SolidSamurai233: Thank you.

WyattMorre: Thanks. I hope I do well with them still.

Phoenix1220: Thank you. Im…really touched I could inspire you. Well, for what kind of jobs, off the top of my head is a teacher. Depending how far you want to go for your degree, (Like Bachelors or Masters) you could teach for high school or college. Or be a librarian. Also, I hear a ton about "Hurry up and decide!" I have changed my major once, and its…really complicated with it too. My point is that, if you want to go for English/literature, you should go for it. There are a ton of job opportunities available and you just need to search a bit.

For your girlfriend, I know one will come along. Just take your time, and it will come out of nowhere. It did for me.

ENJOY! Constructive criticism appreciated.


As the sirens rang through the air, vehicles pulled aside as the ambulance raced down the road. Going through lights as the occupants sat in silence.

Yang glanced at the duo opposite her.

She watched it all.

Conner standing up to her mother, that glowing fist. Then she appeared, some bandit who lifted her arms and called the storm. She called the lightning bolt. The one that Conner slammed his fist into. As thunder crashed, he went flying as Yang could only watch in horror.

As his body crashed into the ground facedown, Yang sprinted towards him. Calling his name, she went and carefully rolled him onto his back.

His marks were worse.

His whole body was a massive bruise. His skin was a dark yellow rather than alabaster, while a mix of red and purple marks dotted his arms and his veins were the color of oil.

Yang nearly vomited then and there.

As she looked back, her mother was already striding away. The woman at her side.

Raven never even gave a backwards glance.

Yang wanted to stand up and lunge. To unload every round in Ember Celica into that woman and break her mother's damn mask.

But Conner needed help. He was the priority, not her mother.

Scooping him into her arms, Yang sprinted towards the road, not stopping until she saw everyone else.

Currently, Conner had a respirator across his face, and an IV bag hooked to him. Yang vaguely recalled the paramedics say something about his lungs, but at that point, Ruby was the only thing she saw.

Damian was staring straight at the floor and his hair hanging over his eyes.

And the blood.

Blood stained his hands, and his shirt.

Ruby's blood.

Yang returned her attention to her little sister.

The moment she saw her, Yang nearly started crying then and there as she looked over her little sister. Her fair skin was now a sickly white, hooked up to a blood bag as white bandages were pressed against her side.

Ruby looked feeble, lifeless, contrasting what she was normally. Energetic, joyful…lively.

Biting her lip, Yang clenched her hands.

Ruby would be ok…Ruby had to be ok.

"We're approaching the hospital," the driver called out. "Your teammates already warned them."


The moment he had all the information, there was an ambulance on the way as he flew towards Vale.

The ambulance stopped.

The back doors opened as both attendants quickly got Ruby and Conner off the ambulance and wheeled their gurneys into Vale General Hospital. Yang and Damian stepped out of the truck.

Both teams greeted them. Wearing similar expressions of worry and anxiousness as they saw their friends go by.

Together, all six entered the hospital, following the gurneys as they travelled down the hallways. Taking lefts and rights before both gurneys were wheeled into an ER, as they approached the light above flashed red.

The answer was obvious.

As all the other teams took time to settle, Damian took that moment to step away, pulling out his Scroll and calling Goodwitch. Within a few chimes, she picked up.

"Yes Mister Diviner?"

Damian took in a breath, "Our mission assigned has been moderately successful. All but one Atlas transport vehicles have arrived in Vale."

A pause.

"What about the last, Mister Diviner?"

"It was…a trap."

Silence, then.

"What?" Glynda's voice was firm and edged with steel.

"A group of…bandits had hijacked the last truck, what they're plans were, I do not know. But the truck was destroyed in the fight between Teams RWBY and JCDW."

"I see."

"Neither team left unscathed; currently, Ruby Rose of Team RWBY and Conner Ward of Team JCDW are currently in critical condition at Vale General Hospital."

More silence.

"I will dispatch other students to pick up where you left off. Thank you Mister Diviner…and I am very sorry."

Damian hung up.

He was breathing harder.

Damian looked around.

A doorway, into an empty room.

Damian stepped inside.

It was small, a mirror on the far wall, a few chairs and a low coffee table.

Just…just ten seconds.











Damian sucked in a breath.


His fist ached dully. Lifting it up, Damian found a few pieces of glass still clung to his knuckles, carefully pulling them out, Damian allowed them to fall with the other debris as his Aura closed the wounds. The coffee table was in pieces, several chairs flipped, and the mirror utterly shattered.

