A Wizarding Pokémon Adventure
Welcome to the World of Pokémon
Summary: In the wake of the disastrous end to his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry returns to Privet Drive, wishing that he could just leave both the magical and muggle worlds behind him and start again somewhere else. Waking up the next morning, he is quite surprised to find himself in a world where people don't have magic, but co-exist with a plethora of strange creatures that appear to utilise a magic all of their own…
Warnings: Harry Potter – Pokémon Crossover, so if you don't know about Pokémon, you probably won't get a lot of this. Also, this may contain a few spoilers for Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon – if you're trying to avoid all pre-release information, then wait until after the games are released before reading this story!
The moment the front door to Number 4, Privet Drive was slammed shut behind them, Vernon Dursley spun around to snarl into his nephew's face "Get your freakish things upstairs and keep that ruddy owl quiet. I don't want to hear a thing from you for the rest of the day."
Glad to get away from the rest of his family, Harry Potter grabbed the cage of his snowy owl, Hedwig, and the handle of his school trunk and carried the lot upstairs. Upon entering the smallest bedroom of the house, Harry dumped his trunk down at the foot of his bed, set the cage down on top of his desk and flopped down on top of his bed, the ancient springs creaking from the sudden downward pressure.
This was it. Another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry over and done with, another tedious summer stuck at Privet Drive about to begin.
Not that his time at Hogwarts this past year had been particularly enjoyable. On the contrary, the whole year had, for the most part, been completely terrible, what with Umbridge's reign of terror, the Ministry of Magic's smear campaign against him and Dumbledore's refusal to talk to him, all of which was capped off nicely by seeing his friends hurt and his Godfather killed during a battle against the organisation of evil witches and wizards known as The Death Eaters and their leader, Lord Voldemort.
Sirius. It still pained Harry to think about his godfather. In many ways Harry felt largely responsible. Had he not gone running off blindly into a trap set for him by Voldemort, Sirius would still be alive.
Harry pushed his glasses up to his forehead and rubbed the palms of his hands against his eyes, trying to force himself to not think about any of it.
He wished that the thoughts and memories would just go away. He didn't want to remember any of it. He didn't want to have to deal with it. In fact, there was a part of him that didn't want to deal with wizards and witches at all anymore. Well, most of them, anyway. He didn't think he could give up on his friends like Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, Ginny, Hagrid and Lupin, but as far as most wizards and witches in general went, Harry was rapidly coming to the conclusion that he did not want anything more to do with them.
When Harry was little, growing up with the Dursleys, he had sometimes wished that he could find himself in a different world, one where the people were more like him and less Dursley-ish. On his eleventh birthday, he had though that he had found exactly that world, for it was on that day he found out that he was a wizard and did, in fact, belong to a hidden society that lived right beneath the noses of Muggles (non-magic people), complete with their own school for Harry to attend, far away from the antics of his bullying cousin, Dudley.
But the illusion did not last. While Harry did have friends now, in many aspects, life with wizards was barely any different to life with muggles. By joining the wizarding world, Harry had traded one group of bullies (in the form of Dudley and his friends Piers, Malcolm, Dennis and Gordon) for another group (in the form of Draco Malfoy and his friends Crabbe, Goyle, Nott and Zabini.)
In joining the wizarding world, Harry had traded two adults who told lies about him to anyone who would listen (in the form of his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon) for a whole host of people who told lies about him (including the main, national newspaper and the governing body that was The Ministry for Magic).
In joining the wizarding world, Harry had traded a group of ineffective and inattentive primary school teachers for a group of magical teachers who were in many ways just as ineffective and inattentive.
The light outside was beginning to fade as Harry rolled over onto his side. He wondered, perhaps, if there was yet another world out there to which he could belong, a third society, hidden from the other two, to which he could escape and never look back.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips as sleep began to claim him. A third society; what were the chances of that?
Consuming ten bottles of butterbeer on the train ride home was bound to have an effect on Harry sooner or later and, at half past six the next morning he was awoken by the sensation of a full bladder.
He rolled out of bed and stumbled, half blind, towards the bathroom to relieve himself before making his way back into his bedroom.
"Morning Hedwig," he muttered as he made for his bed, only to pause and turn to get a better look at his faithful owl.
