Okay, as you may have noticed if you read the story before, some stuff got rearranged, especially with the first few chapters gone. That is because I'm planning on having the chapters that detail Michael's first week in the world of Young Justice to serve as a flashback chapter, in which Michael relates the tale of his first week to his team. And honestly, looking back, I think that is a much better way for my story to go.
Anyway, this chapter takes place on July 4, 2010, the day Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash infiltrate Cadmus and rescue Superboy, thus becoming "The Team." Things will be going the same, except for some differences. First off, Michael Verser- obviously- will be joining as well. Secondly, there will be some others in Cadmus who will join as well. Inspiration for that comes from BioshockerN7 (with his permission, I would like to add). He'll be making a cameo appearance somewhere in the second chapter, as well.
Now, with that out of the way, here's the disclaimer: I do not own Young Justice, or any characters from DC Comics, in any way, shape, or form. If I did own it, however, there would have been a third season and a proper ending by this point!
Now then, let us begin.
Voice Cast (including how I envision certain characters being voiced):
Michael Verser = Yuri Lowenthal (A/N: Think the voice of Peter Parker/Spider-Man from the 2018 "Spider-Man" video game.)
Kaldur'ahm/Aqualad = Khary Payton
Richard "Dick" Grayson/Robin = Jesse McCartney
Wally West/Kid Flash = Jason Spisaks
Akima/Lambda = Lindsay Jones (A/N: Think her actual voice)
Tula/Aquagirl = Cree Summers
Duncan Verser = Josh Keaton (A/N: Think the voice of Peter Parker/Spider-Man from "The Spectacular Spider-Man")
Roy Harper/Speedy, Jim Harper/Guardian = Crispin Freeman
In Too Deep - Sum 41
My Hero Academia - The Day [English Dub Cover] - Nathan Sharp
Mission Impossible Theme
YES - ROUNDABOUT (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ED1) || RichaadEB & Caleb Hyles
Unknown Location, Unknown Time
I woke up as sunlight filtered through my window. I found myself in a beautifully designed room, resting in a large, comfortable bed. Turning around, I smiled as I nuzzled into the neck of the woman sleeping next to me. The scent of warm ginger with a tinge of peppermint filled my nostrils as I inhale, giving me a warm, tingling sensation.
A soft moan was elicited from my sleeping companion. Turning to face me, she smiled softly. "Morning, Michael," she said quietly.
I kissed her softly on the lips. "Morning, Tula," I replied.
Tula giggled a bit, before sitting up to stretch her arms. The sheets covering her fell to her lap as she stuck out her chest, giving me a perfect view of her perfect, sun kissed C-cup breasts. Noticing my staring (as well as my...other reaction), she gave me that knowing look again. "Like what you see?" she asked in a sultry tone.
I snaked my arm around her waist, bringing her in for a deep kiss. "Every time," I replied, gliding my hands over her perfectly toned body.
Giggling, she looked me over and replied "Same said on my end." Couldn't blame her. I was a rather attractive person, I will admit. My skin complexion could be described as 'sun-kissed' in tone, suggesting I spent a healthy amount of time in the sun. Adding onto that was a body with defined, but lean muscles, the kind you would see on a superhero like Spider-Man. Up further was an appealing-looking young adult face. Not godlike handsome, so I wouldn't be gaining the attention of everyone around me (a nightmare in and of itself); nevertheless, I'd still say I was rather handsome to look at. Topping it all off was a pair of bright, golden eyes, framed in perfectly red Auburn hair. Said hair was what others would call 'anime hair.' It consisted of a naturally shaggy mullet, with bangs (with the left side having a lock of silver hair) and a pair of sideburns; if I had to give an apt description, I'd say my hairdo was the same as Keith's from Voltron: Legendary Defender.
I was proud of my hair, and I would fight anyone who dared to call it stupid.
Moaning into the kiss, she asked "Do you have to go out today?"
I turned my attention to my digital clock, which displayed today's date next to the time:
I sighed, knowing my answer before I gave it. "Afraid so," I answered, reluctantly getting out of bed.
"Crap," she groaned. Sighing, Tula got up with me and started looking for her clothing. "...Well, at least the wait's finally over," she offered with a smile.
(Play "In Too Deep - Sum 41")
"Yeah, that's true." Using my powers, I was fitted into my Multiverser attire. On top was a red T-shirt beneath a zipped-up N7 hoodie, with my symbol (a red Western dragon circling a golden eight-point star) placed on the back. In addition to my attire was a pair of blue combat pants with protective padding on the knees. Wrapped around my waist was a utility belt with red pouches. Directly below it was a vibrant red sash, with a golden icon of a Western dragon's head in front of three golden triangles embroidered onto the fabric.
