A/n: I'd hoped to put this up a week after the last one, and I had it written, but when I went to post it it had just... disappeared, along with everything else I'd written to do with this fic. Luckily I just managed to find it saved on my laptop!

"Get up!"

The group was roused by the urgent call from Mr Weasley. The shouts were still resounding around the campsite, even louder now than they'd been when he went to sleep.

"Is Ash up yet?" Mr Weasley asked. He got a headshake from Ron as a response. Pikachu took this as his cue to get his trainer up, understanding that they needed to be leaving even if he didn't know why.

Ash shouted as he was jolted awake, but quickly noticed the panic and urgency in the air. "What's going on?" he asked, suddenly alert.

"No time to explain, just go!" Mr Weasley responded, pushing Ash in the direction of the door.

As Ash left the tent with the others, he worked out for himself pretty quickly exactly what was wrong.

The shouts of joy from before had been replaced with screams of terror, accompanied by the shouts of people casting spells, both defensive and offensive, as people fled the area.

Multiple fires crackled dangerously, contained for now in small areas, but threatening to spread if left unattended. A group of tall, masked figures strode calmly through the chaos, casting spells and setting fires. There were a few other masked wizards, these ones abandoning the precision of the main group, turning to senseless and random violence to strike fear.

"We need to get out," Cilan shouted over the noise, grabbing Ash's hand and pulling him away.

"I'm staying here, to help," Mr Weasley told Fred and George, "Look after the others."

The twins nodded, leading the larger group into the nearby forest. Percy, Charlie and Bill, legally able to defend themselves and others, stuck behind with Mr Weasley.

As they escaped, they saw something floating. 'That's the man from before...' Ash realised with horror as he stared, watching the muggle and his family as they were levitated. Their screams caused the masked men to laugh, finding humour in their confused terror.

"Come on," Cilan chided, pulling Iris and Ash along when they stopped to gape at the scene, "We need to get away."

They snapped out of it and followed, running reluctantly away from the fire and chaos.

It was quieter in the forest, the screaming distant. The heat from the fire didn't reach out far enough to heat the air, so the chill of the night became noticeable.

"There's someone out there..." Ash warned the group, "Come out!" he called challengingly.

"That's a great way to get yourself killed." Draco's voice sounded from behind a nearby tree. His body quickly followed, and he showed no sign of surprise as he stepped out into the open.

"Go away." Ron said irritably. Draco laughed at the order.

"You're the ones who need to be leaving. Especially you, Granger - I hear they're after muggles. Wouldn't want to end up in the air, would you?"

"How dare you?" Ron shouted, launching himself at Draco. Hermione held him back as he wheeled his arms around uselessly, trying desperately to get a hit in, "You disrespectful -"

"Calm down!" Iris shouted, stopping Ron's rant.

Cilan was holding Harry back, the other boy struggling against his hold desperately. Ash simply stood there, staring angrily at Draco. In the confusion, Draco fled, laughing at his victory as he did.

"Where did the others go?" Harry asked, looking around.

The group realised that Fred, George and Ginny were nowhere to be seen. The forest was empty, silent save the occasional scream ringing out from the direction of the campsite.

They had no choice but to try and find the other three, though traversing the forest in the middle of the night was no small task. Harry decided that they needed more light, and reached to get his wand out and cast a spell.

"Where'd my wand go?" He asked, realising that it wasn't in his pockets.

Everyone else shrugged. Harry realised that the only place he could've lost it was back when he'd been trying to attack Draco; he must've dropped it in the scuffle.

He noticed Ash tense beside him and suddenly found himself wishing that he'd been less quick to anger, so that he still had some form of defence. The bushes to the right of them rustled slightly, and everyone turned to look at them.

Harry sunk with relief as he saw who it was - Winky appeared out of the bush, wide-eyed in terror.

"Run away!" Winky ordered, whimpering slightly, "Winky sees bad things - must get away!"

The group looked at each other, not sure whether to be confused, amused, or scared at the house elf's outburst. In the end, they decided to heed her warning and make their way out of the area. In doing so, they came across Bagman.

"What're you doing here?" Ron asked curiously.

"What? Oh - Ron, hello!" Bagman said, looking around cautiously, "What brings you here then?"

Ron stared at him for a second. "There's sort of a riot going on," he pointed out. In the silence between his words and Bagman's, multiple piercing screams could be heard.

"Ah, yes, of course," Bagman still wasn't concentrating on the conversation, "I'll get onto that... right now..."

