I want to stay with you forever
EXTRA chappy ;3
Long time no see hehe cx
Sorry for moving the update day around for like- forever xDD I just didn´t get around to write this naw
But now *0*0*0*0* now it´s finally finished- the really last chapter of "I want to stay with you forever." C: And I like to think it´s a worthy fluffy end chapter following after the drama in the last chapter xD
Not to mention the long needed smut -cough cough- xD
Oh well, I guess there isn´t much left to say except that I hope you enjoy this haha cx
Guest: Sorry I updated so late xD
JayxJen: haha nah that end would have been cruel as fuck xD and thank you naw 3 C: you are so sweet- hehe this last chapter is the icing on the cake xD
Guest: Thank you ;/; naw xDDD yes they got their happy ending xD aww now an eternity of happyness if waiting for them C; hehe
Guest 2: heyo xDD haha gosh everyone is so relieved it´s a happy end after all xD Now on to the appreciated smex *0*0*0* xDD
This isn´t corrected yet- sadly- xD But yaaaahh
I hope chu still like it C:
Enjoy~! (ノಠヮಠ)ノ:・゚.*
ஜ Chapter 38: Naughty, naughty~ ஜ
-4 months later-
-Shizuo´s point of view-
"Do we really have to go there? I wanted to spend this day at home you know."
Shizuo rolled his eyes at the familiar whine of his lover.
Why did he have to whine so much about it?
"As much as you claim that Shinra is your best friend you sure hate visiting him." It was a simple invitation to hot pot- why did he have to be so against it?
"You really think it´s odd? Think about how we talk to each other. The only thing coming out of his mouth is sarcasm you know." Rolling back onto his stomach Izaya propped up his elbows, watching Shizuo as he dressed himself.
"Hey, you are the one saying he is your friend, not me." It was only morning- 10:30am to be exact. Shinra had invited them as well as some of their friends to hot pot- the reason wasn´t anything specific, though it was only a few days ago that Celty accepted Shinra´s proposal and decided to marry him.
Even though Celty didn´t want any kind of engagement party Shizuo had the slight feeling Shinra was setting up this hot pot as a sort of replacement for it.
He felt happy for the dullahan, Shinra might be a tad crazy and weird, but he would definitely never make her sad.
"Still- Shizu-chaaaaann-" a new whine reached his ears as he watched his silly lover roll around in bed some more. He was still lazing around in bed- actually he had done so since they woke up.
"You know, I kinda thought you would be the type of person to wake up realllly early and annoy me right away." He chuckled moving over and let himself slump onto the edge of the bed. His finger tips trailed along the raven´s spine who was still dressed in nothing but his shorts. "But hey who knew you could become this lazy?"
The raven chuckled, slightly ticklish from the touch and swat the hand away, rolling onto his side to face the blond while one arm was propped up on the bed.
"Well and why am I this lazy?" he questioned, intertwining his fingers with the blond´s gently. The blond hummed, smiling at the gesture.
"Hmmm I have no idea." The raven chuckled, "Liar," and leaned up, softly kissing the blond´s lips. Before Shizuo knew it there was another hand at the back of his head, pulling him down to the raven.
"Why not just stay here, hm~?" Izaya asked, wrapping both his arms around his lover. What a tempting offer.
"You are supposed to go though," the blond reminded, "Shinra didn´t invite only me you know." Izaya didn´t really seem to be interested in that, however, as he kept drawing patterns with his fingertips on Shizuo´s skin.
"I don´t wanna Shizu-chan." As if on cue the fingers suddenly trailed to his neck, loosening the black ribbon he had already attached there.
"If we stay... I could do whatever you want~" the blond chuckled quirking an eyebrow.
"Whatever I want?" The ribbon became loose and tumbled down, falling onto the bed.
"Mhm~" Almost purring the raven leaned up, capturing the blond´s lips in another kiss.
Really now-
"He might have free Ootoro for you too you know." Shizuo mumbled against the soft lips- causing the raven to blink.
"Ah, that´s right!" A tad surprised by the outburst the blond blinked as well, a tad perplexed.
"Wait, what?" The raven got up from bed and hurriedly stalked over to the cupboard, pulling out some clothes.
