I do not own One Piece, Eiichiro Oda does.

This is my first attempt at a LawNa fic', so I really hope people like it :)

(and sorry for any weird spelling, I am English!)

Chapter I: The Awakening of Sleepy Beauty

After the downfall of Doflamingo, and the liberation of Dressrosa, both the Strawhats and Heart pirates recuperated on the isle of Zou.

Trafalgar Law had awoken for the first time yesterday after their alliance's ordeal. To his annoyance, the attending doctor had insisted that he was not to be moved for a few more days. The Surgeon of Death wanted nothing more than to be comfortable in his own quarters, on-board his own ship, and with some peace and quiet. Instead, he was bed ridden in the infirmary on-board The Thousand Sunny.

He was regularly woken by cries of "Marimo Bastard", "Idiot Swordsman", "Dartboard Eyebrow" and "Idiot Love Cook". These shouts didn't compare to the annoyance he felt when he heard the pitter-patter of sea grass sandals approaching. The heartfelt laughter, and exuberance of that individual were hard to deal with at the best of times, never mind when he was in pain and couldn't escape! The Dark Doctor had pretended to be asleep on the four occasions Luffy had visited him on the previous day.

It wasn't that he hated the fellow Captain. More that he was annoyed with himself for how close he'd gotten to the Strawhat crew. Luffy had heard about his painful past, letting him in far closer than he'd let anyone before. Trafalgar Law had also fallen into their laid back pace, often having to purposely keep himself focused.

The lack of want for information displayed by Luffy, and his non-existent attention span had initially infuriated Law. It wasn't that the Strawhat Captain was negatively apathetic, more that the term 'ignorance is bliss' was never so appropriate than it was for describing Luffy. Though, the more time they spent together, the more Law accepted it, and the less it bothered him.

Being a pirate was never meant to be fun though. It was about fame, fear, fortune, freedom ... but not fun. The Strawhats enforced life and laughter into everything, and onto all they came into contact with. Well, except their enemies. The Heart Captain didn't like to feel unfocused. He was an intelligent and cunning man, always thinking three steps ahead, and to suddenly stop and appreciate life in the present moment was an alien feeling, and foreign concept for him. He had been planning his vengeance against Doflamingo for thirteen years, and for a few lapse moments with the Strawhats his focus had wavered.

As much as Trafalgar Law liked to cause chaos, he definitely did not like the internal chaos that the alliance had brought. With his revenge accomplished, how easily would he fall back into that carefree pace that Luffy unconsciously emitted? There was also the matter of the other man's navigator. Everything to do with that woman was affecting him. Her temperament stirred memories and forgotten emotions, and that was in addition to her beauty.

He shut his eyes for a moment to remember Nami the last time he'd seen her. Long legs. Shorts that definitely could have been shorter. Midriff exposed, showing off her hourglass figure. Her bikini top ... which left nothing to the imagination. "Fuck!" he sighed. Law had been so focused on his revenge recently that the length of his sexual abstinence was longer that he cared to remember. The frustration she ignited within him made him want to live up to his dark reputation he had acquired. He wouldn't though. There was no satisfaction to be had from taking an unwilling woman. He would much rather see her riding him wantonly.

In their last moments together he remembered how scared she had looked, and how much he had wanted to just pull her close and console her. He knew it would have been weird and unwanted, so he refrained from such affections. Those thoughts bothered him more than the idea of ravishing her against her will. Why would he want to comfort her? Why had her distress bothered him? The thumping headache he was developing helped him to decide not to ponder on the matter for the moment.

'I definitely need some direction.' Law anguished, as he remembered how seductive her scent was, and he didn't even especially like mikans. 'Kaido?' he wondered.

The Surgeon of Death knew he would have to keep a close proximity to the Strawhats if they were to continue working together to bring down one of the Yonkou. He also knew they would get derailed from whatever ingenious plan he could concoct.

Would taking down Kaido ultimately be enough of a distraction? Or would the Strawhats, and their navigator, just be a distraction? He truly wasn't sure if it was worth the endeavour or not. He really didn't want to be that involved with the boisterous crew.

That was another thing that annoyed The Heart Captain: Luffy's tenacity. Despite telling the man that their alliance was over, he stubbornly decided that it was not, and that Law could not decide things like that on his own. He was ultimately grateful to the straw hat wearer but it seems that no matter what, in one way or another, Trafalgar Law would never be rid of Monkey D. Luffy.

"'Til death do us part." the Heart Captain jokingly agonised.

He heard Luffy talking with Chopper out on deck. It sounded as though they were coming his way, so Law decided it was once again time to pretend he was resting. He shut his eyes, and then did actually doze off.