Mounted on my wrists was a weapon that I called Brave Equinox; on the surface, it resembled a pair of bracelets modeled after Ember Celica, although it was primarily red with white as a secondary color. Beneath them was a pair of combat gloves, black in color with red padding. On my feet was a pair of red boots. Each boot was matched with black padding that went up to the tops of my knees, braced for further protection. The main foot area of the boots were protected with sectioned iron soles, for providing an extra oomph to a kick.
I went over to a table and picked up two weapons, which I strapped to my back and my left side. On the left side was Masamune; a metallic, dull-in-color ivory katana with a 5-foot blade and no guard (instead having a light blue sapphire in the guard area), the handle wrapped in blue and silver cloth, and sheathed in an off-white wooden sheath with a silver sheen. If one were to see the blade itself, they'd notice some chipped bits along the cutting edge, and a number of scratches along the sides.
Last but not least, strapped to my back was Liberation, an M1 Garand semi-automatic rifle. Made with red-colored Sandalwood and gunmetal blue metal, this was a very reliable firearm, never jamming due to proper maintenance and accurate as hell, never needing a scope or adjusted sights.
Fashioning a metal, diamond-shaped mask that covered the lower half of my face (with two holes on each of the four facets) and a pair of red goggles with light green lens, I placed them onto my being with a knowing grin. "After all," I said, "today's the day."
Gotham City, 12:00 EDT
It was a peaceful day in Gotham City Park, with families celebrating Independence Day all around. It would've been a good day. Except for the fact that Mister Freeze decided to make this day the day he would freeze everyone there.
"Enjoying family time?" Freeze asked one family as he was about to freeze them solid.
Just as he was about to, however, I fired a shot from a distance, making him miss completely. Turning around, he found me suited up, Liberation's barrel smoking from the shot. "I know summer can get hot at times, Freeze," I began, "but you really don't have to go this far to help people cool down."
The cold-blooded villain (yeah, I know, bad joke) narrowed his eyes. "Atlas. Here without Oberon to help you?"
"He's busy. Doesn't mean I'm alone, though."
Before he could pull the trigger on me, a batarang hit him from behind and made him stumble. "Batman. I was wondering when-" However, there was no one there. There was, however, a laughter that seemed to come from everywhere around us.
Suddenly, a small frame came down from the sky and landed on Freeze's domed helmet. The person responsible- a young, black haired teenager wearing black leggings, boots and gloves, accompanied by a red vest with a yellow "R" in a black circle. A domino mask protected his identity, while a short cape and a utility belt completed his attire- then flipped forward and threw two batarangs at the helmet, which caused it to crack a bit. "Oh. The Boy Wonder," Freeze said as he got up. "The heroes sent you and Atlas to drag me off to prison? Frankly, I'm underwhelmed."
Dick Grayson, a.k.a. Robin, then quickly said "That's great, but I'm kind of in a hurry here."
Freeze huffed. "Kids. Always in such a rush."
"Yeah, he wasn't talking to you," I replied.
This caused Freeze to look up, just in time to see Bruce Wayne, a.k.a. Batman, descend upon him. The resulting punch shattered his helmet completely.
As they cuffed Freeze, I sent out some fire balls to quickly thaw out those who were frozen. "Nice working with you guys," I called out. "We'll catch up with you later!" I then opened a portal leading back to my apartment, remembering I needed to take care of something. Looking back at Batman and Robin, I was left wondering what Duncan was doing right now. Knowing him, he was dealing with one of the ice themed villains that decided to come out to play today.
Star City, 09:01 PDT
Speaking of those idiots, Icicle Jr. was bust turning the Star City suspension bridge into an icy wasteland. Shooting up ice ramps, cars were sent flying through the air, crashing left and right all around.
As the young villain laughed at the chaos he was causing, an arrow lodged itself into his left shoulder before exploding. A few nearby arrows then followed suit, causing him to stumble in confusion before a concussive round knocked him flat on his ice cold ass. Turning his attention upwards, he glared at the ones responsible.
One was an older man, wearing a green and emerald outfit with a domino mask, which did nothing to hide his blonde moustache and beard. A quiver slung over his shoulder, he also had his bow drawn with a trick arrow at the ready.
Next to him was a younger man with red hair, dressed in a red version of his partner's outfit, complete with domino mask and a pair of yellow gloves and yellow Robin Hood hat. He possessed the exact same arsenal as the older man, even having his bow drawn.
