Harry Potter and the Magic of Stupidity
Chapter 6-
Arguments, Manly Make Up & Harriet
"Shut up."
"Pretty Please?"
"Pretty please with a cherry on top?"
Ginny whirled around, smacking Harry in the face with her long green hair.
She had been like this to him since he had admitted that he didn't know a counter-curse.
Harry took a deep breath. "Well, I know that you must be really, really mad at me," Ginny snorted. "But I want you to know that I'm really, really sorry, and I can't go back in time, but if I could, I would," Ginny snorted again, "Okay fine, maybe I wouldn't, but I really, really hate it when you are mad at me!" Ginny snorted a third time, "and I think that if we go back to Hogwarts, then this will be seen as a new fashion statement!" Ginny snorted. Harry paused, and said, "Will you please stop snorting? You sound like a pig." Ginny glared at him, spun around (whipping him in the face again), and flounced off.
Harry sighed. He stared down at his pink body, and then inspected his pink clothes. It turned out that any clothes they put on magically turned the colour of their body. That was the only thing Harry was sad about; some of his clothes looked horrible in the colour pink.
Harry laughed at the thought of what McGonagall would say when she saw them.
*Harry's Imagination*
"Potter! Weasleys! Granger!" Professor McGonagall shouts.
"Er- Professor is something the matter?" Harry asks politely.
"Yes! Those body colours!"
"It was Harry's fault!" Hermione says immediately. Harry gives her his best death-glare. She quickly adds, "But we all agreed!"
Professor McGonagall looks at them, and looks at her old, wrinkly hands.
"Potter, I will allow you to keep these body colours." Harry and his friends gave each other high-five, laughing. "But there is one condition. I want you to make my skin-colour red! Bright, Gryffindor red!"
Harry grinned, and pulled out his wand. He waved it, and Professor McGonagall was red within seconds. She thanked him, and ran off, skipping like a happy child.
*End of Harry's imagination* (No, not literally, you idiot. Just end of the flashback)
Harry sighed, a dopey, happy smile on his face. He climbed the stairs into the room he and Ron shared, and he glared at all the Chudley Cannons posters.
The little people on the pictures just stuck their tongue out at him.
Harry stuck his tongue right back at them, before he left the room, slamming the door.
He then went into Ginny's room, opening the door without knocking (thankfully she wasn't standing there naked, or the situation would have gotten really awkward…) and barging in. Ginny wasn't in her room at the moment, which was lucky, seeing as Harry had only just remembered that Ginny was mad at him.
He went over to Ginny's drawers, and was just about to steal some cards from her chocolate frog cards collection, when she whipped open the door. Her green eyes blazing.
"And just what do you think you are doing here?" She asked, glaring at him.
"Erm, I…" Harry frantically tried to think of a plausible lie. "I followed the bunnies here!"
Ginny just started walking towards him, with and Harry was feeling more scared than he liked to admit. She did look very frightening, with her green hair, green skin, and green eyes.
"BOO-YEAH!" Harry suddenly shouted, making her jump.
Ginny paused, looking at him carefully. Then she gave a satisfied smile, making Harry feel very uncomfortable.
Suddenly, so fast that Harry couldn't react, she had pulled out her wand and froze him. She laughed maniacally, and Harry couldn't help but feel more afraid. If he wasn't frozen, he would be shaking.
Ginny went over to her drawers, and pulled out a small bag, causing Harry to wonder what torture devices she had hidden inside it.
She pulled out an object, and it took Harry a moment to place it. When he realised what it was, it hit him like a tsunami. He would have screamed, he wanted to run away to Africa, he wanted a hole in the earth to swallow him up.
In her hand, Ginny was holding lipstick.
She leered at him, and stared advancing towards him. "This," she said, smearing the lipstick on his mouth, "is for making my body turn a different colour."
"This," she said, putting eye shadow on his eyelids, "is for my hair."
"This," she said, covering his face with purple blush (she had chosen purple because pink would not have shown up on his skin), "is for my clothes."
"This," she said, almost poking his eye out with her eyeliner, "is for my eyes."
"And this," she said, putting 'Vani's Volumizing V-Mascara (so magical)' on his eyelashed, "is for MAKING THAT COLOUR GREEN!" she shouted.
Harry was almoust crying by now, however, the worst had yet to come. She pulled out her wand, and muttered a spell.
"And finally, this spell is going to make sure that as long as I am green, you will look like a GIRL!" she cackled evilly and grabbed her broom. She ran to the window and jumped out, still laughing.
Harry heard a crash, and then an angry shout, "Damn it! Mum, why did you put the cleaning broom in my room! I needed a magical one!"
A little while later, the freezing charm wore off.
Harry went hesitantly to the mirror, and gasped. He looked like a GIRL! A hot girl, mind you (except for the pink skin, clothes and hair), but still a GIRL!
He screamed like a girl, causing Ron to run into the room.
"Who are you?" he asked, clearly confused. "You look like Harry! Are you his twin sister that he casually forgot to mention?"
Harry scoffed. "No, I'm Harry!"
Ron held out his hand. "Pleased to meet you, Harriet. I'm Ron."
"No, you buffoon! I'm Harry Potter! Your best friend!"
Ron looked even more confused. "Yeah, we can be best friends if you like, but I only just met you!"
Harry resisted the urge to slam his head into the wall. "Gosh, you are so stupid sometimes! Your. Sister. Ginny. Put. Make. Up. On. Me. To. Make. Me. Look. Like. A. GIRL!" Harry said slowly, as if speaking to a child.
"Yes, you do look like a girl, Harriet, and I'm glad that Ginny made a new friend." Ron said, not really grasping the concept.
Harry realised that it was hopeless. "Can I see Hermione?" he asked.
"Sure, Harriet, let me take you to see her!" Ron said, skipping down the stairs before he tripped and fell down an entire landing.
Hermione was currently reading a book. Surprise, surprise.
"Harry, why do you look like a girl? Oh, I know. I bet Ginny got revenge on you for turning her green by putting make up on you, and I bet it won't wear off until you make her look like normal again." Hermione said.
Harry was really grateful that at least one of his friends had common sense.
"Do you know a counter-curse?" Harry asked hopefully.
"Yes. And I also know one for our colours." She sighed.
"I love you, Hermione, I really do!"
Ron looked even more confused. "You're a lesbian, Harriet? Why didn't you tell me?"
Harry and Hermione ignored him.
"Doresnisius Lenterbent Signorpa!" Hermione said, not bothering to take out her wand (she was just brilliant in that way).
There was a bright flash, causing everybody in the Weasly household to blink twice, twitch their left eye, and rub their eyes with their right hand.
Harry saw, to his delight, that he was back to normal. "Yay!" he squealed, dashing up and down the stairs several times.
"Children! POST!" Mrs Weasley shouted, so Harry dashed into the kitchen.
His face fell, and he felt as if a balloon had just deflated inside him.
For on the table was the newest copy of the daily prophet, and on the cover was a picture of Harry, wrapped in neon-yellow toilet paper, burping the alphabet, shaking his six pack around. The title was 'The Boy Who Lived gets Groovy!'
A/N: Okay, next chapter is going to be the Quidditch World Cup! Look forward to that!
Thank you to everybody that reviewed, followed or favourited this story, it means so much to me! As a small reward, I will start replying to every review left from now on, and everybody that favourited this story will get a surprise (and so will everybody that favourites from now on! Thank you so much!)