A Reawakened God

Chapter one

Chapter 1-5 have been rewritten and fixed of their previous mistakes and errors. I will have missed some if my previous experience has anything to say about this. But this story should be a lot easier to understand and read through. Enjoy!




Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

"Hurry Tobirama! I don't wish to be more late than we already are." Said an overly excited Senju and Shodaime Hokage as he and his companion tree-hopped at breakneck speeds through the forest.

"Anii-ue slow down," Call the now named Tobirama to his brother, the Shodaime Hokage Senju Hashirama. "We have been going nonstop since we first left the Kage's Summit." Tobirama pleaded, while trying to keep pace with his older brother who ignored his plea.

"I'm sorry but I just can't stop myself. Can you believe it, Tobirama?! I'm going to be a father, I'm already a father!" Cried the ecstatic Hokage as tears of joy fell down his face and cheeks. Tobirama sighed, but then smiled falling behind Hashirama. He was honestly happy for his brother and his jump into parenthood. He (Tobirama) was now an uncle himself with the birth of his brother's first child.

Still that didn't mean his brother had to bolt out of the Five Kage Summit, the second they were excused to do so. Hashirama and Tobirama have both been moving on foot since they left the hotel in Lighting country, where the summit was held at this year.

"I know that! You have been constantly reminding me since we first heard the news from Mito-sama herself." Tobirama smiled at his brother's back, since first hearing the news of Mito's pregnancy. Hashirama fainted, which was unexpected from the man known as the 'God of Shinobi'.

When he came too Hashirama burst with excitement and joy. The usual optimistic Hokage couldn't stop smiling that his face was in danger of splinting in two. And if he was being honest with himself, Tobirama enjoyed every second of watching his older brother make a fool of himself.

Like when he abandoned his job as Hokage for a week to spend time with his wife Mito, or when Hashirama doubted his skills at being a good father towards raising his child. Remembering how much he spoiled Tsunade when she was a little girl, perhaps he was right to doubt. Yes, those were good times he thought to himself, nothing was more priceless than seeing the 'God of Shinobi' being scowled at by his pregnant wife. Oh, and lets not forget the mood swings. Yes, those were some good times.

"Then let's hurry! I don't wish to waste anymore time." That being said Hashirama added chakra to his feet, and at the next branch, he rocketed himself putting him far ahead of Tobirama.

Tobirama sighed at his brother's impatience. Adding chakra to his own feet, he spring-board off the next branch to catch up to his exuberant brother.


Konoha Hospital

Arriving back into the village after checking with the guards at the gate. Hashirama and Tobirama raced to hospital. Upon arriving, the two where greeted by numerous Konoha shinobi who wanted to congratulate their Hokage and wish him and his wife, Mito, the best of luck.

Let it be known that keeping Mito's pregnancy a secret, was one of Konoha's worst kept secrets. Never trust anything to an intoxicated Hashirama, nothing stays secret for long whenever he drinks.

Once away from the crowd the two brothers stood outside the room Mito was said to be recovering after the ordeal. Hashirama stood outside the door contemplating his thoughts. Once he opens this door, a new chapter in his life was about to be written. If he was honest with himself, Hashirama was afraid, he hid it well behind a mask but on the inside, he was nervous.

A hand lands on his left shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze. Without moving his head Hashirama could tell his brother's concerned expression on his face, coupled with a proud smile on his lips..

With a deep breath Hashirama slid the door to the left and walked in the room first with Tobirama following behind him.

What the two Senju brothers saw couldn't be explain in words. On the bed, lying with her head against the wall and a pillow at her back to support herself, was a tired, but smiling Uzumaki Mito. Her crimson red hair was a bit dis-leveled not in their usual buns. There were small traces of sweat falling from her forehead, and her violet eyes showed how tired she truly was. It was only by her force of will that she still remained awake this long.

Mito looks up to see her husband Hashirama and his brother Tobirama as they came in. Hashirama had a proud smirk as he stared at his beautiful wife. She called him over with a wave of her hand, and he followed with Tobirama remaining in the corner of the room wanting to give the two some privacy. Upon reaching her bed Hashirama gave a kiss to Mito's cheek as he brushed away the sweat from her face, he sat down on the left side of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked with concern in his voice. Despite her fatigue and appearance Mito managed to smile at her husband. Her smiles were always breathtaking to witness and right now was no different.

"Better now that you're here," She replied, "Oh and before I forget." Holding up the bundle in her arms, wrapped in a sky-blue blanket. Hashirama leaned in closer to get a better look of his child. Slowly, he removes the blanket covering the baby's face. He was then left speechless at what he saw.

There was his son, who by the looks of his appearance, had tufts of black hair on his hair, steel-gray colored eyes, and an aura of pure childlike innocence.

"He's your son." Mito's voice whispered in his ears. Hashirama moved to pick up his quiet son, who had yet to make a sound since his arrival. The baby stared up at Hashirama in a inquisitive and calculated manner that had Hashirama chuckling softly. He stood up and walked around the room with his son as the two continued their staring contest.

"He's beautiful." He whispered, many emotions were seen on Hashirama's face at the moment, happiness, joy, and pride being the most noticeable ones.

"Tobirama" He called to his little brother, who was watching from the corner of the room near the door. He walked towards his brother, who turned around from gazing at the wall so he may see the child, his nephew.

Tobirama didn't know how to respond in this situation. He was a serious man, always has been, always will be. Unlike his brother who always wore a smile on his face. So seeing a baby looking at him with curiosity in his eyes was very disturbing to him.

"Ah, hello there..." Hashirama felt the sweat behind his head drop at the responses his brother made. He looked over his shoulder at Mito, who only shook her head in amusement at the brothers antics.

Saving his brother from further embarrassment Hashirama returned to Mito's side on the bed as the new parents looked at their child with all the love in the world.

"What should we name him?" Mito asked her husband as the two refuse to tear their sights away from their child. They had come to an agreement before she would announce her pregnancy to their friends and family that he would come up with the name for their first child.

"I have one," He leaned down to kiss his wife tenderly on the lips, as the two broke apart they stared once more at their beloved child. He was watching them both with his curious, yet adorable steel-gray orbs. Blinking every once in while gazing up at the two.

"Minato... Uzumaki-Senju Minato is his name."


Five years later

On their way to a park in the center of the village, Mito with Minato in tow walk side-by-side making small talk with each other, she'd watched as her five year old son walked to keep pace with her with a smile on his face. These past five years have been nothing new for the people and shinobi of Konaha, except for their normal everyday lifes. For the Senju Clan it's been a wonderful experience thus far.

Hashirama was still the Hokage.

Tobirama was the current clan head of Senju seeing how his brother can't be both at once. He seems to smile more when around the young Senju heir, and his nephew.

Mito like any mother would give one hundred percent of her undivided attention to raising and loving Minato. While Tobirama taught Minato the basic of being a clan head, Mito home-schooled Minato on various subjects. Strangely enough Minato took everything in like a fish to water.

Another event that happen, was the birth of Hashirama and Mito's second son, Uzumaki-Senju Ussi. Born only a month ago, he is currently under the care of several nannies personally hand-picked by Mito herself to watch and care for her children whenever she was busy. Today Mito had promised her son Minato they'd go to the park today. A promise she made with her son months ago during her pregnancy with Ussi. Today she could finally honor that promise she made with him and Minato was all the more excited to go to the park with his mother.

So they continued their walk at an even pace towards the park.

Minutes later the sight of swings and slides entered the vision of the Senju family. Minato's eyes widened in excitement he turned to look up at his mother. "Kaa-chan, I'm going to go play!" Minato looked eagerly at his mother, who chose to sit down on a bench over looking the playground.

"Very well dear, but stay where I can see you." She replys with a smile.

"Alright, thanks Kaa-chan!" Minato ran off towards the swings laughing all the way.

Mito smiled at her son's back, he was always so full of energy it brought joy to all who saw his smile. She knew Minato has been having a positive effect on the clan, he always brought joy to everyone there including Tobirama.

Minato reaching the swing set, he sat down and watched all the other children that were playing else where, and the parents watching from a far. As he began to swing himself, Minato caught sight of a little girl no older than three. She had black hair that fell to her shoulders, coal colored eyes, and was wearing a blue dress that reaches her knees. She was hiding behind a tree, quite a distance away from the rest of the children playing.

Why? Minato didn't know the reason. However, he could stop looking in her direction.

He feared that the girl was hurt in some way as to why she was avoiding the other children. His mother always told him whenever a girl was crying, he was suppose to help and cheer her up. Nodding to himself, Minato stood up and walked over to the girl.

As he neared her, Minato took notice that she was not in any pain, nor was she in tears, Still curious he asked the girl what was wrong when he got close enough for her to hear him

"Excuse me?" He asked

A gasp was heard from the girl as she slowly turned around to face Minato, Her face held terror and surprise but these emotions dissipated when she got a closer look at the boy who found her. With fresh tears pooling around her eyes, she pointed a hesitated finger at Minato. Her free arm was brought close to her chest.

"Y-You're not my onii-chan...? Who are you?" She asked timidly, in a soft whisper, afraid as to who this boy was.

Minato sensing her fear, knelt down on one knee but kept his hands to his sides so not to frighten the girl further. Putting on his best smile he closed his eyes and tilted his head to the side.

"Sorry for scaring you, I just wanted to see if you were ok, I saw you hiding behind this tree and I thought you were crying." The little girl looks into Minato's eyes to find the truth behind his words. She saw no deceit in his eyes, and his smile made her feel safe and comfortable seeing it. Finding Minato too be telling her the truth she relaxed her body and took a deep breath before saying.

"Thank you for your concerns but I'm wasn't crying, I was-"

"Ayame! Ayame! Hey, where did you go? Come on, I'm done playing just tell me where your hiding?!"

Hearing the shouts of a familiar voice, the now named Ayame instantly perk up, she yelled out to the person calling her name, "Over here onii-chan!" Soon the sounds of feet hitting grass was heard and the head of a boy, the same age as Minato appeared behind the tree.

"Ah, there you are Ayame, I was so worried when I couldn't find you that I stopped seeking and started looking for you." The boy was the same height and age as Minato, he had black, somewhat spiky hair, same coal eyes as the little girl. He wore a high-collared black shirt with black shorts.

"I'm ok, onii-chan, really, and I'm sorry for having you worry for me. But this boy here found me." She pointed to Minato standing next to her. He remained silent watching the two siblings interaction.

"Oh, sorry about that I didn't see you there," The boy said in a nervous chuckle, his right hand rubbing the back of his head. He looked at Minato, and extends his hand to shake. "Sorry again for not seeing you earlier, my name is Karuse Uchiha, and this is my baby sister Ayame Uchiha." The boy Karuse introduce himself and his sister Ayame, who bowed her head in greeting after standing up from sitting down on the grass..

"Nice to meet you both. My name is Minato Senju." Minato greeted with a large eye-smile showing his teeth to the Uchiha twins.

Hearing his name, their eyes widened and Ayame gasps at the reveal of him being the Hokage's son.

Karuse was the first to recover from the revelation of meeting the Hokage's son standing in front of them."Y-You're Hokage-sama's son!" He said pointing a finger at Minato. He started shaking in anxiety. His eyes nearly rolling to the back of his head and falling unconscious.

"Hey! It's not nice to point fingers at other people." Minato said with a pout and puffing out his cheeks. Ayame slapped her brother's shoulder, giving him a glare. It was cute seeing the older brother being scolded by his little sister by a two year difference between each other. Recollecting himself Karuse turned back and apologized to Minato for his behavior.

"Heh, sorry again. It's just we were both surprised that you are Hokage-sama's son is all." He rubbed the back of his head with a nervous smile. Ayame was glaring up at her older brother from the corner of her eyes.

"Hm, that's ok, by the way why was your little sister hiding behind this tree to begin with? I thought she was hurt that's why I came over to check and see if she was injured."

"Oh that, well me and Ayame were playing hide and seek, It was my turn to seek and I was looking for Ayame, after five minutes when I could not find her I sort of panic."

"Well, as long as she ok than that's fine with me." Saying his goodbyes to the Uchiha twins, Minato started walking back towards the playground.

"Wait!" Minato turned back around to see Karuse and Ayame walking towards Minato side-by-side.

"What is it?" Minato turned to face the siblings.

"We wanted to ask if you wanted to come play with us?" Karuse said

Minato began to think this over before a hand was on his. He follows the hand to Ayame holding his right hand, who had a warm smile on her face. "Please play with us, Minato-kun. It will be a lot of fun."

He just couldn't say no to that face now can he...?

"Ok, I'll play with you guys." He resign to his faith. He couldn't say no to her with those eyes staring up at him.

"Alright, what should we play?" Karuse asked

"How about hide and seek again?" Ayame said

"Sounds fun, but with Minato joining we need to know on who's going to be 'it'." Karuse looks down at the ground searching for something in the grass when he said "Ah" he reached down and picked something up. He brought his right hand up and showed several sticks all different sizes. "We'll draw sticks on who is 'it' first." The three nodded their heads in agreement and move to pick out a stick from Karuse's hand.


Watching the exchange from her bench, Mito smiled to herself at watching her son making some new friends. Looking back over once more at Minato, who was now facing a tree and counting, while the other two children ran away to hide.

"They seem to get along together really well, don't you think?"

Mito looked to her left to see a young couple that both looked to be in their early thirty's walking towards her.

She smiles again as she looks back to see Minato having found the boy, who was saying that he cheated and laugh before continuing their search for the girl. "They sure are... and who might I be speaking too?" She asked the couple taking her eyes away from her son for a split moment.

The man had black spiky hair and coal colored eyes same as his children. He wore a black high-collared shirt with the Uchiha fan on the back, black pants, and black ninja sandals on his feet. "Nice to meet you Mito-sama, my name is Ichigo Uchiha. And this is my wife Himegami Uchiha.

Himegami is a beautiful women with black hair that fell to her upper back, she had the same eyes as her husband and children. She was wearing a black kimono with silver trims, a white obi wrapped around her waist to keep the kimono together, and black ninja sandals. "Very nice to meet you Mito-sama." She bowed her head in respect.

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance." She said returning the gesture. She looked back to see Minato and the two Uchiha children starting a new game with the girl counting this time.

"Our son and daughter seem to have taken a liking to your son, Mito-sama." Ichigo said seeing his daughter trying to find the two boys. He and his wife had taken a seat next to Mito on the bench on her left side.

"Just Mito, there is no need to be formal." She said with smile. Ichigo and Himegami smiled in returned.

"Very well, Mito. But my husband does have point with our children and your son getting along together." Himegami rebutted.

"They are having a lot of fun aren't they? If I may ask, those two are your children, what are their names?"

"Their names are Karuse and Ayame, Karuse is our oldest at the age of five, and Ayame is two years younger than her brother.

"Such loving children you two have." Mito exclaimed with a warm smile. Looking back at the game Ayame had successfully found both Karuse and Minato hiding together. They returned to the same tree with Karuse counting as Minato and Ayame hid.

"Thank you Mito." Himegami beamed with a smile at the compliment from the Hokage's wife.

Ichigo sighed with a smile of his own then looked back towards the kids to see them walking back this way. He saw the expression of happiness and laughter on their faces as they slowly made their way back. 'Now if only the Uchiha and Senju can be like this, where no hatred between us.'

Karuse looked up to see his father look his way with a smile. He waved the kids over. Seeing this, Karuse began to run towards his parents with Minato and Ayame following closely behind him.

"Tou-san!" Karuse yells as he reach his father, Ichigo simply smiling down at his son. Himegami, who had been talking to Mito turned around to see her son and daughter and Mito's son Minato standing in front of them.

"You had fun today, son?"

"Sure did and look! Ayame and me made a new friend." Karuse turns around to introduce Minato.

Ichigo and Himegami smiled at Minato seeing the joy he brought to their children. "Nice to meet you Minato." He extended his hand to shake, Minato took the hand with a firm shake. "Quite the handshake you got their Minato." Ichigo chuckled, while shaking his hand he used to shake with Minato feeling the numbness in it.

"My tou-san said I have to be strong in everything I do." He answer with no hesitation, something that briefly surprise Ichigo.

"Ha, that he did." Ichigo pat his head and ruffled his hair with a smile, turning his attention to his daughter, who looked like she wanted to speak.

"Papa, Mama..." Ayame said in an almost whisper, but to the parents they heard it perfectly. They trained themselves for instances such as these when it concerns their daughter. "Can we come back tomorrow to play some more with Minato-kun?"

The two parents were stunned at their daughter's braveness, now normally Ayame is very timid, and scares quite easily. It's only because she's around her brother Karuse, that she ever leaves home, and she usually doesn't like to speak her mind when it would get people's attention. So, to see her not stuttering, nor looking away when it came down to asking for something she wanted. They were astonished by her change of demeanor so quickly from just a single play date with Minato.

They smiled at their daughter. Being around Minato was having a positive effect on her confidence. "Of course we can dear. If it's ok with you Mito?" Himegami said looking back to see Mito smiling as well.

"Of course, it would not be fair if we were to tear apart their friendship." The kids cheered in celebration, Minato ran towards his mother to give her a big hug, while saying "Thank You" multiple times.

"So same time tomorrow?" Ichigo said standing up with Himegami doing the same.

"Yes, see you tomorrow." Mito and Minato waved goodbye as the Uchiha family waved goodbye as well. Both families going their separate directions back home. Retiring for the day.


"Man, what a day today was." Exclaim a physically tired Minato having finish his training for the day.

Although still young, Minato showed a healthy fascination towards being a Shinobi. Hashirama, his father was all for it, he assigned his brother Tobirama to supervise Minato's training. Tobirama whole-heartily agree to this. Mito was however against it, but after seeing Minato downcast mood (something he's really good at.), she reluctantly agree, as long as his training was kept to a minimum.

For Minato's sake and to avoid Mito coming after him, only physical training was taught. As he progress through training, Minato's chakra network began to grow and expand, to better accommodate his growing body.

After getting the green light from Mito. Tobirama started on Minato's chakra control training, which always leaves the young heir exhausted. But in no means was Minato complaining. He welcomed the challenges brought upon him to prepare him for a life as a shinobi.

Walking to his bedroom for night after such a long, productive day with training. Minato just wanted to rest his tired body on his bed so he may rest to start the cycle again tomorrow.

Nearing his room, Minato saw the door to his father studies was left somewhat, opened. Normally the door was always closed under lock and key, but the door was left opened that anyone could just peek in to see what was behind these closed doors.

Minato would never disobey his parents, or uncle, when they say something is off limits but being five years old with child curiosity and a desire to see what was inside. Minato couldn't contain himself any longer.

Looking both ways of the hall to ensure that no one was nearby to witness him, he moved.

Reaching for the handle he slowly and gently opens the door to where not even a squeak was heard. Now inside he surveyed his surroundings. His father's study was plain with nothing too extravagant.

The color of the walls was a dark, green color, resembling the color of a forest. There was a wooden desk situated in the center of the room, a black chair closely resembling leather behind the desk, and a large window at the far end of the room, the light of the moon was shining inside, with the moon clearly visible. And shelves filled with various books littered the room.

"Wow." Minato in awe, he was speechless to say anything, too preoccupied with the visual of his father's study to comprehend he was not suppose to be in this room to begin with.

Regaining his focus, Minato moved to one of the many shelves containing books that his father kept. Besides training his body, Minato was as well training his mind. He found an interest in reading books, namely those of strategy, tactics, and of war. Unable to think clearly he reach for the first book he spotted.

It was hard-cover book, brown in color, seems old to the naked eye, and it probably was. But Minato saw the book was in fine condition minus it's exterior.

He blew away the dust on the cover, enough to where the title was visible. He looks down at the book intently as he silently read the title. "Basic jutsu's of learning Wood Release." It said. Minato thought about what wood release was. When he remembered something his father showed him just a few days ago.

He smiled when remembering seeing his father use wood release once, as part of a demonstration. Minato looked down at the book in his hands again, "I wonder..." He whispered to himself quietly reaching to open the book up.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps coming from down the hall outside.

Fearing he overstayed his welcome. Minato with book in hand hurried outside closing the door to his father's study behind him. Knowing no one would suspect someone entering in the first place. Retreating to his bedroom and closing the door behind him then jumped into his bed. Minato quickly fell asleep with the book tucked under his pillow.

The following morning well rested and awake. Minato was found in the training dojo that he and his uncle Tobirama have been using for the past couple of weeks. Currently alone waiting for his sensei to arrive for morning training. Minato with the book he "borrow" last night. Was laid out before him, the book was turned to its first page.

Looking down at the book reading every sentence of every line intently, not missing, nor leaving out anything. Minato ran his index finger through a line that caught his attention.

"Hmm... to do this these jutsus, First I have to gather the necessary chakra, as well as perform hand- signs at the same time. Doesn't seem to complicated." He said beginning to gather the necessary chakra. Good thing he was already practicing chakra control.

A single hand-sign was required. Snake, simple enough he thought.

