"Limited time only! Buy a machine sabotage and get a dead Engineer, free!" Salesman Spy paused for just a fraction of a second, pretending to listen for a taker as fear overcame the Engineer. "We have a taker!" He slapped the sabotage device on the sentry gun while simultaneously stabbing the Engineer several times.
"One of these amazing deals has ended, but there's more where that came from!" Salesman Spy slipped into disguise as the now waiting to respawn Engineer and sought out the last line of RED team defense.
He snuck up behind the Heavy and started to stab him in the back. "I'll cut you a deal," he whispered, "your death is free." He stepped up to the Control Point, capturing it with his trademarked "Amazing Savings!" smile.
Off to the next one, he ran, greeting PsychoScout with a wave and assuring him that the next point would be "an easy sell." Salesman Spy occasionally felt bad for his teammates- they didn't understand that everything was a sale. It often involved blood rather than money, but it was a sale nonetheless. They were all good at drawing blood, particularly PsychoScout, but they did not seem to understand that spilled blood meant nothing unless something worthwhile came of it.
...Fish...don't murder me for the shortness... I said I had gotten some done... I didn't say I'd had time for much... Eh... this one's free? *Looks pitiful so you don't murder me*
Ahem, for the rest of you, comments and feedback are as welcome as always! :D
Invisible One