A Reawakened God

Chapter four




Entering through the front door of Izumo, the first person to greet the group of four was Miya. A knowing smile on her lips and one of her old colored kimonos hanging off her arms.

Walking up to the group and stopping in front of Minato, she laid a gentle kiss upon Minato's lips before withdrawing. She hands the kimono to Akitsu who looked at him wondering what she should do next.

Nodding his head telling her to take the kimono from Miya. Seeing his approval, Akitsu gladly took the kimono from Miya's hands.

"While I help Akitsu-san here clean up. There is tea in the living room, help yourselves and relax. Now come along, Akitsu-san..."

"Ah... yes."

Answering in her normal speech pattern. Akitsu grabbed Miya's offered hand and the two women disappeared into the baths. Turning his body around to face his other two sekirei, Minato smiled at the pair and gave them both a kiss to their cheek.

"I'm going to have some of that tea Miya has on the kettle. This is officially the end of our date and I had a great time spending it with you both tonight. You're free to do whatever you want for the rest of the night. I'll see you both in our bed when we go to sleep." Minato finished expecting both of his Sekireis to leave and go elsewhere in the house.

But he was momentarily stunned from Kazehana grabbing his left arm and burying it between her enormous breasts. She simply looked at him with sensual eyes and an alluring smile on her lips. Minato sighed and said nothing else.

Karasuba on the other hand decided to turn in for the night. Walking up to her Ashikabi and capturing his lips in a hungry 'good night' kiss. The black sekirei pulled away and began her ascension up the stairs, she looked over her right shoulder down at Minato with a grin showing her teeth, swaying her hips and ass as she walked up the stairs knowing he was watching her.

Watching her he was, Minato's onyx-black eyes memorized the swinging and movement of Karasuba's tight ass as she walked up the stairs and disappeared past the corner reaching the top. Minato shook his head to get his mind out of the gutter. Kazehana giggled next to him having witnessed the entire show with her own eyes. Her perverted mind thinking about catching his eyes like Karasuba had done in the morning. With Kazehana hanging off his arm, they both walked into the living room and sat down at the dining table. Minato poured them both a steaming hot cup of tea.

They sat there in silence saying nothing but enjoying each other's company.


The hour was close to midnight. Minato sat alone on the foyer out back overlooking the backyard of Izumo Inn. The small tree and garden off to the side was done from his Mokutonbloodline. Now dressed in one of his high-collared dark-blue kimonos, having taking off his suit before coming out here. A cup of warm tea sitting beside him. Every once in a way he would occasionally take a sip from it.

This was something he liked to do after a grueling day at the hospital, calming his rage down whenever he interacted with Minaka, and to catch his breath after sexually pleasing his four Sekirei. Just gazing up at the night sky above with a million upon billion of endless stars for him to see and draw out the constellations with his index finger.

"Care to join me, Akitsu?"

Minato knew of his newest sekirei hiding behind him in the shadows, just watching him. He didn't find anything wrong with it, just Akitsu getting use to her new environment. He grinned closing his visible eye hearing the creaking of wood from Akitsu walking over to him.

Coming out from the shadows was Akitsu, only she was dressed in a red kimono with pink floral patterns. The kimono being one of Miya's old ones, however, she herself no longer wears it. Thankfully, it fits Akitsu as she had no other clothing except for the bloody lab coat Minato found her in.

Patting the spot next to him with his right hand. Akitsu slowly made her way over to the spot and sat down on her knees. The traditional way to sit in a Japanese home. For several minutes nothing was said between the two except for the sound of their breathing. With Minato star gazing and Akitsu finding solitude in staring at the back of his head.

Until Minato broke the ice with a question for his newest Sekirei. Saying this without turning his head to see Akitsu.

"How are you settling into your new home, Akitsu? The others are treating you fairly right?"

For some time Akitsu didn't answer him. Choosing to stay quiet and switch from looking at both her Ashikabi and the night skies above.

"Ah… It's relaxing. The others are nice to me." Her response was short but Minato understood her feelings behind this one response. She was happy. Happy for finding someone who would care for her, as well as a loving home that made her feel welcome. Her time as a "Scrapped Number" long forgotten. Now began the next chapter in Akitsu's life, as one of Minato's sekireis.

"That's good. I'm glad your fitting in. The others have accepted you as a member of our family. As I have."

Akitsu looked down at her hands resting on her lap. Thinking about the mysterious word she had heard. Repeating it inside her head, unaware of her small blunder with saying it for Minato to overhear.

"Family…" She said in a low whisper still unaware of what she said in the presences of her Ashikabi.

"Our family." He said firmly turning to look at her with his own eyes.

Grabbing her left hand with his right hand. They both looked into each other's eyes. His onyx ones staring into her surprised brown ones widened at her mistake. They said nothing at first, the need for words wasn't needed between the pair. They silently understood each other through their partner's different colored eyes. Minato opened his mouth to officially welcome Akitsu to his growing family.

"Welcome to our family, #07 Akitsu."

For the first time tonight. Akitsu smiled, a loving smile at that. A dust of red hue colored her cheeks from staring openly into Minato's warm and welcoming eyes. She happily uttered a single sentence to her Ashikabi that spoke levels of her happiness behind her emotionless mask.

"Ah… Thank you, Minato-sama."

Letting go of her left hand then bringing it back to rest on his lap. Minato turned to look at Akitsu again. Finding her sitting behind him now, her posture and seating position behind his right shoulder reminded him of a samurai protecting his lord, his daimyo, his master. Minato smirked turning away from Akitsu's field of vision before turning back remembering something he wanted to ask her.

"The thought occurred to me..."

Akitsu turned her emotionless gaze to meet her Ashikabi's looking over his shoulder back at her.

"You don't have any other clothing and underwear except for what Miya provided for you?"

"Ah… yes."

Sweat dropping at her casual response. Minato sighed heavily at the difficult task dropped onto his lap. Living with Miya and Karasuba in the same house for twenty years with the knowledge of their hatred for one another was the hardest trial in his life. The fight against the entire allied shinobi forces and five kages didn't give Minato much of a challenge that pushed him past his limit.

However, his newest sekirei Akitsu. This may very well be the mission that ends Minato's perfect shinobi career.

"Oh, boy." He whispered turning away and going back to star gazing.