Now finished Minato looks ahead to see an empty dojo in front of him. Perfect. He took a deep breath then exhaled, he looked up once again and shouted, "Mokuton: Azuma no kami sori no kaze! (Wood Release: Razor wind of the east!")

At first nothing happened.

Believing he missed a step Minato retry again from the beginning before shouting, "Mokuton: Azuma no kami sori no kaze! (Wood Release: Razor wind of the east!")

Again nothing happen

Now fill with discomfort at his attempts failing one after another. He started over once more but this time. Minato began channeling more chakra. Sweat was pouring down his forehead but he paid this no mind, his breath was beginning become short but again he ignored it. His sole focus was completing the jutsu.

Having call on enough chakra, finishing his last hand-sign, he shouted, "Mokuton:Azuma no kami sori no kaze! (Wood Release: Razor wind of the east!")

Just then, a sprout grew from beneath the tatami mat of the dojo. It continued to grow from a sprout to a seedling, to tree, and finally blooming pink Sakura petals, and that's were it ended, or so Minato thought. A wind suddenly blew from no direction, the Sakura petals blew with the wind following it, beginning a dance in mid-air. Finally the Sakura petals launch at barely unseen speed, the petals where launched at an adjoining wall. The damage done was no short feat. Powered from the wind to increase both cutting power, and increasing their speed, created a dangerous attack which left a wall in the far corner in the dojo marred with unspeakable damage.

"Hah, alright, I did it, haha, this is so amazing, isn't uncle?" Too caught with admiring the tree that he created that he failed to notice an extra body was now present with him in the dojo.

Having caught what he said, Minato slowly turn around to see his uncle Tobirama standing by the sliding door to the dojo, seeing the huge tree that his grandson grew from using wood release. He heard that right? Someone other than his brother actually can use wood release.

Tobirama looked down to see his grandson with a sheepish smile, rubbing the back of his head with his right hand. After seconds of silence Minato spoke up.

"Ah, hey... Tobirama-sensei, ah... How much did you see?"

"..." He said nothing but crossed his arms in front of his chest and returned a glare at his nephew.

"I thought as much."


Minato stood in the center of his father's studies, both of his parents, as well as his uncle examining him closely as if he were some science experiment. He could not make out what they were talking about, mostly about him he had no doubt about that. Their voices were kept to a whisper preventing Minato from hearing anything.

Hashirama saw the discomfort on his son face so he offered him a warm smile.

"Minato, I know what you're thinking but know that you are by far in no trouble." Hashirama informed his son, a warm smile to reassure his words were not lies.

"I understand that tou-san but what I'm ashamed of is taking your books without permission."

"I understand and normally I should punish you for your actions." Minato tensed, his body locking up. "But I'm also at fault for leaving the door opened and unlocked. If anything I should take responsibility for my actions." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, Mito grew a tick-mark above her brow at her husband's carelessness. "That aside Minato I wish to confirm Tobirama's assumption of you using Mokuton. Is that fair, Minato?"

"Of course tou-san!" Minato nodded his head. Back straight and head held up high.

Hashirama nodded his head he then reached into his desk he sat behind to retrieve a potted pot, but with no plant, just soil.

"If what Tobirama is saying is true. Then you should be able to do so with this pot fill with soil." He place the pot on his desk in front of Minato.

"Now, you may begin when ready." Hashirama, Tobirama, and Mito all stared at Minato waiting for him. If he can truly use Mokuton then there will be someone other than Hashirama who can use it.

Minato stared at his parents and uncle then to the pot filled with soil, then back to his parents, then back to pot of soil and so forth. With a nod he channeled the right amount of chakra. Forming the snake hand-sign, he and the other occupants all watched with fascination as a small bonsai tree grew from the soil.

Picking up the pot Hashirama examined the tree intently and carefully before nodding his head, a smile filled with unrestrained happiness on his lips.

"No doubt about it. My son can use Mokuton!" Hashirama cheered, proud of his son accomplishment of being able to use the same element as him.

"Then we know what this means, brother?" Tobirama said to his brother, who loses his smile to replace it with a serious expression once again

"I know and of this moment, I am Minato's sensei. If anyone one is to teach my son to master Mokuton, it has to be his own father." Returning to smilling which caused Minato to smile also. His mind and heart racing at the thought of being trained by his legendary father.

"Very well, I'm glad that you will be joining us brother. What about you Mito-sama will you be teaching Minato as well?"

The two men and child looked to see Mito deep in thought standing behind her husband, a hand under her chin, her beautiful face marred with a frown, contemplating her thoughts. She smiles seconds later before moving towards Minato to embrace him in a hug.

"Of course, I wouldn't wish to be left out, as no one is going to lay a finger on my Sochi."

The two men smile at the love Mito had for Minato and Ussi. Hashirama reaches into his desk again pulling out what seems to be a piece of paper.

"Minato?" He called out getting his son's attention, "This piece of paper I hold in my hand is what we call chakra paper. By channeling your chakra into this we will be able to confirm you nature affinity and how to approach your training.

He held out his hand with the paper for Minato to take. With a pat on his back from Mito, Minato move towards his father taking the paper and following his father's instructions. With channeling chakra into the paper.

What happened next threw everyone for a loop

The paper was cut into a "X" separating into four pieces, The top piece turned to solid rock signifying a high affinity to Earth, the right piece got soggy before turning to water, the third piece on the left caught fire burning the remains of the paper before burning out in his hand, and the bottom piece crinkled giving off a faint static of lighting coursing through the paper.

Minato didn't know what either of this meant, he look to his father, who was thinking over what he just witnessed. Seeing his son staring at him he offer him a smile. He said.

"Well, Minato-kun this is surprising, who would have believed that not only do you possess Mokuton, but also the five main elements. From what we can gather from the demonstration, your two main affinities appear to be Earth and Water, resulting the use of Mokuton, Wind appears to be your second strongest element, and Fire and Lighting seems to be your weaker affinities out of the five. Either way I'm still impressed." Hashirama smiled at the development of his son's growing strength. He then took on a serious expression, he looked to Tobirama and his wife Mito with a steel cold expression and demeanor in his posture.

"This is not to leave this room until Minato is able to grab a better hold of his abilities. His ability to use Mokuton is to remain hidden, as of now this is a S-rank secret." Hashirama exclaims with the look and strength that came with being Hokage of the entire village. The two adults nodded their heads agreeing with him. Hashirama's expression became soft and friendly once more as he looks at Minato.

"All this aside how about some breakfast? With Tobirama in a hurry to find me and Mito-chan, we never were able to finish breakfast for today." Everyone besides Minato and Hashirama, the latter rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. They sweat-dropped at his usual antics.

Getting up from behind his desk Hashirama grabbed Minato and placed him on his shoulders, the two were laughing as they exited the room. Mito frowned with annoyance at her husband following suit after them. Tobirama shook his head with a smile on his face before leaving the room last.

Unaware that someone else had heard the entire exchange in the study. Further away at a safe distance, leaning against a tree, Sharingan eyes watching with precise accuracy. This person smirked at the new information he acquired from reading the lips of Hashirama and others through his Sharingan.

This person was none other than... Madara Uchiha.

"Hm... Interesting. Hashirama you're keeping secrets from me now? And I thought we were friends." Madara said with sarcasm before retreating back into the forest and erasing his presence so that he was never there.


(Four years later) Minato age 9

"Again!"Madara ordered his student Minato Senju, who was standing opposite end of the clearing, breathing heavily but acquiesce to his Mentor's orders.

Seeing Minato nod his head Madara ran through hand-signs at great speed that the human eye couldn't possibly follow, unless aided by a bloodline or Doujutsu.

"Kanton: Gokakyu no Jutsu! (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!") A small fireball flew from Madara towards the unmoving Minato, whohad just finished his own set of hand-signs.

"Doton: Doryuheki! (Earth Release: Earth-style wall!") Minato slams his hands on the ground in front of him, and a giant wall made of earth rose to protect him from the fireball.

Sensing movement to his right Minato spotted Madara finishing another set of hand-signs. "Kanton: Ryuem Hoka no Jutsu! Fire Release: Dragon Flame Release Song Technique!") Madara inhale the air then exhaling, blowing out several miniaturize fireball dragon-shaped heads speeding towards their target.

Minato show no hesitation to the oncoming jutsu, he claps his hands together and giant roots spring from the ground acting as a barrier, shielding Minato from the fireballs. Not wanting to give Madara another chance at attacking, Minato went through a new set of hand-signs before calling, "Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu (Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!")

Since their spar was in a clearing with a lake not too far off. Minato had the advantage of water on his side. The water began to move rapidly and without haste. Before long a dragon made entirely of water rose high into the sky. It remain still for a few seconds then rushed Madara, he widened his eyes at the speed of the dragon.

An explosion of water followed raining the practice field with heavy rain. It stops raining moments later and Minato remains silent, while breathing heavily after using several jutsu's in a row.

Being a sensor type ninja Minato calmed himself to feel out Madara's chakra. Despite being caught unaware nothing this small was enough to bring down Uchiha Madara, and Minato knew this better than anyone. Widening his at the movement behind him Minato drew a Kunai from his pouch and turns an almost one hundred and eighty degree, when a Kunai found itself dangerously close to his neck.

Madara with a smirk on his lips uttered a, "You lose,"

Minato only smiles before turning to wood, revealing himself to be a wood clone.

His eyes widened at the trick, Madara fails to react to the Kunai now position at his own throat. The kunai travel back up to Minato, who face was impassive but held a sardonic smirk on his lips. He calmly spoke to the trapped Uchiha. "Sorry sensei but this victory is mine."

"Is that so..."

A poof of smoke signal a shadow clone being dispel, caught by complete surprise Minato dropped his guard for just a second. A second Madara used to get behind his student positioning his kunai closer to Minato's neck drawing blood in the process.

Removing the kunai Minato didn't cringed, or voice his pain, he brought a hand to his neck putting pressure to stop the bleeding. Madara watched this with an bored look as he surveyed the training field they had used for their spar. It was still presentable only a few marred edges here and there but nothing out of the ordinary when it comes to two shinobi sparring against each other. He turned to Minato finding him already staring back at him waiting for their next lesson.

"That's enough for today."

"Hai, but sensei did you really have to draw blood there, I'm afraid it will leave a scar." Minato questioned bringing a hand to check the wound on his neck.

"Next time you should not use a wood clone to catch me off guard. I'm merely returning the favor." Madara answer dryly giving his student an annoyed look. The two remain quiet for sometime not speaking a word to each other.

Clearing his throat and getting Minato's attention. Madara started speaking, "I didn't know you knew how to create wood clones, Minato? Able to fool me and my Sharingan when active, I saw your exact chakra network in that clone, yet you pulled my leg right from under me. Tell me can you make anymore?"

"Not really I only just learn about wood clones from reading the books my tou-san provided for me, and I just started using them at the beginning of the month. I put much work and effort into creating these clones but at the moment I can only create one, anymore drains too much of my chakra leaving me to the point of chakra exhaustion." Through out Minato's explanation Madara was thinking on how to approach this dilemma with little overall harm to Minato as possible.

If Minato can create wood clones that have the exact chakra network as the original, that can fool even the Sharingan, the possibilities are endless.

"You're better off going to Hashirama for that, I'm know little about Mokuton so don't bother asking me for help."

Minato's sweat-dropped at his sensei's way of helping but he does make a point.

"Of course, Madara-sensei." Minato bowed in respect before turning to head back to the village, he stopped hearing Madara called his name. Turning to look over his right shoulder to see Madara with his arms cross across his chest with his visible eye shut closed and a smile on his lips.

"I don't want to admit this but you did catch me off guard with that clone of yours, so great work. You managed to get the jump on me, but don't let it go to head." Madara finished with a scowl but if you look closely you could see the ghost of a smile, a smile a father would give to his son whenever he does something great. Minato didn't see the smile but absorbed his sensei's praises. "Tomorrow at the same time got it brat?"

"Of course, Madara-sensei!" Minato beamed as he turned back around and went into a full sprint back home to the Senju compound, leaving a grinning Madara watching the spot he just stood on.

Madara stayed on the training field enjoying the peace and listening to the different animals that inhabited the clearing. He turn to leave but kept his gaze on a tree, partially one that house a spy.

He stared blankly at the tree for several seconds till saying loud enough for his spy to hear,

"If you two are done; then you should hurry back before Minato gets suspicious." Madara continue his walk out of the clearing before looking over his shoulder, "Unless he's already known but kept his tongue on why his father and uncle are spying on him." With that said Madara left the clearing.

Back at the same tree, however...

"Madara how dare he lay a finger on Minato and believes that I'm just going to let him walk away."

Tobirama exclaimed trying, but failing to keep his anger under control. Hashirama was with him to prevent Tobirama from losing his cool and attacking Madara, which would lead to a free-for-all that would destroy half of the village.

"Calm yourself Tobirama attacking Madara will solve nothing." Hashirama said with a calm face his arms crossed in front of chest.

"But brother how can you be so calm when Madara deliberately attack Minato?"

"...Hm, Tobirama." Hashirama started calmly his voice devoid of emotion, a voice Tobirama has heard his brother use several times during the clan wars era. Tobirama turned to face his brother who's eyes were closed and his face didn't tell what he was thinking. It scared Tobirama, if he were being honest with himself, this version of Hashirama frightens him. It was almost as if staring at the Reaper without the robes and scythe but the oppressing aura and killing intent was still there.

"While I may not approval of Madara's way of teaching Minato, but do not think I'm not worry for my own son's safely." He open his eyes showing how serious he was, Tobirama felt his sweat-drop at the killing intent his brother was releasing not enough to bring him to knees, but enough to have him feel uncomfortable under the monstrous pressure. "Didn't I say four years ago that I wanted Minato to become strong enough to protect himself?"

"Yes, you did but-"

"That's exactly what I said; Tobirama. Minato needs to grow strong in both mentally and physically, I already knew that the path will not be easy, nor did I believe Minato would walk away unscathed. I do worry for him dearly, at times during his training I push him to far almost to where he would suffer from chakra exhaustion. I believed that he would begin to hate me but instead he tells me not to worry that he would grow stronger to make me proud. It pains me to see him push himself past his limits, but I can't always worry for him instead I should encourage him to grow and not baby him. Do you understand, Tobirama?"

Tobirama after hearing his brother's explanation couldn't bring himself to say anything so he just nodded his head. Hashirama smiles and jumps off the branch he and his brother had been standing on, landing on the ground he turned back to face Tobirama. "We better hurry home before Minato sees his father and uncle are not there to greet him." Hashirama disappeared in a swirl of leaves.

Tobirama remain in the tree thinking about what his brother just confessed to him.

"Is that why you allow Madara to train Minato those four years ago, brother?" Tobirama's hand clawed down on the tree. Remembering that day quite vividly when Madara requested he train Minato personally.


(Flashback) Four years ago

Hashirama along with Tobirama where in Hokage building inside the office going through paperwork required for the village to thrive. Of course Hashirama didn't want to do it all alone, so he got his brother to help him, while ignoring Tobirama's ire of him for calling him over to help.

The two work at an even pace when a knock was heard from outside the office.

"Come in." Hashirama called out never once looking up.

The door opens, a man wearing a black kimono with the Uchiha fan on the back walked in. The man's face was set in a smirk and said, "So this is what the two Senju brothers have been reduce to, how far the great have fallen." Joked Madara. Taking pleasure in the look he was getting from Tobirama glaring at him.

"Madara." Tobirama said with venom in his tone for the Uchiha he and his brother have met countless times on the battlefield in the past, who is also responsible for the hundreds of dead clan members from the Senju who died fighting Madara.

Hashirama greeted the Uchiha with a smile opposite to his brother's glare and click of his tongue.

"Madara what can I do for you?" 'Anything to get a break from paperwork is a gift sent from above.' The last sentence he said in his head to himself

Ignoring Tobirama to which only angered the Senju more, Madara turned to face his oldest friend and rival.

"Nothing really I was just bored at the Uchiha compound, I thought about stopping by to see an old friend.."

Tobirama narrows his eyes at the Uchiha, who only brush his killing intent off.

"Just like old times... well I'm glad you stopped by, I needed a break from this paperwork anyways." Hashirama laugh heartily, completely unaware to the atmosphere in his office with Tobirama losing his patience with the standing Madara with his arms crossed against his chest.

Madara place a hand on his right hip, relaxing his stance, still ignoring Tobirama in favor for Hashirama, he said. "Actually and I know this for a fact, but I hear your son, Minato is looking for an instructor for Fire and Lighting release."

That was the last straw for Tobirama, already preparing his hand-signs for a Water jutsu but is stopped by Hashirama glare aimed at him. A glare Hashirama normally only uses whenever Tobirama is going too far like right now. Tobirama cancels his jutsu and returned to glaring at Madara with his arms crossed against his chest, who again brush it away.

Hashirama with his elbows on his desk and fingers intertwined together look ed at Madara with calculated eyes. His stance showed that he was bored and not paying attention, but if look closely you could see Madara was ready to fight at any given moment.

"Madara," He started off getting the attention of both occupants , "I won't ask on how you know this as this is a S-rank secret. But I personally know the kind of man you are so I don't need to know anymore than what I'm already aware of. So I ask, would you be willing to train Minato in Fire and Lighting?"

"Brother! You can't be serious-."

"Tobirama," He flinched at how casually his name was called by his brother. "Minato is my son, do not tell me what is good for him and what is not. I'd advise you keep your peace unless I ask for your opinion on the matter. Understand?" He finished with the same glare as before. Tobirama wanted to say something but the glare his brother was using took away any courage he had to continue. He nodded his head and stood off to the side. Madara watched all this with a smirk and a hidden glee in his eyes at watching the expressionless and serious of the Senju brothers being brought down a peg.

"Well now, when you put it like that I guess I could move my schedule around to fit you in, Hashirama." He said with a smirk and crossing his arms across his chest.

"Perfect! Come back later and I'll give you your dates and times on when you may train Minato." Hashirama said with a smile full of happiness, Madara nods his head and he moved to leave but not without looking at Tobirama one last time. Giving him a dirty look with his usual aggravating smirk on his face. Madara left without turning back around to see Tobirama clenching his teeth and right hand.

Once the door to the office closed Tobirama could no longer his keep silent, and with a grunt of anger he turned to his brother, who was watching the door leaving his office.

"Brother how could you allow someone like Madara anywhere near Minato let alone train him. Explain yourself?" Tobirama couldn't sallow the fact that his brother, the Hokage would allow his son to receive training from Madara, surely there are others who are better suited to train his son in his mastering the other elements

Hashirama remains quiet as his eyes never turned away from watching the door, "Tobirama," He exhaled the breath he was holding looking at his brother staring back at him.

"I'm allowing Madara to train Minato because Madara alone is the village's best fire user, and no doubt he has knows some lightning jutsu's as well. Seeing as some members of the Uchiha clan know both fire and lightning release." He looks at Tobirama to see he was following along.

Tobirama remain stoic and calm but was understanding of his brother's reasons but it didn't mean he had to like it. He kept this to himself seeing as he was walking on thin ice already.

"Madara is the perfect instructor to teach Minato Fire and Lighting release and is someone I trust with my life, he won't go telling this to anyone." Tobirama grunted with a scowl but stayed silent. "Give him a chance Tobirama. Not for me, but for Minato. Imagine how strong he will become with him using all his elements."

Tobirama said nothing, he couldn't, he himself wants Minato to grow up strong and one day surpass him and his brother. So even if he can't stand the sight and voice of Madara. He will try for his nephew Minato.

"As much as I despises Madara and the rest of the Uchiha clan I won't destroy an opportunity for Minato to learn and train all his elements. Very well brother I'll accept your reasoning, but good luck explaining this to Mito-sama without talking about it with her first." That said, Tobirama disappeared in a swirl of water leaving the carpet he was standing on drenched.

Hashirama grew a tick mark on his forehead, "Couldn't you not have done that outside." Remembering to mail Tobirama the bill for dry-cleaning his carpet he went back to finishing up his paperwork so he can retire for the day. He will also need to come up with a story to explain to his wife about Madara training their son without talking it over with her first.

Feeling a cold shiver running down his spine. Hashirama shuttered, not in any hurry to return home and face the scorn wrath of his beautiful Uzumaki wife.

(End of Flashback)


Arriving back at his family's home in the Senju compound, opening the gate and walking in, admiring the beauty of nature that his house and the rest of Senju compound was covered in due to his father Hashirama's Mokuton. Arriving at the front door, taking out his key, putting it in the lock and unlocking and opening the door. As soon as his feet entered he was attack at the waist by a pair of tiny arms wrapping themselves tightly around him.

"Nii-san!" The little boy with short black hair said enjoying the warmth of his brother. Happy that he's finally home from training.

"Hey Ussi." The boy named Ussi, Minato's little brother. Looked up at his older brother with a huge smile. Releasing his hold on his brother, Ussi stood on his toes attempting to get closer to Minato's face and started asking him for his help.

"Hey nii-san, can you help me with my shuriken training today?" Ussi beamed at his older brother with an infectious smile and pleading eyes. The same ones even their uncle couldn't ignore, or turned away from.

