The Power of Dust

A/N: I am a huge fan of RWBY, and I came up with this one day after reading RWBY: Reckoning by Trogdor which is a great story. Check it out.


Someone was shaking my shoulder, keeping my face expressionless, I try to keep them thinking I was asleep, while in reality I was awake and trying to listen to 'This Will Be the Day' from RWBY. Once again, I was nudged but more lightly this time, maybe it was Conner this time, I was about to be finally at peace…




Jumping a mile in my seat I glare at the redheaded energy ball known as Will Deregan. Crazy red hair, with matching maniacal blue eyes he set the perfect image of a nut-job; however they say it was just a severe case of ADHD, that or crazy amounts of sugar.

Bouncing on the balls of his feet he kept chanting, "We are here, we are here, we are herererererererere-"

A hand clamped itself over Will's mouth. "We get it, we're here Will. Go outside and enjoy the view," a calm voice said.

Will nodded vigorously before skipping off the bus; I turn to the speaker and said, "Thanks Damian."

"He's just too excited. You know how he gets," Damian replied.

Damian Diviner was always reminded me of a coin, two-faced but not in a bad way. He came from a very wealthy family (which explains his manners, combed black hair and intelligent hazel eyes) who decided to send him to regular school in attempts to improve his social skills.

It did work, just not in the way they were hoping.

We became friends but he was taught to put on a face to make sure people don't know what you're feeling on the inside, because his mom always drilled into his head, 'People will always have an ulterior motive, so make sure not to tell or show them anything' however when he met me, we hit it off and he's been our friend ever since. Only problem is that he is so sheltered that we have to explain things to him, his most recent explanations have been Pokémon, Naruto, and who Robert Downey Jr is.

"Yeah, let's get outside before Will accidently breaks something important…again," I say.

Shrugging his shoulders, Damian began to roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt before untucking said shirt and walking off the bus. I take out my phone and wrap the earbuds around it before looking up to see me, Jerry Cipher, reflected in the tinted bus window. Trying to push down the brown hair that was sticking up in the back, I make sure to adjust my black spectacles so that I could still see. People called me a discount Harry Potter, because I looked kinda like him, same eyes, same messy hair, same spectacles, only differences were that I didn't have a scar, or black hair, or knobbly knees, or-

I groan softly, there I went rambling again; I am such a dork. Turning I make my way to the front of the bus; I see a familiar blond mop of hair.

"You coming Conner or what?" I ask.

"Just waiting for you," he replied softly.

Conner Ward was a curious subject; he was quiet and observing, but when it came to some people he would fire out comments that would make people fetch ice for the burns. He's not your typical blond, however it doesn't stop people from insulting him because of his eyes, which were a deep purple; according to him he wears purple contacts because he just likes purple…apparently.

"Well then, let's go."

Conner slowly got up before walking along behind me as we move off the bus. All around us was a deep forest; in a large clearing was a large set of crumbling ruins; stone pillars and crumbling squares. My class was surrounding a tacky looking archeologist, complete with a pen pocket and a safari hat.

"Hello everyone!" the man greeted, "you are part of a privileged few who will help us excavate these-"

Tuning out the guy I look around the area, an archway led deeper into the ruins, sunlight streamed through the leaves making random shapes along the ground. I can see how Monty Oum came up with the Emerald Forest and the Abandoned Temple; with ruins like this all over the world-

"You! Harry Potter!"

Blinking I return my attention to the tacky archeologist, "Yes?"

He sighed theatrically before saying, "Take this bag of glow sticks and lay them out for the other important digging team."

He pointed at a leather satchel and then said, "Come on Harry, we got to set the place up for your Army!" in a terrible British accent.

I pick up the bag and sighed before hurrying off into the temple.

'You idiotic man, its Dumbledore's Army he sets stuff up for because the Ministry-'


"Just keep digging. Just keep digging. Just keep digging digging digging, what do we do? We-"

I quickly smack the back of Wills head before hurrying onward. Apparently, Will, Damian and Conner were the important 'digging team' Mr. Tacky was talking about. Reaching into the satchel I dug out a glow stick and dropped at a fork before going right, aiming the flashlight (which I got from the bag) down the hall. As I walked down, I traced my fingers over the cracks and crevices of the wall, admiring the texture of it all; looking up I notice a dead end, dropping a glow stick there I walk back the way I came to come across Will, who had glomped onto Damian, while Conner was half-heartedly pulling him off.

"Did you check this way yet?" Damian asked, before prying Wills hands off his neck.

"Not yet," I reply.

"ADVENTURE TIME!" Will shouted, fist pumping in the air.

Conner shifts nervously before standing close to Will, who was bouncing slightly on his feet. Moving forward I lead the group down the hall, which widened up into a large hall; columns held up the ceiling and markings covered the walls.

