Dear readers,
It has been quite a while, hasn't it? I published the last chapter of this unedited work back in 2014, I believe. Perhaps you didn't know that.
This story continues to garner interest and commentary from many a person, and I don't quite know why. It's not very well-written, and the plot was pieced together as I went as opposed to planned out from the start. It meanders and it follows the impulses of the 15-17 year old who wrote it in between writing college apps and reading frustratingly sickly sweet fanfictions. Much of it doesn't logically make sense, and there are times when the author's voice is arrogant above all else.
In case you couldn't tell, I am not fond of this work.
However, it is still a story that people seem to enjoy, and for that reason alone I haven't taken it down.
All of that being said, once I've recovered from the general embarrassment of looking at this writing again, I think I'll be revising/editing some of it down and possibly even reworking the story to make sense until its inevitable end. This isn't my main writing project- I've got much bigger fish to fry. However, I don't want my high school work to be representative of me, especially now as I've been working in other fandoms with only a passing thought to return to this one.
If you have been around since the beginning, then thank you for sticking with this. I hope that the eventual rewrite of it draws just as much interest to you as the initial penning of it did.
All the best, Shriayle