"Come on hurry up Shizu-chan or we will be too late!" The blond just stood there for a second not knowing if he should regret now that he made the raven hurry up or be happy about it.
A snort reached his ears and the raven sent him an amused expression.
"What? Did you actually not want to go? Am I that irresistible~?" the blond chuckled, snapping out of it and attached the black ribbon to his neck again.
"Oh shut up-" really, and there it was Izaya who always said he was the unpredictable one in their relationship when it was obviously Izaya who always surprised him anew.
It didn´t take them long to reach the party. Just a couple stations with the underground train and a walk of a few blocks. All while the flea was typing away on his phone busily. Apparently he was talking in some sort of chat- Shizuo had never really looked at it though. Talking about Izaya he almost bet he was just fucking around with some high schoolers or whatever.
Already sheathing of his coat the raven knocked at the door, not even waiting for the doctor to open up.
"Ah, Izaya, what a surprise, you came." The raven snorted, glancing back at his lover who was just shaking his head.
"See? Even he didn't expect me to come."
"You really have a weird sort of friendship."
"Ah, Iza Iza and Shizu are here!" The raven rolled his eyes when he caught the ridiculous names, but oh well. He had gotten used to Karisawa´s weird nicknames for them.
Stepping into the apartment Izaya noticed pretty much everyone was there already.
Ever since he had officially gotten together with Shizu-chan his relationship with the others improved considerably too. At first it was just Celty and Shinra, then Tom and even the emotionless Kasuka. Dotachin and the others just joined somewhere along the way as well.
Not that he hadn´t been friends with Kadota sort of before, but well, things just got a whole lot smoother ever since that point in time.
Really a lot had changed in those 4 months- considering everything that had happened he would have never imagined an end like this.
"So, what are we going to do about those two?" he had barely sat down when Karisawa started up again- seriously he could almost see her eyes sparkle. Ever since she had heard that Celty accepted the proposal she had been rambling in the chatroom about nothing but the wedding.
"Karisawa it´s their wedding you know. And they want to keep it tiny, obviously, seeing how she doesn´t have a head and all." Izaya tried to explain, though he only earned a playful glare for that.
"Don´t be so mean Izzy, I bet Celty would love a huuuuuuge wedding~!" it was more like Karisawa would want a huge wedding- well and he had a feeling Shinra mightn´t be too opposed to something like that either. He seemed like the type of guy that would arrange something huge to show Celty how much he loved her. Good thing she told him off right away.
"Uh huh, then tell me how you would find a priest to marry them if it weren´t for Simon absolving a course in Russia." The man nodded in agreement, also having been invited to the hot pot/ engagement party.
"Still..." Kadota nodded to that as the raven took his seat next to him. There were only two free places left anyway- one for him and one for Shizuo. That much about Shinra thinking he wouldn´t come. Everyone else had already settled around the table.
"He is kinda right you know." The raven blinked, not expecting the support.
"Ah, good thing Dotachin is agreeing with me at least~" he chuckled, leaning on the guy´s shoulder. The man shrugged, taking a sip of his drink.
"I´m not on your side or something, just saying you are right for once."
"Oi flea don´t bother Kadota." The raven blinked, suddenly feeling a hand at his waist that pulled him over until he bumped into the very familiar shoulder of a certain brute. With a grin Izaya looked up at the blond.
"Don´t tell me you are jealous Shizu-chan~" The blond huffed.
"Of course not."
Finally Shinra came in with the food- as well as Mika, carrying a tablet with what Izaya delightedly indentified as a few pieces of Ootoro as well with a variety of other foods.
"My dear Celty did her best with this so be sure you look like you enjoy it- even if that´s not the case."
A pained sound was to be heard as Shinra suddenly found an elbow boxing him into the side.
"Ah... Celty, weren´t you in the kitchen just now?" the PDA was shoved into his face before he could even say more.
(I made this with Mika-chan so I´m sure it tastes good.)
"It was a joke of course, my dear." Shinra laughed awkwardly, trying to worm his way out of that one. Well Izaya couldn´t blame him, it was kind of heartwarming how much he worried over his fiancée´s feelings.
Finally putting the hot pot on the table everyone started to eat and talk- and Izaya kind of realized that this was something he never hoped to have.
