Chapter 1

Lucy's P.O.V

Why? Why did this happen? Why did mommy have to die? Why did I have to see her get murdered by that bandit? Why? Why? WHY?

"Lucy, why are you walking out in the rain?" I know that voice well. I turn around and sob in Makino's arms as she comforts me. She's the only one I can ask for help right now.

"Mommy... she's deaf! I saw her... get killed!" I said between sobs. Makino is a good friend of mine. She would always help me when I need it.

"Come on, sweetie. Let's get you out of this rain." She said after I explained. "Don't worry. From now on, I will make sure you are well raised. I will always be with you no matter what, OK?"

"" I responded, falling asleep as she carried me to her bar (which doubles as her house) and placing me in a spare bed.

The next day


So far, the day has been slow. Or, it was, until they came. Pirates came to the bar to relax for a while after a long voyage. They were pretty cool, but I was still a bit down after last night.

"Hey kid. Why're you so down?" The pirate next to me asked. He had medium-length red hair and a straw hat. That's all I could see from the corner of my eye, anyway.

"I wouldn't bother her right now. She lost her mother last night when a bandit broke into her house." Makino told him. The bar went quiet after that. I could feel all of the pirates staring at me. I try to ignore it. I felt a tear run down my check.

"Hey, cheer up! Things happen for a reason. Some of them remain unanswered. You just gotta face facts and move on." The pirate told me. I felt so... inspired by his words. A smile. I smiled for the first time today, wiping away the tears forming in my eyes.

"Thanks. I really needed that." I looked at him with a smile.

Over the next year, I've spent a lot of time with the pirates. Their leader, who wore the straw hat, "Red Haired" Shanks was the funniest of them all in my opinion. He even inspired me to want to become a pirate one day. Makino's okay with it, but said I will have to wait till I'm older. There is NO arguing with Makino. Cross her, and you'll wish you never met her.

Some bandits came in one day, and that day is one day I will never forget . It was the day that I became a rubber girl.