Combing his hair from out of his face, Damian adjusted his tie before stepping out.

A man walked along the street. A long coat and a ballcap covered his features. He was moving slowly. Taking in the sights of the city, the holographic streetlights, the people with animal characteristics; as he went further down the block he saw a hospital with an ambulance outside, as they offloaded a patient along with two oth-

The man stopped.

Blonde hair, fair skin.

The eyes.

He was part of the old program, he knew all the signs. Especially when it was rushing up the steps into the medical facility.

Turning on his heel, the man made his way back to his apartment.

When the doors finally did open again, all six looked up at the doctor.

The man, dark combed hair and glasses, "I assume you are the patients teammates?"

"Yes sir," Damian replied.

The doctor nodded before moving down the hallway and gesturing them to follow, "Well, the good news is that, for the girl, the GSW went completely through-"

Yang gasped and Jerry paled.

Damian kept a calm face.

The doctor noticed, "It means we did not have to surgically remove it."

"And the bad news?" Damian asked.

The doctor sighed, "The girl is still in shock, while physically she will be alright; we cannot determine her mental health until she wakes up."

"H-How do you mean?" Jerry asked.

Damian cuts the doctor off, "Ruby is fifteen years old, Jerry. No one, especially at that age, is ever prepared to get shot."

The doctor rubbed his eyes, "Yes…"

"You didn't bring up Conner…" Blake pointed out.


They had reached another set of double doors as the doctor sighed, "I'm not going to lie. He is in a worse situation."

Flipping pages in his clipboard, he looked back at them.

"Conner currently is dealing with various levels of nerve damage. While the initial point of impact was his left fist, it has the least amount of damage. Our initial evaluation states that his cerebellum, which helps his motor controls, has been badly damaged. We require further investigation, however it's unlikely that he can continue his career as a Huntsman."

The doctor looked at them, "You are all welcome to visit, however please bear in mind that they need rest above all."

Nodding his head, the doctor gestured to the doors and left.

After a moment, both teams gathered themselves and walked into the room.

The silence was only cut by the heartbeat monitor, both injured teammates in beds next to each other.


Blinking, the spectacled boy tilted his head, "Dust?" he murmured.

"You trust me correct?"

Jerry nodded slowly, "Dust…wha-

A breeze brushed through him, as if he was laying in a field of grass. A crashing waterfall lulled in the distance.

"Let me in Jerry."

He swallowed, "Ok…how?"


Silk brushed across his hands and up his arms, completely covering his torso.


He didn't answer.

Lambent Roar glowed.

Damian watched as Jerry changed, his eyes turning from forest green to a bright gold.

Damian swallowed, "Dust?"

Waving his hand, the capsules along Lambent Roar exploded, sending the elemental Dust free and gliding around the hospital room. With distinct clicks, red, yellow, blue, and purple all started to fly into the air from Myrtenaster's Dust chambers and the magazines of Project Lance. Ignoring the sound of protest from the heiress, Dust moved Jerry's hands further into the air before his fingers twitched.

"I dnib eeht stnemele ot eno."

All colors mixed together. The Dust swirling from the floor rose up to join the other Dust, the colors blending into a beautiful rainbow that bounced colors around the hospital room.

"I dnammoc eht eno ot dneb."

Dust turned his wrists, as his palms slowly turned upwards, the rainbow altered. Curling into itself as the bright colors became muted, swirling upwards and around as the rest stared in shock. They all had heard of Dust being manipulated or woven into clothing, however never like this.

"I dneb eeht ot ym nwo."

Pulling his wrists to his chest, the Dust swirled towards Jerry's body, curling around his arms and exploding outwards near his back/

"Ym hsiw si ot laeh."

As Dust stretched his palms outwards to the ceiling, the multicolored could rose as well, swirling together as they began to glow a different color.


"Laeh dna ekam ecaep. Ekam trofmoc morf ecaep."

With a final stretch of his arms, Dust pushed the newly created Dust cloud towards Conner; as it shimmered in the light, the gold spread out over the hospital bed. A blue glow surrounded his body, the gold Dust flecked across Conner's skin and caused his Aura to glow brighter.

Yang's attention was drawn to what skin she could see. The dark bruises along his skin were fading back into their former alabaster, as the gold Dust began to vanish along Conner's Aura.