Beside the younger man was an individual wearing a black and red hoodie, with ninja leggings and black pants. In his hands was an anti-materiel rifle, which appeared to be a sheath with a sword in it.
The archery duo Oliver Queen- a.k.a. Green Arrow- and his protégé Roy Harper- a.k.a. Speedy- who were joined by Duncan himself, with the barrel of Samantha smoking from the shot.
"I was wondering what a guy had to do to get a little attention around here," Icicle Jr. said as he got up. "But to get the attention of Oberon himself? Today's my lucky day!" With that said, he started shooting icicles at the three. Duncan was shooting them out of the sky with Machina, while the archers fired off explosive arrows.
"Junior's doing this for attention?" Speedy exclaimed in disbelief, just as the arrows went KABOOM.
"Someone didn't get enough attention as a child," Duncan quipped. "Nice explosion, by the way."
"I figured I could try the chemical compound you suggested," Green Arrow said.
Making their way down the bridge, Speedy said "I'm telling you now, this little distraction better not interfere." Duncan couldn't help but grind his teeth as he said that. Even though we knew that this was a clone, his obsession with joining the League filled him with the urge to kick him in the face.
As Speedy performed an epic flip over a few icicles, he drew an arrow from his quiver and hit Jr. right in the face. The impact knocked him out cold, causing his jaw to slide right off. Chuckling, Arrow commented "Kid had a glass jaw."
"Hilarious," Speedy said with slight urgency. "Can we go? Today's the day."
Duncan sighed, fighting down a headache as he did. "I bet Michael doesn't have to put up with this." With that, he disappeared, on his way to check in on how I was doing. But not before he made a detour to see how our old friends were doing.
Pearl Harbor, 06:02 HST
A battleship lay frozen in the water- even though it was the middle of summer- as the sounds of energy blasts filled the frozen air. The source of the blasts came from none other than the super villainess Killer Frost, who was firing cryobeam after cryobeam at two heroes, also an older and younger man.
The first was a man wearing orange chain mail armor and black pants, which possessed green fin attachments at the heels. He also had blonde hair and a full beard, which gave him a regal appearance. Fitting, since he was King Orin- a.k.a. Aquaman- of Atlantis.
The other individual was a young, dark skinned man, wearing a red and navy blue suit with a design similar to Aquaman's. Said individual had shortly cut blonde hair, and prominent gills on his neck. Kaldur'ahm, also known as Aqualad, the protégé of Aquaman.
The two Atlantean heroes kept on dodging each shot, until Oric was frozen up to his neck. Kaldur leaped over his king, making his way to Killer Frost. Orin soon joined him, breaking out of his prison as he said "Don't tell me you're not excited?"
"Right now, my king, I am more focused on the matter at hand," Kaldur replied as they got closer and closer to their target. Killer frost fired a beam at Kaldur's hands, which were holding his Water-Bearers as they became encased in a large ball of ice.
This became her undoing, however, as Kaldur swung the ice up. It impacted with her jaw, knocking her out cold as the ice shattered. Coming up to the defeated villainess, Orin asked "Well?"
Kaldur relaxed a bit, saying "Yes, I am excited. Today's the day."
"Well then," Duncan said as he appeared behind them, Killer Frost in cuffs at his feet. "Either of you two want a ride?"
Central City, 11:03 CDT
Outside of a jewelry store whose front was frozen over, two blurs- a scarlet one and a yellow one- were running clockwise and counter-clockwise around Captain Cold, who was firing blast after blast at them.
"Stealing ice?" The Flash- a.k.a. Barry Allen, dressed in his signature red uniform- asked, referring to the suitcase of diamonds Cold stole. "Seriously? Isn't that a bit cliché, even for Captain Cold?" The Captain didn't seem to appreciate the joke, as he fired another shot at the older speedster.
"Come oooonnn!" the younger man- a teenager wearing a yellow and red costume, with fiery red hair and a pair of goggles- whined out. Fastening his goggles, the individual known as Wally West- a.k.a. Kid Flash- said "We don't have time for this!" He rushed forward, only getting a slight frost on his shoulder as he snatched the freeze ray from Cold's grasp. Before he could react, Flash punched him in the face, knocking him out cold.
"Calm down, kid," Flash said as he admired the handiwork.
"Oh, please!" Wally exclaimed. "You'll chat it up with the cops, with bystanders, with Cold even! No, no way! Today's the day!"
