The dark cloud that was Punk's bad mood continued on for next few weeks.

Occasionally, the sun would shine through and she would see glimpses of the man she fell in love with, but those instances didn't last very long.

When it was revealed by Stephanie during Town Hall Meeting that Daniel Bryan was not going to be in the Royal Rumble, Punk was furious on his friend's behalf. He had ranted and railed at the powers that be.

He had ranted at Ali too. But after weeks of his bad mood, the girl had learned to tune Punk out.

He mellowed for a while. With Bryan out, the straight edge superstar assumed that he would be winning the Rumble, even after being booked as the first entry. He didn't believe he should be facing Triple H at Wrestlemania. To him, it was only logical that he would headline the biggest event of the year.

Stephanie had kept the Rumble results to herself until the last minute. Even the writers of Creative were shut out from the plans. Bill was a wreck. He couldn't move forward with any of the storylines when he didn't know who was going to win.

It was only until the Rumble itself that she had told the participants that Batista was booked to win.

Punk had gone livid, almost refusing to join the event. It had taken a lot of forcing, pleading, negotiating, shouting, and threats from Vince McMahon himself to get him to participate.

The next night, he was gone.

RAW, March 17

"Jerry, I see that look in your eyes. But i got a good feeling Daniel Bryan is not coming to save you."

The Architect of the Shield had Jerry 'The King' Lawler cornered at the turnbuckle. He drew the words out slowly for the maximum effect. Behind Seth to his right was Dean Ambrose, fidgeting erratically, eyes wild, looking like he would snap at any second. Roman Reigns who was behind Rollins to his left, was like a big cat, a beautiful dark predator, perfectly still, waiting to pounce at the right moment.

"Because the Shield always does what's best for business."

She felt goosebumps crawl up her skin as she watched the Shield turn towards Kane. She had written the script for this, but seeing it in action live was a whole different ball game.

She heard the crowd roar their support. Saw Bill, who was standing with their bosses, give her a thumbs up sign. Watched Hunter look on with approval. Exchanged smiles with Stephanie, earning a nod from her boss.

She watched as the Shield circled the Corporate Kane, and cheered with everyone else when they triple power bombed Hell's Favorite Demon.

"I can't believe we're faces now!"

The excitement of Colby made her laugh. He was shaking his booty to an imaginary tune, and would randomly grab her for a spin.

Joe's smile had not disappeared the entire evening. Jon was smiling too, dimples flashing adorably.

"Well, Stephanie wants to play this out a little longer. The Authority will be calling you out next week. I had the entire thing planned out," she pouted. "But i didn't get the go signal from Steph."

"I thought you guys would have enough time to make a proper turn," the writer continued. "But we're still on damage control with the whole Batista situation. You're sortof tweeners now." Ali made a face. "Your moment won't come until after Wrestlemania. Sorry guys."

"That's okay, Ali." Joe soothed.

She let out a frustrated huff. "I didn't think Steph would book you against Kane and the New Age Outlaws for Wrestlemania!" she wailed. "I had your entire story planned out! I sacrificed my days off just to finish that thing! "

"Are you kidding me?" Colby exclaimed, his eye going wide, his happy dance momentarily forgotten. "That's awesome!"

"We're going to be in Wrestlemania!" Joe bellowed.

"You're not mad?" she whispered. "I mean, I love Billy and Jesse, but the New Age Outlaws?"

"Mad? Are you insane? We're going to be in Wrestlemania!" Joe embraced her, swinging her around. She let out a squeal of laughter and protest.

"I don't care if we're going to be against the New Age Outlaws or against Hornswaggle. We're going to be in Wrestlemania! Do you know how many guys would kill for that opportunity?"

"Princess, you got us into Wrestlemania XXX! Whatever you planned for us, we can do it after." Colby reassured her. He grabbed Jon, ignoring his protest, and together, they squeezed in a for group hug.

When everyone broke away from the huddle, it was Jon who remembered to ask, "What did you have planned for us anyway?"

"Well, nobody really knows what to do with Batista. Poor Bill is tearing his hair out. None of the writers wanted to touch him, so I figured why not," she shrugged. "So I planned on having the two greatest stables in recent history have a go at it. And I really wanted that for Wrestlemania. We'll probably push it back to Payback or something."

Colby gave her a curious look. "Us against the Wyatts again?"

She shook her head.

"The Shield versus Evolution."

They arrived at their hotel a little after midnight. The adrenaline of the night had worn off and all Colby and Joe wanted to do was go to bed. She could hear them arguing about who was going to use the bathroom first up until the elevator doors closed.

Wanting a little fresh air before she went to bed, she stepped out to the pool area. Jon followed, watching the moon light cast a soft glow on her face.

When he caught her eye, he pulled up his eyebrows.

"So, I'm officially gonna be a face, huh?"

"The Hounds of Justice fighting injustice! You guys will be the WWE Universe's new heroes." she giggled. "Imagine that. Dean Ambrose, a good guy."

He scoffed. "Dean Ambrose is bad ass. He will never be good guy."

She laughed softly at his remark. It really was true tho, Dean Ambrose is bad ass, and that was his appeal.

They continued walking until they found a bench at the edge of the garden.

They sat together, enjoying the quiet a little longer.

He laced his fingers with hers, searching her face for any objections. When he found none, he lifted her knuckles up to his lips.

"I can be one though. A good guy." he said.

She smiled softly at him. "I know."

"I would never leave you like that."

"I know."

She closed her eyes and leaned her head against his arm. Letting go of her hand, he put his arm around her, settling her against his chest, before entwining his fingers with hers again.

"I am not letting you go." he whispered against her hair.

A minute later he added. "And if you say 'I know' again, Ms. Smartypants, you will not know what hit you."

He felt her laughter bubble up against his him as she snuggled in closer.

It might have been minutes later when she got up.

Turning around to face Jon, she leaned towards him, pressing her free hand on his cheek. Her lips softly brushed the corner of his mouth, before she quickly straightened, blushing.

Looking away, she tried to pull away from Jon, but he pulled her into his arms as he stood up. He pressed a kiss on her forehead, and then another on her nose.

Fingers still interlaced, they headed toward the hotel together.

She couldn't stop smiling.

Neither could be.

Thank you so much for reading! And thank you even more for the feedback and reviews! :)

I already had a draft of my epilogue that would end with Payback. But then RAW came around and totally broke my heart. I had to trash what I had written [I totally did not see that coming so soon. Also, what I wrote would have been inconsistent with my story and with the current WWE story.] So, I'm going to have to end with this.

I hope everyone enjoyed :) I blame the fluff bunnies for this! I can't believe I wrote such a fluffy soft Ambrose. Hahaha.