As it faded, Yang had rushed towards Conner to check on his health as Weiss and Damian went to Jerry. The boy felt the prescience leave him, and a wave of exhaustion followed. Before Weiss could even begin her tirade of questions, Jerry's knees buckled.

In a flash, Damian was there. Wrapping his arms around Jerry before settling him in a chair next to Ruby.

"Damian that was-"

"I know."

"But there is no way-"

"I know."

"So how did he if-"

"He will tell us."

Weiss blinked, "But Da-"

Damian grabbed her hand, "Weiss please…"

She quieted.

Damian gave her a look before turning his attention to everyone else, "Right now, we are all crap. Let's just…take time to relax and clear our heads. Ok?"

Teams RWBY and JCDW gave looks before slowly nodding.

Yang took off her bomber coat and carefully covered Jerry, "I'm gonna stay here with Ruby."

Damian nodded.

Blake gently grabbed Will, "We'll get going."

Damian still clutched Weiss' hand as they left as well.

As the last members left, Yang pulled out her Scroll and punched in a number.

Two rings before she got a response.


"Hey dad…"

As the man stepped into his apartment, he quickly went into the bedroom and took out his phone.

"Crossroads, this is Panther. Code Alpha Bravo Foxtrot Mike, checking in."

"This is Crossroads, what can we do Panther?"

"Panther to Crossroads, I need you to put me into connection with Murdock stat. I have vital information for him."

"Crossroads, what information exactly?"

"Tell Murdock it's to do with his old project."

"…copy that."

Damian tightly clutched Weiss hand as they went back through the hospital.

"Damian, what's wrong?"

Damian didn't utter a word as they strode back into the room.

Ice blue eyes widened at the destruction. As the heiress carefully stepped through the debris, she turned back at Damian.

The boy had lost all sense of composure, fidgeting with his hands, his eyes didn't meet hers.

"…there was a bang…and light. Then I was on the ground and…and this isn't this-I'm trying."

"Damian…" Weiss began, reaching towards him.

He pulled away, his body shaking as he turned to the broken mirror.

"He had Ruby. He-he had her. Knife to her throat…he was going to take her. She was his leverage…and I-"

Weiss stepped closer, "Damian, it wasn't your fault."


Weiss flinched as Damian shouted, his eyes clenched as his hands shot into his hair.

"IT WAS my fault. Ruby…Ruby was fifteen. Pretty. Young. Innocent. Going to be taken by bandits…she was his leverage. Ruby was his lev-his escape. He was gonna escape with Ruby. Take her…use…"

A shudder tore through his chest.

"I couldn't let him take her."

Weiss understood. Her eyes widening.

Damian was still looking at the mirror. Tears beginning to cascade down his face.

"It was me. I-I had to…I couldn't let-Ru-Ruby. I couldn't… I-I-I…"

Weiss set a hand on his shoulder.

Damian whirled around, his arms squeezing Weiss so much it hurt her.

"I couldn't…I couldn't…"

Weiss hugged him, "I know."

Pained sobs tore from his chest as he and Weiss sunk down. Pieces of wood pressing dully into her knees.

They sat there for a long time.

Forty miles from Vale, was an old town Pasture. It used to be a small transit town; before Bullheads were more of a commodity, many Beacon students would come through to restock on supplies. The town had thrived off the yearly business and it became a quaint place over time.

However, when Bullheads were beginning to transport people from other towns to Vale, Pasture began to get overlooked. While some did visit the town from time to time, it wasn't enough to sustain Pasture; another five years and a Grimm attack turned the town derelict.

Not now though.

"Doctor Murdock?"

A man looked up, with dark eyes and hair, "Yes?"

"You're wanted in base."

Murdock nodded with a slight smile, "Be there soon."

As the officer left, Murdock gestured to his fellow scientists, "Turn it off. We will continue when I return."

They all nodded.

Murdock tucked away his files before heading back to the entrance of the church, as the lights dimmed, he took one last look behind him.

Despite being part of this program for a short while, the crystal still took his breath away. It was astonishing at how it still glowed softly, this was the future to mankind and the world as they knew it.

If only that infernal woman would talk already.

Adjusting his tie, Murdock stepped out into the ruined town. Soldiers patrolled with guns in and through the rubble, when the day came they would stick to the inside of the town. They had seen enemy airships (no other term to call them) fly overhead and did not wish to risk anything until they were able to reopen the gateway. In the evenings, the only work lights they possessed where in the specific buildings.