Minato silently prayed tomorrow will be an easy day on him. His life since winging his first four sekirei has been anything but peaceful.


The following morning and the family of five with the addition of Akitsu. Everyone sat at the dinner table for a wonderfully cooked meal by both Miya and Minato. While Miya did most of the cooking at home, mostly to nail in her claim as Minato's 'true' wife. But after cooking meals for her family for the first few years she found she loved cooking different recipes and foods and other delicacies. While Minato helped around kitchen with offering to cook for the day, or week for their family. Miya was in charge of feeding him and her sister-wives. Of course, she namely cooks not because her love for it, but for her husband and Ashikabi.

But for today Minato wanted to properly welcome Akitsu into their family, and what better way than a home cooked meal from her Ashikabi.

After breakfast, Minato sitting at the head of the table. Miya sat to his right side making it her permanent spot, no one attempted to tell her otherwise. His left varied from his other Sekirei, which today happens to be Matsu's day.

"To properly welcome Akitsu to our family. I'm taking her shopping for new clothes given that she can't be borrowing from Miya everyday." He opened his lips and addressed the plan for today. A series of giggles erupting around the table, which were quickly silenced by Miya releasing her demonic aura, purple-black mismas leaking off her form as everyone minus Minato were frighten by the "sweet" smile on her face..

Sweat dropping at Miya's choice of restoring order. Minato coughed into his hand and continued. He did sent Miya a grateful glance for her help though.

"Anyways, me and Miya will be accompanying Akitsu into the city, shopping for everything she needs for living here. I'm extending the offer to anyone that will be joining us. If you decide you don't want to then that's fine and you can stay here. Just don't cause any trouble while we're gone."

Everyone minus Akitsu turned to glare at the red-haired Sekirei sitting on Minato's left side. Matsu's sweat dropped, fearful of both Miya and Karasuba glaring at her. She could handle one of them on her case. But both at once, then she sooner allowed Karasuba to kill her, like she always promised she would.

"W-Why is everyone looking at me for?"

"Don't play dumb, Matsu. You know exactly why your under the spotlight." Kazehana said giving a sideways glance from the corners of her eyes at Matsu. Her eyes narrowed at the red hair.

Unable to handle their intense stares anymore, mostly from Miya's and Karasuba's combined together. Matsu shouted her frustrations and caved in.

"Alright, Alright! Matsu understands and she won't do it again. Just please stop looking at Matsu with those eyes, Miya-tan, Kara-tan?"


"Not happening."

Miya and Karasuba deadpanned, staring at the frightened and shaking Matsu. Unable to handle the pressure of their glares any longer. She reached for the closest shield to protect her that being her Ashikabi, Minato.

"Waah! Mina-tan! Miya-tan and Kara-tan are being mean to Matsu. Matsu already apologized for the destruction caused by the satellite. Matsu didn't predict that it would fall from orbit and crash into the ocean and cause a tsunami!"

Minato chuckled softly from Matsu explaining herself in third person. It really suited her childlike personality. While he comforted his crying Sekirei. Akitsu saw fit to join the conversation, having been thrown out of the loop by their shenanigans.

"Minato-sama... what is everyone talking about?"

Akitsu addressed Minato in her formal way of speaking with a tilt of her head.

"Haha, it's nothing to concern yourself with Akitsu. Just some family bonding on our part."

Akitsu nodded her head, accepting what her Ashikabi deemed 'normal' in his house. She had no reason to doubt his words, so why should she.


In his office at MBI tower, sat the CEO and president in deep thought. Paperwork laid neat and filled out on his desk. There was a cup of hot tea resting beside his keyboard. It was still warm. However, Minaka seemed troubled. For once, he was not smiling, at the very least his maniacal grin he always wore.

Much to the relief of those around him. Takami could attest to this.

Hiroto Minaka remembered that day to its closest detail. To every movement, to every word, to the sun's position behind him, to the threat he made to him.

Normally when someone threatened Minaka it's nothing but talk, and the person who issued said threat doesn't remember waking up in a random hospital with an injury they don't recall getting the following morning.

So, when someone threatens Minaka because let's be honest. Minaka is insane and a lunatic, but the dangerous type of lunatic given his intelligence. Making him number one on everyone's list of most hatred people.

It doesn't help when he single-handedly build MBI from nothing and in only twenties years has almost full control of Japan's capital, and everything he says is law, less you face accusations of any kind.

And with his own private army at his beck and call, and government officials and the police force in his back pocket. Willingly, or through blackmailed into submission to follow him.

No one was safe.

Which explains why Minaka doesn't feel threatened when someone threatens his life.

However, one man could and has already done so in the past.

The final day of Asama Takehito's funeral. The service had ended earlier that morning. It was around lunchtime when Minato entered Minaka's office to find said man sitting behind his desk. A forlorn look on his face. Chin resting on his hands which were crossed over his desk.


"Takami said that you're still going through with the Sekirei Plan, even with Takehito gone. His last wish means nothing to you?"

For once in his lifetime since Minato had the displeasure of knowing Minaka Hiroto, his crazed grin showing his pearly white teeth was missing from his lips. A solemn, sad frown marred his face. Takehito's death did have some effect, although it was small it proved enough that Minaka was still indeed a human being. Mourning over a friend's / colleague's death.

"While Takehito's death is a tragedy. To lose a brilliant mind and dear friend, it can't be helped, Minato-kun. We both know that the Sekirei Plan will continue no matter the obstacle. The ages of the Gods is upon us! Your arrival eighteen years ago marked our ascension, it can't be stopped, nor will it be. Takehito will be missed. However, progress is unwavering and cannot be stopped. Not even by you Minato-kun."

Minaka looked over his crossed hands. For the first time, the glint in his glasses was not visible. For the first time in eighteen years Minato can see his black colored eyes behind his square-rimmed glasses.

"Even you Minato-kun. Can't hope to stop it. The age of our ascension to godhood shall arrive as foretold."

Both men looked at one another. Neither moving, or saying anything. A simple staring contest from a third person's point of view. To the intelligent eye you could see that both men were trying to intimidate the other. Minaka was losing in that respect. One cannot hope to match a walking god, like Minato Senju.

Their staring contest continued for close to two more minutes in complete silence. Unable to withstand his gaze any longer. Minaka released a heavy sigh and looked away with a turn of his head.

