I Know

(Following the events after Twilight's castle appear and the Mane Six using their Rainbow Power across Equestria)

It was nighttime as the princesses, the Mane Six plus Spike, and their Pony-Ville friends were partying and touring the castle. Discord was too busy searching for the pony he needed to talk to the most.

"Twilight, where's Fluttershy?"

"I think I saw her going towards one of the balconies."

He saw the balcony closest to them, seeing a mare with pink flowing hair blowing in a breeze having a single red flower in her mane. He slowly went towards her, rubbing his neck, "Hi…"

She turns to him, "Hello…"

"Some day, huh…?"

She gave a small smile, "Hm… some day…"

There was an awkward silence until he broke it, "Fluttershy… I want to apologize again…"

"You don't have to…"

"But I want to, I betray your trust, a trust I'm afraid I have lost forever because of my careless act."

"It was a mistake you'll never make again, I believe that."

"So… you'll still send me letters? Because I do enjoy them coming from you… And our tea parties."

"Would you like to have one tomorrow afternoon? To make up the one we couldn't have?"

"I would like that very much."

"And… I know why you did it…"

"You do?"

"I'm boring…"

"What?! No! Oh Fluttershy, that's not why I joined him to begin with, believe me, it was for other reasons when he made his tempting lie. But even before that ever happen, I was on the verge of stopping him and thinking of you to do it…"

She felt her cheeks going pink, "You… You were thinking of me?"

"I even told Tirek myself that I was recapturing him mostly for you."

She went in for a hug, he gladly returned it.

"One quick question," he asks, "how is it you didn't see me turning around like I did?"

"We've been friends for so long now, I thought…"

"That I was still good…"

"And you are… I'm not going to lie; I was pretty heartbroken at the time…"

"I know… and that's something I wish I can take back."

"But… without you learning the lesson at hand, we never could have defeated Tirek."

"That's the only good thing about all this."

"But Discord, we forgave you, I forgave you… While others may need time to trust you again, I don't need the time, because I fully trust you…"

"How can you do that?"

"I just…" kisses his cheek, "know…"

He felt slightly stun, but then pull her closer into an embrace as they watched the night sky above them feeling their friendship will never die.