Washington D.C., 14:00 EDT
The Hall of Justice. The first headquarters of the Justice League. A symbol of heroes. Also a popular tourist attraction and front for the real headquarters, the Watchtower.
In front of it, from across the pond, stood Batman, Robin, Green Arrow, Speedy, Orin, Kaldur, Duncan and I. "Today's the day," Batman said with a 'smile'.
"Welcome to the Hall of Justice," Green Arrow said to everyone.
"Headquarters of the Justice League," continued Orin.
As soon as he said that, the two speedsters came up from behind us. "Oh man!" Wally exclaimed. "I knew we'd be the last ones here!"
"Hey, KF!" I called out. "You owe me $20!"
Remembering the bet between us as to which of us would arrive first, Wally cried out in frustration "Son of a bi-!"
(End "In Too Deep - Sum 41")
(Play "My Hero Academia - The Day [English Dub Cover] - Nathan Sharp")
(Flashes of light illuminate the darkness, before a large one shines brightly.)
You see the sun rise, a new day's upon you
You bit your nails as your knees start to tremble
(The camera pans back to reveal Michael Verser, kneeling before the great source of light, rises to his feet with an awed expression on his face.)
The time is upon you to show them what you can do
And soon they will know that
(In the light, a group of hazy figures appears, with Duncan Verser's hand outstretched with a welcoming grin on his face. At that point, Michael's fist clenches in determination.)
(Michael dashes forward, others appearing right behind him. As the instrumental plays, images of Multiversers w/ allies [Adam Verser, Kay Verser, Architect, Masamune] and the Team [Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, Wonder Girl, Artemis, Aquagirl, Green Lantern IV, Zatanna, Terra, Supergirl, Firestorm, Atom II] flash by, with each hero striking a pose in front of their names/codenames. Once the final image fades away, the title appears in text not unlike what one would find on the cover of a comic book.)
Late into the night I hear it storming
An end to the rain is what I pray and I'm hoping
(Michael is shown standing alone in the streets of a large city, looking up at the dark and cloudy skies as people casually pass him by on the sidewalk.)
Now I feel the pressure of the city
Oh, how it eats me whole
(Closing up on Michael, it shows him sighing plainly as he walks forward gloomily.)
So many names and faces
Sleepless nights, spent in unknown places
(As Michael walks along the path, the figures of the primary Team members fade into being one by one, brightening the background and Michael's spirits noticeably.)
And every day I walk into the great unknown
(Closing up to Michael, he is handed Masamune, her spirit and all of his mental roommates smiling at him as he nods to the others.)
I'm not to blame, I'm gonna take a stand
(The camera zooms away to show morose images of Miss Martian, Artemis, Raven, Cyborg, a fractured Terra, and Starfire, with larger silhouettes of a White Martian, Sportsmaster & Cheshire, Trigon, Dr. Silas Stone, Deathstroke, and Blackfire standing behind them with their backs to each of them.)
You say my name, I'm telling you to reach out and
(The scene switches to Michael, Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy and Wonder Girl, looking down at the ground while in the towering shadows of their respective mentors, before focusing on Michael.)
Finally take my hand!
(Michael, joined by the Team, boldly leap forward out of the figures' shadows. The screen is then consumed in flames, burning away into a split screen as The Author and Satan Verser, briefly cutting to The Antiverser & Lucifer Verser, Vandal Savage & The Light, and a cavalry of enemies standing in a cloudy wasteland.)
Colliding fists, they're what's gonna make you
You grit your teeth or they're gonna break you
(The camera changes darkens a bit as The Antiverser- alongside villains such as The Joker, Reverse-Flash, Deathstroke, Cheetah, and Black Adam- charge forward as one, with the intent to attack the Team. Leaping against them in defense is Duncan Verser, joined by Adam, Kay, Zack, Alexis, Dexter and LaTrell Verser.)
The time is upon you to show them what you can do
You're breaking the mold, you're gonna show them
(Facing them head on, the other Multiversers and the Justice League charge forward, each of them trouncing or holding back the villains, before taking on the next ones to clear the path, allowing the Team to power up and charge forth.)
Will we break through? I don't know, don't know
The bells are ringing, come out and play now
(Moving as one, Michael, Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Superboy, Miss Martian, Starfire, Raven, Cyborg, Wonder Girl, Artemis and Terra charges forward, each of them attacking villains with their unique abilities.)
The time is upon you to show them what you can do
And soon they will know that
(The Author, Satan Verser, Lucifer Verser, Vandal Savage and the members of The Light make their move, charging with their own allies behind them. Wielding Masamune, Michael leads the charge with his sword brandished high.)