With those vague words he left, and the group was alone once again.

They continued walking through the forest, with no real knowledge of where they were. They'd only been going for about ten minutes before the next interruption arrived.

"Do you hear that?" Pikachu turned to Ash and asked, "Those footsteps?"

"Yeah..." Ash said, "Who is it?" he wondered aloud, saying it at a volume the person would be able to hear.

For a while there was silence. Not even the occasional scream rang out. Then, a voice broke through the quiet: "Mosmordre!"

Suddenly, a shot of green light went up into the air. It exploded outwards into an odd magical smoke, creating the shape of an animated green skull with a serpent coming out of its mouth.

The screaming from the crowd increased in volume at the sight of the image in the sky. Hermione grabbed the others and tried to yank them away, though they were too busy gawping at the skull.

"What's that?" Harry asked as they were pulled away, "Why's everyone screaming at it?"

"The Dark Mark," Hermione supplied, "It's the sign that Death Eaters used in the last war - You Know Who's sign!"

"Guys-" Ash started to try to warn the group, but he was too late. They ran into a wall of people, all brandishing their wands.

"Stupefy!" The whole group cried out, trying to stun the teenagers.

The group split apart, with Harry, Ron and Hermione dodging left, while the others dived right. The first few spells flew barely over their heads, then the older wizards pressed their offense with another round of spells aimed at the floor. Harry scrambled back as a spell landed just where he'd been lying, and saw Hermione mirroring his move. A few feet away Ash was sprawled out, having been hit in an attempt to cover over Pikachu. The other pokemon trainers had met similar fates.

Ron tried to stand to better move away as their attackers raised their wands once more, and suddenly one of the wizards paused.

"Stop!" Mr Weasley's voice rang out from behind the gathered wizards, "That's my son!"

The group stood down, lowering their wands, at Mr Weasley's exclamation. He rushed forwards and checked on the group, making sure that Harry, Ron and Hermione were okay before dealing with the other three.

"One of these produced the Dark Mark, Weasley," Crouch made his way to the front of the crowd, unconcerned by he three unconscious teenagers on the floor in front of him, "We can't-"

"How?" One of the witches in the group asked, "They're children; they wouldn't know the spell."

Crouch frowned, seeing the sense in her words. "Well, someone around here did. We need to find them."

Amos Diggory stepped forwards out of the crowd. "I'll check if we hit anything else," he said as he walked off.

He reappeared from behind the bush a few moments later, carrying the limp form of Winky. Her eyes were glazed over, and she hung limply in Diggory's arms. In her hand was a wand, which Harry recognised as his own.

Diggory shook Winky to wake her. "Did you cast the Dark Mark?" he asked.

"No," Winky looked at the crowd desperately, "Winky isn't casting the dark mark!"

"Then why do you have this wand?" Amos was insistent that he had the culprit, "You know it's illegal for house elves to have one?"

"Winky was just picking it up!" she sobbed, "Winky doesn't cast the spell!"

"That's my wand." Harry butted in, feeling sorry for the poor elf, "I dropped it in the forest earlier."

Diggory didn't pay attention to Harry's words. He took the wand off Winky and tapped it with his own. When he did, a small burst of green shot out, creating a miniature version of the Dark Mark. Diggory smiled at the new piece of evidence.

"See? Caught with the guilty wand!" he said, holding it out for people to see. Harry took that as an opportunity to reclaim it. Diggory, caught up in triumph, didn't seem to notice the sudden stealing of his evidence.

"Now, Amos," Mr Weasley reasoned, "A house elf couldn't know the spell."

"That is my house elf," Mr Crouch revealed, coming to stand behind her. Winky took shelter behind her master, "Are you suggesting that I teach my servants dark magic, Mr Diggory?"

"No! No - of course not - I was just saying, she had the wand - guilty wand - she was the most likely suspect!" Diggory excused, looking thoroughly embarrassed.

It was obvious that Winky was innocent, but that left the question: who actually did it?

"Nevertheless," Mr Crouch said, turning to face Winky uncaringly, "I have no need for a servant who forgets to uphold their master's reputation. I'll be dealing with you when we get home."

"No!" Winky's overlarge eyes widened even further in fear, "Not clothes! Master - master wouldn't give Winky clothes!"

Mr Crouch glared at her coldly. "Yes." he said simply, turning away from her and ignoring her anguished sobs.

"Come on, now," Mr Weasley pulled Iris up as she started to blink her eyes open, "Let's get back to the tent."