Something wasn't right.
Looking around, he found his glasses and shoved them on his face before turning back to Hedwig once more.
Where once there had been a tall and proud snowy owl, there was now a small, round owl with brown and cream coloured feathers and what appeared to be two leaves arranged in a manner similar to a bowtie.
"Hedwig?" Harry asked in confusion.
"Rowlet!" the creature chirped in reply, hopping up and down on the spot and opening its wings. Harry could see that there were three further leaves under each wing of the bird, and a single, large leaf where the tail should be.
"What happened to you?"
The bird stopped hopping up and down and instead stared at him, tilting its head to the side in apparent confusion.
Frowning, Harry turned away from the bird to look around the room in the hope of finding something, anything that would explain what was going on.
He didn't have to look far. Above his bed there hung a poster that was divided into three sections. One section was blue, one was red and one was green. In each section there were seven very odd looking creatures.
In the blue section there was a blue, bipedal turtle with a cream and brown shell, a bipedal crocodile with blue scales and red spikes running in a line down its back, something that was half newt, half fish, a blue penguin, a small otter with a shell on its chest, a blue frog with bubbles around its head and a sea lion with a ruffed collar and a big, pink nose. They were labelled, in order, Squirtle, Totodile, Mudkip, Piplup, Oshawott, Froakie and Popplio.
In the red section was an orange lizard with a flame on its tail, a black and cream coloured mouse-like animal with flames coming out of its back, an orange chick, an orange monkey with a flame burning from its rear end, an orange pig with black ears and hindquarters, a yellow fox with fluffy ears and a black kitten with red markings and whiskers. They were labelled, in order, Charmander, Cyndaquil, Torchic, Chimchar, Tepig, Fennekin and Litten.
And in the green section, there was a frog-lizard creature with a bulb on its back, a little Brontosaurus with a leaf on its head, a gecko, a turtle with a twig sprouting from the top of its head, a lizard with short limbs, a chipmunk-like thing with a green shell and lastly an owl very much like the one sitting in his room. They were labelled, on order, Bulbasaur, Chikorita, Treecko, Turtwig, Snivy, Chespin and Rowlet.
At the top of the poster were the words "Know your Pokémon."
Harry had no idea what a Pokémon was, but at least he had confirmation that the owl sitting in Hedwig's place was a real thing.
"So you're a Rowlet then?" he asked, turning back to the bird, who nodded.
"Do you answer to Hedwig though?"
Again the bird nodded.
Harry sighed and muttered "Okay, so you're Hedwig in a different form. That's fine. Nothing too much to worry about there. I wonder if there's anything that can tell me what's going… on…"
He trailed off as his eyes caught sight of another poster on his bedroom wall. The man featured was obviously Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but it was what surrounded him that really caught Harry's attention – six of the strange creatures known as Pokémon, all of them much bigger and more ferocious looking than any of those shown on the first poster. There were two birds, one badger, one lion, one black serpent and one strangely shaped serpent/dragon with green skin and white adornments.
Each creature was in some kind of action pose as they appeared to emerge from behind Dumbledore and they were all set against a background of swirling flame. Next to each Pokémon there was a black rectangle and in each black rectangle were two names. It quickly became apparent to Harry that the first name in each box was the name given to it by Dumbledore, while the second name, which was always in brackets, was the name of the type of creature it was, much like how Hedwig was the name he had evidently given his owl while Rowlet was the kind of creature it was.
The first bird was the bigger of the two, with a graceful, swan-like neck. Its body was yellow, while its wings were made of flame, as was a crest on its head. The text read Fawkes (Moltres).
The second bird was more falcon-like in appearance, with red and grey feathers covering most of its body, though there were some black markings as well. Ravenclaw (Talonflame).
The lion was large, with big teeth. Its body was mostly brown, while its impressive mane, which was striped red and orange, was in a similar shape to a shield. Gryffindor (Pyroar).
The badger-like animal had a bluish-black body, though its limbs and underside were a cream colour. The flames erupting out the back of its neck brought to mind the fire-mouse Cyndaquil that was on the other poster. The text by this one read Hufflepuff (Typhlosion).