(The camera closes up on Michael, showing a face of determination as he swings the blade down. Flashing with images of the rest of the Team, the final shot shows the heroes gathered together in front of Mount Justice, grinning and posed in various ways as they stand ready to protect the world.)
(End "My Hero Academia - The Day [English Dub Cover] - Nathan Sharp")
Chapter 1: Today's the Day (Part 1)
After I received the $20, we were given a tour of the Hall of Justice. The five of us were pretty excited, though I was for a different reason. After today, I'd be a part of a team. Duncan said he wouldn't be joining the Team, though he'd be one of our supervisors. Still, the thought of not working with Duncan in the field anymore made me a bit nervous (though mostly glad, as it was a sign that I'd grown as a Multiverser).
Oh, you're probably confused at this point, right? Well, allow me to rectify that. My name is Michael Verser, and I'm what's known as a Multiverser. What is a Multiverser, you ask? In the simplest of terms, individuals taken from non-scripted realities by the Multiverse (usually as they're about to die), who are able to travel to scripted realities, the worlds we thought only existed in fiction. Multiversers also possess the innate powers of Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience.
Translation: reality is our little bitch to do with as we please.
Now, let me continue by bringing your attention to the individual known as 'Oberon' over there. His real name is Duncan Verser, my adoptive older brother and the man who turned me into a Multiverser in the first place. The oldest and most powerful of us, he is also known as the 'King of the Multiverse', and for good reason. The man trained me himself, after the events that led to my ascendancy to demigod-hood.
I wanted to learn how to control my powers once I acquired them, and he wanted to stick around with me. So, one of the first worlds I decided to go to was the world of Young Justice, perhaps one of my most adored superhero series. We arrived a few years early by accident, but made the most of it by making names for ourselves.
Duncan became the superhero known as Oberon, taking his alias after the King of the Faeries (do not let the name fool you, his is not to be taken lightly). I became Atlas, his protégé/partner in crime-fighting. And man, did we have a hell of a time as we awaited today to happen.
"Don't call us sidekicks," Speedy growled out, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Not after today."
"Sorry," Wally apologized. "First time at the Hall. I'm a little overwhelmed."
"You're overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed," Robin complained. "Why isn't anyone just whelmed?"
"I don't think whelmed is a word, Robin," I pointed out. "I could get it put into the dictionary if you want, though."
Chuckling, Robin replied "Knowing you and Oberon, I believe it. Seriously, though, why isn't-" He trailed off as we entered the Hall, coming face to face with larger than life statues of the founding members of the Justice League. "Oh. Maybe that's why."
Two large metal doors slid open, revealing Martian Manhunter and Red Tornado. The former stepped forward, saying "Speedy, Aqualad, Robin, Kid Flash, Atlas. Welcome." Walking forward, he continued "You now have unlimited access to the gym, our fully stocked galley, and of course, our library," he finished as we entered said library.
"Make yourselves at home," Flash said.
Everyone took their seats except for me and Speedy. I shared a look with him, letting him know that I knew what he knew, but silently warning him not to act on it. That only seemed to make him angrier. "Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking on the same day," Batman said. "We shouldn't be long."
Finally, Speedy couldn't take it anymore. "That's it?!" he cried out. "You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass!"
"It's a first step," Orin replied. "You've been given access few others get."
That only set him off even more, as he went into a rant about how they were being treated like kids, and how today was meant to be the first step to become full-fledged members of the Justice League. In his rant, he revealed to the others the existence of the Watchtower. That caused Batman and Flash to glare at Green Arrow. "I know, I know," he relented, "but I thought maybe we could make an exception?" Batman's glare intensified. "Or not."
"You did the right thing, Arrow," Duncan said. "Telling Speedy showed the amount of trust you placed in him. It's why I told Atlas about it upon joining the League." Glares went his way now. "Yeah, you have no effect on me, Bats. Keep trying, though."
Made sense it didn't. After all the shit he's seen, there was barely anything that really affected him. Plus, I think he said he was Batman in one of the worlds he went to.
"Is this true?" Kaldur asked. I nodded, earning shocked expressions mixed with slight hurt and betrayal.
"You are not helping your cause here, son," Orin said. "Stand down, or-"
"Or what?" Speedy challenged. "You'll send me to my room? And I'm not your son. I'm not even his!" he exclaimed, looking at Green Arrow. "I thought I was his partner. But not anymore." He threw his hat to the ground, shocking my friends and hurting Arrow. I simply glared at Speedy, angry at him acting like a child throwing a tantrum.