This really was something that he never thought he would be able to enjoy. Having actual friends, having a lover who was sitting close enough for their shoulders to touch- Just... he was happy.
And unknowing to the raven´s feelings, Shizuo felt the exact same at the second.
Happy being with the flea like this. He really was stupid for not noticing it any time sooner. But now he had him.
He was his, his alone. Sneaking a hand around his lover´s waist he pulled Izaya closer, making the raven chuckle.
"What's with you, feeling cuddly or something?" he let his hand ruffle through the blond´s hair. He didn´t know why but he kind of liked doing that.
"Hmm, maybe."
"Hey, hey we are still here, do that somewhere else." Yumasaki announced, pointing at the two with his chopsticks while Erika sent him something that was close to a death glare. Celty seemed to like the sight though as she typed on her PDA.
(Leave them, it's cute.)
"Cute? I still can´t get used to that sight." Kadota mumbled. "I swear I'm waiting for the day vending machines fly through Ikebukuro again, it's too calm."
"Whoa, talk about being pessimistic. He is mine." Izaya snorted, demonstratively moving onto Shizuo´s lap and wrapped his arms around the man´s neck.
"I don´t plan on giving him away either. No chance." Shizuo agreed, not minding the flea where he was at all. Izaya chuckled.
"That makes it sound like you are my owner and I´m a puppy or something." Karisawa smirked an idea forming in her head-
"Not that's an interesting topic, didn´t know you were kinky Izaya. Ne what do you do when-"
"NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, stop right there. I want to eat hot pot and not think about how my friends get it on in bed-" Kadota quickly interrupted the Fujoshi who gladly shut up when Yumasaki covered her mouth.
Mika chuckled at the topic, addressing the two as she pointed to the table.
"How about you two go and get some more mushrooms, someone from this table seems to have eaten them all."
Everyone´s eyes went to Togusa who was still sitting there quietly, with the last mushroom between his chopsticks-
"What..? They are good."
Laughter filled the room and the Russian man nodded smiling.
"Eating together like this is good, Shizuo and Izaya being like this is very good. Love and sushi is the best." The raven laughed as well, taking some of the said sushi, which surely Simon had brought form his shop and took a bit of it as he got up.
"Now where are the mushrooms Shinra?" he asked, not intending to ignore the request. The bespectacled adjusted his glasses, pointing to the door in the back.
"In the room at the end of the corridor, there are some shelves, I think I put some in one of them." Shizuo got up as well from his seat, following the raven as he moved over.
"Don´t get lost on the way~" Shinra joked once more before they disappeared in the corridor.
"Why are we the ones getting them, though?" Shizuo questioned shoving his hands into his pants´ pockets.
"Because Celty already cooked everything. And Shinra is too lazy to get up obviously." Izaya explained spotting the door he believed lead to the room Shinra had mentioned.
"He could have went himself."
"Come on Shizu-chan we are getting free food." With a soft creak the door opened, revealing a familiar room. There were three shelves put into it but it clearly had been an operation room before.
Shinra had kind of re-decorated it.
"Good thing he doesn´t have to treat us here anymore," Shizuo mumbled, recognizing it as well. Truth to be told ever since he got together with the flea he actually didn´t end up snapping at random people anymore.
He just learned to not give so many fucks about stupid little shits.
"Yeah, and now that we don´t keep dropping by anymore for him to fix us he doesn´t need it anymore. The connections he had with the yakusa that could have forced him to keep operating on various people died on that day after all."
Yeah- that day really changed everything.
He could still remember it way too clearly, that day. He seriously thought he would lose Izaya. With all his stupid secrets and plans and whatever, he really thought the flea would slip away- forever.
It could have ended that way. It wasn´t even like it hadn´t been an option. If just a single thing had gone wrong- be it the timing or something else- he would have never seen the flea again.
"Shinra said it should be around here," Izaya mumbled looking up the third shelf. The first two shelves seemed to have been used as a sort of documents storage while the second was stocked with what he believed to be some sort of samples for whatever Shinra experimented on- and the third actually contained food.
He wasn't going to comment about how storing possible poisonous or at least gross samples together with actual food in one room was a bad idea. It was when he reached up from a glass willed with mushrooms that he felt two hands sneak around his waist from behind. A smile spread across his face as he tilted his head backwards, trying to catch a glimpse of his blond lover.