The black snake had a few purple and yellow markings and red fangs like curving blades. Slytherin (Seviper).
Lastly the weird looking serpent-dragon mix with adornments not unlike white hair and yellow eyebrows bore the name Wulfric (Drampa).
At the bottom of the poster, in the same gold letters on a black background were the words Albus Dumbledore, Pokémon League Champion, Researcher, and Leader of the Order of the Ho-oh.
Harry had no idea what the hell the Pokémon League was, far less what Dumbledore could have done to be its champion. He assumed that The Order of the Ho-oh was in some way related to The Order of the Phoenix, and it was somewhat of a relief to know that such an organisation still existed here… wherever here actually was.
The names that Dumbledore had given to the Pokémon surrounding him intrigued Harry. Fawkes the Moltres was obviously because of Dumbledore having owned a phoenix names Fawkes. The lion, the badger, the falcon and the serpent being named after the Hogwarts Houses was interesting. Harry wondered if Hogwarts even existed here and if so, in what context?
Wulfric, Harry knew, was one of Dumbledore's middle names, and if he was being honest, the Drampa Pokémon did resemble Dumbledore a little. He wondered for a moment though as to how a dragon-like creature related to Dumbledore, as the other five were pretty obvious. Then Harry remembered that Dumbledore was known in his world for discovering the twelve uses for dragon's blood, so presumed that this was the connection.
Deciding that he had examined the room enough, Harry decided to get dressed and head outside to see what else had changed.
The problem was, there were no clothes in the room that he recognised as being his.
Finally he settled on a black t-shirt, a red gilet body-warmer, blue jeans and black and red trainers. Then he spotted a baseball cap, mostly red but with a white peak. Deciding that he did not want to be noticed as he tried to sneak around to find out what was going on here, Harry put the cap on his head, intending to pull the peak down over his eyes whenever he wanted to avoid detection.
He was just about to head out through his bedroom door when Hedwig let out a chirp. Looking around he watched as the Rowlet flew from her spot on his desk to the foot of his bed. She looked pointedly at him before looking downwards. Harry followed her look and saw that where his trunk had sat the previous evening, there was now a large, yellow rucksack.
Harry knelt and opened the bag, only to find several bottles inside. Five were labelled as being potions, three others as antidotes. He frowned. None of them looked like any potion or antidote he had ever worked on in his potions class at Hogwarts.
There were also five balls in the bag, each one half red and half white with a black band running around the middle to separate the two colours, and wrapping around an odd white button on the front.
Sensing that the contents of this bag were important, though not knowing why, Harry swung the rucksack onto his shoulder as he stood up and made for the door once more. This time Hedwig flew over to him and landed on top of his hat.
Going downstairs and into the front room, Harry found the rest of his family. Or rather, he found his Aunt Petunia and two more Pokémon.
One was a huge, round, bear-like creature with a huge stomach, sprawled out on the couch while the other was smaller, but just as round and resembled a cross between a boxer, a sumo wrestler and a trash bag.
Harry's aunt turned to look at him and she gave him a sad smile, which was odd for Harry as he had never seen her smile at him before.
"All boys leave home someday," she said. "It said so on the television. Isn't that right Vernon?"
"Snorlax…" grunted the larger Pokémon lazily.
"Right…" said Harry slowly. "I'll be going then."
"Say goodbye to your cousin, Dinky Duddikins," Aunt Petunia said to the smaller Pokémon.
"Makuhita," said the smaller Pokémon in a non-committal sort of way, not taking its eyes off of the television.
"See ya," said Harry before bolting towards the front door, Hedwig digging her claws into his hat as she fought not to be thrown off during his dash to freedom.
Outside Harry almost ran straight into two girls, only managing to come to a stop at the last moment.
"Harry, slow down!" one of them admonished him.
"Yes Harry," agreed the other. "There is plenty of time to get to the research laboratory."
Harry blinked in surprise as he recognised who they were. It was Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood, though not as he had ever seen them before.
Hermione was wearing a white tank top and black gilet, black ankle boots with red laces and what had to be the shortest pair of denim shorts that Harry had seen on anyone ever (they were so short the pockets extended further down her legs than the actual shorts did!)