Damian whistled, the sound echoing through the hall. Will cupped his hands around his mouth but Conner quickly stopped him, "I don't want to get a headache from you Will."

Dropping a glow stick at the entrance I began to walk around the area dropping more glow sticks while Conner, Will, and Damian went to different areas and began to dust off the walls. Looking towards the end of the hall, I see a crumbling throne around where Damian was dusting the walls.

Hurrying over to him, I say, "You think this place was a palace?"

Damian sees the throne and shrugs, "Maybe, or it could be something else."


I walk over to the throne, tracing the symbol on the throne; it resembled a sort of leaf, half was healthy but the other appeared to be burning.

"Hey Jerry, come here!"

I look and see Damian, waving towards me before pointing at the ground, it took a moment before noticed something about the center of the room. Walking over to Damian, I see that there was some strange dip in the ground.

"Do you see this?" he asked.

"Yeah…it's a dip, why?" I ask.

"It's just strange, I mean most stone structures don't normally have this, others are usually above ground," Damian pointed out.

"Yes, but that's only because…" I trail off.

"What?" Damian asked.

I look at him excitedly, "There could be something hidden here."

Damian looked at me with exasperation, "Really? Like what, buried treasure?"

"One way to find out."

Sighing, Damian grabbed his brush before we walked towards the dip, "I'm telling you there's nothing-"

When we both stepped onto the crack, the floor fell from beneath us.



The ground became smooth as we slid down into the earth, Damian and I bumped several times into each other and the rough rocky walls until we went off the edge and were in free-fall.



It was pitch black, I couldn't see a thing, only feel something alive moving underneath me; Yelling out in terror I quickly hit the thing before scrambling off.

"Ow," I heard someone groan.

"Damian? Is that you? Are you ok?" I say softly, in case we weren't alone.


Oh crap, he was hurt, "What happened?!"

"…you landed on my back, only to freak out and whack my head you idiot!" Damian growled.


Damian huffed before saying, "Can you get some light or something?"

"Yeah, one sec."

I thankfully still had on my bag of glow sticks, which also had my flashlight in hand. Taking out a few glow sticks I quickly cracked the sticks before throwing them around the room.

"Turning on the flashlight," I say.

I quickly do before looking around for Damian, when the bright light landed on him; he winced and covered his eyes. A mixture of dirt and mud caked his clothes; I think I saw a cut along his jawline, I bet I didn't look so good myself either.

Where are we exactly?

"This isn't good," Damian exclaimed. Giving me a serious look he continued, "Stuff like this show that the building is unstable due to a natural problem. The floor became a sinkhole, it's a miracle that we survived and even more so on how we'll get out!" he exclaimed.

"You're forgetting, Will and Conner probably saw us fall, they went to go get help and they should be on their way now."

Damian scoffed, "How do you know that?"

Then a ringtone sounded in the emptiness, "That's how," I say smugly.

Pulling out my phone I say, "Hello?"

"ARE YOU ALIVE?!" I hear Will shout.

"Yes, we're fine Will, no need to scream," I monotone.


I quickly hung up before turning to Damian, who was looking at the wall.


Damian doesn't say anything, just reaches out to snatch the flashlight from my hand before shining it on the wall, only it wasn't.

It was a small archway, leading off into the darkness.

"That's…impossible," I state.

Damian doesn't say a word; only say out loud, "In another moment down went Alice after it, never once considering how in the world she was to get out again."

He then tosses me back the flashlight, "How long until they come get us?"


"How long!" he demanded.

"I-I don't know," I stammer.

He lets out a frustrated sigh before sitting down, "This sucks."

I blink, looking between him and the doorway, after a few moments I pick up the flashlight before heading towards the door.

"Where do you think you're going?" I hear Damian ask

"Through there," I say, gesturing with the flashlight.

I heard Damian open his mouth so I quickly said, "Look, can you tell me that you're not the least bit curious on where this leads? At all? You can stay here if you want but me; I'm seeing where it leads."

"…it's probably just a dead end," he protests.

I smile, "Couple years from now when you're looking back on this, are you going to say you chickened out or got the guts to actually check it out."

Then I walk past the archway and down the dark earthy tunnel; though it was quite cool, sweat still slid down my back, I made sure to crack some glow sticks as I went, leaving a trail in case I need to follow it back. I heard footsteps behind me as Damian walked close behind me, "What are we looking for exactly?" he asked.

"Where ever this route ends," I say.

I drop another glow stick as we turn a corner, I hold up the flashlight and the sight I see makes me jump.

"What the hell is that?" Damian shouted, he too must have been startled.