When his gaze met Minaka's again. He vanished in a burst of speed and appeared again. His face just centimeters from Minaka's face. Startled by his appearance, Minaka pushed away in his chair. A hand against his heart which was beating rapidly from the sudden jump scare.

Getting his heartbeat down to normal levels. Minaka looked up to see Minato, only to find him gone.

"If you refuse to heed my warnings, then I will not heed yours."

Turning in his chair to his right to find Minato standing there. Both of his hands gripping the arms rest of his chair keeping Minaka where he was.

Terror began to grip Minaka's heart staring into the red orbs of Minato's Sharingan. A Madara-like frown enveloped his lips showing Minato's annoyance with Minaka's stubbornness to continue the Sekirei Plan.

"I will say this once Minaka. If I hear you overstepping your place in line, then no matter what threats you placed on the Sekireis. I will have your head. I'm letting you live solely because I want to see the despair in your eyes. And as of now, myself and my Sekireis are breaking ties with MBI. Chase us, or use force against us. Then your head will be mine."

Releasing the chair's arms rest. Minaka visibly flinch at the hatred glare Minato shot him. He knew full well Minato could make due on his promises. Having witnessed his godlike power and the mayhem he caused eighteen years ago on Kamikura. If anyone could take his life in this world. Minato was the prime candidate. Miya being a very close second. He was fully aware of her own hatred towards him.

Minato came close into his space again. A burning orange flame enveloping over his left hand.

"Remember this. Your worthless existence is in my hand, Minaka Hiroto. I chose if you live..." The burning hand grabbed Minaka's right cheek, a burning sensation caused him to release a howl of pain. "...or die."

(End Flashback)

Opening his eyes and letting out a startled gasp. Breathing and panting heavily from his recent nightmare. Minaka had a hand to his heart feeling his heart beating behind his palm.

Oh how Minaka wished it was only a nightmare.

He released another gasp at the sound of his office door opening and Takami, now sporting gray hair and a lab coat over her attire. A tablet in her hands. Looking up from her work she saw Minaka fixing his appearance. She briefly can see the terror in his eyes.

While she wasn't in the room when Minato announced he was done with MBI. She did walked into the office afterwards to see Minaka, and to find him sitting with a look of horror behind his glasses. Frighten, scare for the first time she had known him. Minato's threat and words left a heavy imprint on the CEO of MBI, and of course after Minato and his Sekireis did leave and cut all ties to MBI. Minaka returned to his annoying, flamboyant self.

Takami secretly knew that Minaka was scare, and rightfully so.

Pushing these thoughts into the deep recess of her mind. Takami calmly walked over to Minaka's side.

"Testing are almost complete and with your permission we could begin releasing Sekirei #20 through #30 out into the city. The others still need further testing and adjustments before they can be released."

Turning the tablet to show Minaka, a document with his signature needed at the bottom. Minaka signed the thing without even looking, or reading it. Having what she needed Takami forwarded the papers to the labs below where the mentioned Sekireis are waiting to be released. Hiding the tablet within her lab coat she looked over his desk. Noticing that he'd actually did his work... for once. Papers and documents needing his signature were filled out. Forms concerning the company were read through, some had paragraphs and sentences blacked out and some were circled showing his agreement to that particular demand.

Overall, Minaka was finally doing his work and was not just ignoring it, or pushing it towards her.

"Is that all you needed, Takami-kun?"

A tick mark appeared on said woman's forehead, never liking how he addressed her. It always creeped her out. Coughing into her right hand to hide her annoyance. Takami reluctantly nods her head.

"Yes, I'll bring in the Sekireis release forms for you to read through later."

Minaka nodded his head and waved his hand telling Takami to leave. She bowed her head, with reluctance of course and saw herself out. His office doors closing behind her, she heads for the elevator, pressed the floor to her office. Takami smirked before the elevator doors sealing closed in front of her.

"Whatever you did, Minato. Thank you."

Takami made plans to visit the man and his Sekireis up in the north where they had made their home. She was debating on whether to bring Yukari with her again. It's been years since Minato first met Yukari when she was only five years old.

Now a teenager fresh out of High School. She only hoped her pervert daughter kept her perverted nature tamed and to herself. Takami is well aware of her only child's... true nature.


Having left home around nine-thirty that morning. Minato and his flock walked towards the subway station and rode the train to the shopping district in eastern Shinto Tento. The eastern half of the city was the shopping capital of Shinto Tento. The latest fashion, clothing, and electronics from around the world could be found first in this half of the city.

So when the family of six arrived. It was no surprise that it was packed with people. Eighty percent of the city's population shopped here then any other store in the capital. This didn't prove difficult because while the Sekirei women alone demanded respect and fear with their appearances. Minato himself didn't even need to blink for others to move out of his way.

However, shopping with Minato and his flock was never a hassle or a drag, as most would complain about shopping. There was always something to see and do, whenever the family of six went shopping together, or in separate groups. Always a new experience to share and discover.

Akitsu chose to walk beside Minato very closely. Not enough to appear intimate but rather like a bodyguard guarding his charge.

Minato and his flock were aware of her personality and accepting of Akitsu's chosen path. She sees Minato as the one who saved her. Accepted her into his heart and gave her a home when others ignored and pushed her aside. She feels indebted to him and wishes to show her gratitude through this way.

Minato extended his right hand and Akitsu gratefully took it with both hands.

Kazehana took his other arm and push it in-between her cleavage. A joyful smile on her face at the close proximity she held her lover in.

Minato's other sekirei, Miya, Matsu, and Karasuba followed behind their Ashikabi. They too, wanted to embrace their Ashikabi's other arm like Kazehana was doing.

Karasuba would take Kazehana's spot if not for Miya reigning her in. Miya and Matsu had agreed beforehand that because Akitsu is new to the flock. She should stand by Minato's side. If only for today. Karasuba was forced to submit, or else Miya will make due with her promise and end her life and while Karasuba wanted nothing more than a good fight against Miya.

Minato would always stop any fights breaking out between them with promises of putting them both in their place. Miya and Karasuba understood that they cannot win against their Ashikabi whenever he gets serious. It's absolutely suicide, and both Sekirei women didn't want to fight their husband when their 'tamed'spars left them beaten and gasping for their next breath.

So with a great show of will, Karasuba obeyed Miya's demands and allowed Akitsu to stand beside their shared Ashikabi... for now at least.

