[Bjork – All Is Full of Love]

"Why isn't she waking up?" Winema angrily asked the android physician.

"Madame President, I regret to inform you that your daughter is in a coma," Brainiac-5 said, reading the data from the robotic machine that was taking virtual scans over Tinya's body in one of the Presidential hospital rooms that night.

"What!" Winema put a hand over her mouth and Jo Nah put his hand on the President's shoulder as Brainiac-5 brought up an image of Tinya's brain on a holographic screen.

"From the analytical readings of her brain waves, the only brain region that can be activated to awaken her from the coma is the area deep within her cerebral cortex that controls romantic feelings," the android doctor explained.

"In layman's terms, please?" Jo Nah asked.

"In other words, she could wake up if she was given, for example, a kiss. A kiss of true love," Brainiac-5 said. Winema and Jo Nah exchanged confused glances.

"Right now she needs rest," Brainiac-5 said, turning the virtual machines off and leading them out of the hospital room. They turned the lights off and shut the door, leaving Tinya alone in the dark room, illuminated only by the moonlight coming from the window.

But she was not alone.

Timber Wolf and Reep Daggle emerged from the shadows of the dark room and stood over Tinya's bed.

"Your majesty?" Reep said, his usually cheerful, freckled face filled with concern as he looked up at Timber Wolf.

Timber Wolf's solemn eyes were locked on Tinya. It was disconcerting seeing his lively and energetic beastie so… still, and quiet, frozen in time.

"…Get Jo Nah back in here," Timber Wolf said gravely.

After a few minutes, a frustrated Jo Nah stumbled into Tinya's hospital room as Reep Daggle dragged him by the arm. "Hey, I don't understand what you're… You! You're that monstrous freak who tried to kill us!" Jo Nah pointed directly at Timber Wolf.

In a flash, Timber Wolf had Jo Nah up against a wall, growling in his face.

"My king, we need him," Reep reminded him. Timber Wolf put Jo Nah down and roughly pushed him toward Tinya's bed and stood there with his arms crossed.

"You love her don't you?" Reep asked Jo Nah.

"Y-Yeah… I do," Jo Nah said, looking at Tinya. Timber Wolf silently growled.

"Then kiss her. Wake her out of her coma," said Reep.

"You sure that's gonna work?" Jo Nah asked skeptically.

"…We have to try," Reep shrugged.

Jo Nah sighed and bent down over Tinya and took her hand. He really did think she was beautiful. He had liked her perky and slightly sarcastic personality ever since they were young. It would be a privilege if she were his…

Jo Nah leaned in, but felt eyes on him.

"Excuse you," he turned to Timber Wolf, who had been watching them. Timber Wolf growled in annoyance but then Reep pulled his arm to back away. Timber Wolf angrily yanked his arm from Reep's grip. He ran a hand through his hair and crossed his arms, walking to a shadowed area at the other end of the room, back turned to them.

You'll be given love. You'll be taken care of.

Jo Nah took one more look at Tinya's unconscious form, and leaned down. After a moment's hesitation, he kissed her.

Timber Wolf slowly turned around, his golden eyes filled with worry, jealousy, and hope, watching them carefully and discreetly from the distance.

You'll be given love. You have to trust it.

Jo Nah ended the kiss, and waited…

But she didn't wake up.

Maybe not from these sources…

Maybe not from the direction you are staring at.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Reep asked, walking to Jo Nah's side.

"I-I don't know… I kissed her, you saw me," Jo Nah said, confused. Meanwhile, Timber Wolf's fists balled up at his sides as he growled fiercely.

"You're useless! Get out of here!" Timber Wolf grabbed Jo Nah and dragged him by the back of his collar towards the door. Reep rushed ahead and opened the door for him as Timber Wolf threw Jo Nah out. "And I better not see any of your robots in our land ever again!" Timber Wolf warned before slamming the door.

Timber Wolf leaned his back against the door and sighed, a hand covering his eyes. He dropped his hand back down against his side and rested the back of his head against the door, shutting his eyes.

"Timber Wolf…" Reep said silently, back in his Cham form. Timber Wolf reopened his eyes, filled with confusion and hurt, and made his way to Tinya's bed. He knelt beside it and took her hands in his.

"Beastie," he silently called, but she just laid there, still as a statue, motionless as the dead.

"Tinya… I'm sorry. I know I can't bring you back…"

Cham watched his friends silently.

"…but I'll be right here," Timber Wolf continued. "I'll protect you…"

He kissed her hand, and looked at her again. "And you are my queen. You reign over what little heart I have left."

He leaned in closer and stroked her hair. "Just wake up," he whispered, and waited a moment.

"Wake up," he whispered again, with more ache in his voice. But her eyes remained closed. He winced and clutched his jacket, feeling pain in his chest. He ran a hand through his hair and balled it up into a fist as the realization hit him, hard, that he would never see his beastie's eyes open ever again.

Timber Wolf would have to accept it.

He would learn to accept it. Just as he learned to accept all that he had lost in the past.

Cham's sad, tearful eyes looked to the ground.

Timber Wolf leaned close to Tinya's face and whispered, "Goodnight… my little beastie."

He kissed her. Everywhere. Her lips, her cheeks, her nose, her forehead. Her jawline, her neck. All the kisses he wished he could have given her. All the love he wanted to show her but held back because he didn't believe in it. He didn't believe in her.

Trust your head around, it's all around you.

All is full of love.

He rested his head on her chest and listened to her heartbeat, just as she had done to him. It was a soft, shy rhythm, quick-paced and pure. So full of life, and innocence – his beacon of light in his black and lonely world.

"I'm here," a gentle voice said. Timber Wolf felt a hand stroking his hair. His eyes shot open and he looked up to see Tinya softly smiling up at him.

Cham looked back up, surprised and relieved.

"Tinya!" Timber Wolf drew her into a tight hug, shock on his face. He looked at her again and held her face in his hands, stroking her cheeks with his fingers, making sure she was real.

Tinya giggled and smiled at Timber Wolf, and he smiled back. He kissed her once again, more deeply this time.

Tinya wrapped her arms around his shoulders and whispered in his ear, "Take me home, my king."

Cham joyfully ran to the window and opened it, changing into a bird and flying out. Timber Wolf removed the covers and gathered Tinya up in his arms and made his way to the window.

"As you wish, my queen."

That night they kissed and kissed at the firefly pond, rulers of the forest, lovers of the night.

Cham smiled from a branch and turned into a bird, and flew off into the moonlight.