"Sure thing. I'm done with my own training today so I'm free. Let's head out back." Ussi nodded his head happily with joy. Glad his brother said yes to help him with his shuriken training.

The two brothers grabbed their sandals and walked to the backyard when their mother Mito called their names together from behind them. Turning his head Minato saw his mother and his two-year old baby sister, Miya holding onto their mother's hand.

Miya is the last of the Senju siblings and Hashirama and Mito's only daughter. Born two years ago she shares all of her mother's features, including her exotic and lovely crimson red hair.

"If you two are going out to practice be sure to be back on time for dinner, ok?" Mito said.

The two brothers nodded their heads and continued their trek to the backyard. Minato sent one last look at his baby sister, who waved her small hand goodbye to him and Ussi. Minato waves back following his younger brother outside.


"Ok listen and watch closely, Ussi. I'm going to show you how you can score many points in throwing shurikens. Got it?" Minato looked towards the sidelines where Ussi was standing at watching him intently.

"Got it, nii-san!"

Minato smiles once and turns back to face the training dummies that were on the opposite side of the field. He slowed his breathing down and threw the shurikens in his hands. The sound of wood clucking was heard as he scored his hits.

Ten shurikens in total, seven hit with three being instant kills and only three misses.

Minato smile at his accomplish but didn't boast, he wasn't the type of person to boast his winnings.

He turns back in time to see Ussi running up too him, "Nii-san that was great! How did you get so good?"

Minato sheepishly rubs the back of his head and answered his curious little brother, "I'm not that great otouto, average, or adequate is the word I would use."

Ussi shook his head, "No nii-san you were perfect, you should not doubt yourself." Ussi encouraged Minato holding his hands up into fists giving him the best smile he could muster.

Minato laugh sheepishly agreeing with his brother, he rubbed Ussi's head in thanks, who smiled in joy.

"Alright enough about me your turn." Minato move to the side as Ussi took the position his brother was previously. He calmed his breathing and fixed his stance, once he good he released the shurikens in each hand.

Four hit in the chest, one in right lung, and five were misses.

Ussi groan in disappointment when compared to his brother's score. He looks up when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Minato gave Ussi a reassuring smile when their eyes met.

"Don't give up, I was the same when I was your age. I was disappointed at my failures but I didn't not let that stop me, so I kept practicing and practicing slowly getting better, and I still am. You understand Ussi? Never give up and keep trying." Ussi nodded his head fully understanding his brother. He readied his stance again and threw another shuriken with this one missing too much to the left.

"Here let me fix your stance." Minato helped Ussi in his stance and how to throw his shuriken properly with better success. Finished he stood back and asked for Ussi to try again. Refocused, breathing at a steady pace, feet shoulder length apart, his target in sights, breathing in and out and release.

This attempt had a better success than the previous two. Six hit their marks with two being instant kills to the heart and neck, and only four missed the target completely.

"Nii-san, nii-san! Did you see that?!" Ussi called out to his brother, while pointing at the dummy filled with shurikens. Minato smiled and clapped for Ussi. 'just like when I first got a high score.' he thought thinking back to his earlier training years..

Walking over he patted Ussi on his back, smiling at his younger brother. "You did great Ussi. With a little more practice you'll surpass me and one day even tou-san." The two brothers talked for the rest of the evening on improving their throwing skills and their futures as a shinobi until being call for dinner by their mother..


The Senju family of five sat at the table enjoying the food Mito prepare for the evening, Miya was being fed by Mito in her baby seat, Hashirama was coversing with his wife and helping from time to time with feeding his daughter, and lastly the two brothers talked amongst themselves about their day and such.

"So Minato how was training today with Madara?" Hashirama asked his son who thought back to today's training session.

"It was good, today I almost had him but he got me with a clone." Minato left out on purpose on how he nearly won his victory. Minato had a great deal of respect for Madara after training under him for four years. So, to save Madara the embarrassment of being fool by a clone he left that part out.

"Oh, Madara almost losing in spar, how did that happen?"

"He underestimated me when my guard was down." He said coolly watching his parents buy it.

"Hmph, from the times I spoken with Madara I knew his arrogance would be the death of him." Mito said in her regal tone and a posture saying she was right.

Hashirama sheepishly laughed at his wife's tone towards Madara. Hashirama had no grudge, or general hatred for Madara since they were children the two always saw each other as rivals.

Tobirama, however, hated Madara and the Uchiha clan, so nothing new there.

And Mito? He (Hashirama) doesn't know what she thinks of the head of the elder Uchiha but odds are she hates him in a way, or just doesn't like him.

"Ah, before I forget Minato!" Hashirama calls his son getting his attention again. "I took the liberty to signing you up for the Ninja Academy. You start next week, what do you think?"

"Aww, but tou-san I don't want to go. What about my training with you, kaa-chan, Tobirama-oji-san, and Madara-sensei?"

Hashirama and Mito knew of Minato's respect and likeness towards the elder Uchiha. The same can be said about Minato as Madara sees their son as a close friend.

"But Sochi if you do not attend then Karuse-kun would have no one to play with." Mito said with a knowing smile gazing back at her son.

Minato instantly perk up at the name of his best friend. Since first meeting the Uchiha siblings four years ago, the three of them have build an unbreakable bond.

Karuse and Minato were the closest of friends, always playing games like 'ninja' trying to one up each other in various challenges being the rivals they were, and training together to hone their skills to when they become shinobi themselves. The two were almost like brothers.

Ayame was always found playing alongside them and cheering on the sidelines when it came to the challenges the two would compete in. When she was not around her brother and Minato she was at home training under her mother, who accepted Ayame as a student when her daughter came to her asking for training so she may catch up to her brother and Minato.

Ayame's relationship with Minato is a bit different from her past self four years ago. When it came to Minato, Ayame would always blush red and sometimes stutter but nothing serious. She would become shy around him and at times try to talk to him alone when her brother wasn't around. Ayame, to her parents seems to be in love with Minato, but Ayame herself doesn't know too much on love, but has revealed to her brother Karuse that she does have a crush on Minato.

"Karuse is going to the academy as well!? That's great I can't wait to see him there." Minato shouted in excitement his previous sulking vanished like snow in the spring..

"So does this mean?" Hashirama and Mito asked timely. Both parents leaning in waiting for Minato's expected answer.

"Of course I'm going." Minato was ecstatic at the news, he could continue his training alongside Karuse which was a win-win for him.

"Eh, tou-san, what about me? I want to go to the academy too with nii-san." Ussi pouted wanting his father to allow him to go.

He felt a hand brush up against his shoulder, looking back up at the weak smile of his brother. "Sorry otouto but you're still too young to be enrolled in the academy with me." Ussi frowns at the rejection,

"But I'll promise to save you my spot for when it's your time." Minato ruffled his brother's hair in a friendly manner showing he meant every word. Ussi smiles at his brother with a nod and went back to his supper.

Hashirama and Mito smile briefly, but fondly at the interaction between the two brothers. Their relationship will grow greatly in the years to come.

"Sochi how are your studies coming along? I hope you have not been neglecting my tutoring have you?" Mito asked with a kind smile but if you look closely you could see a barely visible dark aura surrounding her form. Minato visibly shudders but reply to his mother.

"O-Of course kaa-chan, I have been working hard on all the lessons you, tou-san, Tobirama-oji-san, and Madara-sensei. I have not been slacking off I swear." Minato as well as Hashirama feared Mito when she's displeased, she is like an entirely different person that you just can't say no to.

These past four years have done wonders for Minato. Training under four legendary shinobi in their own right was a blessing that anyone would kill to be in his position.

Before starting Minato's training in Mokuton, Hashirama wanted to get a better understanding on Minato's own Mokuton bloodline he was mostly intrigue if his bloodline will past on to his progeny if Minato ever choose to have any. If the results are positive than rebuilding the Senju clan would be much easier.

Mito and Tobirama tagged along, curious as well about Minato's condition. When given the proper test and check as would any doctor visit, it was reveal through Minato's blood-work that his Mokuton was far greater than Hashirama's version. In fact Minato had the perfect Mokuton bloodline. Translated as Minato had the full power of nature at his beck and call. Trees, plants, flowers, vines, thorns, all of nature was in his hand, and he had full control. Hashirama version of Mokuton was no where similar as he could only use wood and that was not even complete. Minato, however had the complete version of Mokuton

The next revelation revealed that should Minato have children in the future they too will be born with his perfect Mokuton bloodline.

From there training pick up with Hashirama training Minato in better controlling his Mokuton bloodline by practicing on growing several plants from birth to maturity. The exercise worked wonders as Minato could grow five plants at once and not feel fatigue. His training only increase in difficulty as time progresses but Minato never back down, or voice a complaint. He kept pushing higher up until reaching the heights he desired.

Training with his uncle Tobirama was much different than with his father. As Hashirama liked to spar on land, his brother prefer the water. Training began with Tobirama testing Minato's chakra control on standing on water for long periods of time. Next followed Tobirama showing Minato how to perform ninjutsu's, while maintaining your balance above the water. Minato fell in and was soak to the bone but he'd always return with determined eyes and the desire to accomplish his given task. The two as well bonded during their time as Master and student as well as uncle and nephew.

Mito's training was actually off the field most of the time she still would have her lesson outside if required. Mito's focus was to improve the mind being an Uzumaki and a seal master in her own right, when it came to she was bless with a great talent in creating, reading, and using seals for battle, or everyday life. Mito as well showed off her chakra chains to Minato who threw himself into training and reading the scrolls his mother gave him beforehand. A month later training under his mother and Minato is now a proud user of the chakra chains. With this training resume as normal; however chakra chain practice was now a subject that was to be learned and mastered for the future.

Finally was Madara's training, Mito was not at all to thrill with Madara training Minato, nor was she in any better mood when her husband gave the go ahead without asking for her opinion. Of course she remembers the talk Hashirama gave of protecting Minato from all dangers, she soon gave in but didn't make Hashirama life for not informing her of this any easier.

Madara was a slave driver no need to beat around the bush as Madara was brusque in everything he does. He was strict and showed no mercy no matter the occasion, still Minato refused to back down from the tyrant known as Madara Uchiha. In the weeks that followed Madara respect for Minato grew as their training continued, at times Madara would show a much softer side towards Minato, he no longer would beat him down if he failed at any of the exercises, or lose in spars. Of course he still had an image to maintain so it wasn't always an easy day. But at the end of the day he got through to Madara and that's all that matter to Minato.

Dinner continued with everyone talking with each other, when dinner was finished everyone retreated to their rooms. Having said good night to his family Minato closed his door and got into bed, he was fast asleep within two minute.


Minato wakes up to the night skies of his inner world. Before him was a lake large as the open clearing he was currently in, crystal-clear water and the light of the white full moon shines down upon the water's reflection. Lush green grass, rocks as tall as humans littered the clearing, and a Medieval European castle could be seen further to the left from the distance he was standing now, across the lake.

His thinking was put on hold, when he felt two bodies crash into him with arms circling around his waist tightly.

"You're back!" Shouted two overjoyed voices belonging to two young girls.

Minato looked down at the two girls hugging his waist and their heads buried into his chest, inhaling his scent, and simply enjoying his company. He smile warmly, as he brushes through their long respective hair color. The girl to his right had long black hair dark as night that reached the small of her back, she wore a white fitting sundress. The second girl had ash-gray hair that stop at the back of her neck, wearing a gray kimono tied together with a black obi ending in a flower behind her.

"I'm back Ama-chan, Tsu-chan." Minato spoke fondly to the young girls who were his zanpakuto spirits.

(Flashback) – Two years ago

A seven year old Minato entered his inner world after falling asleep. He needed to rest his body after another long day of training. He created this space one day when mediate, he awoke in his mind which was empty to say the least, but it didn't take long for Minato to remodel what would later be known as his inner world. He would come here to relax and ease his body and soul after a long day. He would lie down on the grass and watch the clouds as they past by, or count the stars in the night sky.

He lied down on a hill overlooking the lake, under the shade the tree on the hill. This very spot was Minato's hang out spot when coming to his inner world. Here he would come to relax, and rest when nothing in particular came to mind. With a stretch and a yawn, Minato lied his head down and close his eyes drifting off to sleep.

Then the sound of feet walking on grass was heard and a voice was heard not long after.

"He's asleep, perfect just as we plan." An alluring, mature voice belonging to a female was heard.

"Finally, I was beginning to think he'd never hear us." Spoke another voice of the same tone.


Later Minato began to wake up to find his head resting on something soft and more comfortable than the grass and roots from the tree he was lying under.

"You're finally awake." The same voice from before spoke. Minato looked up to see his head was now lying on this woman's lap, who was looking at him fondly with a beautiful smile that describe her beauty, her left hand was softly stroking his cheeks in content.

The women was a goddess in terms of beauty, she had long midnight-black hair that reached her back, coal-gray eyes, she was wearing a white kimono made of the finest silk with red trims and the interior of the kimono was the same color, tied together by a red obi in a ribbon that hug her waist showing off her curves. The kimono hugged her form tightly against her large bust and showed off her sexy curves, and for her feet she was barefoot.

Minato said nothing as his young mind shut down from this mysterious woman's, no goddess in human form and her beauty left him mesmerized. He then sensed someone else nearby, turning away from the woman who had his head on her lap, he look to his left to see the other signature he had sensed was another woman looking up at the moon. She was sitting a few good yards away from Minato, her feet were playing in the clear water of the lake. And like the woman he's currently using her lap for a pillow. Minato was taken back by this woman's lustrous beauty as well.

The full moon shines brightly on the land of his inner world increasing the beauty of the woman who by not being under the shade of the tree, glowed under the lunar light. This woman as well was a goddess with ash-gray hair that fell to her upper back, and onyx-black eyes. This woman like her counterpart was well-endowed with ample breasts and a hourglass figure, her clothing consist of a gray yukata tied together by a black obi finish in a ribbon, she also is barefoot.

Noticing his stare she turned to greet Minato with a warm smile, "Good morning Minato-kun." She greeted though it was not morning but he went along with her.

"Hello... not that I don't enjoy your company but who are you two?" Minato was confused, this was his inner world as no one but him was had access to this place.

The women behind Minato moved to stand up, Minato knowing ahead stood up as well already missing the comfort of the woman's lap. She move to sit on his right side, while the second woman (who had joined them) took his left side, with Minato being the middle of the two. The woman with black hair spoke first.

"Minato-kun." How did she know his name he ask himself, "Before we explain who we are I believe we should introduce ourselves to you first." The two women looked at one another and gave a nod. The woman with black hair went first.

"My name is - did you hear that clearly?"

Minato believed he heard silence when she said her name, but he heard her perfectly as if she whispered it right into his ear. Before Minato could reply to her the woman with ash-gray hair spoke up next.

"And my name Minato-kun is – did you get that or should I repeat it again?"

Again there it was, he believed something was stopping him from hearing their names, but he heard it as if he had heard it a million times and said it just as much.

He stayed quiet leaving the two woman to frown thinking he didn't catch their names this time.

"Perhaps he is not able to hear us yet as we had hoped-" Minato raised his head and pointed his index finger at the woman with midnight-black hair.

" Amaterasu" He pointed at the woman in white. "Tsukuyomi" He then pointed to the woman in the gray kimono with ash-gray hair.

Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi both sighed in relief, glad to know he could hear them that way now they can begin his training.

"Yes Minato-kun you were listening, we believed when you didn't answer us that you couldn't hear our names." Amaterasu smiled at her wielder, a boy of eight years was able to hear her name the first time she said it.

Tsukuyomi was calm on the outside but inside she was ecstatic and giddy, Minato was only eight years old and they didn't expect him to hear their names so early, she and Amaterasu believed when Minato became a teen, or a young adult then he would unlock their power. But everything now changes as his training can begin sooner rather than later.

Amaterasu garners his attention again, now was the time to reveal who they were to him. "Minato-kun we didn't predict that you would accept us this early as you are still young and your power is still growing." Minato wanted to say something but both Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi held his hands in theirs with pleading smiles. Whatever Minato wanted to say died in his throat, he sat back, enjoying the softness of their hands. He nodded for Amaterasu to continue she nodded and picked off from where she stopped before.

"What I mean is that since you're young your powers would still need to grow before you can properly accept us." Amaterasu looks to Tsukuyomi who nodded to her friend.

"But since you are now able to hear us perfectly, it's only right that you accept us, right Minato-kun?"

Minato was utterly confused why the two drop-dead beauty's where asking, almost pleading with him to accept them.

"Uh..." Minato couldn't say anything as the two woman came closer taking in his scent. Although in his early youth, Minato was no stranger to girls charms, but these two who appeared out of thin air, introduced themselves believing he would not hear them, to pleading like dogs who wants a treat. He could no longer keep it together this was plain torture to him. He cleared his throat and said. "Accept you for what I don't know what you want."

The two looked at him with love in their eyes as they both said in unison, "We wish for our master to accept us as his." Now this can be translated in many other ways but Minato decided to sense their power. Earlier he sensed something from these two, power, and not just any power like chakra.

No, these two exuded a strange power that he couldn't sense properly, or get a read on their true strengths. So that must mean.

"You want me to accept you both and your power."

He said it clearly, straight and too the point, no beating around the bush needed. The two looked at each other and then at Minato, where they leaned close to him and peck his cheeks with a kiss, Amaterasu on the left and Tsukuyomi on the right, Minato blushed at the contact. Soon the two pulled back leaving the young Senju heir blushing.

"That is exactly what we what, you see Minato, Amaterasu and I are not humans we're zanpakuto spirits, we're your zanpakuto to be exact. Tsukuyomi said. Amaterasu picked up next.

"Tsukuyomi is right, we are not humans, we are the spirits that reside within your zanpakuto." Amaterasu finished with a smile and gazing into Minato's eyes with love and care.

"What exactly is a zanpakuto?" Minato asked.

"A zanpakuto is a weapon created by you as it's a part of you. Tsukuyomi and myself reside within to lend you our strength." Minato was finally understanding what they wanted from him. Due to him having much larger chakra coils he possessed far more chakra now then any normal shinobi, thus Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi revealing themselves early to him because of this. And now they wish to seal this with him accepting them and their strength.

Breathing deeply Minato said, "Very well, what must I do to properly accept you both?"

The two goddesses smiled with Tsukuyomi saying, "Just repeat what I say Minato-kun."

She said once, twice to ensure he heard it correctly. Minato thought it over in his head repeating it over and over, nodding his head, cleared his throat and...

"Burn this world to ash, and blind them with your endless illusions , Tsukoterasu!" As soon as the phrase was utter, an explosion of power was release, in the epicenter was Minato. Two minutes past when the pillar of power stopped and the pressure was lifted, Minato showed no changes as he was the cause of that explosion, however in his right hand which sport a black glove that reach his elbow held firmly in his grasp was a katana.

A katana of stainless-steel sharp to the edge, the guard was black in the shape of a ten-wheel pinwheel, the hilt was wrapped in black with red diamonds. This was Minato's zanpakuto Tsukoterasu!

Minato look at the katana that was his zanpakuto he gave the weapon a few practice swings before turning to face the two goddesses with a smile.

"Ok, now that I've fully accepted you two – what happens now?" Tsukuyomi spoke first as she looks at Minato with a smile of her own.

"Now your training begins, every night after falling asleep you are to come here so we continue from where we left off. It will take time to adapt to using your zanpakuto as it uses a different energy that you have yet to awaken."

Amaterasu went after Tsukuyomi. She smiled at Minato when he turned his eyes to meet hers.

"Plus since time moves more slowly here than it does outside you can get weeks of training in just a few short hours, and the side effects that come with using your zanpakuto will be explained later, but can be use with less damage." Amaterasu finished telling Minato whom nodded at his zanpakuto spirits turned senseis.

"Great we can get started as soon as possible but I have a favor to ask, can you two somehow change your appearance, I find it weird this way as I'm only eight.

The two goddesses nod their heads at his logic, the two soon cover themselves in a bright light that enveloped their forms from head to toe. When the light died down standing there was Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi, now the same age as Minato with same hair styles, Amaterasu's kimono was replaced with a white sundress that fell to their knees. Tsukuyomi had her kimono but it fits her small size. In other words they were still beautiful.

"Better?" The two asked their voices now that of an eight year girl.

"Better." He replys with a brief smile.

A new start begins now.

(End Flashback)

The three kids were found relaxing under the same tree on the hill, overlooking the lake where they first met. Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi snuggled into Minato's chest drawing in his scent, enjoying the warmth his body provided for them.

"Um, girls aren't we suppose to pick up on my training?" Though Minato was enjoying the two spirits pressing themselves against him, he, however, wanted to pick up from yesterday, only two weeks since he first accepted Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. He now knew three of his zanpakuto's attacks and he really wanted to get started on his zanpakuto training and learn even more..

"Hmm... five more minutes." Tsukuyomi said as she brought herself closer to Minato. Amaterasu on Minato's right side followed her friend's example and brought herself closer to his warmth she loved about him.

"Yeah Minato-kun just wait a few more minutes, we have all night." Amaterasu giggles as she and Tsukuyomi laid with their Minato-kun.

