Reviews for Ash returns 16 year's later for revenge
Toby Hark chapter 4 . 8/7/2019
I loved the plot twists... Please continue the story... You are an amazing writer!
AnimeManga1234 chapter 4 . 10/11/2017
I hope you continue the story later on... I know some people in the comments say is bad but it shows great potential and don't worry about what those guys say after all it's only options. I agree on the part of slowing down a bit though.
WhiteEagle1985 chapter 4 . 1/20/2016
A very interesting story so far... I would have loved to see Ash training Wind in the way of Pokemon battling, maybe a flashback scene to the training?
BattleField And Pokemon Fan chapter 4 . 11/3/2015
seriously "bug brother"
Hogwarts-Wizard chapter 4 . 12/10/2014
Great story so far but could U maybe split what people say and what's happening up by like parentheses or something, can't wait for next chapter
iron-slayer-dragon chapter 1 . 10/2/2014
I really like this story. It's amazing! I hope to see it updated soon please.
lunayx chapter 4 . 8/22/2014
one question why is every thong writen in bold ot gets annyoyin after chapter 2
Master Henry Amourpearlshipper chapter 4 . 8/4/2014
Honestly this is rubbish. You don't give the good details that readers are looking for. Thanks to the darn fact all of the Pokemon have rubbish nick names, I can't even tell what Pokemon are which. Jessie and James as the parents? That is absolute nonsense. Also these chapters being in bold takes away looking at it. You didn't even give a reason for why Ash was betrayed. There is no sense of time in this story. Oh one of the worst parts is the Legendaries! That is so cliche and pathetic. For one it shows you don't even have an idea about character development. It also shows you are a noob for not even having strategy and the fact is that your characters are weak if they rely on Uber Legendaries.

Also learn punctuation! Every time you write a paragraph you make it a god damn sentence run on I mean no full stops no commas and no structure. In the last 'paragraph' it is a fail. You start with Wind's thoughts and in the same paragraph/ sentence you say she will meet her REAL grand mother! How would Wind know this? Also you give the end of this as the author's notes.

The flow of time doesn't exist in this story. How old are you because this looks like it is written by a seven year old. It is plain pathetic. You either learn or no one will even give a damn about it. Almost all writers develop over the course of their story or stories. However what makes this story completely opposite is the fact that like your 'character development' it doesn't exist.

Oh and the title. Don't even get me started with the title. 'Ash returns 16 year's later for revenge' For one that is a wrong title. Year's is incorrect, years is correct.

Plus Legendaries choosing their trainer before birth. Heck you had the legendaries do this BEFORE we knew Iris was pregnant. Also basic English for YEAR 1: don't use and more than once in the same sentence. I would believe that someone using Google translate would have a better story than you do.

All in all this is the crappiest story ever! There is no proper plot. Even the useless plot doesn't make sense. Every single person in this story is OOC, none have even a hint of their canon personalities. Don't you dare say 'because of the betrayal' because none of them acted canon before the betrayal as well. Now I say either delete this rubbish story or do a complete remake of this story with the stuff me and others have said. Other wise this will continue to get nothing but hate. So go and improve this or I warned you. Bye seven year old.
Phoenix Champion chapter 4 . 8/3/2014
I'll make this short
get a better plot, update you writing skills, update your grammar, and cut the bold for pete sake
Gold Testament chapter 1 . 7/18/2014
Please tell me you didn't do all the chapters in bold.
MudBloodMage chapter 3 . 7/11/2014
This story is poorly written but it has potential. You just need to slow the pace a bit. Also one big part of it and I cannot stress this enough. COMMA. And everything a single person says does not have to be one sentence. Break it up a bit.
Nintendoes Gamer chapter 1 . 6/12/2014
Wow great set up. Especially seeing team rocket become good friends and parents. I can't wait to see more
redwolf23456 chapter 1 . 5/31/2014
Great so far so when are you going to tell who is still his real friends