At her hip was a large pink bag with a strap that went up and over the opposite shoulder, while on top of her head sat a white and pink baseball cap. From beneath the cap came two strands of hair, one on either side of her face to frame it, while all the rest of her bushy hair was pulled back into a ponytail that came out the back of the cap.
Luna on the other hand had gone for a black crop top with a white collar added, a waist-flared red skirt, a dark red hat with a black ribbon, dark grey stockings, black shoes, a thick black bracelet and a red bag not too different from Hermione's.
Harry must have been staring too much because Hermione suddenly said "For goodness sake, Harry! Stop staring and close your mouth before you start drooling."
Cheeks burning with embarrassment, Harry's jaw snapped shut while Luna giggled.
Taking pity on her male friend Hermione reached up with her right hand and petted Hedwig, asking "How are you girl?"
Hedwig responded happily to being petted while Harry tried hard to not get a nosebleed from Hermione stretching while standing so close and wearing so little.
"Ooh, we should let our Pokémon out too," said Luna.
Glad of something less embarrassing to focus on, Harry watched as Luna opened her bag and took out a red and white ball like the ones Harry had seen in his own bag earlier.
"Come on out, Wrackspurt!" called out Luna as she pressed the white button on the front of the ball. Out of the ball, in a flash of light, there came a small insect creature with a white and yellow body. To Harry it looked to be a cross between a bee and a fairy. At about four inches in size, it was much smaller than Rowlet, but still much larger than any bee Harry had ever seen.
"That's a Wrackspurt?" asked Harry, who had just spent the best part of a year listening to Luna describe creatures such as wrackspurts, nargles and heliopaths, all of which other witches and wizards said did not actually exist.
Luna gave him a strange look and replied "No Harry. It's a Cutiefly. Wrackspurt is its nickname, remember?"
"Uh… of course." replied Harry, trying to sound like this wasn't all new to him.
"Are you alright Harry?" asked Hermione as she took her own red and white ball out of her bag.
"Yes, why?" Harry asked.
"You didn't have any more Darkrai-induced nightmares last night?"
"Nope," said Harry while swallowing the question "What the hell is a Darkrai?"
Hermione eyed him suspiciously before opening up the ball in her hands. "Okay, Crookshanks. Nap time is over."
The Pokémon that appeared this time was the black cat with red markings that Harry had seen on the poster in his bedroom. Litten, he believed the creature was called. It wasn't exactly a close match to the plump, fluffy orange feline that Hermione had owned for the last three years while at Hogwarts, but it was about as close as Rowlet was to being a snowy owl like Hedwig originally was.
"Hello Crookshanks," Harry said as he knelt down to try and pet the cat creature, only to stop when Crookshanks coughed up a hairball which promptly burnt up in a burst of flame.
"Now Crookshanks, that's not nice to do in front of people," admonished Hermione. "Especially people we are not battling."
That caught Harry's attention. Battling? What did that mean?"
"Right," said Hermione, straightening her bag "Let's go."
"Go?" echoed Harry.
"To Professor Hagrid's Pokémon Research Laboratory of course," said Luna, as if this was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Are you sure nothing's wrong Harry?" asked Hermione. "You've been talking about today for weeks."
Harry had a very brief moment to think of something and settled on "Oh, that's today? Must have slipped my mind. Well, I did only just wake up fifteen minutes ago."
Both girls looked at him oddly but turned and began to lead the way down the road without another word on the subject, though Hermione continued to give him questioning looks.
In order to ignore those looks, as well as not stare at Hermione in those shorts and Luna in that skirt, Harry looked around to take in his surroundings.
One thing was abundantly clear – they were not on Privet Drive anymore. In fact, as far as Harry could tell, they weren't even in Little Whinging.
They were in Hogsmeade; the all-wizarding village situated a short way from Hogwarts Castle.
In many ways Hogsmeade was exactly the same as the one Harry already knew. There were no cars to be seen anywhere and the streets were lined with one small shop after another. But Pokémon were everywhere.
Cats were common. He saw two other Litten, three pale blue cats with curling tails, several white cats with shiny coins in on their foreheads, a couple of pink cats with bobbly tails and two purple ones.