Minato could only sigh as he trys to get comfortable, this may take some time, but he sure as hell wasn't complaining.


Two weeks went by fast for the Senju family, Minato's first day of going to the ninja academy had finally arrive. Of course as his parents had told him, Karuse was there in attendance as well along with his parents and sister Ayame to see him off.

The three years the two spend at the academy were nothing special just your average history lessons, and training exercises. The two had become quite popular among their fellow classmates but again they didn't care much about popularity, only to better themselves as ninjas.

When their final day of their three years arrived, on their final exams they finish among the Top ten, where they easily could have taken one and two, but no need to show off. When it came to team placement Minato, Karuse, and another student made up team eight with their sensei being Ichigo, Karuse's father, who was jonin before retiring.

The newly birth team eight quickly made a name for themselves within a few short weeks after their formation. Team eight under Ichigo Uchiha underwent missions namely dealing with stealth, delivery, and escorts all outside the safety of the village. When Tobirama brought this to Hashirama, his only response was that Minato wasn't no longer a child.

Within six months team eight had completed a total of a one hundred missions. 70 C- rank, 20 B- rank, 8 A-rank, and 2 S- rank. To which when hearing this accomplishment done by a team of genin was unheard of. Two weeks after Minato and Karuse were promoted to chunin after dealing with a small army of bandits who were causing trouble with surrounding villages around Fire country in hopes of raising an army.

A celebration was thrown for the two to congratulate them on their hard work. Minato was given several gifts from his sensei's. From his father and uncle he was given a set of his own samurai-like armor much similar to their own. From his mother she gave him scrolls to practice Fuinjutsu seeing how much he took to seals, and finally from Madara who gifted Minato with his own Gunbai. With a dark navy blue color with three red tomes on either side of the fan, all connect to a chain on his arm.

With new ranks, meant more work, but double the rewards. The two friends looked forward to this with no shred of fear. At age thirteen the two had officially made themselves known through the Bingo book

But Minato wasn't the only one, Ussi Minato's younger brother, who wanting to follow in his brother's footsteps join the ninja academy, Miya not wanting to be left behind her brothers, sought training from her mother. Miya at a young age showed a great talent in medical-ninjutsu and like her mother and brother Minato, she had a knack for creating seals no matter what difficulty.

But an unfortunate event soon took place that left Minato speechless. Madara Uchiha had defect from Konoha. He asked his father for an explanation on why his sensei left he was never given a straight answer.

Later Hashirama leaves to deal with Madara who through a message sent by the Uchiha to come to the border of Hi no Kuni alone. Of course many had tried to accompany him in case of it being a trap, but was ignored by the elder Senju.

Days later news reach Konoha of Madara's 'death' at the hands of Hashirama. Minato was left shocked by the news of his sensei's death to where he locked himself away in his bedroom. He wasn't overly upset but was stricken with grief from hearing his sensei, who he had come to see as a second father figure passed away. Minato grieved for almost a week before resuming his shinobi career.

A month later Hashirama Senju, the Shodaime Hokage passed away from an illness. The entire village grieved for their fallen hokage and hero. The village mourned for weeks in respect for their leader and the family he left behind.

Mito, a widower and her children were sullen and sadden by Hashirama's departure. When it came time to bury the body, Ussi and Miya were filled with despair at the lost of their father at such a young age. They sought comfort in their older brother Minato, who didn't show his feelings on the outside but was sad none the less by losing his birth father and his unofficial father figure in Madara.

Tobirama, Hashirama's brother took over as Hokage after his brother's passing. Life had taken a new turn but everyone continued pushing forward and not to look back into the past.

Three years later, Minato now age sixteen along with his best friend Karuse swore a pact of brotherhood. The two displayed a close friendship at such a young age when they were children, when they became shinobi there was none who had better understanding and teamwork than the Senju and Uchiha duo. Yes, the two being friends brought much disdain from their fellow clan members, but the two could care less on what others thought of them. So over a cup of sake under a Sakura tree grown in the Senju compound by Minato. The two became sworn brothers.

Four years later the land begins to become unstable as rival villages sought to increase their territories, other problems became known as the regions became more unstable, and rumors were circling that war was coming. Finally after a month of backwards and forwards. The First Shinobi World War was declared.

Tobirama had taken every precaution to keep his village out of the fighting by increasing patrols around the village, increasing defenses on the outer wall, and increasing guard patrols near the gates to prevent any enemy shinobi from entering under disguise. But it was only a matter of time before Konoha was dragged into the fighting.

Minato and Karuse now jonin having pass the required exams were few of many young shinobis who were called into service. Most had yet to become twenty, or even reach twenty-five and are now in a war where most of them will surely not come home from. Also due to their rank as well as their skills displayed to lead Minato and Karuse were given Commander ranks for the duration of the war, they were asked to lead a number of troops on separate fronts.

Saying their goodbyes to each others families, the two sworn brothers were off to war.

Two years into the fighting, and Konoha had gain several victories over the other nations having the upper hand. Konoha had captured several villages from both Iwa and Suna putting them within striking distance of these two villages.

Through everyone's successful efforts the war was soon reaching its end, but it was too soon to announce victory just yet. On a related note, Karuse using Guerrilla warfare has been leading his troops through hit and run attacks to weaken enemy positions before attacking with coordinate tactics to catch them off guard. The enemy mention that Karuse had the eyes of a hawk seeing how he never miss a single detail when planning his attacks, it was almost as if he knew their next move before they ever moved.

Granting him the nickname, 'The Uchiha hawk.'

Minato receive a similar nickname but through his ferocious attack patterns of leading his men like a pack of wolves. Earning the name, 'The Senju wolf.'

Having receive a message by messenger hawk to return back to Konoha by order of the hokage, Minato hurried back eager to see on what his uncle wanted from him.


"Come in." Tobirama never looking up from his paperwork said at the knock on his door. The doors opened to reveal a twenty-two year old Minato Senju. He had messy-black hair, storm-gray eyes, and a handsome face. He was wearing a black T-shirt, over that was single piece of gray leather armor to protect his chest, all under a white-grayish hoodie with 'Senju Wolf' in kanji, vertical in blue. For pants he wore black pants that were tight around his hips but slightly open at his ankles, and black ninja sandals.

"Commander Senju Minato reporting in Hokage-sama!" Minato stood back straight as he faced his hokage, uncle or not. He did the same when his father was still alive, so he shows the same respect to his uncle.

"Their is no need to be so formal with me Minato, I'm your uncle after all just treat me like you normally would." Tobirama said pushing his work to the side to look his nephew in the eyes with a smile.

"I can't do that Hokage-sama, as you are my village's leader and commanding officer, I must show you the utmost respect." Tobirama chuckles openly, of course the only way for Minato to stop was to order him to.

"As your hokage I order you to answer me as your uncle, rather than your leader." Tobirama said as he stood up from his desk.

"Hai, oji-san." The two embraced each other happy about the others safety and good health. The two soon moved away from each other, Tobirama took this time to look Minato over.

"You sure have grown Minato." You could hear how proud Tobirama was of Minato, seeing how his brother passed away years ago. And the damage his passing left on his family. Tobirama was proud to see his nephew had become a fine young man.

It saddens him that his brother was not with them anymore to see his son for himself and congratulate him on his achievements. Minato has come a long way from being a young boy and sneaking into Hashirama's study and them finding out he could use Mokuton same as Hashirama.

Minato nods his head with a smile to his uncle and says nothing else.

"Now let's get to the reason why I called you here Minato." Tobirama said as he entered Hokage mode. Minato only nodded his head following his uncle back to his desk. The two Senju men say nothing as Minato stands in front of the wooden desk his father sat behind when he was Hokage, and Tobirama goes behind the desk standing over his chair.

The two sat down in their respective chairs with Tobirama putting his elbows on the desk, his fingers laced together, his eyes were closed as he thought on what to say.

"Minato I called you here to give you a new assignment, as of now you are being redeployed." He reaches into his desk to pull out a scroll before handing it to Minato across from him. They said nothing to each other as the exchange happen and Minato took the scroll and opened it.

Minato looks the scroll over and nods his head to himself before closing it and standing up to address his uncle. "Then by your order hokage-sama, I'll take my leave." Minato stood from his seat, bowed his head, and walked to the door, but stopped from twisting the knob hearing his uncle telling him to wait.

"I wasn't done Minato, sit." He said in monotone, Minato understood when his uncle speaks this way he listens, no questions asked.

Walking back to his seat and sitting down Tobirama continued, "The other reason I called you was to inform you that I will be joining the war here and now."

The news didn't surprise Minato in anyway having already fought the Iwa kage in more than one dance, he wasn't surprise but still showed concern for his uncle's well-being.

"Will you be accompanied by anyone else uncle?" He asked.

"No need to worry about me Minato, I will be accompanied by my genin team." Minato remembered that before his death. Hashirama and Tobirama were senseis to a team of genin. Minato had never met the teens before so he didn't know what they look like, only from hearing their names when his father and uncle talk about them.

"Are you sure they will be enough? I could still join if you wish?" Minato didn't doubt the genin under his uncle's care. But there was something off about this that Minato couldn't help but voice his concerns.

Tobirama chuckled softly hearing his nephew's concern for his well-being, it touched him that he cared for him greatly. "I'll be fine Minato, you just make sure to come back yourself, I don't even what to image what Mito-sama would do to me if you are killed, kami knows she was against you joining in the first place."

Tobirama shudders at the memory and any future predicaments that may become of him if Minato dies in this war.

Minato smiled a small smile, he get up from his seat, his messy black hair shadowing his eyes from view. Reaching the door he slowly looks back at his uncle, his eyes still hidden, he grinned and uttered,

"You just make sure you come home in one piece yourself old man." Minato left without another word.

Now normally Tobirama wouldn't let this go, but seeing how they are in a war, he would let the old man comment slide. Just this once.



That was the word appropriate for the image that was being seen... craters littered the battlefield left and right, kunai knives were scattered across the area either cover in blood or broken. The destroyed landscape was the sight of a battlefield. A wide terrain of dark clouds overhead, dead trees and life leaving the land barren and empty. A wasteland at the border between Hi no Kuni and Stone country, where the two armies are currently doing battle.

The smell of blood was very heavy in the air as you could hear the moans of dying ninja, or someone in a extreme amount of pain, screaming at the top of their lungs for help. Some begging for the pain to stop asking an enemy shinobi to put an end to their misery.

In the distance the sound of steel against steel could be heard, the distinctive 'clang' sound was heard all around as the roars and yells of ninja fighting against one another were heard as the fighting continue.

Bodies upon bodies fell every second. When one cut down his target he would cross blades with another enemy right away leading to his death. It was like a drill army sergeant was directing the battle with everyone finding a partner, if you kill your partner another takes his place just as fast, never allowing the victor the chance to breathe, which leads to him being kill and the cycle continues in a never-ending loop.

Kunai knives and shurikens were being thrown. Swords were drawn slashing and cutting away at anyone within swinging range, jutsus were frequently used by both sides with no discretion behind them. Whether you were friend or foe it was hard to confirm who and where exactly the enemy was with an early morning fog concealing most of the battlefield.

One Konoha shinobi was limping as fast as his injured legs could carry him, he fell flat on his face from tripping over a rock he didn't see. Terrified, the man only had enough time to look back to see his pursuer had caught up to him, katana in hand, the man jumped high into the air as gravity aided his descent.

"Time to die Konoha scum!" The injured konoha shinobi only raised his arms in a last attempt to save himself. He closed his eyes waiting for death's sweet embrace. He heard a groan from his would-be killer and a body landing on the ground next to him. The man opens his eyes to see his commander Minato Senju standing there with gunbai in hand.

He sheathed his gunbai on his back before turning around to help his fellow countryman.

"Are you alright?" He asked with concern as he placed the man's right arm around his shoulder helping him to stand up.

"I'm fine Commander, this..." He gestures his injured leg, "Is just a flesh wound I have had worst-." He exclaims, wincing at the small jolts of pain in his now infected leg.

"I believe you, but you should still get that leg look at." Said Minato as they reached a small battalion of konoha ninjas. One came over to assist Minato by taking the injured shinobi from him.

"Thank you Commander you have save this life, this life is in your debt." The man bowed his head in thanks. Minato waved it off.

"It's my job to lead and protect you men so you may all return home safe, I'm just doing my job." Was his response. Minato had his back facing the battlefield behind him and the small battalion were focused on him not paying attention to the galloping figure on horseback's arrival.

An explosion of dust and earth shook the battlefield, Minato turned around to meet his next opponents, this battle had been going since five this morning, the time was eight in the morning, and there was still no end to Iwa's reinforcements.

The dust clears to show a man dressed in black and gold armor wielding a halberd, a bored look on his face as he stared the young Senju in the eyes. Minato returned the stare, knowing of what's coming next. Reacting quickly he turned his head to the battalion behind him.

"Lieutenant ordered all the men in the field to fall back. Have all able men to cover the retreat as we evacuate the wounded." Minato ordered cooly to his subordinate, his gaze never leaving the man on horseback..

"But Minato-sama what about you?" The lieutenant asked his commanding officer.

"That's simple," Minato turned to face his men offering them an eye smile that worked to alleviate the Lieutenant's worry for a few precious seconds. "I'll be covering your retreat as you all withdraw to the Main Camp. Now go!" They all nodded to his orders and moved to help any wounded as those who could still fight slowed the pursuing Iwa ninjas.

Minato looked at the man with an determine stare and hardened resolve. The man on horseback only grinned admiring the courage he (Minato) possessed for standing up against him.

"Hm, seeing how you don't have an ounce of fear from looking at me must means you have some skill. You will make it worth my time right?" Minato said nothing only wordlessly calling his zanpakuto and releasing its shikai. He winces from the pain his eyes were suffering from releasing Tsukoterasu's shikai.

The two men stared each other down daring the other to move first, Lu Bu soon grew tired of waiting and charged full spirit. Minato was having trouble with his sight but manages to raise Tsukoterasu to block, The force behind the halberd was enough to break any defense, Minato however, suffered worst injuries when Madara Uchiha is your sensei.

The two continued trading blows with Lu Bu trying to slice Minato in half with wild, powerful, and precise strikes. Minato's current focus was defense but worked in counters when they offered themselves to him. Metal clashed and grinded against metal, shock waves shook the earth at the power these two warriors possessed, other battles happening else where were halted by the peerless might these two had.

Aiming to decapitate his opponent Lu Bu pushes Minato back with an underhand slash, and with great strength raises his halberd to slice Minato's head clean off. Minato sensed the incoming attack rather than block and risk more damage he jumps back far enough for the blade to miss him. Seeing an opportunity he charge with Tsukoterasu to stab through Lu Bu's undefended mid-section.

Withdrawing his halberd back using the pole of his weapon he blocked against Minato's strike. He pushes Minato back again and delivered another underhand slash cutting through Minato's defense, wounding him. Seeing his guard dropped Lu Bu raise his halberd high, the sun reflecting off the steel of the blade. He slashes diagonal from his left shoulder to his right hip cutting right through Minato, more blood exits the wound pooling along the ground leaving a puddle of red at Minato's feet.

Seeing the light leave Minato's eyes brought dissatisfaction to Lu Bu, "Just another rat who talked big. Pathetic, is there anyone out there who can give me a challenge?!"

"Careful what you wish for it might just come true." Lu Bu quickly turned around recognizing the voice as the insect he just cut down. Appearing behind him was Minato unharmed, his zanpakuto was covered in black flames, however.

"Flame control sword!" Both hands on the hilt of Tsukoterasu he slashed horizontally and the flames releases in an crescent arc sailing towards Lu Bu.

Unimpressed, Lu Bu slashed through the attack as the black flames died out away from him. Lu Bu fixed his gaze on where Minato last stood seeing no sign of the male Senju anywhere. Gripping his halberd enough to draw blood in his fingers Lu Bu looked back to where the konoha shinobi retreated to. He 'hmm' in response before turning back spying Iwa ninjas scattered through out the battlefield, all looking back at him with fear in their eyes.

Lu Bu looked over his shoulder once more before turning his attention to the army of Iwa ninjas frozen in fear.

"Ha! Those Konoha ninjas are nothing but cowards, I hope you lot from Iwa can keep me interested far more than they could." Spinning his halberd around before falling to his side, Lu Bu releases a loud roar and charged ahead on top of his horse Red Hare.

The sounds flesh, blood, and screams of the dying could be heard as no mercy was shown to anyone foolish enough to stand against the animal that is Lu bu.


Arriving back at their main camp, Minato's ears caught the various sounds, moans, and groans of the injured and dying. These past few days have been really taxing on the Konoha forces. Most from the defensive force were wounded and those who can still fight barely made up eight hundred compared to the two thousand able troops Minato had command over when he first arrived to this camp.

Opening the flaps to the tent that made up their HQ. Minato walks towards the table where the other officers, and his lieutenants were going over strategies.

"The commander has return!" Everyone saluted Minato who waved them off. Finding himself at the head of the table in front of his officers and other soldiers he asked everyone in the tent for their current situation with Iwa.

"Things are not looking good for our force Commander. We have lost more men this past week than all of our previous battles put together. If things continue the way they are then we'll lose the main camp."

"Can we not call on reinforcements?" A random chunin asked.

"There are no reinforcements to call upon." A jouin with a scar going diagonal from his cheek to his lips said. "Hokage-sama has already informed the other generals that there are no reinforcements to send anywhere. Look around – everyone you see before you is all we have left." He finishes ominously, the others in the tent turned to one another mentally counting their numbers in their heads

Minato silently thought the situation over, he turns to another man wearing a jouin's vest and black shades covering his eyes. "What of Iwa, how are they faring?"

"Iwa is currently retaking all the villages and small towns they lost to us. It's only a matter of time before they reach us here, and with our current numbers we won't stand a chance."

"So this mountain is to be our final resting place."

"I don't want to die here!"

"I have a family waiting for me back home I can't die yet."

"Kami-sama I'm sorry! Please forgive me, I don't wish to die yet."

Despair was heavy in the air as everyone made peace with themselves, friends, and comrades. Some pleaded for forgiveness, while others said their final wishes and goodbyes to their families and loved ones at home.

Minato was caught on what to do now. If he loses morale then his troops will become deserters and surrender to Iwa. Meaning their next battle will be over before it even begins.

"I believe you all are giving in way to soon." The tent flaps opened and several men walked in with a single man in front of them leading the group. "Remember what your fighting for back in the village. For friends, family, love ones. Because of us they feel safe knowing that they don't have to worry about getting their throat slashed in the middle of night. They're safe at home because we are out here protecting them, if we fall here than nothing stopping Iwa from invading our homes and destroying everything you hold dear. Now I ask again, who here is willing to put their lives on the line to protect your home? Who here wants to look death in the face and live to tell the tale? Who among you wants to stand against the inevitable knowing that you may die so our children, siblings and grandchildren can live another day without fear?!"

As if a switch to a light was flicked on, everyone who was sulking before, now are filled with determination, inspired by the speech they let out a roar to boaster their morale, cheers rang through out the camp as everyone was filled with adrenaline. Minato witness all this with an amused gaze, his narrowed storm-gray eyes were focus solely on the man who gave the rousing speech.

A grin form on Minato's face, his eyes watching Karuse walk towards him. Watching him pushing past the cheering and celebrating men.

"Just like you Karuse always one to be found under a spotlight" Karuse smiled then grinned at his sworn brother. His attire was the Uchiha traditional clothing during the warring states period. This consist of black pants and gloves with a form-fitting black shirt underneath. Over this he wears a black high-collared, long sleeve mantle that splints down the lower half and has the Uchiha crest on the back. Around his waist he wears a simple white obi and a belt. (Obito's war time outfit but black)

"Sorry bro but the spotlight suits me better don't you think?" Karuse said as he stood in front of Minato, holding out his bended left arm. Minato returned with his right arm bent at an angle. This was their own handshake whenever they meet. "So, you ready to cause some chaos brother?"

"Now that you're here no one can't stop the Uchiha and Senju brothers." The two laugh heartily as they made the necessary preparations for tomorrow's battle and caught up with each other over a bottle of sake.


"Three cheers for our victory!" The konoha forces roared in approval as they cheered in glee.

Through difficult odds, Konoha emerge victorious over Iwa with the majority of their forces captured.

Due to their bravery and will to never give in, Konoha have won this decisive battle. This battle alone has change the outcome on the war by turning the tables on Iwa.

Minato overlooks the battlefield from the mountain ridge he was standing on with his zanpakuto Tsukoterasu in his gloved hand. His sight was now useless as the drawback to overusing his zanpakuto's shikai. Tsukoterasu's shikai is heavily similar to the Uchiha's Mangekyo Sharingan. From overuse without taking needed breaks in-between releases and the user will suffer permanent blindness.

During the war Minato used his zanpakuto more than he should have but defeat was never a word in his vocabulary. It wasn't for Madara-sensei and it certainly was not for him. Pride was heavy on Minato who came from a prestigious family and received training from four of the greatest ninja within konoha's ranks, he couldn't suffer defeat and shame his family name. So, by throwing caution to the wind Minato overuse his zanpakuto's shikai ability resulting in the lost of his sight forever.

