Hi guys.
It's been a while.
So first of all, I've started college parttime. I also have several high school classes. I'm a bit busy, which part of why I haven't done much in a while.
But, more importantly, the fandom is changing. And I think I've been changing a bit with it.
White Rose doesn't have the magic for me it once did. Now I'm all like "Weiss has a sister? Penny's not annoying! Emerald is kind of awesome... and Neo needs more screentime. Like now." And White Rose has fallen by the wayside.
That's not true exactly.
It's more Ruby.
All these new, interesting characters are popping up, and I still love Weiss as much as ever. But Ruby is looking a little... flat. And I've always thought she was kind of the boring half of the ship. So I don't know how much writing I'll be doing until this newest season is over, and I don't know what the pairings will be. I'm pretty sure it won't be the same though.
Hypothermia will be finished. It wasn't going to last over a couple more chapters anyway. But I just thought I ought to let you guys know.
Gentlemen, ladies, it's been an honor, but in this case the captain isn't going down with her ship.