Rowlet were common too, as were other owl-like Pokémon, such as a round, brown one with large red eyes and stubby little wings, and ones that looked a lot like horned owls.
They passed a cart from which a vendor was selling sizzling hot sausages, which were on a metal tray, under which was curled a Pokémon Harry recognised from his poster as a Charmander. It was dozing lightly while the flame on its tail kept the sausages hot.
There appeared to be a few different kinds of dog Pokémon about too, as well as a few mice Pokémon that Harry spotted scurrying down a back-alley. At one point several butterfly Pokémon flew overhead and it was clear that there were Pokémon based on plants as well, given that several plants simultaneously jumped out of a flower bed and ran off towards a puddle for a drink.
Soon they came to a stop outside a rather large building. It's presence puzzled Harry as it was so far the only new building he had seen in Hogsmeade, yet everything about it, from the walls, the windows, the roof and the front door reminded Harry very strongly of Hagrid's Hut, which was usually situated in the grounds of Hogwarts' School.
Hermione stepped forward and knocked on the wooden door three times and after a few moments a woman answered it.
It took Harry a moment to recognise her as being Professor Grubbly-Plank, the woman who had on two separate occasions taught Hagrid's classes when he was otherwise unavailable.
"You're here earlier than we were expecting," she stated after looking over them. "Professor Hagrid is not yet ready to meet you. You'll have to come inside and wait."
Harry, Hermione and Luna were led into a room that seemed to be half a sitting room area and half a high tech laboratory. Harry was quite surprised to see several computers and other machines lining the wall.
As they took seats in the armchairs provided, they were each handed a clipboard. Each of those clipboards contained a series of questions.
"Please fill these out while you wait. Professor Hagrid will be with you shortly."
As she left, Harry looked down at the question sheet in front of him. There were forty two questions in total, all of them with multiple answers to choose from.
Question 1: Are you a boy or a girl?
It took half an hour to fill out the question sheets in their entirety, but just as Harry was setting his clipboard and pen down on the small table next to the armchair he was sitting in, the door to the room opened, and Hagrid walked in.
Hagrid looked mostly the same as Harry knew him, the only change being that his massive, brown coat had been discarded and replaced with a bright white laboratory coat.
"'Ello, there!" boomed Hagrid, happily. "An' welcome ter the world of Pokémon!"
He held up one of the red and white balls and pressed the button on its front to open it. Out of it there came a Pokémon that resembled a puppy, but with the colouration of a tiger.
"This 'ere's Fang." continued Hagrid, proudly. "'E's a Growlithe, see? An' tha's a type o' Pokémon. This 'ere world is inhabited by lots er diff'rent kinds o' Pokémon. An' the bonds between people an' Pokémon go back centuries. Some folk use Pokémon ter battle each other ter see who kin train 'em the best, see? An' some others prefer ter keep Pokémon as pets. Myself, I study Pokémon as a perfession."
"Now then, 'ave yer each filled out yer forms?"
At their nods of agreement he continued "Righ' then. Le's go over 'ere a minute. This 'ere computer has a sortin' system on it."
"A sorting system?" asked Harry as he, Hermione and Luna followed Hagrid over to a computer in the far corner.
"Yeah," replied Hagrid. "See, tha' question sheet yer just filled out is wha's called a personality test. If we use th'scanner it can read yer answers and tell yer what kinda Pokémon I should give yer fer the start o' yer journey, see?"
Harry didn't see, but Hermione and Luna seemed to have understood the situation perfectly, so he decided to just go along with it. He watched with interest as Hagrid took Hermione's question sheet and fed it into the computer's scanner before pushing a large green button to switch it on.
The screen of a nearby monitor blinked into life. At the top of the screen, the words SCANNING IN PROGRESS were displayed in big red letters. Beneath these was a graphic of an isosceles triangle, shaded grey, slowly rotating in a clockwise manner. For some reason the graphic reminded Harry of the Hogwarts Sorting Hat.
"So what kind of Pokémon do we get?" asked Luna as they continued to wait.
"Well it depends on th'results, don't it?" said Hagrid. "But if yeh've got th'traits of a Gryffindor then I'll give yer a cat Pokémon. If yer an Hufflepuff I'll give yer a weasel-like Pokémon. If yer a Ravenclaw I'll give yer a bird. An' if yer a Slytherin I'll give yer a snake."