He sighed tiredly though he may be blind but at least victory was theirs. Now to draw up the plans to invade Iwa, he must-

"Commander! Commander Minato!" He turns around slightly then fully to see a messager panting with sweat covering his form as he trys to calm his breathing down.

"What is it?" He asked the man by now having calm his breathing enough to speak and give his report.

"I-It's commander Karuse, sir. He-he's..."

Minato's eyebrows widened far past his fringes and bangs after hearing the messenger deliver his message concerning Karuse's fate

Karuse Uchiha, Minato's childhood friend turn sworn brother, the man he trusted everything too – was dead.

"Commander Karuse was leading his attack as planned to flank the Iwa forces from the left, but were caught in an enemy ambush, although caught off guard Karuse and his unit fought bravely at the cost of several lives, including the commander's." The messenger kept his head low to the ground afraid to look Minato in the eyes. Everyone knew of the two's pact as sworn brothers with an unbreakable bond. He couldn't begin to imagine the pain his commander was feeling at the lost of his best friend and brother.

Minato said nothing nor to excuse the messenger, he turned to see the sun slowly rising in the horizon, the dense fog had cleared earlier after the fighting ended. His legs were shaking, while he walked towards the edge of the cliff. The messenger believed he was going to jump but was proven wrong when Minato drops to his knees, a thin trace of tears were found falling harmlessly onto the rocky surface. In his grief filled with pain Minato let out a blood-curling scream unable to hold in his emotions and tears any longer.

Everyone within hearing range could hear the screams coming from the rocky cliffs. Fill with remorse and despair Minato continued voicing his heartbroken pain not caring who heard him.


A month has past and the First Shinobi World War had come to end. After securing victory over Iwa, the Tsuchikage surrendered creating a domino effect with other villages slowly lowering their arms and surrendering as well. Just last week a conference was held with the kages of the five main villages, Konoha, Suna, Kiri, Kumo, and Iwa on in-attendance. The five had agreed to an armistice treaty, agreeing for peace after seeing the damage left by their aftermath from the war.

Minato returned home with his best friend's body seal inside a scroll to deliver to his family. A funeral service was made for next week. He later returned home to find his family in tears. Ussi and Miya raced to hug their brother happy that he returned home safely. Mito as well embraced her son glad to have him back home, and to comfort him on the lost of his best friend Karuse. She then informed Minato on another piece of news spreading across Konoha and the entire country.

The Nidaime Hokage, Tobirama Senju, younger brother to the Shodaime hokage, Hashirama, was confirmed among the K.I.A in the last war. Before his death he named his student Hiruzen Sarutobi his successor as the Sandaime Hokage.

Not only was his best friend gone but his uncle as well. Having heard enough Minato locked himself away in his room not allowing anyone, even his mother and younger siblings into his room.

A week soon past by as the funeral service for the Hokage and everyone who fell in the last war was held.

Rain poured heavily on the village as if the gods themselves were in tears. Minato refuse to talk to anyone the past week he lock himself away, only for the funeral service did he ever leave his room, and when he did he was cold to everyone excluding his family and Karuse's family. He refused to speak, or make eye contact with anyone there excluding his family.

As soon as the service concluded Minato disappeared not leaving a trace on where he was going. Mito worried for her son's mental health ordered the village's Anbu Black Ops to search for her son. Only for all search parties to come up empty handed.

However, not everyone was met with failure in locating Minato.

Ayame having hanged around her brother Karuse and Minato all her life she knew all of their go-to places. Excusing herself from her family she hurried to the one spot she knew Minato would be at.


Rain poured down harder the closer Ayame got to the Senju compound. Unlocking the front gate with her blood as she and her family were frequent visitors at the Senju clan home. Running inside she dried herself by removing her soaked coat. Ayame walked to the backyard of the house seeing the Sakura tree Minato created with his Mokuton past the screen door, the very tree he and her brother swore their oath of brotherhood under.

Sliding the door to the side she slowly stepped out onto the wet green grass, slowly walking around the tree and low and behold. Minato was found sitting under the tree not caring that he was sitting on the cold, wet ground. His own clothes were soaked to the bone and he was shivering.

Ayame saw how much pain he was in just by looking at his posture, she slowly move closer to him the sound of her feet hitting the wet ground could be heard softly against the patter of heavy rain.

Standing next to him she sat down on her knees ignoring the coldness she felt against her skin, she laid her head against his wet shoulder. Minato didn't move a muscle, nor did he say anything upon her arrival. The two young adults and childhood friends said nothing to one another, only listening to the rain that fell over them. It soaked Ayame's clothes like Minato's clothes but she didn't care for this.

Several minutes of silence and Minato finally drew breath to speak for the first time since she sat down.

"Should you not be with your family Ayame, you did lose your brother after all." His said impassively, his tone of voice sounded dead and dried up when you don't speak for several hours. Ayame said nothing only to snuggle into his shoulder and wrapped herself around his body desperately trying to warm his cold body.

"And you lost your uncle... I don't know what you going through as I never been in your position myself, I don't how to feel after losing someone close to me, and expect to just move on." She looks to see Minato's facial expression had not change but Ayame didn't stop there. "Losing your father when you were only thirteen, going to war I can't even imagine the horrors you witness, and then losing someone you called a brother and your uncle, who has look out for you your entire life. What I mean to say Minato-kun is that you don't have to feel sorry for their deaths, you don't have to grief alone when you have a family and friends who love you dearly and wish for the Minato-kun that they grew up with, the Minato we all love to see smile. I know nothing can bring back my onii-chan and your father and uncle, but we can get through this together. Let us live are lives with the memory of them in our hearts so that we may grow stronger from it."

Minato stayed quiet through out Ayame's speech thinking about what she said, Live to grow strong and keep the memory of the fallen close to one's heart. He understood that logic, it was same logic he heard his kaa-chan tell him and his siblings when Hashirama died. He'd continue to live his life by growing stronger physically and mentally, while keeping the memory of his father close. When the first war started Minato didn't what to do, he was scared and nervous. But from remembering his mothers words he found the resolve to go into a war

This logic is what kept him alive through-out that time period. Now hearing Ayame remind him of his motto he remembers when his kaa-chan first talked to him about this.

A small smile, an almost unnoticeable smile was seen on Minato's face he slowly brought his left arm around Ayame's form bringing her into a comforting embrace. A small dust of pink can be found on her face but due how dark it was outside, it was barely noticeable to Minato.

"...Thank you for be here with me and for getting me out of my rut, Ayame. I truly am grateful to have met you and your family." Ayame snuggles closer as Minato tighten his hold around her body, they said nothing only enjoying the company they provided each other.

"No Minato-kun I should be thanking you. If not for you and my brother I don't know where I would be today. So I should thank you for being here with me and guiding me down the right path." Reaching into her pocket Ayame withdrew her hand holding a dark blue scroll with Minato's name written on it in kanji.

"Onii-chan wanted you to have this." She hands him the scroll but place a hand over his hand, their eyes meeting each others. Her coal black eyes meeting his closed blind ones. "This scroll contains his eyes, his Sharingan eyes to be precise." Minato shudders at this revelation, the scroll he was holding contain his best friends eyes. Yes, he was shock internally by this but why did Ayame want him to have Karuse's eyes.

"A-Ayame-. I can't accept this. It just wouldn't feel right."

"Please... Karuse-onii-chan wanted you to have his eyes if he ever died because he knew of your katana's backlash." Minato shuddered again but before could he say anything to this Ayame continued. "I know you never told anyone about that, but Karuse managed to figure it out. He knew that every time you use your katana your eyes would hurt, he narrowed it down to you losing your sight. The night before you and him were shipped out he came into my room and told me everything, he told me how you were slowly losing your sight until you become permanently blind. We talked it over all night, and he decided that should he ever die that he wanted you to have his eyes to replace your own."

Ayame places her hand over Minato's hand holding the scroll containing Karuse's eyes. She looked directly into his closed eyelids hiding his blindness. But she knew, Ayame knew he was watching her without the ability to see her for himself. Her gaze soften and tears started to leak out of her eyes as she found the voice to speak to her friend and crush.

"Please Minato-kun accept these eyes, accept them not for me, or my family. But for Karuse, your best friend and brother. He wanted you to have them so in a way whatever you see he would see too."

Left speechless Minato he didn't know what to say to this, here was his childhood friend offering him her brother's eyes to replace his now useless ones. At first he rejected the idea not wanting to take something that didn't belong to him, but after hearing that Karuse's wanted him to have them and had his little sister give them to him should he die in the line of duty. It showed that the two were completely serious in this matter.

Minato brought his free hand placing it over Ayame's one on his hand holding the scroll, "I take them." He utters softly the two childhood friends staying in this position never letting go as the rain began to soften until the clouds parted with the sun shining brightly in the sky.


Two weeks past after the funeral the village returning to the peace they know before the war. Within those two weeks Minato went to konoha hospital to undergo surgery for his new eyes. The doctor in charge was the very same doctor who help give birth to him and his two younger siblings, he was a friend to the family.

The surgery was a success and a week later Minato could once again see clearly. His eye color changed to onyx-black no longer his storm-gray eye color. The first time Minato used his new Sharingan he admitted that it would get some taking use to but nothing he couldn't handle. Minato returns to his old self after apologizing to Mito and the others for his behavior. Minato then went back to work seeing how the war had left konoha's forces in near shambles. Leadership was needed amongst the veterans from the last war now more than ever.

During this time Minato made friends with a young Jiraiya, student to the third hokage, and Hatake Sakumo. The three had more along the lines a relationship when in the military rather than everyday friends, this didn't mean they did visit each other once a while to hang out. Sakumo with his cool and collected nature and Jiraiya's perverted and easy-going attitude.

Minato could honestly say he enjoyed their company.

Ussi's road to being an excellent shinobi was filled with surprises as well. Graduating at the top of his class, being a genin completing a number of missions that resulted in his promotion to chunin two years later. Making a name for himself within konoha's forces gave him an opportunity of being invited to join anbu at the age of fifteen. Life was good but Ussi continued to look up at his brother, as Minato continued to climb the ranks seeing how he was a war hero now.

Miya now a young woman of thirteen was a young woman in both beauty and power. Having recently graduate from the academy the same as her brother Minato, she showed off her skills in fuinjutsu and chakra chains as well as a great affinity towards water, she quickly became a chunin and then enrolled to become a medical ninja, making friends with one Tsunade Senju another member of their clan. The two became close friends borderline sisters, it was impossible seeing those two separate for more than five minutes.

Minato and Ayame's relationship grew far more after their talk behind the Senju compound. Ayame no longer stuttered and shies away when around Minato as she used to when they were children, now she is more confident in her abilities and herself as a woman. A chunin with some medical ninjutsu, a master of her Sharingan with an arsenal of genjutsu's at her deposit.

During the year Minato and Ayame began to see one another other than friends, starting with number of dates to sharing their first kiss, almost never separate from each other. Three months later Minato proposes to Ayame and a wedding is scheduled for the young couple. Two months later the two are married thereby creating an alliance between the Senju and Uchiha clans.

Four weeks after the wedding Ayame reveals to her parents that she is pregnant with Minato's child, nine months later and their first son is born. A year later Ayame is pregnant again, nine months later and their second son is born. Now a husband and a father Minato was enjoying his life to fullest living each day with his new family, and friends, as well as keeping the memories of the fallen close to heart.

Ten years later the nations are in a economic crisis dealing with financial trouble after the last war. Various nations seek alliances through the creation of factions all wanting fair rights by expanding territories. Peace talks failed to quell the growing state of discord until the boiling pot finally explodes.

And another world war began.

Most of the five main villages were still recovering from the last war as their forces were not what they had previously, Konoha being a prime example. The third Hokage Hiruzen wanting to avoid a major confrontation with another village assembled teams of six, the purpose was to attack using a strategy as old as time itself.

Guerrilla warfare was the key to winning battles when numbers were against you. To minimize troop deaths, Hiruzen fortify the surrounding smaller villages around Hi no Kuni.

Minato was once again called into active service but he wasn't the only one. His two friends Jiraiya and Sakumo Hatake were called as well. Anbu operatives were sent out for recon and search and destroy missions, Ussi was also involved in the war. And lastly being apart of the medical force Miya's involvement was no brainier. The three Senju siblings going to war they said, but with the popularity of their actions resulted that sooner or later they would be asked to join, or volunteer themselves.


Minato age thirty-five

With the second war coming to an end, Konoha once again proved why they were superior to the other villages. With victories coming from the strength and knowledge of the Senju siblings, as well as coming from many new faces. A few examples being... Sakumo Hatake earning the nickname "Konoha no Shiroi Kiba", or "Konoha's white fang." The third hokage's students after a battle with Hanzo the salamander of Ame, who quoted due to their teamwork against him he was surprised that they lasted as long as they have against him. For fighting a courageous battle against him Hanzo gifted these three the name of "Densetsu no Sannin"

Minato, Ussi, and Miya fought there own battles bravely earning victory as well as fame against their opponents.

Everyone returned home with their fair shares of battles under their belts, and patiently awaiting the next one.


With the second war now behind them Konoha takes this time to repair all wounds. First things first, Suna had requested an alliance with Konoha. Seeing an opportunity to gain a future ally, the Sandaime Hokage Hiruzen sent his best negotiator and an escort to Suna. Minato was among the escort group as their leader they left the following morning for Suna.

Back home nothing was out of the ordinary as civilians and shinobi continue with their normal lives.

But gathering at the western wall of village was a suspicious group hiding among the trees. One of the shinobi, the leader signals his men before reaching for the mask on top of his head to hide his face. The men were all wearing konoha anbu uniforms, looking down one could see dead bodies littering the floor that were the real anbu black ops. Giving the order the men scattered in several directions into the village.


Minato was tree hopping back to the village gates with his team following behind him. The mission was a success in creating an alliance between Konoha and Suna. Minato was to stay in Suna for the night to finalize the treaty when a messenger hawk flew into the meeting room. Reading its contents requesting for reinforcements, not one to ignore aid when requested Minato and four others hurried back to Konoha leaving the ambassador and three ninjas back in Suna.

Seeing the main village gates up ahead Minato and the others increased their speed, arriving and checking in with the guards, the group of five were stopped when a group of anbu appeared before them. One with a tiger mask walked forward.

"Senju Minato you are to come with us to the Hokage tower right away." The tiger mask anbu said. Before Minato could ask why, an anbu wearing a hawk mask grabs his shoulder and disappeared in a swirl of leafs. Leaving a confused group of Konoha ninjas in their wake. The other anbu ninjas disappeared in a swirl of leafs as well.


Arriving in the office of the Hokage the anbu disappeared back into the shadows. Minato looks around and spotted the Sandaime Hokage sitting behind his desk with guilty and ashamed look on his face. Minato ignored this for now to address his leader.

"You summoned me Hokage-sama." Minato address his Hokage with formal grace and respect.

"Sit down Minato-kun there is something I wish to speak with you." His voice sounded... dead as if he was at fault with something and was confessing his sins. Minato obeyed his Hokage without question and sat in the seats provided.

"Minato-kun, something has happened while you were away." Hiruzen began but choke on his words wondering how to explain this to Minato without him blowing a fuse. "You see earlier today we were attack from the inside-"

"Hokage-sama" Minato spoke with an edge in his voice, it was as sharp as any razor blade, "Tell me what has happened here, why I'm here?" Minato was slowly losing his patience with this beating around the bush.

Seeing how he could no longer continue how he wanted Hiruzen took a deep breath, he cleared his throat, and looked Minato straight in his lone eye.

"Minato-kun... we were attacked by Kumo ninjas disguised as our own anbu, they attacked several clans and other key points within the village. But their main interest was-" The sound of a chair falling backwards and a door being slammed open as Minato races back home praying what he heard was not true.

The third Hokage remain seated, guilt clear on his face as tears openly fell from his eyes. "I'm sorry Hashirama-sensei, Tobirama-sensei. I've failed you."


Minato ran full sprint not caring who, or what he bumped into as he hurried home to the Senju compound, he kept repeating 'no' over and over again not believe a single word the Sandaime was telling him was truth. He didn't want to believe it.

Arriving at the front gates Minato stopped to find the gate had been force opened leading to a force entry, which was impossible as only those of Senju blood and those who are permitted can open the gate. If anyone was to break in through force they would be burned alive from the defensive seals placed around the gate.

Going inside the compound Minato looked around seeing that a struggle had taken place as several trees and vegetation were burned to a crisp, or to ash. Bodies litter the front yard, mostly the fake anbu the Sandaime told him about, and a couple of his clan members. There were not many Senju members left in the Senju compound, around a hundred or so. He continued onward mindful of where he was stepping.

Minato reached the front pouch and like the front gate the door was knock off its hinges. Continuing further into his home Minato noticed more blood and dead bodies lying lifeless against the walls and hallways, weapons were scattered, furniture was uplifted and thrown all over the place.

He kept up his search until he stopped at corner of one of the hallways. There with his back against the wall sitting down with his legs spread out, blood dripping from the wall behind the corpse, but it wasn't just any clan member.

It was his younger brother Ussi.

He dropped to his knees after running to the end of the hall as Minato inspected Ussi's body. His skin had gone cold, his eyes were opened but no light were seen in them, a hand was over his chest where his wound was located. Minato didn't say a word as he wordlessly pray for Ussi. Bringing their foreheads together Minato remained there feeling how cold and empty his little brother's body was.

Removing himself he then brought his right hand over his little brother's eyelids to close them, he then kissed Ussi on his forehead and said his goodbye.

"Rest in peace otouto." He said quietly before coming back up, looking down at Ussi's corpse for the final time. He continued down the hallway in search for the rest of his family.

Standing outside his and Ayame's bedroom as she moved into the Senju compound after their wedding. Once he finish checking Ussi's room and Miya's room not finding his sister anywhere, he came to see if Ayame and his two sons were alright. Minato reaches into his pouch pulling out a kunai knife, and hand on the knob he entered the room. He steadied his grip on his knife not knowing if someone was hiding in the shadows. Clearing the room Minato sheathed the kunai and looks around the master bedroom. His eyes widened and the color was drained from his face when his eyes spotted his little sister Miya and Ayame both dead and scattered around the room.

Miya was at the bed flat on her back in a puddle of her own blood, her throat slashed. Ayame was pinned against the far wall with two kunai knives on each hand keeping her up. His two sons were found on the bed huddled together with a kunai knife buried into both of their backs, and a small trail of blood on the ground leading to the bed.

Minato said nothing with a passive face over his visage, but his emotions were going haywire in his mind. Disgusted, furious, vulnerable and powerless were four emotions that he was feeling right now.

Never had he witness something so savage, yes he was involve in two world wars, where what you see on the battlefield will scar you for life. But this... was just downright murder, a massacre done by the lowest of scum, those who have given up their humanity to pursue their lust for killing.

Minato was brought out of his thoughts with a knock to the master bedroom from outside. Quickly turning around, kunai knife in hand he stopped and saw his mother Mito, who now resembles an elderly old woman standing there. There was some blood on her white kimono but upon closer inspection by him showed it didn't belong to her.

She said nothing but enters the master bedroom with her arms held out to him for an embrace, a truly sad smile on her lips and tears falling from her remorseful and tired violet orbs. Minato silently walk to embrace his mother, she cried softly into his hair as her tears could no longer be held back. She mourned the lost of her son and daughter, her daughter-in-law and her two grandsons taken from her. Mito didn't hold her tears back from her eldest son. Minato buried his face into his mothers neck, a few tears falling from his eyes coming to terms with losing everyone close to him. This continued as mother and son said nothing but cried their hearts out in each others arms.


A month past after what was later known as the massacre of the Senju clan. The only two survivors being Mito Uzumaki the current clan head following Tobirama's death and her son Minato Senju who wasn't within the village when the attack happen.

Hiruzen had demanded from Kumo to pay for the damages done against them, Kumo however denied all accusations brought against them. When Hiruzen brought their dead shinobi before him, the Raikage pointed out that they were only mercenary's disguise as Kumo shinobi. The Sandaime continued this back and forth avoiding every attempt that may be seen as an act of war, and with Konoha's current military strength they would not last long in a full scale war.

So to keep the peace Hiruzen begrudgingly back down. Not many agreed with this answer including the village elders, or Sarutobi's former teammates. Many wanted to go to war with Kumo for revenge as the Senju were not the only victims from that attack.

The Senju's answer to all this was silence. Mito and Minato both refused to leave the Senju compound, nobody was allowed in, as any caught trespassing was attack on sight. Mito was exceptionally quiet, not only had she lost two of her children and grandchildren, but she received news of her home village Uzushiogakure, also known as Village Hidden by the Whirling Tides. Had been destroyed by a joint attack from Iwa, Kumo, and Kiri, and any survivors who managed to escape were scattered across the elemental nations.

Minato remained home on leave from service by the Sandaime, but was required back into service should the village be attacked again. Minato was not the same person after this ordeal, he'd lost his brother and sister. Ussi and Miya were still young in his eyes he was the older sibling he was suppose to watch out for and protect them, but he failed. His younger siblings are dead and so is his loving wife and two sons.

