Disclaimer: I don't own Wayside.


Near the unique, peculiar and sometimes totally weird school of Wayside a group of young teens were waiting for their teacher Mrs. Jewels to arrive - for their fantastic and exciting camping trip.

"Alright then. Everybody here?" asked their pink-haired teacher, arriving outside.

"Yeah!" replied the teens in approval.

"Ohh...this is so exciting!" giggled Maurecia, the periwinkle haired roller-skater. "A two-day field trip!"

"I can't wait to start roasting marshmallows!" added Myron, pulling a bag from his backpack.

"Uh Myron, those aren't marshmallows. Those are corn-cubs," replied Dana, realizing Myron' blunder.

"Oh. Well, guess it pop-corn then," shrugged Myron.

"Isn't it great Todd?" asked Maurecia from her orange-head schoolmate, who was sitting on his own larger backpack and playing on his hand-held portable game. "Two days of sharing a tent? Mhm?"

"Atleast it's a break from here," replied Todd, giving Maurecia a peek. Seven years of being here and he still was the same...almost. "Still it's curious of Mr. K to organize this?"

"Why?" asked Maurecia, leaning on his shoulder and watching his game.

"Well...usually our field trips have happened 'inside' the school, not outside," said Todd. "This is the first we're leaving school-grounds in...seven years I've been here."

"Oh its nothing," replied Maurecia, hugging him from behind.

'Atleast she punches less,' thought Todd, not minding Maurecia' hugging.

"Okay then! Everybody onto the bus!" ordered Mrs. Jewels, having checked everybody on her clipboard.

Todd was the first to try and enter the bus, only for Mrs. Jewels to stop him, as usual.

"Nono Todd! This is an out-door field trip. So no going inside through any doors," said Mrs. Jewels.

"But how will we get onto the bus?" asked Maurecia, causing their pink-haired teacher to think for awhile along with the other students.

"Mrs. J? Is it against the rules to go through the windows? They aren't technically doors," proposed Todd.

"Dana?" asked Mrs. Jewels from Dana.

"Mhmm, nope!" exclaimed Dana, after checking the Wayside Rule Book. "Perfectly allowed!"


"Great! All right everyone, onto the bus!" exclaimed Mrs. Jewels.

"Here! Let me give you a boost!" added Todd, helping his classmates inside.

"Wha? Since when have you been strong?" asked Myron, seeing Todd easily help his schoolmates inside.

"Um...since five years ago..." replied Todd, helping Maurecia inside. "I had started doing karate with Shari since then..."

"That's impossible. Shari' is such a snoozer."

"Actually, she isn't," replied Todd, helping Eric, Eric and Eric inside. "You should see her after schools."

"I'll say - she's so extreme and active, that even I can barely keep up!" added Maurecia. "Right Shar?"

Shari merely nodded in her asleep state, using her backpack as a pillow.

"Okay my turn!" said Todd, climbing inside with some extra help from Maurecia. "Thanks!"

"No problem!" replied Maurecia, as they both started to pull Myron inside. "Jeez Myron! You need to workout a bit!"

"Are you saying I'm not strong?" asked Myron, getting wedged inside by Todd and Maurecia with some difficult.

"Yes!" replied both of them, to both their suprise and akwardness.

"Does everybody have their camping-buddy?" asked Mrs. Jewels, doing a last check up.




"Oh yeah!" giggled Maurecia, having the luck of being Todd' camping-buddy.

"Then lets ride!" cheered Mrs. Jewels, starting the bus and hitting the speed-limit in three seconds.

"Perfect. Very perfect," muttered Kidswatter, eyeing the students leave from his office. "Kindergarten away, Watchamacallits hiking and the Whoseanamesits going camping. Leaving the entire school empty."

"What're you planning this time Mr. K?" asked Louis, mopping up some trash.

"My dream - of making a 30th story pool-jump record," replied Kidswatter. "Yet I can't use this since its a school, but if its empty then it's classified as an empty building. Perfectly allowed for my jump."

"But we don't have an out-door swimming pool," replied Louis, thinking out in his head.

"We will have soon. Now where is my swim-suit?" said Kidswatter, starting to look through his office. Louis merely shrugging as this undertaking would likely end as the last fifty-seven Kidswatter misshaps.


On the way into the woods, Maurecia was resting her head on Todd' lap, while listening and humming to some music with her earplugs on. Todd merely watching the trees pass by and not minding much of a certain girl on her lap.

As they say, you get used to it - years gone by and you learn to deal with it, accept it and maybe...enjoy it. Growing older and a girl being affectionate to you wouldn't seem the horrific experience as it was seven years ago, when you're still a kid.

"Maurecia. Were here," spoke Todd, tapping Maurecia on her shoulder as they arrived at their destination. Maurecia immediately out the doors.

"Oh! Its so wonderful!" cheered Maurecia, being the first outside on her skates, zipping through and around the trees.

"All the birds, trees, grass an-UH!" spoke Maurecia, before her skate got caught under a log, sending her nastily falling onto the ground and clutching her ankle. "Owowowow! Dang!"

"Maurecia? You okay?" asked Dana, coming to check on her.

"Nope. Ow! Tree. My ankle hurts, I think I sprained it!" she said, hooking-off one of her skates and saw a red patch on her injured foot.

"You gotta be careful here, sister. Nature' roads are twice as hard as the concrete ones," replied Jenny, on her bike.

"Great! I can't walk or skate! How am I going to move around?" asked Maurecia, pissed at her self-injury misshap.

"I got some first-aid," spoke up Todd.

"You do?" asked Myron.

"D'uh. It's camping 101 - always have a first-aid with you," said Todd, as he started to patch-up Maurecia' ankle. "You don't know, what might happen."

"Careful...ow...ow...ahh..." spoke Maurecia, until some cooling-gel was added on her painful spot, that instantly eased the hurting. "...much better..."

"The camping site is only a few miles ahead. Want me to carry you?" asked Todd, which sparked up Maurecia' mood from sad to cheery.

"Seriously?!" asked Maurecia, cheering mentally at her luck.

"Well it's a lot easier and less painful on your leg obviously," replied Todd. "So, yes or no?"

"Yes!" exclaimed Maurecia, chucking her skates and her helmet inside her backpack as she jumped onto Todd' back. Hugging him like crazy and nearly causing them to lose balance. "My hero..."

"Easy on the chocking," replied Todd, easing Maurecia' death-grip on his neck, as they walked forward after Mrs. Jewels to their camp-site.


A/N: Short Wayside story - set seven after the original, :-P.