The Surgeon of Death was roused from his slumber as he felt cool hands placed upon his chest.

"Nami-ya?" He groaned, as he looked up to the left at the woman tending to him. He thought he was dreaming at first as there's usually a wall to his left hand side.

"Stay still, Law!" Chopper demanded as he rushed back to his bedside. "We're just changing your dressings."

The wounded man felt a terrible dull ache in his chest and back. He needed to stretch. Law filled his lungs with air, as much as he could, before a sharp pain erupted in his chest, right through his heart. He exhaled quickly, his right hand rushing to the effected area, and he squeezed his eyes shut in agony.

"Are you okay?" the reindeer asked. "You're wounds are extensive, and deep. It might be better if I sedate you for another week or so."

"No!" Law spat through gritted teeth. The pain just starting to subside.

He kept his eyes shut for a few more moments, then slowly became aware of the fingers trapped by his actions. 'Nami-ya' he thought to himself, quickly remembering how he'd wanted her hands on him since she framed him for cheating during their poker game. He had a small urge to completely take her hand in his, but he fought the compulsion well, and relinquished the amount of pressure he was applying on her hand. He then resorted to taking a few fairly deep breaths, knowing the expansion of his chest would cause slight friction between his hand and hers, and tried to take a small amount of pleasure from this seemly innocent act. 'Surgical gloves' he thought to himself, dismally. He wanted to feel her skin against his.

He then peered at Nami through one eye as he released her fingers completely. "Sorry." he told her in a low voice, moving his hand away as if he had only just noticed hers beneath his. She smiled at him briefly and then removed her hand from his chest. Law closed his eyes again then, concentrating on the spot where her hand had been, and noticing how cold it felt without her touch.

The urge to stretch his chest again was quiet overbearing. This time though, he thought better than to fill his lungs to the extent that he did before. Law took a deep breath and lifted his shoulders a little off the bed. That did the trick.

He was pleased to see a slight look of worry on Nami's face from his movements. Perhaps she was expecting a repeat from a few moments ago?

The Surgeon of Death closed his eyes again to let Doctor Chopper and Nurse Nami redress his wounds. Though it wasn't a particularly hard task, Law still found that he was surprised by Nami's medical dexterity. He selfishly hoped that Tony-ya would have her assisting him again in the future.

Sleep found him again shortly after.

"Shut up, Bepo. The Captain is still asleep!" Is what woke Trafalgar Law from his rest. He lazily opened his eyes to see Shachi and Penguin stood over him.

"Sorry." Bepo sulked from the foot of the bed.

"It's all right." Law assured them.

"Captain!" The excited trio shouted in unison. His crew were always overly excited by him.

"Shut up, or you'll attract unwanted guests!" Law scolded.

"Sorry." said the polar bear. Somehow seeming a little more white than usual.

Shachi and Penguin also mumbled their apologies, and inquired as to why their captain didn't want the Strawhats to visit his sick bed.

Law explained that he was just too exhausted to try to endure their vitality. It was a half truth. He decided against telling them his more personal reasons.

"What happened when Nami-ya, and the other Strawhats joined you on Zou?" the Heart's Captain asked his crew. He tried to sit up a little to find some comfort, but there was none to be had. So he slumped back down, lower than he was before. The bed was not accommodating to his tall frame, so his feet hung out the end.

Shachi and Penguin were both blushing. Law imagined that they were remembering the other crew arriving, led by the bikini clad voluptuous woman.

"Oi!" he prompted them. The dark scowl on his face did nothing to actually portray how irritated he was by his crewmen.

Penguin seemed to snap out of it and gave the account of their crews becoming acquainted, while the flush on Shachi's face only got deeper as he stared off into space.

"Bepo. Get Tony-ya." The Dark Doctor interrupted, dragging himself further up the bed again.

"Yes Captain." The bear sprang to his feet, and exited the room in a hurry. He could tell that his Captain had become quite irritated by Penguin's tale, even though Law thought that he had hidden it well.

"Are you hungry, Captain? I'll get Sanji-san to make you some food." Shachi eagerly asked him.

He wasn't hungry, but he remembered how delicious the food was that Kuro Ashi-ya had cooked on Punk Hazard, and how revitalised he had felt after eating it. Law decided that he definitely needed to eat something that had been cooked by the Strawhat's chef in order to regain his strength quickly. He would then be able to teleport himself away from any annoyances. That, and be able to interact with others.

He nodded in agreement, and Shachi went to find the blonde cook.

"Are you okay, Captain?" Penguin asked. Law's foul mood was obviously very apparent.