"What´s with you today? So cuddly?" he asked, turning around within the grasp, so Shizuo's hands were resting on the small of his back instead.
"I just like this a lot." Shizuo murmured, pulling the raven even closer to his chest.
"What, hot pot at Shinra´s? You were here before you know." The raven chuckled, not exactly hating how his lover acted today.
"Yeah, but with you it´s a whole different thing." It was. because Izaya was there, and he would never leave again. He was his. And he was so god damn happy-
"Now you are getting cheesy," Izaya mumbled, leaning up to softly kiss the blond´s lips. A hand was lifted and the blond cupped the raven´s cheek softly.
"You think so? I´m just saying the truth." he mumbled, returning the chaste kiss, just letting his lips rest on Izaya's for a second, feeling the soft warmth radiate from them. A smile spread over his face.
He really loved this flea too god damn much.
The raven chuckled, very much enjoying this, but then again it wasn´t quite was he loved the most "What with this, those aren´t real kisses Shizu-chan," - with his lips hovering over the blond´s he locked his arms around his lover´s neck. "Kiss me properly, will you?" The smile disappeared from the raven´s lips being replaced by a more, hungry expression as he slid his tongue into the blond´s mouth.
A smile played along Shizuo´s lips and he pulled the flea closer, letting his tongue play with Izaya´s teasing one. The chaste kisses were something that he liked doing- Izaya on the other hand preferred more passionate ones.
"So greedy, aren´t we?" Shizuo hummed, before kissing the raven deeply, taking just one step towards the raven, making his back softly thud against the shelf behind him. The raven hummed approving- Shizu-chan taking charge like this was definitely a turn on.
Always being the one to know everything, always being the one to plan everything it sure was exciting to leave the blond in control. Kissing his lover back deeply he let his hands slip down to Shizuo´s shoulders, grasping the soft white shirt beneath his fingertips.
The blond smiled against the raven´s lips as he let his own hands trail down as well a bit farther than just to the waist, however. The raven blinked, a chuckle escaping his lips as he glanced at the blond from below.
"Shizu-chan, we are at Shinra´s place." he lectured with a sweet, silent voice. The blond merely leaned down though, lips finding their way to Izaya´s neck as they trailed a line of kisses along it, hot breath making Izaya´s hair stand on ends at the treatment.
"I know." The raven shuddered the slightest bit, feeling goose bumps roll down his back as he tilted his head to give the blond better access.
"They might walk in on us." He reminded, not disliking the treatment- But the blond didn´t seem to listen at all as he brought his lips down on a particularly tempting looking spot to suck hard at the raven´s skin.
A soft gasp escaped Izaya´s lips and he felt pleasant shudders rupture through his skin.
"I´m just kissing you~" the blond remarked innocently, the kiss mark already starting to change color.
"Suuure~" Izaya breathed, partly laughing, partly pleasured, his head still tilted slightly.
"Well you gotta make up for last time." Shizuo announced, leaning forward just so much the flea could feel something hard press against his crotch. Innocently, he cocked an eyebrow -
"Heh~ You mean this morning?" He asked, not minding anymore where they were- that blond was just too good at turning him on.
"You just stopped after the kiss." Shizuo complained pouting, but the smile didn´t ease off his lips.
"Aw, did I leave my poor protozoan horny?" Izaya breathed, only for him to gasp in surprise when the hands that were resting on his lower hips suddenly grabbed his thighs and pulled him up- the shelf behind them creaked in complaint as the blond slipped between the raven´s thighs, pressing his obvious clothed errection hard against Izaya's-
A hand slapped itself before Izaya´s mouth as he barely swallowed a moan that threatened to spill off his lips. God how he loved that dominating side of the blond-
Cocking an eyebrow the flea grinned, trying to not let his voice give away just how turned on he was already.
"Perv. They are all waiting next door you know?" He breathed, but hooked his legs behind the blond´s back.
"Not exactly next door." Shizuo threw in, not hesitating a second to capture the raven´s lips again in a deep kiss. Moans were swallowed and hands grasped at the white shirt as the blond slowly but hard moved against the raven´s body.