His first son was only fourteen and his brother was thirteen, those two did everything together, since they were children so to see them like that on the bed huddled together in an embrace. It broke Minato's already fragile heart. With how far Minato has traveled on his path he could say that he has surpass his father in terms of strength and knowledge.

But what good is it when everyone he cares for is dead. Gone! Just why continue to strive to be the best when everyone he loves dies behind his back. Is this how Madara-sensei felt when his clan betrayed him, left with nothing but the clothes on your back.

Having suffer enough pain and anguish Minato contemplated about leaving his village behind.


On the night of a full moon Minato was walking under the moonlight wearing a black hooded-cloak, his weapons being his gunbai he received from Madara place on his back connect to a chain under his arm, his zanpakuto Tsukoterasu hanging off his left hip in a maroon colored sheath. Ninja pouches filled with kunai knives, shurikens, ninja wire, and scrolls containing food, extra clothing, and money. He also drew several storage seals on both of his arms containing other weaponry.

He continued to walk forward under the moonlight his back facing the direction of the village as he near the border to Hi no Kuni. The hood was up covering most of Minato's face except his lips, which was set to a thin line.

After leaving a message for his mother about his leaving as well as dealing with any anbu who were out on patrol tonight. Not wanting to be discovered he kill them silently, the thought of killing his former comrades didn't stir anything inside Minato as he no longer was a shinobi of Konoha. His forehead protector which was hanging off his belt had a slash through it meaning he was now a missing nin.

"Everyone forgive me but I can no longer stay in Konoha, a village that has brought me nothing but pain than happiness. Father." He looked up the sky seeing the white of the moon and the millions of stars dancing across the sky. "The peace that you fought and gave your life for I no longer see it, that peace is only a temporary peace. A peace so fragile that a single spark can start a war, and uncle Tobirama's way was no less different from your own only more harsh, especially against the Uchiha clan. Hiruzen, no the Sandaime's way of peace is weak in my opinion. The man is weak constantly making mistake after mistake. I only chose to follow him because he was once your student."

Minato stopped here to stop walking and look over his shoulder back at the village that was his birthplace and home. Shaking his head he turned around and started walking again. He started speaking where he left off.

"But Madara-sensei once mention during one of our spars that there is no such thing as true peace. At first I didn't believe him as I didn't know what he was talking about at the time. Now I see it perfectly, there is no true peace, if one is happy then another is struggling, which leads to jealously and anger resulting in violence. No good could ever from that, Konoha's vision is no different from anyone else vision."

Crossing the border Minato jumped into the nearby forest and began tree hopping, getting further and further away from the place he fought, bled, cried, and nearly died for on several different instants for. If it wasn't for Karuse and others under his command then it might have been him instead of the former six feet under in a casket all those years ago.

"That is why..." He looked down the road ahead activating his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan, which took the form of a black background with a five-star red snowflake with three intersecting pointed pinwheels meeting in the center. "I will find the answers I seek starting with following in Madara-sensei footsteps, if I wish to know what he meant then I'll follow the same path he walked down."


Two days after Minato leaving

"Enough, I will not hear more Hiruzen!" Danzo exclaim, angrily at his old rival who had a solemn look on his face. The two men were currently in the meeting room that the higher ups of the village, the hokage and his advisors would meet.

"Minato Senju has gone rogue and abandoned the village from the information we receive from the two shinobi who were watching the gate that night said that they were put under a heavy genjutsu and don't recall anything else." Danzo look at Sarutobi to see his face was in his hands. He continued. "This just furthers proves that Minato Senju left willingly."

"Danzo..." Hiruzen began looking back at Danzo with a tired, yet determine look in his eyes, "Minato-kun has suffered terribly with the lost of his wife, his two sons and his younger siblings. He's going through a lot of pain and needs time to recover."

"You're not getting it Hiruzen, this is different from your student Tsunade because of her sannin rights, she's allowed to leave the village as she pleases as long as she returns."

"Still I can't help that-."

"Enough of this back and forth, Hiruzen, I and majority of the council have voted to put Minato Senju in the Bingo book as a missing nin."

"A missing nin?! Have you gone insane Danzo!" The third Hokage spoke with authority in his voice and a certain fire in his eye. Danzo mentally took a step back from seeing that look, the very look that made Sarutobi feared during the many wars they participated in. "Have you and everyone forgotten the sacrifices he has made for this village, the pain and guilt he suffered to protect his home."

"I understand your claim Hiruzen, I as much as anyone see Minato as a hero to the village but we must put away security for him. This same man who's given his body and soul to protect this village is the same man who held such prestige within our ranks, has access to all of our classified information and documents all locked away in his head. If he were to join another village, or sell those plans to anyone of power everything will be brought to light."

"Minato-kun would never betray his home, nor trample all his father's wishes."

"Even so, we must take precautions. You said it yourself he is currently unstable with his emotions fueling his actions, it is possible for Minato to do such a thing." Danzo hid a smirk from seeing the defeat in his rival's eyes as he struggled on what to do.

"Everyone has already given their votes all we require is the Hokage's approval." Sarutobi looked at Danzo to see his face had no emotion, his eyes were sharp staring into his brown ones awaiting on his answer.

With a heavy sigh he spoke, "Very well. Have an updated version on my desk by tomorrow morning."

Danzo bowed his head, he then moved to leave the room when his name was called.

"What is it?" Turning to see Sarutobi staring at his back before lifting himself up to look into Danzo's eyes.

"What of Mito-sama was she aware of her son's departure?"

"She's known but kept it to herself, don't worry she will not be harm for keeping this from the village."

He exited the room leaving a downtrodden third Hokage, who felt remorseful for his previous decision to brand Minato a traitor, fresh tears fell down his face.

" Hashirama-sensei, Tobirama-sensei... please forgive this fool of a student for failing you once again."


(Two years later) Minato age thirty-seven

Walking into a dimly-lit room his boots squeaking against the wooden floors as the person made his way to the front desk. Not much could identify who this was as he wore a black, hooded cloak that was double breast plated and ended in two coattails, the hood was up obscuring most of the person's head and a white mask with two red vertical lines going down between the eyes hid the man's facial features.

Arriving at the front desk he rang on the bell which gave a 'ding', which signal whoever was in the back as the sound of footsteps grew closer.

"Ah, my best man Zero you're back." The man said with a smile, not much could describe him only he was of average height with a decent build, he had brown hair and brown eyes. A black shirt and pants for his clothing. "So, what can I do for my best bounty hunter?"

"Just came to turn in today's trash." Zero reached into his cloak pulling out three different colored scrolls and put them on the desk.

"Ah, these are from the job you took yesterday. Let's see are they dead or alive?"

"Alive, they were not worth killing."

"Hahaha, that's just like you." He took the offered scrolls and hid them behind the desk he then pulled out a large book with a purple hard cover from beneath the desk. Next was a quin and a bottle of ink, he opened the book to a certain page, dipping the quin in the ink, he began to write today's date as well as the name of the job and it's details.

"Right with the paperwork out of the way let me just get you your payment, and your free to go." Putting the book away after recording the necessary information the man went to the back room he came out of earlier leaving the masked man Zero waiting in the lobby.

The masked man Zero stayed standing awaiting for the clerk to return with his payment. Silence was heard aside from his breathing, he crossed his arms across his chest as he waited for the clerk to return.

Behind him the front door opened and the sound of laughter could be heard, he ignores the laughter as it drew closer. A group of men lead by a man with black spiky hair wearing square-rimmed black glasses strode up to the front desk ringing the bell.

Ignoring his entourage behind him the man fixed his gaze to his right seeing Zero. "When did you get back?" Trying to start a conversation. Zero turned his head to regard the man and went back to his silence, the man didn't try again only to push his glasses up. He turned back around when he heard the masked individual speak up.

"I'm sorry what did you say?"

"I said, I just got back before you and group showed up. I'm just collecting my payment and leaving." The man wanted to say something but couldn't find the words to say it.

The clerk came out of the back room and handed Zero a scroll which contained his payment. Giving a silent "thank you" he moved to leave but was stopped by the hand on his shoulder following it back to the man wearing glasses.

"Listen why don't join us for some drinks? The idiots I'm following got back from a huge payday and wanted to celebrate, what do say? First drinks are on me." Zero, with his mask on nobody could tell what he was thinking or what his mood was. He shook the hand on his shoulder and turned with his back facing everyone.

"Sorry, I'm not the social type but thanks for the offer." Zero left without another word leaving the room in silence.


Arriving back at his hotel room, Zero removes his mask revealing a handsome man's face with onyx black eyes and a beard. The hood fell from his head and his pure white hair changed to black as dark as midnight, his hair fell to his lower back with one bang covering his right eye entirely. The hair style would make people believe he was the late Madara Uchiha but a closer look and they would see not an elderly man.

Instead a young man in his late thirties.

Minato sighed tiredly, his body falling flat on top of the Queen-sized mattress forgetting to strip off his bounty hunter gear and light armor.

Two years; it has been two years since that fated day where his happiness was all but destroyed. Two years ago he was a loving husband, a proud father of two sons, and was at the top of his career as a shinobi. His might and skills were feared by many and left dozens of civilians and shinobi in awe. Many had began to refer to him as the next Hashirama, or the son who will surpass his legendary father.

Of course Minato was not one for fame and he was not the type of man who lived for the spotlight.

No – Minato Senju was a family man and close friend to all. His smiles could brighten anyone's day no matter how bad, he was caring and respective to everyone regardless of who they were and what they did. He treated those around him like family. And despite what others may think, Minato was not violent and was never provoked to anger unless given a good reason. Even then he didn't kill only to solve problems logically.

When the first war began he proved his worth as a leader and a soldier leading his fellow Shinobi through hell and back, it was recorded that him and Karuse Uchiha had the least amount of troops lost in the war. But his biggest accomplishment that put his name in stone was his brutal final battle against Iwa.

With only eight hundred men at his command against an army of almost ten thousand, he single handedly defended the Hi no Kuni border and drove back the advancing Iwa army. His bravery and might was feared among allies and enemies alike, there was a saying he once heard that for parents who wanted to quiet down their children, they spoke of his battle which was later named; the battle for Hi no Kuni, and how he would come for them for misbehaving.

Let's just say small children everywhere immediately settle down when his name is ever mentioned.

From there everything went to rock bottom from losing his best friend whom he consider as a brother, his father and uncle's passing, and ten years later would his wife, brother and sister, and two sons be ripped away as well. Having enough of the pain, he gathered his belongings and under the cover of night, Minato left the village he calls home.

For two years he had spent wallowing in his sorrows, his first month he tried to follow Madara's footsteps when he left the village hoping for anything on his late sensei. Not finding anything that would help Minato in his search he had given up and took to the life of a bounty hunter.

Not wanting anyone to recognize him, since from reading the latest Bingo book released a month after his leaving named him a missing nin. Creating an alter ego to use for his wet works he became Zero, a masked Shinobi, who rarely talk but completed jobs simultaneously without fail. The jobs he took range from A-rank to S-rank, never anything lower. It work for him as well as his employers, in the end everyone wins.

"Minato-kun..." Came the soft voice of Amaterasu from his inner world.

"I'm sorry for worrying you two, it just... I need sometime to sort things out."

"We understand love, Ama-chan and I want you to know that we'll never leave you." Tsukuyomi said from within his inner world too.

"And I love you both for it. Thank you for staying with me. I love you both." Minato cut off the connection and drifted off to sleep.

"We love you too, Minato-kun." Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi whispered quietly to him before the connection was cut by Minato.


Walking down a dirt path was Minato wearing his Zero outfit, he had gone back to the office for some new contracts that had been posted. He grabbed three got them signed-off and he was gone. He was now walking through a forest at an even pace, lost in his thoughts but fully aware of his surroundings.

Remembering the events that had transpired since his time of leaving Konoha, Minato wanted to keep an ear open for any news on his love ones and those of interest from his past.

He was not disappointed.

Lu Bu, the feared general whom he had faced in the first war had been killed. He heard about how Lu Bu wanted to conquer the elemental nations starting from Kumo, he successfully capture the land of Xia Pi in the land of lightning. However, his rule was short lived when the sandaime Raikage led an army to put him down. News of his execution was spread all across the land.

Minato only felt regret that he would never get that rematch.

"The "Densetsu no Sannin" named after three konoha shinobi who done battle against Hanzo the Salamander and lived, from recent news the three had split apart beginning with Orochimaru's betrayal after his secrets were reveal to the public. Tsunade Senju his cousin, had left the village although not in the same manner he had done, Tsunade's younger brother Nawaki Senju was killed in the first war, and her lover someone by the name of Dan was killed in action in the last war. Having enough, she was no longer able to live with the guilt, she along with Dan's niece left the village. Last he had heard about her was that she got into gambling. Lastly was Jiraiya, the self proclaimed super pervert, however, remains in the village he had built a spy network from what Minato could gather.

"Konoha no shiroi kiba" ("Konoha's White Fang.") Sakumo Hatake's nickname given to him by his enemies in the previous war was dead. When Minato had heard the news after completing a job was remorseful, he felt that he had abandoned a friend in his time of need, although he was not as close to Sakumo as he was to Karuse, a friend was a friend. However, his mood quickly spiral to white hot anger when he had heard of the backlash he suffered from his fellow peer.

During a mission instead of completing his assignment Sakumo abandoned the mission to rescue his comrades that had been captured during a previous raid. He was jeered and frowned upon by both the village and by the very ninja he had rescued. Feeling ashamed he had committed suicide leaving his young son Kakashi as an orphan.

Minato never had felt disgusted by how foolish humans could be. He questioned his decisions on protecting those people, the people he bled to protect when war ravaged the land. If he had any doubts of leaving now he had none.

Lastly, the one that hurt the most was his own mother's passing. Mito Uzumaki, a legend spoken highly from both men and women praised for her knowledge and skills in Fuinjutsu, the same who raised him and his siblings from toddlers who could barely walk, or uttered a single phrase. To the feared and respected man he is now – was gone as well.

That's it, everyone... everyone that he loved was gone from this world, returned to dust, only memories that he keeps close to his heart were all he had to remember her by. This made Minato and Tsunade the only two remaining pure-blooded Senju still alive.

Returning back from his reminiscing Minato scanned the forest in from of him. He had been follow. Ever since he first left town he felt the chakra of someone he could not identify. Whoever it was, was foreign. Not wanting to cause trouble in town Minato led his pursuer out into the forest away from the public. Seeing he was far enough he looks over his shoulder and addressed his guest.

"Enough of this hide and seek I know you've been tailing me since we first left town." He discreetly retrieves a kunai from his pouch, mentally prepare if whoever this was wanted to dance.

"Heh heh, your instincts are sharp indeed 'Senju Wolf'."

"I believe you have mistaken me for someone else." He replied with a placid expression on his face but inside he was in doubt. Who was this that they knew his nickname.

"Heh heh, no need to be alarmed as I'm alone and I'm not the type to pick fights."

Minato put away his kunai and straighten himself out, "Who are you?"

Coming out of the brush was man, his skin was white with short green hair and a single yellow eye. His body was covered in spikes, as for clothes he wore none.

"My name is Zetsu and I've been tasked with finding you 'Senju wolf'."

"And why should I even follow you?" Reaching for his kunai again his gaze solely on the smiling Zetsu.

"An old friend of yours wishes to meet you." What was he talking about, old friend? As far as Minato knew everyone he considered his friends were buried.

"Now if you would put away your weapon and follow me. We can stop wasting anymore daylight." Zetsu turned around moving deep into the forest. Minato thought his options over before putting his kunai away and followed behind Zetsu.


Minato followed Zetsu to a disclosed location which was quite away from any civilization, entering a dark cave alerted Minato senses. Had he been led to an ambush. Zetsu didn't say where he was taking him only that someone from his past wanted to meet him, someone from his past lives in a cave that gives an eerie, and dark aura.

Sure why not follow a man whose skin is bleach white covered with spikes to a cave, far away from any towns or cities. If this didn't scream murder then he did not know what will.

Soon enough the two entered a large and spacious chamber. It was empty except for the giant statue in the back, a throne with a corpse sitting on, the corpse had several tubes attach to his back which led up to the statue, and a bed was located in the left corner of the room.

Putting his hands in pockets of his cloak Minato stared blankly from the corpse sitting on the throne, to the white Zetsu who was smiling at him. "You brought me all the way here to see some guy's corpse?"

Before he could get a response, a cough came from the supposed corpse on the throne. More coughs were heard coming from the man, Minato believe the guy had something lodged in his throat, or he was dying, if he wasn't already dead like he first thought. The coughing soon ceased and the room had fallen back into silence, as Minato and Zetsu waited patiently. The man remove any drool on his lips using the sleeve of his robe, he coughed to clear his throat after he lifts his head to faced Minato and Zetsu.

The man was elderly that was for sure, any older he could be mistaken for a skeleton. Wrinkles marred his face, his lips were dry as if the man never drank a glass of water his entire life. White spiky hair that cover his right eye entirely, stopping at his back, lastly his eye that was not covered by his hair had a Sharingan.

Wait what...

Looking back at the man once more Minato indeed saw a Sharingan in the man's left eye socket, looking at the man's face he saw a smile on his lips.

"Who are you calling a corpse, brat."

That voice... he had heard it plenty of times, mostly from jeers, to provoking insults, and the occasional death threats. There was no mistaken it.

"You, of course sensei, seeing how you're 'dead' to the world." Minato walked towards the throne in the center of the room and embraced his sensei whom he believed was dead.

Madara Uchiha, a legendary shinobi, rival to Hashirama Senju, co-founder of Konohagakure no Sato, and his sensei from his past was alive.

Releasing himself from the embrace Minato inwardly laughs at how his sensei looks now, earlier in his life Madara said that he would be dead long before he became an old man. Seeing him now it's safe enough for him to say the opposite of his claim was worth a laugh.

"You look like shit, sensei." Minato grinned but soon grunted in pain with the cane of Madara's kama hitting the top of his head.

"And you're still an idiot it would seem." Putting his kama now a make-shift cane down and lifting himself to stand, Minato forgets the pain he felt from the hit to assist Madara up. Now supporting himself by leaning on his make-shift cane the two stared at one another not saying anything as what was there to say.

Minato was befuddled on what to say, as for the most of his life he always believed Madara was dead, yet he wasn't dead but a walking corpse.

Almost if he could read minds Madara hit Minato once more on the head drawing a pained grunt from the Senju.

'Note to self don't mention corpse in front of Madara.'


'Hmph, asshole.' -Whack- 'fuck!'

Now nursing several bruises on his head, Minato glares at the elder Uchiha, who only needed to raise his kama, and Minato stopped his glaring, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Now that the humor has passed we can begin."

"I curious as well jiji, -Whack- anyways I want to know why you were searching for me?" Minato said seriously, wanting to understand his sensei's motives now after surviving his fight with his deceased father.

"Very well... walk with me and I will tell you." Madara began walking towards the exit of the dark chamber. Minato following behind him, however, he noticed Zetsu was no longer in the room with them.

Shrugging his shoulders Minato let it be and caught up with Madara.


Having returned from their walk the Uchiha and Senju were once again in the chamber with Madara sitting on his throne and Minato off to the side with his arms crossed over his chest.

The two had talk much on each others past, Madara explained how he had survived his battle with his father, him going into hiding, and later awakening an ocular power known as the Rinnegan. The same power that summon the huge statue, which acts as a life support for Madara by constantly feeding him chakra through the tubes on his back.

Minato then talk about his own past from his successes starting from the first shinobi war, to his rise to fame, to losing those he loved, and his abandonment of the village.

"It truly is hard to talk about the ones you love no matter how many years go by." Said Madara thinking about his own losses, his younger brother Izuna coming to mind.

"It get's slightly better in time but still no matter how much time elapses the pain will always remain. So old man what else did you want to talk about?"

Ignoring the old man remark, Madara stared back at Minato, preferably his eyes sensing the great power locked away in them. "It's time you learn to master your Sharingan from an Uchiha's perspective, Minato."


(One year later) Minato age thirty-eight

"Zetsu..." Minato said calling his companion.

It's been a year since Minato had met the white Zetsu who led him to an abandon cave far from civilization, where he met his supposed dead sensei. He was then offered the chance to train under Madara once more, an answer that was not needed to be vocalize by him.

Within that time period, Madara solely focused on Minato's Sharingan. His Sharingan was powerful yes, but only because of it's previous wielder. From receiving Karuse's Sharingan eyes to the present time, Minato had been neglecting it by not using them in battle, he explained how he wanted to keep his Sharingan a secret by not using them in combat where anyone could be able to see it. Rumors would then surface and distrust would be sowed between the Senju and Uchiha clans if word got out that a Senju had the prize Sharingan of the Uchiha.

At the time the two clans were under a joint alliance due to his marriage to Ayame.