'Hmm… I suppose we'll start with buying Akitsu her own underwear and work from there. I also need to upgrade my cell phone from this flip phone I still have for some reason. However, Akitsu's needs come first, I have all day today to get a new phone. I already suspect the store to be packed with customers at this hour.'

Minato toyed around with the navy-blue flip phone between his fingers. An old dinosaur he still had for reasons he himself didn't understand. He stopped in his step with the girls doing the same. Minato turned around to face them.

"I'll be going with Akitsu to buy her own clothing. Everyone is free to go where they like just don't get into trouble. Miya, can I ask you to accompany us?"

Matsu, Kazehana, Karasuba's eyes gleamed at the mention of visiting an lingerie store. Already their minds were thinking about modeling risqué, and sexy lingerie for Minato then having him take them in the changing room. The three women had either blood dripping from their nostrils, giggling perversely, and a look of bliss on their faces. Or all of the above.

Miya looked at her former subordinates with annoyance at their more than obvious wanton desires written on their faces. Even in public they can't hide their shameless behavior of wanting sex with Minato. They lived for it.

But the idea of modeling for her Ashikabi did excite Miya. However, she'd would never admit it.

Smiling and nodding to Minato's request, Miya walked up to take Kazehana's spot by pushing her away from Minato and taking his arm into her own bosoms.

"I wouldn't mind at all, Minato-kun."

Sweat-dropping at Miya's action of removing Kazehana from his arm. He mentally shook his head with a strained smile. But he said nothing on it not wishing to receive Miya's wrath on himself. So with him leading the way. Minato led Miya and Akitsu towards the nearest clothing store for Akitsu.


Miya's eyebrow twitched at the added party to their group being Matsu, Kazehana, and Karasuba. Whom had decided to join and follow them to a Victoria's Secret store.

"Why are you three here?" Miya said barely holding back her frustrations at the three being here and interrupting her personal time with Minato.

"What? And miss out on the fun and free show you'll no doubt give Minato-kun in there. Of course we don't want to miss out."

"Seriously, Miya. You're a devious vixen who wants everything for herself." Karasuba finished with her usual grin after Kazehana's teasing of their former commander and leader.

Miya glared heatedly at Karasuba, letting go of Minato's arm. Allowing Matsu who had been hiding behind Kazehana to appear next to him and lead him into the store by the arm.

"C'mon, Miya-tan! Stop hogging Mina-tan so you can do ecchi things with him in the dressing room."

"You're the last person I want to hear that from, Matsu." Miya turned on her heels to shout this at Matsu. Her irritation growing seeing Matsu hugging Minato's left arm between her large breasts.

"So you agree! Oh Miya, I always knew you were a giver."

Due to the confusion caused by Matsu in distracting Miya, Kazehana and Karasuba snuck behind the latter and joined their Ashikabi near the back of the store.

Miya's face had a red hue and her expression was dangerous, murderous towards her former subordinates. Having used her confusion and annoyed state of mind to slip past her defenses. With a cute pout on her lips. She 'hmph' with her nose in the air and followed after the group into the store.

Minato, their Ashikabi was sitting down on a red colored recliner chair, while everyone else minus Akitsu (she was standing behind Minato) were going through the different lingerie and underwear they wanted to model for him.

Turning his head towards entrance to find Miya entering the store. Minato gets up and walked over to her and laid a kiss upon her cheek when he did. Missing the red hue over her cheeks.

"Do you mind helping Akitsu? I asked her what she needs and she only wants what I like. You know that will only cause trouble for me, so can you please?"

Miya giggled into her kimono's sleeve at her husband pleading with her. Sure she understood with Akitsu's affection towards him and the debt she feels she owns him. It's no a brainer what Akitsu will say to please Minato. Even if she herself didn't fully understand what she was saying.

Deciding to save her husband, Miya grabbed Akitsu's hand and called over an employee with the other. A cute brunette came over with a measuring tape in hand.

"Before we can buy you anything, young lady. First we need to know your exact measurements."

Miya led Akitsu into a changing booth with the employee following in after.

Akitsu gave her Ashikabi, a small pout before the red curtains covered them completely from view.

Minato could understood Akitsu's sadness. Even being away for twenty seconds from him and the ice beauty becomes depressed. While he pitys Akitsu, Minato knew this was a requirement for her to grow independent and more confident in herself.

While his girls changed into their outfits to seduce him. He looked over the rest of the store, seeing some female customers browsing and employees working. Minato also factored-in the crowd of people walking outside the store.

Standing up onto his feet again, he approached an employee and whispered something into her ear then slid her two hundred dollars, which she took and left.

Minato smirks and slowly returned to his seat. And in perfect timing because the curtain Miya and Akitsu were behind opened up. The first to exit was the cute brunette who had a notepad in her left hand and a pen behind her right ear.

"Hmm… A solid D cup almost E cups. I'll need to get the correct bra sizes from our storage in the back. Please wait here for just one minute."

"How'd it go?"

Minato asked Miya just as the cute brunette left for the back of the store. Akitsu approached him with a sad frown. Her arms held out in front of her to embrace her Ashikabi.


"What's wrong?" Minato was generally worried when Akitsu hugged herself close into his chest. Her face snuggled deeply into his winter jacket. Minato held Akitsu's shoulders as she rests her head against his chest.

Miya giggled at the childish affection Akitsu was displaying. While Minato was becoming increasingly worried over Akitsu. It showed on his face too. He turned his gaze to Miya standing in front of the changing booth she and Akitsu came out from before.

"Miya… why is Akitsu like this?"

"Oh, she's only upset because I said how she needs panties of her own to wear because…"

Miya purposely stopped there as Minato looked down at Akitsu's light brown locks. She soon looked up and faced him.

Quietly for only her and Akitsu to hear him. He asked Akitsu the obvious.

"Akitsu… are you not wearing panties?"

With a nonchalant shake of her head, his eyes widened in alarm, while Miya began to giggle behind her kimono sleeve again.

"They're uncomfortable to wear."

Minato laughed wryly holding onto Akitsu's shoulders. He felt his sweat-drop at how nonchalant her response to him was. She said it not really thinking too much about public decency seeing how he, Kazehana, and Karasuba found her in only a bloody lab coat and nothing else.

"Haha, of course you not. However, Akitsu ,you can't be walking around without panties on, it's indecent."