Feeling the obvious arousal pressing against himself Izaya couldn´t help but imagine what more he could be doing to both of them, causing his cock to twitch in anticipation.
"I didn´t know you were so naughty, Shizu-chan," he panted only for his breath to get caught when the blond started thrusting his hips against the raven.
Leaning his forehead on the blond´s shoulder the raven bit his lower lip, trying to keep quiet as the delicious friction caused his whole body to heat up.
"Says the one who is rock hard already-" the blond breathed against Izaya´s ear, a hand suddenly trailing down the flea´s body- right into his pants. Izaya gasped, feeling it curl around his shaft and stroke- softly- slowly- up and down.
Izaya mouth hang open as he grasped the blond´s shirt tighter. Fucking tease-
"Shizu-chan-" he hissed, only to feel those moist lips on his neck again, on his collarbone- lips- shutting him up efficiently, while the blond stroked him steadily.
"All this talk about marriage, makes me wanna propose to you." Surprised the raven blinked, feeling the lips mumble against his own. Shizuo was looking at him with those caramel golden eyes of his- a tad too serious to think he was joking.
"Marrying? Really? What for?" He mumbled, the blond pressing his forehead against the raven´s as the hand stopped.
"So everyone knows you are mine." A soft chuckle escaped the raven´s lips.
"So possessive~" But Shizuo didn´t laugh, he just smiled, bringing up one hand to brush a strain of hair out of Izaya's face.
"I just love you."
... the raven couldn´t even describe what those words made him feel like. Not that he didn´t know Shizuo loved him. Just- right now-
His eyes grew soft as he cupped the blond´s face.
God that blond was just so-
"... now you are totally cheating," he mumbled and with that he kissed the blond deeply. This time it was Shizuo´s turn to chuckle and quirk an eyebrow.
"How so?" he asked softly, just leaving Izaya to smile- his hands already trailing down to Shizuo´s belt, unbuckling it quickly. "You know why."
No more talking now- hurriedly Izaya shoved the blond´s pants down, reaching for the blond´s errection- a soft hiss reached his ears as he palmed it, stroking it up and down just as Shizuo did with his own.
Shirts were shoved up, pants pulled down and hot skin brushed against each other making the raven breath a soft moan as he felt that hard on slip between his thighs.
Without any word the raven guided it to his entrance, his thighs lifting and locking behind the blond´s back tightly- Pants reached his ears when the blond looked at him.
"No preparation?" Izaya shook his head quickly, "After yesterday night I doubt I need any-" and captured the blond´s lips in a breathtaking kiss instead.
The blond felt his cock twitch at the response- god damn-
Without a warning Izaya was tugged back and pinned up against the shelf- creaking reaching his ears as the blond shoved his thigh up-
"You are really sexy you know that?" he breathed in a sultry voice, looking deep into Izaya´s eyes before pressing the tip of his length inside the raven-
Izaya moaned, his eyes shut close- but the bond didn´t stop there as he just moved deeper and deeper- hotness engulfing him tight as the lithe body in his arms bent erotically in his grasp-
"Shizu-" lips quickly covered the raven´s mouth as he pushed inside until the hilt-
Spasms ruptured through the raven´s body and his chest heaved up and down quickly as the blond stayed still deep inside.
"Fuck- " Even though Izaya didn´t say anything Shizuo could basically hear Izaya´s eyes scream at him to move-
"Ah, Karisawa, it´s on the left." And then they froze for second-
That was Shinra´s voice- Panting filled the silence as they heard steps outside the room, walking along the hall.
A door was opened- but not theirs thank god-
"Got it~!" Karisawa-
The blond nearly face palmed when he realized what they were about to do at Shinra´s place-
He let go of the raven´s hands, expecting Izaya to quickly pull on some clothes- what he didn´t expect though, were hands on his collar, pulling him into a passionate hot kiss- hands locked behind his neck and before he could even ask what he was doing the flea was already panting the answer-
"Don´t you dare stop now-" the blond swallowed immediately feeling his cock twitch inside the raven at the words-
"But they might really discover us now-" he whispered, but the raven didn´t seem to give a fuck as he wrapped his legs tighter around the blond´s body, forcing that errection to go even deeper inside- the blond shuddered at the sensation- the raven biting his lips to keep silent.