Madara quickly set him in place with a few blows to the head with his kama and a good talking too before they began his training. Besides learning to further mature his Sharingan, Madara thought it would be best to to train Minato in elemental training. He remembers from training Minato many years ago was that Minato had an affinity to Katon, Raiton, and Futon, with Suiton and Doton being his strongest, which results in his godly control over Mokuton.

Minato didn't slouch in this training as he had done with his Sharingan, which gave Madara ideas on how to approach his affinity training further. When he completed his training, Minato now had a wider variety of attacks and jutsus, some were a collaborations of each other, such as Katon and Raiton, Raiton and Suiton, Katon and Doton, and so forth.

After a year of training Minato felt far stronger than he had before Madara's training. Having been train by four great legends from Konoha had greatly increased Minato's ego when he was younger. By no means was he arrogant and won all of his battles, there were the occasional losses here and there but it was these losses that brought Minato back down to earth, no longer would he believe his power was the same as kami. Now however, he can honestly say in truth, that he could fight a kage one-on-one and win without trouble.

Also during the year he trained with Madara, he opened up to Minato about his future plans and how he wished to change the world. He explain in extreme detail to Minato about his Infinite Tsukuyomi plan, a plan that he would place the elemental nations in a powerful genjutsu where there was no war, and no war meant no pain, no loss of loved ones, and no hatred. A world where everlasting peace that wasn't a dream. Minato like the idea and offered to complete the plan in Madara's stead.

When asked why, his only response was he had grown tired of the constant fighting. However, Madara sensed an alternative in his speech but refused to dive any further. Drawing closer to the end of his training Madara had seen fit to give Minato his final lesson.

How to awaken his Rinnegan.

This was all a hypothesis, but Madara didn't know whether Minato could obtain the Rinnegan. When asked about it Madara told him about the history behind the Rikudo Sennin also known as the Sage of Six Paths. Madara also explained how he had obtained Hashirama's cells when he bit and ripped away a chunk of Hashirama skin. All of his experiments where failures but it wasn't until in his later years as an elderly man did Madara finally awaken his own Rinnegan. Madara believes Minato being a progeny of Hashirama and having the Sharingan, then perhaps Minato could awaken his own Rinnegan. Madara told Minato that the only way the Infinite Tsukuyomi could be activated was by using the Gedo Mazo, which could only be summon by someone with the Rinnegan. If all else fail he suggested to search for a child known as Nagato, who was in possession of Madara's eyes that contained his Rinnegan.

Hearing the all too familiar way of Zetsu's arrival, Minato turned to his left and spotted the now white and black Zetsu with a Venus flytrap-like extensions that emerged from their sides. Enveloping their heads and upper body as a shell with a black cloak over their body.

"We have done as you asked." The black Zetsu's voice was deep and gruff unlike his counterpart who was the opposite in speech patterns.

"Hai... we place the explosive tags all around the hideout as you asked us to do."

"We have also collected everything within, nothing remains." Black Zetsu handed a scroll to Minato who pocketed the scroll into his pouch.

"Good now just one last thing to do." Minato became silent with his head bowed Zetsu didn't say anything as he knew Minato was giving his final goodbye.

During the year Minato spent learning under Madara again, he saw the elder Uchiha as a second father figure. Course he had his own father but he was dead and Madara fit that description perfectly with being Hashirama's best friend. Minato had his father in his heart and knew no one could steal that from him.

Madara though he acted the same as he did when he was younger, and had a temper when Minato called him an old man just to rile the elder Uchiha up. He couldn't lie that he enjoyed Minato's company again because he saw Minato as the son he never had. He wanted to compare Minato to his younger brother Izuna but the two were not alike. He didn't care about that all he cared for was to train Minato for the battles that were ahead, he still worried for Minato's well-being though he didn't show it.

When Madara finally passed away, the two said their goodbyes before Madara Uchiha finally passed on. Minato never wanted to disappoint his sensei in anyway, shape, or form. He didn't cry, or mourn for Madara, he kept his emotions locked away and remain silent, as to honor his sensei's final wish.

Done with giving his peace he put his hands in the snake handsign and started to walk away, signaling Zetsu to follow. Two minutes and a fair distance away the explosive tags detonated destroying the entrance as well as the roof of the caves, completely burying Madara's hideout in the rubble.

'That is to be your tomb Madara-sensei. Consider it a parting gift from your former student.'

Minato said as he pulled up his hood to conceal his face as the wind picked up, a large fire could be see behind Minato and Zetsu, who chooses to ignore it.


Minato steps on the sandy beaches of Uzushiogakure no Sato; A week had transpired since first leaving the hideout, Minato and Zetsu traveled east to charter a ship that could take them to the ruins of Uzushiogakure no Sato, the fallen village of the .

Arriving in a small fishing village, renting a boat and a captain to take them. They left for the open seas. They eventually had to walk the rest of the way as the ship couldn't travel through the whirlpools that protects the village. Minato was amazed that the whirlpool defenses of the Uzumaki Clan were still functional even when no one was no longer feeding them chakra.

The two wandered aimlessly through the village ruins, all they could see for miles were destroy buildings, trees that grew at an alarming rate almost resembling a forest, skeletons of civilian and shinobi ridden the streets. A ghost town if there ever was one.

But this didn't stop Minato, nor hinder him in any shape or form. He pushed forward with resolution in every step he took.

Entering what he assumed was the kage building, which resembled a Japanese castle build alongside a mountain and waterfall, which gave off a peaceful environment. Climbing down a set of stairs that went on forever, Minato with a lit torch in his hand continues down into the darkness. Reaching the bottom floor he was greeted to an empty room except for two torches on either side of the wall.

"Hmm... It's a dead end Minato-sama." Said the white Zetsu appearing behind the stairs.

"So it would seem..."

"We came all this way only to find nothing. What a waste." Replied the gruff voice of black Zetsu.

Minato wordlessly activated his Sharingan and stared at the wall to see a network of chakra flowing behind the wall acting as a lock on a door. He pondered his options before he walked up to the wall and places his hand on the stone. Channeling his chakra he waited for the expected results, not a second later the wall open slowly. It can now be pushed open.

He pushed on the ancient door inward until the door locked in place, inside were a row of touches on either side lighting up simultaneously.

"Perhaps this trip was not a waste after all." Minato only smirks and asked Zetsu to follow.

They walk down a long hallway that split into several routes leading to who knows where. The tunnels they entered where build as a maze and only the kages of the village were allowed access. Anyone, say bandits, or an enemy shinobi, who found their way inside would be lost forever.

However, Minato with his Sharingan could see the chakra in the walls, as well in the floor. He followed the chakra pathways to see where they led.

Arriving at another dead end Minato places his hand on the wall and added his chakra, and like before the wall spun open. Entering another empty room but instead a cave with blue crystals littering the walls, floors, and ceiling giving the room a blue colored hue.

He and Zetsu searched around hoping to find a switch or something that would not lead them to believe this to be a dead end as well. Minato walked around the room seeing no entrance except for the secret door he and Zetsu came through, he saw white Zetsu looking through several crystals believing one was a lever, with black Zetsu berating him.

Minato looks down at his feet to see the chakra they have been following was gathering below him. Wanting to try something he got down on one knee, placing his hand on the floor and pulses his chakra. Believing a door would open now he waited, and waited. Thinking this was a dead end, he stood up and calls Zetsu back.

But then the room began to shake as if an earthquake was happening above ground.

The room shook for a few seconds before the sound of a door opening could be heard. Minato turns around and saw the wall behind him was slowly sinking into the ground revealing to the eyes of Minato and Zetsu what appears to be a library inside. There were rows of shelves but no books occupying those shelves, there was also a chair in the very center of the room.

There were three section that could be seen, one way led to the library which was what they first saw when they walked in, the second and third routes split up into left, or right respectively but those areas were empty.

Turning around seeing the wall in front of him Minato use a simple C-rank Doton justu to make a hole in the wall behind them, when finished he found himself staring at the blue sky and hearing the waves of the ocean and seagulls hovering above. He surveys his surroundings seeing that the island was quite big, no greenery or signs of life could be sensed. Just rocks of all shapes and sizes.

Going back down to see Zetsu expecting the library, hearing footsteps he turns around to greet Minato, who nodded his head. Minato then sat down in the chair. Looking around the library from his position he could see everything from where he sat. He could even see the hole he made that led outside. Minato grinned as he addressed Zetsu by saying.

"Welcome to Yūrei island, Zetsu, our new home."(1)


Minato was overlooking the Raikage's training of his son A, and finally the eight tailed Jinchūriki Killer B.

Having spent close to two weeks in Kumo, following the Raikage from the shadows and learning more about the two tailed and eight tailed Jinchūriki. He studied and learned all their daily habits from where they lived, to what foods they eat, what roads they walked on, who do they talk to and socialize with, etc. Having gather all the necessary information he needed.

Today was when he makes his move.

After making base at what was now known as Yūrei island, Minato began making plans on obtaining the nine bijus by first finding and capturing their Jinchūrikis. He and Zetsu had gone to the mainland to first acquire food, water and supplies that were necessary for their travels.

Next he summoned some white Zetsu clones and had them travel to each major village and the minor villages in hopes of narrowing down his search. Within a few weeks Minato received information from the Zetsu clones about the locations on where the other Jinchūrikis were hidden. Having marked them he prepared for his future confrontations with them. Starting first with the two and eight tails, which both are currently located in Kumogakure no Sato.

He arrived in Kumo within a few days making quick work of the patrols by putting them under a genjutsu. Sneaking into the village after was too easy for Minato who simply walked right in. Surely for the "strongest" village their security would not be so lax. While in Kumo Minato made sure to change his appearance and erased his name if people ever ask for him.

Borrowing his younger brother's name and visiting a tailor and then a blacksmith, Minato outfit was now a black hooded cloak that stop at his knees, near the bottom of the cloak were tribal designs and ended in two coat tails. His right arm was completely cover in metal plating. Starting with an armored glove, a vambrace on his arm, follow by several smaller plates collected to the vambrace, and stopping with a metal pauldron on his shoulder. On his left hand he wore a black fingerless glove. He wore black pants with black straps that travel from his ankles up to his thighs, and metal greaves on his feet.

To the public he was known as Ussi Shiba, a bounty hunter searching for missing nins, criminals, anyone who had money on their heads were hunted down by him, however; in the shadows he was Minato Senju.

Returning back to the present time Minato saw that the boy who's name was Killer B was trying to call out his Biju's chakra. He could see that from the reports on the Jinchūriki, this Killer B had a far greater grasp at calling out the eight tails chakra. No doubt that in a few years he could become a true threat if left unchecked. He must be dealt with now. Putting his mask over his face and concealing his chakra to almost civilian level, he moves to attack.

"C'mon Bee you need to have perfect control, or you'll endanger yourself and everyone in village." The third Raikage, said as he was overlooking B's training. The young boy, Killer B was sitting cross-legged in a meditating stance, while the third Raikage's son was off to one corner.

The third was just about to say something when he noticed a smoke bomb rolling towards him, he looks at his son and saw another by his feet, his son A was also looking at the round object at his feet.

The bombs then detonated creating a haze of black smoke, nothing could be see or heard except for violent coughing from the three men. A shadow enters the smoke, he moved towards Killer B, who had stop his concentration from the surprise attack.

The smoke soon dispersed and visibility return. The Raikage and his son were looking around franatically for their attackers.

"What the hell is going on. Bee, A!"

"I'm fine tou-san," came the reply from his son.

"Then where's B?"

"I can answer that for you."

The father and son look to see Killer bee unconscious, he was surrounded by several swords made of pure light. Standing by his side was a man wearing a black hooded cloak and mask concealing his identify.

"Who the hell are and release Bee!" Shouted A, getting into his fighting stance, his father copying his son's example..

"Heh heh heh, my apologizes but I'll be taking your Jinchūriki off your hands." The two were shocked that the man knew that Killer B was a Jinchūriki. They knew they couldn't let this man live.

"And how do you know that Bee is a Jinchūriki, no one but the Raikage should know of this information." Being caution with his words the Sandiame Raikage wanted to see what else the man he was facing knew about them.

"Perhaps your village's security is not as great as you may believe it to be. Obtaining the information about the eight tails and two tails was far too easy that even a simple genin could do it."

Again they were surprised, not only B's identity was conpromised but Yugito's as well.

"Tou-san, I'll go and protect Yugito!"

"It's too late for that, my partner has already captured the two tails Jinchūriki. She's gone, end of story."

Grinding his teeth together in anger, sparks of blue lighting jumped around his skin, an aura of blue lighting covered the form of the third Raikage, who was glaring daggers at the man in front of him.

"Do you really think I'm just going to let you do as you please and walk away?"

"Yeah." Was Minato's intelligent response.

"You must be crazy in the head-" He disappear in a show of speed, "If you believe you can defeat the Raikage of Kumo!" He reappears again in front of Minato with his index finger positioned to stab him.

However, Minato disappears in a burst of speed far quicker than the Raikage, who was shock that someone outclassed him in terms of speed.

"You have grown lax, Raikage-dono," Hearing his voice behind him turning his head seeing a glove hand on his left shoulder. "If I could get behind you like this, sadly this little charade is over." Quickly pulling a scroll from his waist Minato unrolled it showing a formation of seals with the kanji for 'absorb' written in the center.

He tried to escape from his hold but was soon crying out in pain, he couldn't describe it, it felt like his lighting was shocking him, bringing him pain. His own lighting was betraying him.

This continued for a minute before the Raikage stopped screaming and fell to his knees gasping for air. Minato just hovered over his body walking until he stood in front his head.

"Y-You bastard! What on earth did you do to me?" The Raikage's breathing was ragged, sweat fell from his brow. He was glaring weakly up at Minato's mask covered face.

"Nothing permanent, I just sealed your chakra away in this scroll. I knew by fighting you on equal terms would lead me nowhere except death. And by no means I'm I implying I'm weak, I just didn't want to waste my time fighting you."

"You coward using cheap tricks to win your fights." Minato chuckles softly before answering.

"Heh heh heh, Raikage-dono, haven't you heard? We are shinobi, we don't fight fairly, we use any and all methods to win. Even such trickery as you so put it."

"You bastard!" Minato heard to his left, he disappears in another Shunpo evading A's punch from behind him. He reappears several feet away from the two.

"Although this is quite fun I'm little busy today, so we must stop here." Bringing his hands together Minato summons giant tree roots and branches that attack A, who was caught off guard by the sudden attack. The trees binded his arms and legs together keeping him from escaping

"Wait a minute, Mokuton? That's impossible as the Shodiame Hokage passed away years ago, then that means-"

He was silenced when a sudden pain erupted from his lung. Looking down through half-lidded eyes he saw a kunai knife embedded in his left lung, he coughs up blood and look into the cold eyes of Minato behind his mask.

"Never say my father's name in front of me again." Minato said coldly slowly removing the kunai from A's lung and threw it off to the side. A remain motionless as his eyes slowly closed and he fell unconscious.

"I've wasted enough time here it's time for me to go." Walking over to Killer Bee's body he hefted him up onto his shoulder and disappears in another Shunpo away from the training field.

Minato arriving outside of the village hid behind a mountain overlooking the village. He placed Killer B's body next to a rock, nodding to himself he disappears into Shunpo once again this time he reappeared hovering over the village.

Raising his chakra to anbu levels stopped everyone in place as they looked up into the sky for the source. He raised his arms above his head, and said loudly with chakra increasing his volume.

"People of Kumogakure no Sato, I only have one thing to say. That you should repent for your sins as I've have come to cleanse you of yourselves. Three years ago your ninjas took something very valuable from me, and now three years later I have come to return the favor." Minato turned around sensing the Raikage's signature, he spotted him on top of the kage building staring back at him with anger in his eyes and still gasping for air. Minato smiles behind his mask seeing his guest of honor has arrived. "Citizens remember my name, as the man who struck vengeance on you, remember my name... Minato Senju!"

He removes his mask showing everyone his face, he soon smirked seeing the shock of the people and their shinobi. Turning back to the Raikage he saw that the man was also surprised but was filled with even more anger directed at him. Having enough he opens his right palm, a red-orange ember soon burst to life, Minato then awakens his EMS and uses Amatarasu, the black flames engulf the small ember increasing the fire to the size of a baseball . He then drops the ball of black fire and Shunpo away reappearing in the outskirts of the village. He looks over his right shoulder when the sound of screaming was heard.

The village was on fire, a large blaze of black flames, followed immediately by a storm of red colored flames with orange and yellow mixed in burning brightly and devouring everything in sight. The screams of men, women, and children could be heard over the blaze. Minato watched it all from his peak for a moment before withdrawing with Killer B and a small girl known as Yugito nii under his arms.


One month passed after the kidnapping of the two and eight tails and the destruction of Kumo by Minato. The elemental nations grew wary and filled with anxiety wondering where Minato would strike next.

The villages around the nation had increased their security, Jinchūrikis of those villages were kept under twenty-four hour watches and tailed by ninjas everywhere they went. From hearing about how Kumo lost both of their Jinchūrikis on the same day had force the other kages of their respective villages to ensure the same didn't befall their own Jinchūriki.

However, their attempts were proven useless against Minato. Where although he no longer had the element of surprise on his side, he still infiltrated and escaped with a bound Jinchūrikis every time all while being unseen.

It was a humiliation to the kages whom he stole from, it was blow to their pride, allowing a single enemy shinobi to escape with their Jinchūrikis right from under their noses.


Back on Yūrei island, Minato was mediating within the library he and Zetsu found. His facial features were calm and so was his chakra as he had spent the last few weeks sealing the bijus into the Gedo Mazo with Zetsu offering his support. Although with only two the time it took for sealing was much longer than he had hope for, however, the end results was all nine bijus were sealed away and for Minato that was good enough.

During his beast hunt Minato had awakened his own Rinnegan. It had happened during an encounter with some anbu from Iwa and Kumo who had increased his bounty in the Bingo book after his attack on the latter. The fighting was nothing special as they only served as annoyance that needed to be crushed, but during the fighting Minato had successfully awakened his very own Rinnegan.

Plans can now continue as scheduled he said when he first felt the legendary power of the Rikudo Sennin for himself.

Hearing Zetsu calling him, Minato opens his eyes revealing pale-purple eyes with six rings around the pupil, he stops channeling chakra and his onyx black eyes were once again seen.

"Minato-sama we have news for you." White Zetsu began with a grin plasterd on his face.

"An alliance has been form between the five major villages to stop you." Continued Black Zetsu

"Indeed, everyone is not happy with you at all." Came the jovial response from White Zetsu.

"So what else is new." Minato sarcastically replied. Taking a deep breath after meditating for several hours nonstop.

"They have called for war and everyone has agreed, they know now that you are in possession of all of the nine Bjius."

"They fear that you will do something dangerous with them." Minato stood up and walked towards his chair and sat down facing Zetsu with a smirk on his face. "I've been feared since I first left the academy, if they think an alliance now can stop me... Then I welcome them to try."


In the desert wasteland of wind country, there were many stone pillars that reached the blue skies. Below was a massive army of numerous shinobi from different villages. Although their outfits were different the headbands they wore had the kanji for "Shinobi" engraved on them, and standing in the front of the army were the five kages of their respective villages.

Fire, Wind, Water, Lighting, and Earth all joined together for the first time, a historical event that will be engraved within the pages of history. As well, as this battle that will take place today. Many emotions could be felt but anger, fear, determination, and bravery were the most shown by those in the army. Everyone waited anxiously as they prepare for the battle ahead.

"H-He's here!" Shouted a terrified leaf shinobi loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Where is he?" Oniki, the Tsuchukage asked the sensor ninja.

"There!" He pointed to a particular stone pillar and soon enough a man was seen standing on the very pillar he pointed at. Everyone quickly made out the man's form, only one name came to mind.

Minato Senju

Gone with his black robes now he wore a memento to his father and Madara-sensei. He wore maroon armor with numerous metal plates, forming protective guards along his chest, waist, shoulders, and thighs. Beneath this he had on a black high-collared, long sleeve mantle that splints down the lower half and a simple, light-brown obi and belt.

Minato stared down at the gathered crowd as if he was inspecting them this got the favor reaction as everyone concluded that he was underestimating them. He smirks at the angry faces of his enemies,

'Good with anger clouding their minds eliminating them will be far too easy, this won't take long.' He turned to address them.

"Minato Senju, do you know why we are here?" The Raikage, A started off. He was made Raikage after his father's death by Minato's hands.

"Hmm... I can't seem to remember the answer would be so kind to explain it to me?"

"You know exactly why we are here, Senju! Whatever you plan to do with all of the tailed beasts stops here."

"Oh, so the Onoki brat has become a kage, your years have passed you, old man." Onoki gritted his teeth together, this man was definitely Madara's student.

"I wish to apologizes that the Jinchūrikis in my possession are not going anywhere. It flatters me and them that you all would come this far to retrieve something that does not wish to go home."

"What are you saying." The Yondaime Kazekage said speaking for the first time.