Two soldiers took their place beside him as Murdock made his way to the building at the center of town, perhaps a mayor's office.

All of them assumed the Dark creatures took them, while they had few encounters. They soldiers were appeased when the 5.56 rounds embedded into their skulls.

Approaching the building, the two soldiers departed as Murdock entered. Inside was a massive, sketched map of the surrounding area, stretching fifty miles.


His attention was drawn to the man before him.

"Radio is buzzing for you, sir."

Murdock nodded, "What about?"

"You're old project, sir."

Murdock blinked.

A smile curled across his face.

"Allow me to correspond."

Taking the radio, he began to speak to the associate of his.

It would be wonderful to finish his work.

As he listened to the report, his smile grew.

"Keep close contact. Observe, do nothing yet."

Jerry found himself in a deep, green forest. Flowers of various colors grew in a pasture ahead. As he slowly walked forward, he saw someone laying down, wearing a set of khaki pants and a light shirt, similar to an explorer.


"It's beautiful here."

Jerry frowned, stepping closer.

"I made it from an old home…when I was younger, I would come here all the time to relax. After I finished my work."

"Dust…what happened?"


Dust slowly sat up.

"Jerry? Do you remember when you touched my crystal a second time?"

He nodded.

"When that had occurred, was you taking on more of my essence. My…DNA to put it. Which altered you own, as you are aware. You also…took on more of my consciousness, my soul. While I stay dormant in your mind…I could technically take over your body."

Jerry frowned, "Which you did to me…"


Dust turned to Jerry with gold eyes, "Jerry I am truly sorry for taking over you, however it was the only way to save Conner."

Jerry looked down, "Dust…thank you for saving Conner."

Dust nodded.

"But do not take over my body again…understood?"


"So…you're like my Horcrux now?"

Dust slowly shook his head, "Don't fully understand that term."

"Essentially, you live in my head and give me powers, but you also can take me over."

"Which I promised I won't."

"I know. But does that mean I can do what you do?"

"While your DNA has changed, allowing you to genetically manufacture Dust in your blood, you cannot manipulate it as I can. Creating new strains of Dust is something only my kind can do."


As Jerry sat next to Dust, the latter reached out, placing a hand on the spectacled boy's shoulder.

"Ruby will be alright. I am sure of it."

Jerry smiled faintly.

"I think I should wake up soon…"


The pasture faded.

"-her Tai."

"I know."

"We can't do nothing…right?"

Jerry opened his eyes, everything was blurry for some reason.

"We would have to find her first. Which is practically impossible."

"Why? She hurt-"

Jerry reached out and fumbled around. Feeling a metal bar and blankets.

"Raven is beyond your skill Firecracker. If she wanted to, she'd have tried to kill your friend herself."

"She wouldn't-"

"A lightning bolt? The extent of damage that kid uh- Charles had is a message alone."

Jerry felt something settle in his hand, "Need these?"

He knew that voice, and his glasses.

"Thanks Ruby."

As Jerry settled his glasses on his face, he smiled at the girl.

As Ruby smiled faintly back, a voice gently coughed. Causing Jerry to look around at everyone else.

Yang was standing with her arms crossed by the edge of the bed. Crimson eyes were fading as the blonde grinned at him, "Worried us all there Specs with your lightshow."

Jerry shrugged, "Sorry about that. I helped Conner though."

"There! Conner."

"That you did."

Jerry turned his attention to the other voices.

A man sat opposite Ruby with blonde hair, a shade lighter than Yang's and bluish-purple eyes. He was wearing a tan vest with a red bandanna on his left arm. He sat back and regarded Jerry coolly.

"So, who's he again?"

Jerry turned to the last individual.

Dark slacks went with a grey collared shirt, the sleeves pushed up to his elbows and a small necklace with a cross went past his collarbone. A metal flask was on his hip as deep crimson eyes studied Jerry.

"Oh, I forgot."

Ruby clasped his hands in hers, "Dad, Uncle Qrow, this is Jerry. My boyfriend."

Uncle Qrow?


"That's my Uncle Qrow, he taught me all I know. Now I'm all like yeeeee whatahhhh, whoooooooo."

Qrow stiffened.

Ruby's dad tensed.

"Boyfriend?" They asked.

I could hear the danger in their tones.

I see how Yang was able to do it so easily.

Read, Have a Great Day and God Bless!