Trafalgar Law noticed then that his eyebrows were knitted together in frustration. The frown on his lips was also probably deeper than usual.

"Yea ... " was all the reply he could muster before Chopper entered the room.

"Tony-ya! I need to get out of this bed. I'm uncomfortable, and in pain, and restless ..." The injured man explained. He wasn't at all asking for permission, more telling the reindeer his intentions. Out of respect for the fellow doctor, he would wait for Chopper to approve of him moving.

"If you really feel you need to move then I won't stop you. You are also a doctor, and aware of the consequences. Just remember to take it easy, no quick or excessive movements, and keep someone with you all the time to help you." Chopper said, much to Law's relief.

"Bepo can stay with me.." he informed the young doctor.

Chopper nodded and left the room.

"Help me sit up." he ordered his navigator.

Bepo supported his captain as he lifted his back from off the mattress. Law drew his knees up the bed to sit cross legged, then placed his forearms flat out in front of him. He lowered his head as much as he could. The pain in his chest was still extremely apparent, but the pleasure he got from stretching his spine was glorious. He kept his elbows on the mattress but lifted his arms up to support his head. He stayed in this position until Shachi came back with his food.

Bepo and Penguin helped him off the bed so he could sit in a lounge chair that they had been brought in, and eat at the desk on the other side of the room. The Surgeon of Death was a lot weaker than he had thought he was. Even though he had aid, and only took a few steps, his limbs felt extremely heavy.

After eating his meal, he leant back in the chair and fell asleep again.

"Tora-o!" Luffy shouted as he ran into the infirmary. Law lifted his head off the back of the chair to acknowledge the other captain.

"Mugiwara-ya" he said as a greeting. Luffy's face was a little screwed up, as if he seemingly felt bad for waking Law.

That soon changed though as the excited young man proceeded to tell the Heart's Captain about the days earlier exploits. Nami and Usopp had been swimming in the ocean when they were attacked by a swordfish sea king. Zoro and Sanji had apparently killed it, and it was going to be barbecued for dinner. The thought of food had the Strawhat wearer drooling where he sat. Law thought for a moment that he was not going to speak again, his silence from fantasizing about food was so long.

Luffy then told him about how Shachi had passed Nami her towel as she got out of the ocean, and that Sanji had got angry at him for it and wanted to kill him. As Luffy had told it, Shachi had been chased pretty much all over Sunny and was hiding aboard Law's submarine. Sanji was now refusing to cook for him, and told him to stay away from his precious 'Nami-swan'. The Strawhat captain just started to laugh hysterically at the story he'd told.

Law was reminded of his earlier irritation from speaking with Shachi and Penguin. It bothered him that his crew had gotten to spend some peaceful time getting to know the Strawhats, even if it was only a handful of them. The whole time he had spent with their allies was during days full of chaos. He'd had a couple of quiet days at sea with them, which only really gave him a brief look at the crew's dynamic. He was irritated at himself for being jealous that his crew had gotten close with Nami-ya.

The rumours about her were definitely true. She was a painfully seductive, yet chaste woman. This made her a delightful challenge for every man who was enchanted, or stupid enough to accept. Defeat would involve a few thousand volts of electricity surging through one's body, and the lose of one's wallet, at the hand of the expert pick pocket.

When she wasn't playfully and purposely enticing, she was serious and stubborn, an icy authoritative figure on Luffy's ship. Quite different to the warm-hearted, self sacrificing woman that had utterly confused him with her resolve on Punk Hazard. Law was certainly embroiled with intrigue due to her.

He knew she was physically weak. Her declaration before engaging Baby 5 and Buffalo had shown him why her bounty was only sixteen million. 'I'm not afraid of enemies that are far away, with no intention to fight', he remembered her saying. She wasn't going to be much use on Dressrosa, so he had purposely kept her on the Sunny Security team to keep her from harm, and from distracting him. So when the opportunity came to get Caesar away from Dressrosa he was pleased she would be leaving too. Safe, he thought. He never considered that his crew might try and cosy up with her.

She did distract him, no matter how much he tried to deny or ignore it. Nami was distracting him now from whatever Luffy had begun talking about. He remembered her vividly from the Human Auction on Shabondy. Law didn't like to think of himself as a pervert, but at the time, he couldn't not drink in the image of her long bare legs, and her nicely rounded behind. She was certainly a pleasant sight amongst the other pirates and bidders.

Seeing her on Punk Hazard was painfully magnificent. He already thought that she was beautiful, and applauded himself for not trying to take advantage of her right there and then. The sight of Nami after not seeing a woman at all for weeks, and for her to turn up in a bikini ... it did more than excite him. Enough to make him forget about the freezing temperature of the island and concentrate on the warmth that had developed in his groin. She was quite lucky the rest of her crew came bursting through the same door she had, moments later.