After the League left to stop Wotan from blotting out the sun, the four of us were left behind in the Hall library. Speedy may have been a bit of a dick during his rant, but he was right about one thing: the League was treating us like children. Kaldur was depressed that Orin didn't trust him enough to tell him the truth, Wally was venting his anger through words, and Robin looked slightly downcast. Even I was silently fuming, angry at how their own mentors didn't even trust them with, as Wally said, the basics.
Then a light bulb went off in my head, remembering what to do next. "I think I might have a way to start getting the League's trust," I said, gaining everyone's attention. "Robin, can you hack the computer?"
"Uh, I can try. Why?"
"Find out what you can about Project Cadmus." Seeing as the League elected to ignore that for stopping Wotan, this would be a good start for us.
With a sinister grin, Robin got to work. Soon, he was hacking into the system like a pro. "Whoa. How're you doing that?" Wally asked in awe.
"Same system as the Batcave," replied the Boy Wonder with a smug tone. "Alright, Project Cadmus, a genetics lab here in D.C. That's all there is. But if Batman's suspicious..."
"Then maybe we should investigate for ourselves," I finished, sharing Robin's smile.
"Solve the case before they do," Kaldur said. "It would be poetic justice."
"And these guys are all about justice," I quipped.
Sighing, Kaldur said "But they said to stay put-"
"For the blotting out the sun mission, Kal," I interrupted. "This, however, is something else entirely."
"Are you two going to Cadmus?" Wally asked excitedly. "Because, because if you two are going, then I'm going."
The two of us bumped fists. "That's three. Kal?"
"Just like that?" he asked. "We're a team on a mission?"
"We didn't come for a play date," Robin pointed out.
Determination in his eyes, Kaldur smiled and nodded. "Alright!" I cried out. "This, my friends, is the beginning of a beautiful, wonderful team!"
We arrived at Cadmus soon afterwards, a fire consuming the second floor. Wally managed to rescue a couple of scientists from hitting the pavement, while the rest of us quickly put out the fire and entered the building. "Seriously, why is my name so hard to remember?!" Wally exclaimed. "It's not Speedy, it's not Flash Boy, it is Kid! Flash!"
"Let it go, KF," I said patting him on the back. "People might think you're- oh, wait, you already are a spaz."
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," he waved off. Noticing Kaldur staring at the elevator, I rushed ahead and saw it closing. As well as a horned figure standing inside.
"...Oh, I did not just see a demonic Fu Manchu," I muttered.
"Elevators ought to be locked down right now," Kaldur said suspiciously.
Drawing Masamune, I plunged it into the doors and pried them open. On the other side was a shaft heading way, way down. "Okay, I think I just found something suspicious," I dryly remarked.
(Play "Mission Impossible Theme")
"And that's why they need an express elevator," Robin said as he looked down the shaft. Attaching his grappling hook to the ceiling, he made his way down while the rest of us followed after.
Eventually, Robin ran out of cable at Sub-Level 26. "End of the line," I said. Robin hacked into the security lock, allowing us to open the doors and enter a room that looked like it didn't belong here. Before I could stop him, Wally ran ahead to scout, just barely stopping before he got stomped into paste by gigantic G-Trolls. Catching up to him, I couldn't help but stare at the gargantuan creatures.
"Nooooo," Kaldur sarcastically said with surprise, "nothing odd going on around here."
"Whoa," I breathed out. "Anyone whelmed yet?"
I received my answer when we found our way into the room housing Genomorphs to power the entire place. "Yeah," Robin said, "I think I'm pretty whelmed right about now, thanks for asking."
Observing the odd creatures, I commented "These little guys are powering Project Cadmus. Helps keep them off the grid."
"Whoa," Wally breathed out. "Must be what they're bred for."
"Even the name is a clue," Kaldur added. "The Cadmus of myth created new life by sowing dragon's teeth into the Earth."
"And this Cadmus creates new life too," Robin said. "Let's find out why." He started hacking into a nearby terminal, pulling up some of Cadmus' files. He discovered that the Genomorphs were pretty much living weapons, leading us to believe that they're building an army.
After Robin pulled up Project Kr, I noticed some sub-files attached to it. "Wait, what are those?" I asked.
Pulling up the files, Robin read out loud "Projects Biotech, Daemon, and S-F. From what I can dig up, these three are people who were taken by Cadmus. They're planning on augmenting them with some strange tech, which will give them full control over these three."
I felt my eyes widen in shock at that revelation. 'What?! There are more of these projects here?!'