"But… Ashikabi-sama-" She opened her mouth but closed it finding Minato was not finished talking.

"Therefore when we're back home. You can walk around the house without panties. Only when at home, understand?"

The look on Akitsu's face was adorable. She must really not like wearing underwear. But she was given the chance to not wear her underwear when at Izumo. While she didn't like having to wear them whenever she left the house. She accepted her Minato's request with a nod of her head.

Laying a gentle kiss on her forehead where her crimson Sekirei Mark once was. Akitsu blushed crimson-red at the action with Minato pulling away. Just as the cute brunette returned holding an arm full of bras and panties of various styles and colors for the former to try on.

"Sorry for the wait. I believe these should be enough for you Ms. Go ahead and try them on."

Akitsu looked at him once more asking for permission. Minato shakes his head with a smile and nods in her direction.

With a nod from him. Akitsu took the garments handed to her and entered the dressing room alone this time.

The cute brunette smiled at Minato and Miya and asked should they need anything else to not hesitate to ask for her. She gave her name to the couple and left to do something else.

With her gone Minato surveyed the rest of the store finding it empty with the front entrance and curtains closed preventing anyone from outside to see what was happening in the store. Minato smirked at the employee following his bribe rather quickly. It's nice to know he was not duped out of his money. So, all that leaves is...

Miya 'kyaa' in surprise at Minato's hand resting on the back of her lavender hakama's over her firm ass. She bit her tongue to stop a moan from escaping her throat. Minato knew full well that by doing this to Miya, in public no less. It was a death wish to and early visit to the Grim Reaper.

However, two things wrong with that statement.

The first is Minato had danced through a waltz with the Grim Reaper twice during his early Shinobi career. Dangers that anyone would sooner take their own life then complete and live with PDST later down their life. And it's through these dangers and near death experiences that help shaped Minato into the literal God he is today.

The second and to his knowledge only, was Miya is a submissive masochist when it's just the two of them alone together. Even during the threesomes and moresomes with the others. Miya hasn't ever shown this side of her to Matsu, to Kazehana, of course not to Karasuba.

Only her Ashikabi and husband, Minato Senju has had the privilege to see this side of hers, and the only person to ever know.

Minato hummed a lullaby he remembered from his childhood he remembered his mother always sung to him and his siblings when they were younger. While his hand slid over Miya's rear end until it became adventurous and went underneath her hakama's to grope her pantied covered ass.

Miya released a small moan and shut her eyes from embarrassment. Her faces was crimson at Minato's hand groping her ass through her hakama's.


He brought his lips close to her ear and breathe into it. Causing Miya to nearly lose hold of her sanity and crashed into the hold of her Ashikabi. Her back against his muscled chest.

"Miya-chan~. Why don't you join the others?"

Minato's huskily whispered into her ear. Miya could hear the desire and want in his tone. She was adamant to say no to him until they were in the comfort of their home. But Minato's next sentence broke through all of her walls.

"I paid the manager to temporarily go on her lunch break along with the other employees after they closed up the store. We are all alone and for good reason."

Miya released another moan at Minato's hand groping her ass in a rather rough manner. She knew this was his way of showing his possessive nature to her and the others. And she loved seeing this side of him.

"Why give those idiots outside a free show when you five belong to me. And only me."

Miya was becoming more aroused at Minato's possessive nature towards her and her fellow Sekirei sisters. She was almost willing to just allow him to just take her and her sisters here in this very store.

Almost, however.

Removing herself from his hold and silently mewling at the lost of his hand groping her ass. Miya turned to give her Ashikabi a kiss on his lips and hurried into an empty changing room. The red curtains closing behind her hiding her from his sight.

Walking back to the recliner chair. Minato sat down with his right leg over his left and his left fist resting against his cheek. Getting himself comfortable, Minato's Sharingan was visible as was his lady killer smirk waiting for his Sekireis to finish changing.


"Minato-kun! Sorry for the wait. But you will absolutely love the surprise we have in store for you."

Kazehana was the first out of the changing rooms. Pulling the red curtains to the side revealing herself to Minato, he flinched in his seat taking in her body in her bikini.

Having changed out of her very short purple Chinese dress, she was now dressed in a one piece bikini that was the color purple. It resembles her dress with how revealing it was. A very low cut revealing a lot of cleavage with the front of the one-piece being held together by a criss-cross pattern of black straps. The rest of the bikini was a series of purple straps revealing a lot of her skin. The straps were locked together in the front showing off Kazehana's sides, the skin below her mammaries, her belly button, and finally her upper navel. The bikini is backless Minato found when she did a twirl for him.

Sitting up on the recliner chair. Minato licked his lips slowly as Kazehana began modeling solely for him. His Sharingan recording all of her movements and hands groping her large breasts and sensual fondly of her sides. He grinned when her eyes met his for a intense stare down. The three tomoes stopped spinning and Kazehana smiled with a sultry wink at him.

"So love, what do you think?"

Kazehana bends forward to give her Ashikabi and lover a perfect view down her cleavage. Kazehana knew she had his attention if the hungry look in his eyes was anything to go by. She shivers at his Sharingan staring at her, undressing her and recording all of her for him to remember later. Kazehana shivers again with her eyes closed and imagining his eyes as an unseen presence of Minato standing behind her and groping her voluptuous body to his heart's content.

"Ravishing is the only word I could find to physically describe your sexiness, love."

"Aww, thank you, Minato-kun."

Kazehana blew a kiss to Minato and walked back into the changing room.

As the curtains closed, the changing booth beside hers opened up to reveal Matsu in a two piece bikini but hers was orange. Matsu's bikini fit her body perfectly, it did put some strain on her large breasts but that just added to her sex appeal and cute face. Of course, Minato couldn't forget about her lovely curves, wonderful waist and hips, and amazing ass. All of these were highlighted and brought to his attention with how her bikini hugged her body.

The tomoes from his Sharingan spun clockwise, recording everything for future purposes. Like with Kazehana, Minato had to adjust himself in his seat taking in Matsu's form in her bikini.

Fixing her glasses by pushing them up off her nose she smiled at her Ashikabi seated on the recliner chair. Matsu had decided to leave her glasses on causing he attractiveness and sex appeal to sky rocket. But mostly because Minato said he loved seeing her with her glasses on.