Just then the screen changed and the words "scanning in progress" disappeared, being replaced by one word: GRYFFINDOR.
"Righ' then," said Hagrid. "I'll jus' get the computer scannin' Luna's questions an' then we'll sort out yer Pokémon, 'ermione."
Once Luna's questions were fed into the scanner, Hagrid led them over to a desk and took out a small box from a drawer. He opened it up and inside were three of the red and white balls.
"Now then," he said "Yer a Gryffindor, 'ermione, an' that means yeh get a cat. I've got three diff'rent ones ter choose from so pick whatever one you like."
Hermione opened the three balls and examined the cats contained within. The first was a Litten, but as she already had one of those in the form of Crookshanks, she decided not to take that one. The second was a cream coloured Pokémon with black ears and a jewel in its head, which Hermione identified as a Meowth, while the third was a blue and black animal that looked more like a lion cub than a domestic cat. Hermione identified this one as a Shinx.
After a bit of thought, Hermione took the Meowth. Harry rather hoped he was sorted as a Gryffindor again. That Shinx looked pretty cool.
While Hermione was choosing, the computer completed its scan of Luna's answers and announced that she was a Ravenclaw. Hagrid fed Harry's answers into the scanner and led Luna over to another desk where she could examine the three birds on offer – one like a robin called a Fletchling, one like a starling called a Starly and one like a swallow called Taillow.
Luna chose the Starly.
The computer finished scanning Harry's answers and to his relief it announced that he was a Gryffindor. He quickly took the Shinx for his own.
"Righ' then," said Hagrid, rubbing his hands together happily. "No tha' that's sorted, how about you give nicknames ter yer new Pokémon? It helps yeh ter form a better bond with 'em, see?"
Harry thought for a moment. He had apparently already nicknamed his Rowlet Hedwig, so why not nickname his new Shinx? After a bit of thought he decided that as he had been given the Shinx because he had just been sorted into Gryffindor once again, he would name the Shinx after the Hogwarts founder.
So the Shinx became known as Godric.
Hermione and Luna decided to follow his example, with Hermione naming her Meowth Gryff while Luna named her Starly Rowena.
"Now, there's jus' one more thing yeh'll be needin'." said Hagrid, opening up another desk drawer. He took out three small, red electronic devices.
"These 'ere are pokedexes," he said as he handed one to each of them. "Newt Scamander 'imself programmed 'em. Jus' aim it at a Pokémon an' yer Pokédex will tell yeh all yeh could ever want to know abou' it."
"Okay," said Harry. "So now what?"
"Now?" asked Hagrid with a grin. "Yer a trainer, 'arry."
A/N: So this is as far as I have gotten with this one. Basically I just wrote until I ran out of steam. Obviously should this ever be made into a full story (which I do intend to do) it will be listed as a Harry Potter/Pokemon crossover.
I have had the idea to do a Potter/Pokemon crossover for a while now, but only it is only in recent weeks, with the reveal of various new pokemon to be released in the upcoming Sun and Moon games that the idea really began to form. I know that as a grass type Rowlet isn't really the best match for Hedwig, but as Noctowl will be going elsewhere, the only other option besides Rowlet was Delibird, and... I mean, come on!
Besides Rowle, Cutiefly and Litten were the main driving forces behind this being written - Cutiefly looks exactly like what I always imagined a Wrackspurt to be and while Litten doesn't really match Crookshanks, its evolved form Torracat matches nicely.
As for the continuation of the story, there are parallels that I could find between the two worlds besides the actual pokemon. As we have seen, Dumbledore is the Champion, Team Death Eater are the regional villains and Hagrid is the Pokemon researcher for the region. I've already managed to decide on 8 Hogwarts Professors to be the 8 Gym Leaders. And, of course, there is the fact that there are four Heads of House at Hogwarts and the Pokemon League is always made up of four Elite Trainers.
One other new pokemon that really influenced my decision to write a first chapter of this doesn't actually appear here, but for those of you who don't know about it, just do a Google Image search for Lycanroc and then all should be pretty obvious.
Anyway, that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed it!