/That is not good,/ Akima muttered in my head. /Who knows what Cadmus has for those projects, or what they're planning for them?/
Clenching my fists in anger, I growled out "Not if we have anything to say about it." No one was going to turn anyone into freaking puppets while I was around. "We're getting them out of here, along with Project Kr. Where are they being held?"
"They're actually pretty close to each other," Robin observed. "If we split up, we could get them more easily."
"Don't move!" We turned around to find Jim Harper, a.k.a. Guardian, charging forward with a group of G-Elves at his side. Getting a good look at us, he stopped in confusion. "Robin? Aqualad? Kid Flash? Atlas?"
"Least he got your name right," Robin commented, much to Wally's irritation.
"Guardian," I called out. "Haven't seen you since...Guatemala."
As soon as those words left my mouth, Guardian, Robin and I shuddered as we remembered that. "I thought we agreed to never speak of that again," Guardian said coldly.
"Sorry," I said in slight shame.
"What happened in Guatemala?" Wally asked Robin.
With complete seriousness, the Boy Wonder replied "I don't want to talk about it."
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I'm chief of security," he replied. "You're trespassing. But I can call the Justice League, we can figure this out."
"You think the League's gonna approve of you breeding weapons?" Wally asked.
"Weapons?" Guardian asked in surprise. "What do you...what are..." The G-Gnome soon works its magic, brainwashing him into ordering the attack on us. Glaring at us, Guardian ordered "Take 'em down hard! No mercy!"
Grabbing onto the others, I cried out "THE WORLD!" As soon as I said that, everything but us four were frozen in time. The others looked at me in surprise, and were concerned when they saw I was having difficulty concentrating. "Come on," I managed to grind out, "I can't hold this for long." After we forced open the elevator, we got into it as I lost my concentration, forcing time to start up again.
With the elevator closed, we descended further into Project Cadmus. "Dude," Wally exclaimed, "what the heck did you just do back there?!"
"Chronokinesis," I breathed out. "Specifically...I can stop time...for brief moments. Pain in the...ass to...keep going, though."
Robin was just staring at me in shock. "Waitwaitwait, back up! You can control time?!"
"Yeah...though like I said...it is a pain to use by myself...gives me the worst headache," I said between breaths. I didn't want to have to use the Stand itself just yet, or rely on using the power by bringing it out, though; so I guess this could be training, in a sense. "Reason why...I don't use it often. Now then...if you don't mind, I think I'll just rest for a bit. At least until we-"
"...Reach our stop."
Noticing our surroundings, Wally saw where we stopped. "We went further down?! Dude, out is up!"
"Projects Kr, Biotech, Daemon, and S-F are all on this level," Robin pointed out. "I don't know what Cadmus has planned for them, but I doubt it's anything good. Better we get them as far away as possible."
"This is getting out of hand," Kaldur exclaimed. Slightly downcast, he continued "Maybe...maybe we should contact the League."
"I've been trying to get a signal since Sub-Level 26," I lied. "We're in too deep to get help. Literally." After getting my second wind, I said "Let's split up. I'll get Projects Biotech, Daemon and S-F. You three handle Project Kr." Handing them some small devices from my pocket, I continued "If you run into trouble, hit the red switch. I'll be right there." Nodding, we went our separate ways.
(End "Mission Impossible Theme")
Any guards that I ran into down here were easy enough to evade. I simply turned invisible and sneaked past them. The rest simply ran off into the other direction, towards where Robin, Kaldur and Wally were heading.
Eventually, I reached the end of the road. Before me was a large doorway, which held the three mysterious projects. 'So, what are the odds that whatever's behind those doors is gonna be a game-changer, Akima?'
/Well, knowing your luck, I'd say those odds are pretty high,/ replied Akima, a.k.a. Lambda, my personal A.I. fragment/girlfriend. I had gotten her during my time in Project Freelancer, as she had chosen me as her helping her acclimate to my mind (a scary experience for her), we became inseparable.
Although, considering that she represents Love, Lust, Desire and Eroticism, she could be a bit of an ordeal to deal with at times.
/Don't see you complaining about it when we're having the time of our lives./
'Just saying, is all. Now, are the security cameras in there disabled?'
/Yep. A word of warning, though...you're gonna be shocked by what's inside,/ she said with a cautious tone. I didn't like it when she used that tone. That meant whatever's in there is either really bad, or something I never accounted for.
Bracing myself for whatever was on the other side, I turned intangible and walked through the metal door easily. When I entered the room on the other side...I felt my jaw make contact with the floor. Akima was not kidding about what was in that room.