"Heh heh. So, Mina-tan does Matsu look sexy?"

"More than you know, Matsu."

Matsu grinned and walked back into the changing booth behind her, but not without giving Minato one last look over her shoulder. As she walked she swayed her hips and round ass to a slow rhythm knowing full well he was watching her. And watching her he was. The tomoes spinning lazily in Minato's Sharingan.

Returning to her changing booth. Karasuba's opened up next followed shortly after by Akitsu coming out of hers. Both women, like with Kazehana and Matsu's earlier display were wearing sexy swimsuit of their choice. Karasuba in a black bikini and Akitsu surprised him by wearing a pure white one-piece.

Karasuba's bikini is all black as her nickname entitled. The black color drew out her silver colored hair and white, almost pale skin tone. Minato was not forgetting her other assets being her breasts, which were big, and soft and fit her perfectly. But what Minato enjoyed far more was Karasuba's firm, round, and tight ass currently jiggling behind her as she walked over to him.

All her training to top Miya and prove herself as the strongest had done wonders for her already amazing body.

Not leaving out the newest bird in his flock. Minato's eyes turned to look at Akitsu. She too had the same snow white, almost pale skin tone as Karasuba. Only difference being her breasts were larger then Karasuba's own. And her wide hips, amazing curves, and tight ass filled out the bottoms of her one-piece. The top itself seem to be struggling to contain Akitsu's large breasts. Every step she made would cause them to bounce up and down, a sight Minato's Sharingan caught and recorded.

Fixing the collar of his collared shirt, letting out the heat he was feeling from the torture his girls were putting him through.

Karasuba's wolf-like grin didn't help at all. She walked over to him moving those wide hips of hers in a hypnotic manner. Swaying left and right, immensely enjoying that Minato's eyes look at her swaying hips and nothing else.

She liked that she had such power over her Ashikabi. While she had yet to win against in their spars, or defeated Miya in a fair fight to prove who's the strongest. Karasuba would take this victory any day.

Sitting on her Ashikabi's lap. Rubbing her bikini clad ass against his thighs. She smirked at the low growl that escaped his lips. She wanted Minato to howl when he takes her on this chair.

Not wishing to be left out and wanting to make her Ashikabi feel good too. Akitsu silently made her way over to Minato's left side where she grabbed his arm, and nestled it between her cleavage. Minato looks to his left to find Akitsu there with her normal void expression. He smiles at her and kissed the tip of her nose earning a blush from the stoic ice woman.

"So, feeling adventurous, Minato-kun? Do you want to have your way with your…" Karasuba began to focus her grinding on where Minato's member was. Her firm, round, and tight ass went backwards then forwards on that exact spot. "Willing and aroused Sekireis? I don't mind and neither does this one here." She motioned with her head at Akitsu and goes back to her grinding.

Minato lets out a soft moan at Karasuba's grinding which picked up in speed when she heard him moan. Bringing herself closer to his head to suck on his earlobe, she and Minato turned to see Akitsu. The snow woman had a deep blush on her cheeks and was panting, rather erotically. Minato left arm was trapped between her tits and Akitsu had followed Karasuba's example and began to bounce her breasts simulating a tit-fuck to that arm.

It was a sexy sight to behold to be honest.

"Does this feel good, Ashikabi-sama?" Akitsu asked with two handfuls of her own tits. Her gaze was emotionless but Minato could see the smallest glimpse of anxiety and hope behind her pupils.

Minato had to commend Akitsu for trying to become more involved with him and her fellow sisters. Even if three of her sisters (Matsu, Kazehana, Karasuba) were bad influences to her young, and somewhat innocent mind. He had to basically trust Miya to ensure Akitsu is not further corrupted by these three. A task he believes is doomed to fail.

Letting out a soft chuckle under his breath. Both because of Akitsu's cuteness and desire to pleasure him, and from hers and Karasuba's sensual grinding was becoming more difficult for Minato to hold his arousal at bay and taking Karasuba's offer of having sex here in the store with his Sekireis.

Minato brought his face close to Akitsu and kissed the snow women's lips in a chaste kiss. Not enough to draw out her wings but enough for her to get his answer. Akitsu released a soft sound of disappointment when Minato withdrew from the kiss. Laughing at the puppy dog look she gave him. Minato kisses her forehead and plays with her light brown tresses with his free hand.

"Thank you, Akitsu. It does feel good but only do this when we're at home." Karasuba released a surprised moan at Minato palming her ass with grabbing her right butt cheek. Stopping her grinding all together. Minato smirked seeing Karasuba fall apart from the corner of his eyes, then going back to explaining his reasoning to Akitsu. "Now that you're my Sekirei, showing skin to anyone other than me is a big no-no. I won't have anyone except for myself to witness your beauty and naked body. Understood?"

While he was talking, Minato had never stopped groping Karasuba's ass. His right hand firmly groping and playing with the ass cheek in his hand hidden behind her black bikini bottoms. The black Sekirei was moaning nonstop. A red blush on her face and sweating from her brow at the pleasure she was receiving.

Akitsu nods her head agreeing with his wishes.

"Ah… yes, Ashikabi-sama. Can I also-."

"This?" Minato gives a hard slap to Karasuba's tight ass. Getting a soft squeak from her before she groaned in frustration at being denied her orgasm with Minato removing his hand. "When we're home. Karasuba's just being greedy." He smiled at the glare she gave him. She releases another moan at Minato slapping her ass again then palming her cheeks with vigor and lust. "And she will have all the time in the world when we're back at Izumo."

Minato's Sharingan spun clockwise looking at Karasuba's face. Karasuba hid the grin on her lips, happy and preparing for the "fun" she will have when they get back home. With reluctance, Karasuba got off his lap. Now before she bends down giving Minato a clear view down her cleavage and laying a sweet kiss to his lips. Sending her arousal and lust through their kiss. With Minato returning her feelings with his own heated emotions.

All their modeling and grinding having an affect on his mind. He's surprised at his fortitude and will that he hasn't fallen victim to his lust and taken advantage of his Sekirei with no one else here in the store.

Removing herself from his lips, Karasuba smirked then turned around. Getting Akitsu to follow her back to the changing booth. Her hips swaying for Minato's eyes only. And a sight he enjoyed very much.

Taking this break to calm his libido down and lust over his Sekireis. Minato wasn't surprised by the pair of slender arms draping over his shoulders from behind him.