It appeared to be a large black bear, covered in a pale white armor, sharp white claws and blood red eyes finished up the image.

It looked…familiar.

Shaking my head, I look down and see a small hole, leading into a larger area right between its legs.

"Come on, something's ahead," I explain.

Quickly crawling between the bears legs, I look around to see a large cavern, Damian crawled in right behind me, "Wha… oh…my…God."

It was a round roofed and circular cavern; drawings were set along the walls while animal faces were carved at six separate points and suits of dusty old armor were nestled into niches along the walls. Taking out a handful of glow sticks, I hand my bag to Damian, who also promptly began to spread out glow sticks around the cavern.

"Wish we hand more light," Damian said.

I shrug before placing the glow sticks around the walls until something caught my eye, it showed an image four girls side by side; one with a fiery halo around her head a smirk on her face, one that had an aura of shadows draped around body and a face of soothing serenity. Then it went over to a girl with snow falling around her, her face the perfect image on an angel, and then it went to a red cloaked girl, with a certain purity around her, as if they were…

I take a step back to get a better look at the images, they were shifting.

It wasn't large, just faint wisps, like the cloaks were moving along with their hair. I traced all the images until I recognized them.

"RWBY," I mutter.

"Jerry, you might want to look at this."

Turning, I see where Damian was pointing and my jaw dropped. A massive crystal was placed in a large niche at the end of the room; it looked like a giant, dusty diamond.

"A Dust crystal," I mutter.

Damian looked as if Christmas came early, "This is incredible! Gem stones these big are practically non-existent it's-"

"Not from this world," I interrupt.

Damian looks at me confused, "This is from RWBY," I continue.

Damian blinks before snorting, "Yeah, I think you hit your head too hard."

"No I'm serious! Look, over there is an image of the team. Plus,"

I look at the six heads, which I now see that they resemble the Grimm seen so far in the show.

"The heads are the Grimm, look, there's a Beowolf, an Ursa, King Taijutsu-"

"OK, stop Jerry."

Damian looks at the heads before biting his lip, "I'm not saying I believe you, but…why are there small banks below the heads?" he asked.

I noticed he was right, going to the nearest head, the King Taijutsu, I looked at it before noticing that the head seemed…unstable. Gesturing for Damian to come over, I grab the stone head before beginning to pull; Damian aids me and soon, the head slowly shifts until we manage to get it out of the way.

The moment we do, bright green dust flows out of the hole and makes its way towards the crystal. It wasn't long before we got the idea and began to pull off the other Grimm heads; red dust poured out of the Ursa's head, violet from the Beowolf, blue from the Boarbatusk, light blue from the Death Stalker, and yellow from the Nevermore.

All the dust slowly made their way to the crystal, which began to slowly glow brighter until it was like a bright light bulb.

"Cool," Damian said.

There was something about the crystal that seemed to beckon me. I started to walk towards the crystal, with each step the crystal seems to glow brighter.

"Jerry?" I hear Damian say.

"I think…we might be diving headfirst into an adventure," I say.

With that I then manage to place both hands on the crystal.

Damian POV…

The idiot!

The moment he touched the crystal it glowed brightly before pure energy seem to rocket into Jerry's body, causing to start screaming in pain.

I rush forward to try and pull Jerry's hands of the crystal when I crashed headfirst into a bright green shield. The force knocked me back, skidding across the floor I see that the green shield was coming from Jerry, as it was growing; the green color reminded me of a vast and healthy forest.

Then the power surged outward, blinding me before being sucked into Jerry, and he then collapsed.

"Jerry?" I say.

He doesn't move, rushing forward I quickly place two fingers on his neck, feeling a faint pulse.

Thank Go-

Then a rumble snapped me out of it, dust was shaken from the ceiling and beginning to fall. Not wasting anytime, I quickly throw Jerry over my shoulder and sprint towards the exit; only two things went through my mind.

One, if I survived this, I was going to kill Jerry.

Two, my parents were going to kill me, the clothes were imported from London and cost quite a lot.

Somewhere in Vale…

Cinder blinked, she could feel the energy surge from where she was sitting. A smile broke upon her face.

This could change everything.

Beacon Academy…

Professor Ozpin was sipping his coffee and looking over paperwork when he felt a surge of power.

He blinked as he remembered what had been previously told, and this was not planned for him.

Quickly activating his Scroll, he called his assistant.

"Glynda?" he asked.

"Yes sir," an image of a stern, blonde woman was looking back at him.

"Please retrieve team RWBY for me as soon as possible, make sure that they bring their weapons as well."

Glynda blinks before nodding her head, "Of course sir."

With that she was gone.

Ozpin sighed before taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

Only time would tell, whether this incident would be a miracle, or a catastrophe.