"I will be quiet-" he breathed- "Please-" he grasped the blond´s shirt- "I want you so bad-"
The blond swallowed hard- God damnit- the flea was too sexy-
Pulling out the blond slammed back inside the raven- Izaya´s mouth fell open, but no sound came out as he grasped the blond´s shirt tightly-
Fuck- the blond kissed the raven harshly, forcing himself deeper and harder inside the raven speeding up quickly-
Izaya saying he wanted him- Shizuo didn´t even want him to stay quiet-
Holding his voice down like that it made him want to make the raven scream in pleasure- He didn't think it would be this hot to see the flea try hold back his moans-
The kiss was rough, hard, a hand found its way to Izaya´s chest and length stroking the leaking cock fast as he thrust inside the tight heat.
"...! Fu..ck-" Hot fragments of words escaping the raven´s lips hotter than any moan he ever heard- were being breathed into his ear, leaving his imagination to run wild as the raven dug his nails into his back.
"Shiz-" Another hard thrust-
"..ah..!" Messy kisses swallowed the raven´s broken moans as he was sprawled against the bookshelf-
Heat radiating off their skin- the raven shuddered-
"Shizu-cha-!" groaning the blond stilled, feeling the raven tighten around him as he came- his name spilling of his lips in a breathy voice trying to catch some air- His hands tugged harshly at the blond´s shirt and he threw his head back in pleasure.
No matter how many times Shizuo saw Izaya like this, he well damn could never get enough of that raven- catching his trembling hot lips in a kiss he spilled himself inside Izaya with one last powerful thrust-
Panting the raven wrapped his arms around the blond- feeling a tad unsteady as the blond let him down.
"Enough?" the blond chuckled, softly still searching for those delicious lips.
"Of you?" Izaya panted, cocking an eyebrow. "Never~" Shizuo found himself being pulled into another sweet kiss.
"I would say yes." Shizuo blinked, not getting what Izaya meant.
"What?" Izaya smiled, touching the blond´s nose tip.
"Showing everyone I´m yours I mean." Izaya had to laugh at the way Shizuo´s expression just churned into something that looked like puppy that was given treaties-
"Stop grinning like an idiot." but the blond didn´t, instead he just hugged the flea really tight, the smile not going away.
Izaya couldn´t quite deny that he was just as happy- and nuzzled into the blond´s shoulder.
"For now we should get dressed though." he whispered softly, brushing through those blond strains. The blond pouted a bit as he leaned back, looking at the louse in his arms.
"And go home?" Izaya chuckled-
"Yes, and go home."
Quickly they pulled on their pants again- and closed up their shirts. Chuckling the blond ruffled through the raven´s hair as well.
"You look like you just had mind blowing sex." he commented-
"Aw thank you Shizu-chan, I already know I´m amazing~" The raven chirped as he straightened himself.
Finally the door to the room was opened and Izaya shortly glanced into the living room, waving at everyone.
"Shinra, something came up, so we are going home." he announced, the doctor just waved at the two with a smile on his face.
"Sure, sure."
"Yeah, thank you for the food Shinra."
And with that the two took off.
None of the two noticed how it had gotten really quiet in the room.
Only Karisawa was sitting there with a huge grin on her face.
Shinra smiled.
"So, who wants to go get the mushrooms now?"
Ahahah Shinra is the best x'DD I hope it was clear enough that everyone actually heard what they were doing x'DDDDDDDD
So anyway, sadly, sadly, now it´s over C':
I hope you liked the chappy xD even though the smut part was.. so so xD
If chu want I would love if you checked one of my new stories out C: The ones with the butterfly symbol are the newer ones that I worked on with a different writing style C:
Well then- I really want to thank you for reading all this xD It´s so long omg
Haha I love you all 3
See you on one of the updating Sundays~ C: C; xD
OH- on a side note! *0*0*0*
I AM DRAWING A DOUJINSHIE *0*0*0*0* for real yes xD Shizaya of course C;
And I already drew the cover of it *0*0*
If you check out my account on "Archive of our own" "ShirohimesShizayastories" the story called "Story pictures and stuff C; C:" then you will see the cover of the doujinshie xD oh and some other shizaya pics xD