It was only after leaving Punk Hazard that it occurred to him that he'd been in the company of that female harpy, Monet. And that there was a Marine woman on the island as well. Neither of them counted as far as he was concerned, especially when compared with the Cat Thief.

His train of thought was interrupted by Luffy's stomach started growling, loudly.

"I'm hungry~!" He sulked. "Are you eating in here? It's more fun if everyone eats together!" Luffy told him.

"I'll eat with everyone in the galley." Law assured the younger man. He hoped he could reclaim the seat at that table that he'd previously sat at, the one between Mugiwara-ya and Nami-ya.

When Trafalgar Law got out onto the deck he paused for a moment to appreciate the sun on his skin. It seemed like forever since he'd been beneath it's warm rays. He closed his eyes, drinking in all the sensations the world had to offer him after winning his freedom from the infirmary, and his past.

The sounds of the ocean waves and seagulls seemed so different now they weren't muffled by closed doors. It felt like months since he'd heard them. The smell of fresh salty air was a welcome relief after breathing in nothing but the scent of antiseptic for however long. There was a hint of mikans and suntan lotion in the air too, and a mouth watering aroma coming from the kitchen.

"We are no longer moored at Zou." he said to his navigator after noticing the lack of land around the ship. It was an observation, not a question.

"I'm sorry," Bepo replied. "Nami-san said a strong storm was rolling in, and it would be safer if we moved on." he continued, looking for any signs of displeasure on his captain's face.

Law knew Nami had some kind of sixth sense for weather prediction, so he trusted that it was the right thing to do. "What's our course?" he asked.

"I don't know, Captain. Nami-san is in charge. I'm sorry." he answered, lowering his head as he did.

That news didn't surprise the Dark Doctor in the slightest, he had seen it before first hand. Luffy may be the captain, but Nami certainly runs his ship. And from how Penguin had explained what happened when the crews first met on Zou, Nami had taken command over his crew as well. He wished she had ruled the Heart Pirates in the manner as she ruled her own crew; with an iron fist. As expected, she had playfully seduced his men into doing whatever she wanted. Law cursed himself for having an all male crew. He refrained from saying anything about her out loud. He knew her mikan trees were on the deck directly above where he was stood, and that she was sitting amongst them. The smell of her sun protection had given her away.

Law decided to continue on to the galley, shaking off Bepo's help, and just using the handrail for aid. "I need to test my strength." he explained to the bear. It was a slow process but he made it there on his own, his navigator followed close behind, just in case.

Sanji acknowledged them both with a nod and a grunt as they entered the kitchen. The wounded man reaching out for some help at this point. The last bit of his journey was more than his body could handle, so Bepo helped him to the sofa. He slumped down so the top of his seat was at the base of his neck, shut his eyes, and threw his head back. As much as he'd been restless and needed to stretch his legs, he didn't think anything had ever felt as good as the rest he was getting now.

"Food'll be a while yet." Sanji informed them.

"I just needed to get out of that room." Law replied. Slowly lifting his head to look in the direction of the chef. He could see giant swordfish steaks sat in bowls of marinade upon the dining table. Corn cobs next to that. There was also a large container of dressing. Despite how good it smelt, he didn't ask what would be accompanying the fish. He doubted he'd have the appetite to finish a whole meal anyway. He'd not even managed half of what Shachi brought him earlier. Which reminded him ...

"Are you really not cooking for Shachi?" he asked the blonde man.

Sanji froze for a minute before he answered him. "I will, as long as that bastard stays away from Nami-san." Law nodded in agreement, and shut his eyes again. His hand reached up to grab his hat. When he discovered that it wasn't there, he mussed up his hair, and realised how desperately needed to bathe. He raised his arm above his head and inhaled his own scent. It shocked him that he didn't smell as bad as he thought he might. Still, Law would get his dressings removed so he could shower later.

The Strawhat's cook lit a new cigarette, and picked up the food dishes off the table that required barbecuing. He was defending said food the moment he exited the galley. It seemed Luffy did not care if his meal was cooked or not.

The Surgeon of Death turned to his navigator and asked "How's your time been with the Strawhat crew?"

I've tried to keep out the other character personalities as much as possible. I'm planning on it just being told predominantly from Law and Nami's points of view, and only really have interactions between the pair of them.

Thanks for reading, and reviews are always welcome. They let me know if it's going to actually be worth finishing it. Seriously, the more I read over it, the more I hate it!

4th May 2014