Ash Ketchum returns home 16 years later for payback

Chapter 4 Piplup and Pachrisiu leave Dawn who battles Ash and Iris and Ritchie becomes Ash's little brother and Wind day's as Gym leader

Today the Gym was officaly open as of yet the new trainers that left Pallet Town hadn't returned to Pallet Town to challenge her gym but there were trainers from other regions who had travelled the Kanto Region and were ready to battle like Ritchie for instance who Ash had made friends with on his journey.

So she said Ritchie my father would a word with you but first i must tell you something about him." She leaned in and whispered in his ear " Lightning is really Ash so get up there he is excited to see you again so get going then we will have our match.

so Ritchie ran upstairs just as a voice sounded angrily " HEY YOU BATTLE ME RIGHT NOW"

She turned around and saw Dawn with Misty beside her looking angry. Just then two voices said " Hold it right there you two why are you shouting at Wind like that for?."

Lightning and Ritchie appered downstairs so Dawn snarled and said " This bitch sent me a e-mail of a pic of Pikachu and Axew with two little ones making my Bunery cry her eyes out and her heart has been broken now i will avenge her by defeting this Bitch here in front of me.

Lightning called " Hunny can you come downstairs we have an annoying trainer who just insulted our daughter and bring my best bud down as well and bring your best bud as well." He turned to Wind and asked " May i have the floor just for this double battle Wind?."

Wind bowed and went upstairs to watch the match where she was met by her grandparent's and Paul also Reggie so she explained what was going on to Paul and Reggie looking furious but were grinning evily so they all decided to watch the match with Wind's new big brother Ritchie and Sparky.

As serval minutes earlier Ritchie was speechless to see Ash standing in front of him so Ash explained everything that happened to him to Ritchie looking furiuos so Ritchie decided to stay with Ash as his new little brother also big brother to Wind and when he saw Wind he said on the balcony watching the event's downstair's " Hey little sis i am Ritchie your new big brother if you would like me to be?."

Wind happily hugged Ritchie this scene made Dawn and Misty snarl angrly from downstairs so Dawn summond all of her pokemon inculding Pipulp and Parchrisu but what she didn't know was there was a love brewing between them so but Dawn didn't know so she said " Quilava and Buneary i choose you".

So Quilava and Buneary took the stage as Thunder came downstairs with her partner Axew which made Pikachu smile at her so she took the stage and Pikachu decided to assist her with their children watching with Wind and Ritchie holding them cheering from upstairs with everyone cheering Lightning and Thunder on from the balcony as they begain.

Lightning said " First move is your's Dawn as i will reveal to all who i really am so are you ready to be beaten? Pikachu VoltTail on Quilava".

Thunder said " Dragonflame on Buneary." Which made Dawn look shocked as Wind translated for Ritchie who looked puzzled " VoltTail means VoltIronTail and DragonFlame means DragonRage combined with Flamefrother so two attacks in one."

So Quilava and Bunery got blasted against the wall but still was ready to fight so Dawn said " Quilava Flamethrower on Pikachu and Buneary ice-beam on Axew".

Ash said dodge then use quick attack on Quilava" Iris said " Axew use dragon claw on Buneary full strength".

And Pikachu and Axew attack to blinding flash as the attacks collide and as the dust settled they saw that Quilava and Buneary were out cold on the floor to Dawn and Misty's look of pure horror to cheering from upstairs suddenly Axew evolved into a Fraxew to Iris cheering and congratulating her Fraxew with Pikachu cheering for his girlfriend as well. So Wind came downstairs with her family to Dawn and Misty's gasp's of surprise they said " Is that you Paul, Reggie?."

Paul and Reggie smiled rather evily at Misty and Dawn making them back away a bit they said in relisation so Lightning is really..."

Ash smirked and said " Finally figured it out did you you two are so slow when it comes to figuring things out when all the clues are right in front of you huh but no disrespect hunny also you as well wind."

Wind and Iris nodded in understanding as they knew that Ash didn't mean them only Dawn and Misty to them looking shocked they said " A...Ash your'e the Kalos league champion How dare you come back here and bring your daughter here to humilate us in the face well i wonder what Gary and Professor Oak will make of this when we tell them."

Wind stepped forward and said " Oh really well how about i inform you two on something then Professor Oak is my Grandfather and he put me as the rightful heir to his esate and he has disowned Gary from the moment Ash told him about his and your betrayel of my father so hurry home little girls as i have lot's of trainers to battle with and Ritchie is my new big brother and he is on my father's side and i promised him a battle after he had a talk with my father before you two bitches came crashing in here shouting the place down your lucky my father didn't use his legendary Pokemon in his battle aginst you as you will be running away screaming your patheic little heads off SO GET OUT OF MY GYM AND NEVER COME BACK HERE AGAIN."