"I thought scum-san would never leave. That woman always taking things from me that belong to me alone."

Minato chuckles running his fingers down Miya's arms. Her breathing picked up slightly the lower his fingers got to her own fingers.

"I never took you as someone who get's jealous, Miya."

"Normally before I met you. The thought of becoming jealous over trivial possessions never occurred to me. But since I made you my Ashikabi and the others making you their Ashikabi as well. I feel as I must fight for you affection. Kazehana and Karasuba are very much like wolves."

"I know the feeling. The jealousy I'm avoiding as a topic as I, myself don't fall under it. However, you don't need to feel like you're not important, Miya."

Grabbing both of her hands with his, Minato brought Miya to sit down on his lap which had previously been Karasuba's seat. Also to view her swimsuit of choice for himself.

Miya's choice was more reserved unlike her sisters who wore risqué swimwear to get a rise from him. Which they succeeded with getting an A+ from him.

Miya wore a lavender bikini top and bottoms of the same color, with a white sarong tied around her waist. It suits her personality with precise accuracy. It also brought out her sexiness she hid from everyone, except from him.

Following where he left off from earlier, Minato palmed her ass after sliding his hand beneath her sarong. Miya was blushing within the first five seconds of his lustful groping.

"What a naughty wife I have… the thought hasn't faded from your mind has it? You have been secretly wishing for this haven't you?"

Minato chuckled and whispered into her ear, in a husky tone. Miya brought her head to hide in his shoulder, her hands gripping his shirt tightly from the pleasure of having her ass groped once again, and to hide her flustered expression from Minato.

Miya didn't want her husband Minato to see that she was secretly enjoying his public groping.

"M-Minato-kun… not here please."

"Sorry, Miya. However, given that we aren't home at Izumo. Your no 'Illicit' rule doesn't apply. Plus I feel like releasing my 'beastly urges' as you enjoy putting it with my lovely wife."

Miya was at her Ashikabi's mercy and she knew this. But she secretly enjoyed his possessive nature taking over.

Suddenly, Minato stopped his actions as Miya was finally growing to enjoy the feeling. She gave a pout when his hand removed itself from underneath her white sarong. Miya was about to ask why he stopped.

"Ara, Miya. I wasn't aware that you were joining in on the fun?"

"Eh! Miya-tan joined?!" Matsu poked her head through the red curtains of the changing booth she was using. "No fair, Miya-tan! You can't take advantage of Mina-tan when we are changing."

"That's considered cheating, Miya." Kazehana lightly admonished with crossing her arms beneath her large breasts and making them appear bigger to Minato's eyes.

The reason for Minato stopping was to save Miya from being discovered by both Kazehana and Matsu, who had finished changing into another bikini each. Kazehana wore another revealing one, this time an actual bikini with colors a mixture of purple and black. The bra cups of her top struggled to hold back her voluptuous tits from Minato seeing the strain done to the straps. Matsu was now wearing a snow white bikini that with perfectly with her long and braided red hair falling behind her back. A single golden ring held the two halves of her top in tact and held up her breasts with pushing them up, making them seem larger and more full.

The rest of Matsu was hidden behind the red curtain stopping Minato from ogling her round peach ass, no doubt hugged tightly by her bikini bottoms the same color of her white top.

Minato liked their next choice of swimwear looking over Miya's shoulder. He mentally nodded his head in approval.

Miya visibly pouted and a frown marred her gorgeous face at their untimely arrival. Annoyed that her special time was interrupted once again with her Ashikabi, Minato.

Rather than initiate an argument with Kazehana and Matsu over this, which will end with them both teasing her. Miya (still sitting on Minato's lap.) turned her head around and kissed Minato fully on his lips. With Minato easily reciprocating the kiss. Their kiss was full of love and passion for the each other, it could have been mistaken for a French kiss.

Kazehana and Matsu were generally shocked at Miya's bold action. In public no less because Miya is the biggest prude there is. The two Sekirei women looked on as their shared Ashikabi and former commander kissed before their eyes. Miya's lavender wings glowing brightly and continuous with the length their kiss has gone on for.

Slowly removing herself from her Ashikabi's lips. They had an aftertaste of Strawberries and Chocolate. Two foods Minato would eat every morning together or separate with his breakfast. Miya liked the taste very much. It was intoxicating. Turning her head to look over her shoulder, she smirks at her fellow sisters with a smug grin on her beautiful features.

"All's fair in love and war, ladies."

Minato sighed, the headaches already settling in as his Sekireis began arguing with each other again.


Once they finished shopping for Akitsu getting everything she needed that she didn't already have. They continued with clothes shopping for herself and finding many outfits ranging from casual wear, summer dresses, winter coats and sweaters, and kimonos for her to wear.

Speaking of kimonos, Akitsu was currently wearing a white, with black accents kimono. The opening was open wider, allowing some of Akitsu's shoulders to be seen and then going down in a very low V cut that showed off nearly a third of her breasts and stopped at her upper stomach. A black obi with a bow in the front held the shirt tightly against her body. And finally were chains around her neck to complete the outfit that went down between her cleavage.

Minato, nor his other Sekireis were entirely sure where she had acquired the chains. When someone from there group was always accompanying her. And why chains for that matter? When asked the question by Miya, who didn't fully agree with Akitsu's choice of clothing. Akitsu's answer was…

"Ah… I like these chains, they suit me."

Who's going to argue with an answer like that.

In the end everyone shrugged their shoulders and allowed Akitsu to dress, however, she liked. Only she had to remember to wear panties while at the mall, which was agony for Akitsu. Now that Akitsu's needs were taken care of. Minato gave his Sekireis, two hours to look around for themselves.

Everyone went their separate ways, except for Akitsu. Who wanted to remain with Minato, and him allowing it with a smile on his lips asking her to follow him to the closest store that sells cell phones.

For the next hour and a half, Minato and Akitsu window shopped with Minato upgrading his cell phone to a smart phone, as he wanted to beforehand.

After this nothing else really interested him, so he tried to learn more about Akitsu whom he recently winged. It wasn't much of a conversation at all. Only Akitsu staring blankly at him and not answering his questions.

The group of six then met in an outdoor plaza around two in the afternoon. Minato could see the bag of their bikinis and lingerie they bought before. Each one of his Sekireis, minus Akitsu had three or four bags in their hands filled with other things they purchased.