In three pods in the middle of the room were three teenage figures I was more than familiar with: Koriand'r, a.k.a. Starfire, the princess of the planet Tamaran; Rachel Roth, or Raven, the half-demon daughter of Trigon; and Victor Stone, the half-machine superhero Cyborg.
Raven's appearance was rather stunning. She had beautiful pale skin, almost the color grey. Her face was framed by a bob of raven-color hair befitting her name, reaching down to her chin; said hair framed a stunningly alluring face, with a small, red diamond-shaped gem on her forehead. Looking over her body, I noticed that she possessed a modest C-cup bust up top; down below, she had a pair of wide hips, thick thighs paired off with long legs, and what I assumed (due to facing the front at the time) to be finished off with a nice, round, and phat ass (all of which I couldn't help but stare at...shut up). Her curvy body was covered by her hero attire, which consisted of a form-fitting, navy blue leotard (with matching fingerless opera gloves reaching her biceps complete with black fingerless gloves, w/ a navy-blue cloak), pantyhose covering her legs, and black, high-heeled boots. A red circular gem adorned her belt and her cloak, the latter holding the fabric in place. A darkly beautiful person to look at, all in all. (A/N: For a better idea of how Raven looks, check her appearance from "Teen Titans: The Judas Contract.")
Next to her was Starfire. She was an absolute vision. Exotic amber-orange skin, paired with red hair that flowed, full and puffy, right down her back. There was a lot of that orange skin to be seen. Her body, hourglass in shape, was practically dynamite; toned and smooth, possessing long, luscious legs, a large DD-cup bust, and what I assumed to be a round, lean and juicy ass paired with hips to finish her hourglass figure (which left me drooling as I pictured it...don't judge me, you would've done the exact same thing if you were attracted to girls). She was wearing a deep purple leotard with gaps in the sides that showed off her waist and a diamond-shaped keyhole at the center of the breasts (which exposed some underboob). At the top point of the diamond was marked with a red gem attached to a silver-purple piece of neck armor, matched by braces of the same color on her wrists. She also had a pair of purple boots that came up to just below the knees, and had a very thin strip of the purple-silver color right at the top. Around her waist was a thin silver-purple belt connected at the center by another red gem. Truly, she was a vision of beauty. (A/N: For a better idea of how Starfire looks, check her appearance from the opening scene "Teen Titans: The Judas Contract.")
For Cyborg's appearance, nearly all of his body was covered by bulky- yet at the same time sleek- silver and black high-tech and obviously alien armor (which was so shiny and new that I could've sworn I could see my surprised face in a reflection). Said armor (which contained faint, glowing red tron lines on the torso, arms and legs), covered about 95 percent of his body. This left only the right half of his face as organic, allowing him to sport a clean-shaven face and buzz-cut black hair. Red lights adorned his chest, both shoulders, his left eye, and his forehead. The joints, in comparison, were black in color, made of a different, more flexible material (I presumed) to allow for more mobility. Despite his cybernetic body, one could tell by looking at him that he possessed an athlete's build from his human days. He definitely looked the part of someone you shouldn't mess with. (A/N: For a better idea of how Cyborg looks, check his appearance in the DC Animated Movie Universe, though a bit altered.)
(Play "YES - ROUNDABOUT (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure ED1) || RichaadEB & Caleb Hyles")
Raven. Starfire. Cyborg.
Three teenage superheroes who aren't supposed to be here in this universe (to my knowledge). And yet, here they were, in the bowels of Cadmus' labs.
Only three words could describe the situation...
Yeah. That was...really all I could say in this situation...
[=/=/=To Be Continued...]
First chapter in, and already things are diverging from canon, as shown with Starfire, Raven and Cyborg being added into the mix. Though judging by the security beacon activating at the end, we're about to see some good old canon material next chapter.
Now, as many of you have noticed by now, I've been changing stuff around for this story. The reason is to make room for my upcoming future story, "The Multiverser: Death/Re-Birth by Fire". Said story is meant to serve as the re-origin story of Michael Verser, and properly display his beginnings as what he is today as a tragic hero. Someone who is motivated by the loss of those he failed to save, and strives to do better. To become, as Shirou Emiya would say, a 'Hero of Justice.'
Still, hope you enjoy the story, and all that will follow from here on out. Don't forget to leave a review/comment. Any and all flames, however, will be reported, and all flamers will be shot with a shotgun. Survivors will be shot again.
'Till next time! Hero of the Multiverse, signing out!