Dawn said to Piplup and Pachriseu " come on let's get out of this loser's gym and tell Gary come on". But to Dawn's dismay and Misty's terror Piplup and Parchrisu walked away from Dawn and stood beside Wind to Dawn running out of the Gym crying her eyes out with Misty running after her all the way to Professor Oak's lab.

Wind turned to Ritchie while saying " so shall we have our battle now Ritchie or would you like to face my father first before me?."

Ritchie said " I'll have a battle with your father first if that is okay with you big brother then i will happily battle you little sis".

Wind nodded and said " I'll go and see how Amoura is in this weather in her special ice-room that's where you guy's will find me if i am needed okay ".

So Wind went to see Amoura but found an Amourus waiting for her so she asked " Do i want to know how you evolved into your final form my old friend and why do you look proctective about something."

In answer Aura stood to one side showing Wind two little versions of herself to Wind squeling with delight " Aura my friend why didn't you tell me you were pregant awww they are cute may i play with them if it is alright."

Her old friend nodded but noticed the door opening again to see Piplup and Pachrisu come in looking at Wind who came over saying " Hi you two would you two like to have some fun with me and my old friends youngsters if you two would like to i sence that you two are in a relationship i take it sorry about your trainers bad attuide you two don't desvere a trainer like that i promice to look after you two and help you get stronger if you two are okay with it."

The both of them looked happy that they had found a trainer that accepted their love so they all spent a couple of hours playing with Winds old friend children as Wind had named Ace and Ice to their mother's approval.

Just then Wind heard her father calling for her so she said " I'll see you guy's later looks like I have a challenger to test later".

So when she arrived at the battlefield she was shocked to see all of her fathers friends who betrayed him standing there also Gary Lightning saw her and called her over and whispered in her ear " Go and get your legends Wind time for them to be revealed to everyone in this field so go get them I think the third set will do just fine for these trainers alright.?"

Wind nodded and disappeared two minutes later she returned so as she took the stage her father and the rest of her family went upstairs to watch the matches that were going to take place shortly joined by Ritchie and Sparky who were curious to know what Ash meant by third set of Pokémon.

So the match between Gary and Wind began so Gary sent out Umberon so Wind called "Sliver come here please".

So Sliver went onto the battlefield so she said " first move is your Gary and what's with the angry look?."

Gary said " I have just found out from Dawn some things about my grandfather that he made it clear in his will that you will inherit the lab and he has also disowned me and he told me who Lightning really is and for this you will pay and your father as well so Umberon quick attack."

Wind " Moonproctect then dodge then use close combat on Umbreon"

And Umbreon blasted against the wall and got knocked out in the process to Gary's look of pure shock along with Misty's, Dawns, May's and Brock's as Ash called down from upstairs " That's the product of 16 years of inteanse training what do you lot think not bad huh?".

Gary snarled and returned Umbreon and sent out fraxure so Wind recalled umbreon and sent out to Gary's and the traitors looks of pure horror Suiecune the Legendary pokemon so she said Blue ice-beam if you please but tone it down in here as i don't want to have to fork out money to repair the gym alright?."

Blue nodded and attacked and Fraxure got knocked out to Gary spluttering " H...How is this possible you have Legends with you and how strong they are their levels are off the chart's."

Wind said " All the legends choose me long before i was born as i was chosen to the one trainer who can command the Legends as i see all Pokemon as Legends and train them to acheive their dreams of becomming strong as one of my fathers friends called N told my father the request of Reshiram and Zekrom who have been waiting for me for a very long time and now that i am here their wait is finally over and i will live up to their expectations as their trainer and under the guidence of my father i was trained in the ways of the Pokemon battle since i was 5 and when i reached 16 i was given the Legends and also trained them to the level that was just now displayed i will never lose to someone who betrayed my father by telling him he was weak so let's finish this battle as i promised Ritchie a battle after he battled my father as his little brother."

So the battle continued and surprise Wind won to Gray's look of pure horror then he ran out of the gym along with Misty,May,Dawn and Brock running after to calm him down so Wind returned her friends and said to Ritchie " So shall we have our battle now bug brother i will go and get my first set of pokemon ok."

And so Wind had her first battle as Gym leader against Ritchie and it came to draw which caught everyone off guard but Ash knew how powerful Ritchie was so he wasn't worried at all so Ritchie said " Thanks for the battle little sis that was really fun looks like none of the new trainers are here yet but don't worry they will arrive soon alright."

Wind and her family nodded so they all sat down and had tea together with Wind knowing her role as Gym leader was just begining and she didn't think she had seen the last of the traitors as they weren't finished yet as she hadn't met her father's real mother which she will in the next episode so see you all again next time.