot points that would have been in Kazehaya.

If anyone actually wants to write their own version of Kazehaya for themselves, I'm officially giving them permission here. I won't be an idiot and say you're stealing my ideas or anything. I might even give you my notes if you can correctly deduce where I was planning on taking the story.

Well, I've already said my farewells in the last two ending segments so I'll keep this one short.

Thanks for all the memories. It was a good run while it lasted. STNBD will always hold a special place in my heart because of this experience. Stay safe and I hope to see you in another story~