I don't own Bioshock


Little Brother Program Audio Log 1

The number of Little Sister gatherers is declining rapidly with splicers taking out Protectors and inconsequence the Little Sisters in large numbers. We need a new form of gatherer to salvage the Adam from the dead, one of my colleagues suggested that we use young boys for this new gatherer and dubbed it the Little Bother Program. I'm taking this under great consideration, the number of young girls for the Little Sister Program from the orphanage cannot last forever.

-Gilbert Alexander

Little Brother Program Audio Log 2

I've decided to move forward with the Little Brother Program and 20 young boys have been selected from one of Rapture's orphanages, they are now prepped and are ready for implantation. I am going assign some Alpha Series Protectors to this program. I will review the results of the implantation process of the Little Brothers within a days time.

-Gilbert Alexander

Little Brother Program Audio Log 3

Little Brother Program Log 3, of the 20 young boys submitted into the program 12 died from either incompatibility or from complications during the procedure, the 8 that survived are now official Little Brothers, the Little Sisters acknowledge and recognise them as family strangely enough. Four Big Daddies from the Alpha Series Program have each been assigned a little brother, Protectors Zeta, Eta, Theta and Iota have been bonded to their respective Little Brother as an experiment to follow this experiment, initial test results seem promising as the abundance of orphan boys far outnumber the number of orphaned girls so should the program prove successful the Gatherer Program shall flourish.

-Gilbert Alexander

Little Brother Program Audio Log 7

Little Brother Program Log 7, this is a disaster, the four Little Brother gatherers assigned the other Big daddy Protectors have been killed and Iota and Zeta and their Little Brothers have disappeared leaving only two Little Brother gatherers remaining and the next lot of young boys submitted to the program all died during the operation. Subject 6 and Protector Eta have returned and I am conducting a genetic test to see what made these children capable of surviving the implantation operation. Subject 17 and Protector Theta are still out gathering ADAM so I will conduct my test on him when they return.

-Gilbert Alexander

Little Brother Program Audio Log 8

Little Brother Program Log 8, this is truly remarkable, the genetic sequence for Subject 6 states that prior to implantation there was no trace of ADAM in his body meaning his father never spliced before he was conceived and his mother never spliced before she gave birth, coupled with a rare mutation within the child if we can setup a test to locate these individuals the Little Brother Program will succeed but how will we -Loud Crash- -HEEEELLPP- What in the world Theta, what ha...oh no, get Tenenbaum in here now.

-Gilbert Alexander

Little Brother Program Audio Log 12

Little Brother Log 12, Subject 17 has survived thanks to Tenenbaum's efforts but the ADAM Slug inside him is no longer responsive we all assume the Slug is dead, remarkably Subject 17 is still recovering but at a much slower rate compared to Subject 6, almost like he has returned to normal. What is most surprising is that Alpha Protector Subject Theta, has regained his ability to speak and has become self-aware which is most alarming but he still deeply cared for Subject 17 as if he was his own son. After examining the damage to Theta's armour and the level of trauma done to Subject 17, we all conclude that he was caught in the explosion of a Nitro Splicer's Grenade. Theta now wants to take the boy to Pauper's Drop were the boy can grow up under his watchful eye. After much deliberation with my colleagues and with Tenenbaum I have agreed to Theta's request. I wish them the best of luck.

-Gilbert Alexander

MichaelMarxxMann here, this is just a crazy idea that popped into my head a little while ago. Please review my work and give any pointer to how I could improve.