"I may not be a Jinchūriki but from listening to their stories I know that they have had a tough life. They tell me of how they are seen as monsters, demons, people calling them horrible things and sometimes attack them, to relieve stress, or just outright try to kill them. My mother, Mito Uzumaki was the first Jinchūriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, although this was kept secret except for a few people who were trusted enough to know, they still saw my mother as a proud and strong women not the reincarnation of beast. So I ask you. Why would they wish to return with you only to relive a nightmare?"

Everyone had no words to say after hearing Minato's argument. How can you say anything after that without being seen as an asshole.

"I seem to have hit a nerve if you don't know how to respond, anyways we can go back and forth with this, but we won't get anywhere. So let's just allow our fists to do the talking for us, our true intentions will be heard from our blows."

"My thoughts exactly, Senju!" Minato jumped off the pillar he was standing on avoiding the gold dust that tried to capture him.

"Here he comes," A, shouted to everyone, who immediately took their battle stances. Minato lands on the sand below in a crouch, he dusted off his armor after standing to his feet. He stares at the gathered shinobi all holding various weapons, some channeling chakra preparing for a jutsu. He showed no fear rather enjoyment behind his gaze, Minato always enjoy a good fight even when fighting on the front lines he couldn't contain his excitement when fighting.

"Mind as well start things off with a bang." Quickly, Minato spread through a number of hand signs that even the kages could barely keep up. Finishing his last hand sign he slams both hands on the sandy surface and shouted, "Doton: Kiretsu no Jutsu!" ("Earth Release: Fissure!") The ground began shaking uncontrollably as if the highest level earthquake was tearing up the ground beneath them. Craters followed by crevices in the ground began appearing all across the battlefield, several unfortunate souls, who where standing near, or on top fell in and were swallowed by the darkness below.

"He's destroying the land beneath our feet," Onoki shouted seeing the damage this one jutsu was causing. "Doton user up front! We have to stop this before it's too late." Onoki and a group of Iwa ninjas quickly used their own Doton jutsu's in hopes of limiting the damage.

Seeing the earth was no longer shaking out of control, a sigh of relief was heard by the shinobi army before they gasps sharply seeing Minato was already preparing another Jutsu. "Katon: Goka Mekkyaku!" ("Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation!") A wall of white hot flames spread out in a wide range burning everything in its path.

"His jutsu can attack in a wide range!" Said a Kiri shinobi, while several others prepare a counterattack. "Suiton: Suijinheki!" ("Water Release: Water Formation Wall!") A large quantity of water made contact with the wall of two jutsu's fought head to head until both canceled each other, creating a mist of steam from the result. Visibility was strongly reduced from the steam but sensor ninjas were scanning aimlessly for Minato's chakra signature that escaped within the steam.

"Here he comes!" Everyone turned to the direction of where they sensed Minato's chakra, and the elder Senju appeared from the steam high in air with several shadows behind him revealing large fireballs that attack the shinobi army further putting them in disarray. Minato lands on the ground and broke off into a sprint, one man saw him moving his way raised his katana up as he tried decapitating Minato, who with a flick of his wrist, and the man fell on his back dead with a kunai in his neck. Minato caught the falling katana in his right hand and charged into the fray.

He went about slashing in every direction even executing a few that were dumb enough to stop him, using different forms of taijutsu that he had mastered over the years, and disarming and using the weapons of his fallen enemies. From kunai knives to shurikens, katanas, twin swords, and even the naginata.

No one was safe from this demon and his carnage on the battlefield. Hearing his instinct yelling at him to dodge, Minato jumps high into the nearly avoiding being impaled by two swordsmen. Doing a backflip he quickly controls his descend, swiping his hand over the seal on his left arm, a puff of smoke later and his gunbai appear in his right hand. Minato went into series of hand signs using his left hand. Even with practice Minato was no master in using one style hand signs, but he was able to master a few jutsu's using this technique. Swiping his gunbai from one side creating three mini tornadoes in front of him, he blew a stream of fire into the rapid whirlwinds increasing their damage and fired them away into the crowd.

Placing charka at his feet Minato landed on the side of a pillar, he reaches into his pouch and pulled out five kunai knives, he threw them down at the shinobi army and said, "Ninpo: Kunai kage bushin no jutsu!" ("Ninja Art: Kunai Shadow Clone Technique!") Those five kunai knives multiply into a dozen, and not finish there Minato brought back his gunbai in a swinging motion, he releases and a large gale of wind blew behind the knives increasing their speed and cutting power mowing down a couple hundred ninjas.

Hearing the sound of lighting Minato quickly brought his gunbai in front of him, pushing lighting chakra into to meet A's Raiton no Yoroi ("Lighting Release: Chakra Mode!"). With his fist covered in lighting chakra A punched Minato throwing him back, he tries to control his flight but was force to guard again front the Mizukage's surprise attack. Too preoccupied with the Mizukage Minato didn't sense the gold sand behind him ensnaring him by restricting his movements.

"Tsuchikage now!"

"Doton: Kajugan no Jutsu!" ("Earth Release: Weighted Boulder Technique!"). Many medium to large size boulders slams into the trapped Minato slamming him into the face of a stone pillar.


"Please forgive me for this Minato-kun." The Sandaime said solemnly as he finished making his last hand sign. "Katon: Karyu Endan!" ("Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"). A fireball that soon changed shape to a dragon's head made contact with the Tsuchikage's boulder jutsu melting the rocks together sealing Minato under. Hiruzen releases the breath he didn't know he was holding in relief, which then turned to a sigh of defeat.

How could he now face his two senseis, Hashirama and Tobirama when he just assisted in the murder of the former's son and the latter's nephew. Not to mention what his mother Mito Uzumaki will do to him when he sees her in the afterlife.

'Hashirama-sensei, Tobirama-sensei, please forgive this worthless student of yours-.' He was brought back down to earth at the sudden pain in his chest, where his heart was located.

Looking down he saw a katana was embedded in his chest from behind him. Turning around his eyes widened in absolute shock at the completely unharmed Minato holding the katana, he brought his lips to Hiruzen's ear and whispers softly to where only he could hear him.

'You can beg for their forgiveness in the afterlife old man.' Slowly he retracts the katana until it was free, he swipes the blade to remove the blood that remained. Hiruzen Sarutobi fell to his knees dead, his eyes opened and the blood flowing freely from his chest wound and lips.

Like Hiruzen everyone was in a state of shock but none more than the kages, who knew that Minato should have been kill from their combination attack. So that begs the answer as to why is he standing behind Sarutobi's corpse with not a single scratch on his person.

You bastard!" came a rage filled yell behind Minato. Turning around with no interest in his eyes Minato saw a group of four konoha ninjas filled with hateful rage directed at him, he slowly met their gaze before disappearing from sight. He reappears behind the group with Tsukoterasu soaked in blood. The group then fell dead with their throats slashed.

Minato's eyes clearly showed his disappointment in this battle, with a flick of his wrist he cleaned the blade with removing any blood left on it. Sheathing Tsukoterasu in the maroon-colored sheath on his left hip. Minato jumps high into the air landing on a different stone pillar, Minato looks down and admires the chaos and destruction he's caused so far.

And he was just warming up too.

"Now then, I believe we've all had the opportunity to stretch our legs. Now, let's get to the main event." The way he said this was if he was just testing them. And they were correct! He reached for Tsukoterasu's hilt, slowly he pulled the hilt from its maroon-colored sheath. Black flames became more and more visible until a steel blade was revealed. A katana of stainless-steel sharp to the edge, the guard was black in the shape of a ten-wheel pinwheel, and the hilt was wrapped in black with red diamonds.

"Suiton: Suiryudan no Jutsu!" ("Water Release: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!") The Mizukage fired a dragon of water at the opening Minato provided, if he's lowered his guard then this was their chance.

The water dragon hit, spraying the battlefield in a heavy downpour, however, a overwhelming pressure was soon felt bringing everyone, excluding the kages, who could somewhat tolerated the pressure down to their knees. The mist dissipates revealing an unharmed Minato inside a gray almost black rib cage of flames, the ribcage soon grew muscles and armor until a figure with horns on its head, four red eyes above one another, and four arms, two of them were seen behind the figure. The right hand was holding a ball of black flames in its palm, the left was holding a round shield over his chest where Minato was, protecting him. Sitting on the shielding horizontally is a bow for long range attacks.

"He even has the Susano'o..." Onoki said remembering flashbacks of his fight with Madara Uchiha and how he completely destroyed him and his mentor, who later became the Tsuchikage before him.

Raising his Tsukoterasu, which was mimic by his Susano'o, he said. "Enton: Susano'o Kagutsuchi: Yajirushi no ame!" ("Inferno Style: Susano'o Flame Control: Arrow rain!") The hand holding the ball of black flames extended its reach and a single ball of fire was shot into the blue skies. Seconds later a hell storm of gray arrows with black flame tips rain down from the heavens onto the unsuspecting army below causing far more chaos than Minato's earlier attacks.

"Shall we continue our dance?" Minato grinned with his EMS spinning clockwise. A murderous glint was seen in those eyes before he rejoined the battle.


Minato watched the scene below him with amusement, currently sitting near the edge of a pillar with one leg dangling off the side and his other leg brought up against his chest, his chin resting on his knee. The elder Senju looks upon the destruction with uncontainable glee in his eyes, earlier he had summoned five wood clones, who then use their own Susano'o's and began attacking the already weaken shinobi alliance. Looking to his left Minato sees the sight of two wood clones attacking the four remaining kages, turning to his right three more wood clones were attacking the remainder of the shinobi alliance.

Staring up at the white moon and the star-filled night sky showed that this fight has been going almost the entire day and continued deep into the night. Standing up, Minato stares down at the war zone below him.

'This landscape... it certainly does bring back memories.' \He remembered fondly of his first experience on the battlefield many years ago.

Pushing away any lingering memories Minato pulses his chakra dispelling his wood clones. With everyone's gaze once more on him Minato spoke up, "I will commend all of you that are still, or clinging to life, as you managed to impress me with your tenacity to live." He pauses with a smirk plastered on his face, sensing in the air everyone's hate and anger directed at him.

Turning to his left spotting the four kages with their shares of wounds, glaring daggers at him. Brushing them off he continued,

"But the games end here, this fight has gone on long enough. It's time to bring down the curtain on this performance." Gathering a large amount of chakra that far exceeded kage-level, blue chakra began leaking out of Minato's body wrapping him in a cocoon of visible chakra. His chakra could be seen clear as day and was massive, releasing so much at once began affecting everyone as those standing were quickly brought down to their knees. Feeling a heavy pressure on their shoulders prevented anyone even the kages to stand under such power.

"This is the final act... Time for you all to disappear." The unbearable pressure soon vanished and everyone slowlystood up and regain their footing. They fixed their gazes on Minato, only to widen their eyes at sight before them.

Minato no longer wearing his red samurai armor, now wore a full-bodied black garment with black pants, gloves, and boots, over which he wore a flowing white robe with six black magatama markings across his neck and the familiar pattern of a black Rinnegan and nine black magatama markings in rows of three on his back. A grey horn-like protrusions grew out of his temple and overlapped his forehead akin to a protector with an upward-curve on the right temple, giving him an overall appearance very similar to the Rikudo Sennin. Floating behind him are ten black orbs also know as Truthseeker Orbs.

The kages and everyone was shocked of Minato's new transformation but what really brought them despair and even fear to the veterans of past wars was his chakra level. This chakra they sensed coming from Minato was endless, this chakra didn't, couldn't belong to a human. No chakra not even a kage-level shinobi can release such chakra that was so dense it could be sense from every corner of the elemental nations, no chakra could be so heavy that when released can bring grown men / women to their knees as if gravity was pushing down their backs.

"This power... This is the power of absorbing the nine Biju's. This is the power of the Juubi Jinchūriki!"

Everyone widened their eyes at his declaration, all this time he was suppressing this power from the very beginning.

"Now then, the real fun begins!" Minato said with a murderous grin releasing his chakra once more to the frighten and hopeless shinobi army.

If you watched, or readed the Naruto anime or manga, depends on you. Then you know of Madara's many rape faces. If you watch this weeks previous Naruto shippuden episode then you know what I'm implying. Think on that when you read this sentence.


A month had passed since the ending of the Third Shinobi Great War. If a single battle can be called a war.

Minato Senju showed off his power as the Juubi's Jinchūriki in a single move which wiped away the remainder of the shinobi alliance. The four remaining kages met their fates at the hands of Minato further throwing the land into chaos and bedlam. With the death of the five kages and most of their military forces in ruin, plunge the elemental nations into chaos. With no Shepard, the sheep began to panic, small criminal organizations took advantage of the chaos in order to seize power, however they too were quickly silenced.

Minato took it upon himself to lead a land in turmoil, by crowing himself Emperor, which was never heard of in the elemental nations, but with great power at his disposal people quickly fell in line behind his rule. He abolish the village system and created an empire from the ashes, the separate village system was destroyed and the various nations were brought down, nations such as Hi no Kuni.

Of course there were many who spoke outright against the new emperor, a rebel fraction led by Danzo Shimura of Konoha was created to overthrow the emperor. This new spark could once again throw the land into chaos he thought to himself. So going by himself Minato quelled the rebellion by showcasing his power once more.

Although it may have seem as a practice of brute force, While Minato indeed use brutality against his enemies but he was a fair ruler to his subjects, to his people. During his time as emperor Minato tried creating new governing practices by giving more power to the people. He encouraged that as a nation, together they should seek ways to better themselves without falling under the rule of another.

Within a few years Minato had succeed in creating a government were people were given the option to decide for themselves, to live, to protect and to thrive without the assistance from a village kage or damiyo.

He then step down after being emperor for six years, his last words before leaving office were, "I have given you the power to decide for yourselves, you decide on how you will use this power." He was never seen again after that.


Minato age forty-four

The sound of the oceans waves hitting the rocky shore, the sound of the seagulls above echos in Minato's ears. Having return to Yūrei island Minato had began making preparations for his later venture. After defeating the shinobi alliance and bringing a divided land into one united power he no longer saw any reason to cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi.

At first it bother him for the year training with Madara, Minato thought about nothing but seeing his family and friends once more in the world Madara spoke of. His whole drive was this single focus. But now at the end of his journey with no one around to stop him he just couldn't go through with it. It confused him even while he was emperor governing a nation he just couldn't find an answer to go through with Madara's plan.

He then came to the conclusion of allowing the world a second chance. From seeing the people growing after much destruction and war, able to continue with their lives when left with almost nothing. This showed him their tenacity for living, he admired this of them, and with that he decided on giving the world a second chance.

"Minato-sama / Minato-sama"

Turning his body slightly to the left to look behind him. Minato saw Zetsu standing near the entrance to the underground library.

"I know... I just wanted to see the outside world one more time." He began walking towards the underground with Zetsu following close behind, Minato then sealed the entrance off behind them.

Seeing the blue crystals colored hue that light up the room. Minato walked towards the chair in the middle of the library, Zetsu going elsewhere but Minato could still sense his presence inside the library. Sitting down in his chair looking around one final time Minato saw that the entrance to the library was sealed behind the stone wall from when he and Zetsu first found this place and the entrance outside was sealed to prevent anyone from finding them.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling he broke into a number of hand signs at incredible speed, he finished the last hand sign and golden-colored crystals rose from the ground encasing the library and themselves in a sustainable prison. Going through a new set of hand signs, Minato and Zetsu soon felt tired before sleep claimed them.

His intentions were to seal them away from the world and go into a deep slumber. Where years later he will awaken and see if gifting humanity a second chance was a success, or a failure.


Kamikura Island – Present day

A battle of epic portions was being fought, just off the coast of Kamikura island was a vast armada of naval ships from aircraft carriers, to battleships. The battleships were shelling the island with cannon fire, while attack helicopters escorted by fighter jets attacked the island from above. Troop transport carriers hit the beaches deploying armed soldiers and armored tanks in waves.

Now you're probably wondering on why an entire military force is attacking what appears to be a deserted island? That remains to be seen.

An earthquake shook the island opening small crevices in the ground and the tanks fell into these openings in the ground preventing them from advancing any further.

Soldiers who had been shaken up by the earthquake losing their balance and footing were then attacked by a woman with silver hair done up in a ponytail and a nodachi in hand as she mowed down soldier after soldier.

The Apache helicopters locked on the woman, who appeared to be having too much fun to notice she was being targeted. Before they could fire a volley of missiles at her unprotected back, one Apache helicopter exploded into fire and metal, then another and another until one remained in the air and before he was wiped out as well he caught a glimpse of a buxom women with purplish-black hair on the ground floor and then darkness.

The fighter jets that were escorts for the Apache helicopter turned back around to attack the island, though their missiles were only for air combat. Within range they opened fire but a horizontal slice of air cut clean through the fighter jets and destroying them. The unknown sword wielder sheathed their sword back into its sheath. The wind blew heavily from the explosions blowing against the person's lavender hair.

"Excellent as always Miya-tan!" Came a childlike voice from an exuberant young women with red hair that fell to her back with some in braids and round glasses over her eyes.

Miya, as she was called from her partner was a young women of modest build with lavender colored hair and piercing red-brown eyes. Her gaze was staring at the armada offshore.

"You're getting complacent if you let this many through Miya." Came the condensing, yet regal tone of the silver haired women walking up to stand next to Miya.

"Maa, Maa, Karasuba you shouldn't judge Miya when we are all at fault." Another voice came from behind Karasuba revealing a buxom women with purplish-black hair in a ponytail and a male with messy silver hair with a katana resting against his right shoulder.

The four women were wearing a uniform of a tight black top and black mini skirt with a Grey haori on their shoulders, the only male was wearing his own attire of black pants and a long sleeved shirt of the same color. The shirt is open in the front stopping just a few inches below his solar plexus, with crisscrossing bands of leather forming an "X". He wore black fingerless gloves and an orange scarf around his neck and shoulders.

"Kazehana, Mutsu. I trust everything went well?" Miya asks the two, her voice was monotone but held concern for her two teammates.

"Everything went fine Miya we made sure no one got through." Mutsu replied back to his commanding officer and leader.

"No sweat, Miya. Everything was taken care of." Kazehana said jovially with a wave of her hand.

The wind picked up once more blowing into their faces and hair, Miya unfazed by this said, "That was just the first wave." True to her statement another wave of troop transports and Apache helicopters was heading strange for the island.

Dropping their conversation the five stood ready for battle.


The earth shook from the tremors of earthquake after earthquake and the constant shelling from the battleships offshore. In a secret underground cave was a prison of a golden-colored crystal and inside were two figures in deep slumber, as the cavern continues to shake from the battle happening above, the figures inside were oblivious to the destruction.

Another tremor shook the cave and parts of the ceiling began falling to the ground below, some had hit the crystal prison's roof causing a few dents but otherwise fine, however, inside the prison one of the figures fingers resting on his lap move slightly.


On one the aircraft carriers stood a man in his earlier 50's with gray hair, he wore a white uniform with a cap on his head. The many badges and medals on the left side of his chest spoke volumes that this man was a high ranking officer in the Navy and deserved his prestige.

"Admiral Musashi," The man identify as Admiral Musashi looks down to see a private wearing a blue camo uniform with a headset on his head was the one who had called him. "We are ready to send the next wave."

"Good, you may proceed." He said and the room burst into different noises as orders were thrown left and right. Soon a big explosion originating from Kamikura island shook the seas and the armada smashing ships against one another.

"What the hell was that?!" Someone said but no one could response as they stared at the screen in front of them seeing the massive cloud of dust coming from the island.


After the shaking had stop Miya turns to Mutsu.


"It wasn't me, Miya." He said trying to clarify he wasn't responsible for that massive earthquake.

"Then..." Before they could finish they sensed a great and overwhelming power coming from the within dust cloud.

Soon a figure emerged at the edge of the cliff the five were standing on, now staring wide eyed at the man in from of them, who was releasing a large amount of the same power that they felt when the dust cloud first appeared.

"Either you are all incredibility brave, or completely stupid if you attacked my home." The five Sekirei heard the man before them talk aloud about something but they knew it wasn't directed at them. "I don't know how you found this place, but I'll ensure you that you won't be leaving here alive." Minato finished opening his eyes with his Rinnegan activated.

(1)Yūrei Island translates to Ghost Island.

Finally it's done we will now begin in the Sekirei universe in Chapter two instead of Chpater four. I hope with combining the first three chapters into one doesn't cause any problems for too people. When going through these three and seeing the amount of words they were seperately. I ultimately went ahead and combined these three and I'm satisfied with the end results.

This is a Sekirei fic, so of course Minato will be getting his own sekirei. I already have a few I will be putting in the harem two of them will be Minato's zanpakuto spirts, as who knows him better than his own soul spirts who originated from his soul.

Current harem:







As of now but more will be added in later. I'm thinking probably ten to twelve women but we will see later.

Yes, the tailed beast will make a reappearance in the next chapter you get to see Minato's interaction with them. I'm really looking forward to writing this.

Lastly, one last thing I wish to say. I model Minato's military accomplishment after a famous historical general.

The first three people who give the me the name of that person through reviewing or pm me. The first three will be allowed to choose one sekirei to be Minato's sekirei.

(He's a hint: China) Happy hunting!