"C'mon. I'll cook us lunch when we get back home."

Having said this, Minato led his flock to the exit where he hailed a cab driver and soon they were heading up north back to Izumo Inn.

Arriving outside the wooden fence surrounding the inn. Minato had thoughts to upgrade them to stone and build a gate for more protection. A later date he said.

He pays the cab driver and helped his girls with their things, as well as his own bags from the trunk.

Karasuba was the first through the gate, while everyone else checked to see if anything was missing. Minato then waved goodbye to the cab driver as he drove away.

Turning his head to see the rest of his flock waiting for him. He smirked and said over his shoulder.

"Follow me."

Follow him they did, Minato was the second to pass through the gate, with his Sekireis following closely behind him.

As he neared the front door to their home, Minato noticed Karasuba had stopped in the front yard and he wondered why.

Walking to stand by her side. He saw the crazed grin on her face and the battle ready gleam in eyes. A twinkle Minato familiarize himself with because it meant that-.

"Hello, Yu-chan."

Yume was visiting... indeed, standing with her back to the front door to Izumo house was Sekirei #08, Yume. Known as the Sekirei of Fate.

And she was not alone it seems. Another Sekirei was accompanying her. Sekirei #10, Uzume.

Yume is a fair-skinned young woman of average height and slender build. She sports a very developed and curvaceous body with a slim waist and flared hips and small breasts. She has brown eyes and brown hair. Her hair is hime-styled; it has short bangs, chin-length strands surrounds her head and framing her face, a single antenna-like strands that hangs just above her head, and hip-length hair at the nape of her neck.

Yume has been friends with Minato and his Sekireis since their time on Kamikura island. The young Yume at the time idolize the first five (Still does) and wanted to follow in their footsteps and become a Discipline Squad member under Miya. When she heard that Minato helped train the first five, guess where that placed him in her young mind?

So with training from both Minato and Miya who later became her sensei. Yume would later inherited the mantle of leader from Miya and lead the second generation.

After giving her blessing. Miya chose to retire as she wanted to spend more time with her Ashikabi on the island. And when the news of Minato and his Sekireis were cutting ties with MBI reached Yume. She was greatly sadden by their departure. But didn't mean that they were forever gone from her lives. Minato himself made a lot of effort to remain in contact with Yume, both professionally and intimately as friends

Because of this Yume adorns Minato more than she does Minaka. While Yume is still the leader of the current discipline squad at MBI. She is forever loyal to Minato.

Miya at one point, joked about allowing Minato to wing Yume because of her devotion and loyalty to him. A joke Yume took seriously and wished to be winged by him. The reason Minato didn't wing the Sekirei of Fate that day came from Yume being under the influence. Earlier that morning she had been challenged to a drinking game with Kazehana and Karasuba. A game she lost terribly because Yume cannot hold down her liqour.

Minato had told her with his kind and forgiving heart his Sekireis love about him was that he would only wing her (Yume), when she understands what her heart truly wants.

Minato was against forceful wingings and winging a Sekirei should only be done by the Sekirei's consent.

Yume understood his meaning and took some time off from visiting them to understand what she really wanted in her life.

Then came the kidnapping of two child sekirei's from MBI by an unknown group. Yume was deployed, of course. She was deployed to eliminate the kidnappers and rescue the two children. When the news was brought to Minato via Matsu hacking MBI's servers, and Takami inconspicuously dropping the location of where they tracked the group.

He, Miya, and Karasuba joined Yume on her rescue. They arrived in time to finish the clean up and preventing Yume from sacrificing herself to save little Musubi, who's tama was damaged during their experimentation of her. Minato quickly repaired it with his power and saved Musubi's life thus sparing Yume from sacrificing her own in progress.

Yume had never stopped thanking either of them (Mostly Minato) about their assistance that day. Her feelings seemed clear to Minato and his Sekireis after that day. Yume had found what she really wanted, her heart was finally calm and at peace.

And it showed too years later. Yume sent a much warmer and loving smile to Minato when their eyes finally met. Behind him, Matsu and Kazehana were giggling perversely, while Akitsu remained quiet and Miya had a deadpanned look on her features.

Now onto the Sekirei with Yume.

Uzume is a well-endowed young woman with long, dark brown hair, brown eyes and a well developed body figure. She is wearing a brown colored jacket with fur lining the collar for the cold. For the lower part she prefers capri jeans, an odd choice given the current season but they suit her.

"Minato-sama, I apologize for visiting when your not home. I saw Uzume-chan here looking for a home to stay, and yours and Miya-sensei's inn came to mind."

Standing behind Minato was Miya. Who suddenly became more cheerful from Yume calling Izumo Inn as his and hers in the same sentence.

"Nonsense, anyone looking for a home is always welcomed at Izumo Inn. Come inside away from the cold and we'll begin filling out the necessary paperwork, Uzume-san. Come along, anatta."

Miya brushed against Minato's shoulder when she said the last sentence. Turning her head over her shoulder to flash Minato a loving smile before turning around to give Uzume a warm, and welcoming one.

Minato blushed, running a hand through his messing raven locks. Yume found it cute, giggling about the huge difference of emotions from the Pillar.

"On it. You staying too, Yume?" Minato turned his eyes to the standing brunette knowing about her allegiance to MBI as their leader's discipline squad.

Before the Sekirei of Fate could respond. Karasuba did it for her. Wrapping one of her arms around Yume in a one arm hug.

"What a ridiculous answer, Mina-kun. Of course, Yu-chan is staying. We have much to catch up on. Right, Yu-chan?"

Karasuba pushed the befuddled Yume into the Inn. The Sekirei of Fate, unable to say anything on the matter.

Seeing both visiting Sekireis swept off their feet by both Miya and Karasuba respectively.

Minato looked around the front yard and behind him at his remaining three Sekireis.

They sweatdropped while Akitsu remained passive and stuck close to Minato.

Nothing needing to be said the four of them entered the Inn and closed the door behind them.

Quick, I need to write something witty and clever... can't I fail.

My next upload will be Chapter eight for Issei's Sacrifice. If your new here, or haven't done so already, I'm asking you to go to the poll on my profile and vote for the stories you want to see more of by frequent uploads. Thank you as this helps me a lot in deciding what you want to see more of.