The Princess Knight: Of Shadows and Flames

Summary: AU, Anna has one friend during her isolation, a young knight and Sergeant of the Arendelle Military that's twelve years older than herself. Due to discovering Anna's ancient power growing within her, the young knighthood prodigy, Lady Pyra, convinces the King and Queen to let her train Anna to become a knight. However, after five years of training, she needs to leave her parents and her distant sister to go out into the world to train for seven years due to tradition. When Anna returns, what impression does she give her parents and her soon-to-be-coronated older sister? And what is this strange power? OCxOC, Kristanna later on.


The light in the room was dim and small, coming from one mere candle in its holder on the old, yet sturdy desk. The sound of a thick, wooden chair scraping against the floor was heard for a moment, then heard again as the sole occupant in the room sat down and tucked their chair back in. Gently, and slowly, a reddish-brown journal was placed and the weathered desk, its soft leather cover pulled back by a small, leather-gloved hand. The blank first page gleamed yellow and cream in the limited light, which cast a shadow of the left, gloved hand upon its pale surface. The hand clasped gently around a slightly yellowed white quill in an ink pot, before firming its grip and withdrew it from its pot, gently wiping off the excess ink off its tip and lowering it to the page.

The unknown author leaned back in its chair and let out a breath, deciding on what to call this new, documented novel. Finally, inspiration flared in the author's mind and wrote down in slow, fancy writing:

"The Princess Knight:"

Of Shadows and Flames

The shadowed author did not write his or her name down on the page, for he or she wanted to save it for last. After waiting for the ink to dry, the unknown author turned back the page, and gently pressed back the previous page. The figure leaned back and murmured deeply "Now … how, and where to begin."

The figure then murmured again "Maybe … I should start from the beginning. The very beginning."

The author leaned over the page and wrote "Prologue" at the top of the page, before beginning to write.


Anna was so lonely.

She hates being lonely.

Sadly, she can't do anything about it.

She tries really hard to keep herself occupied, but she is now forced to talk to paintings and inanimate objects for company. Now, while that's normal for children, it wasn't normal to the point that she would go down every hall, greeting pedestals, paintings and suits of armour as if they were real people, and quite frankly, it was worrying.

So, that's why young Pyra is going to see the young princess. No child deserves to be alone.

Pyra was a young seventeen year old girl, who was knighted recently due to her prodigious skills and brain. Trained since childhood, she is one of the greatest swords-women in the country, and is a Sergeant in the Arendelle military. She was also a beautiful woman with long brown hair and stunning amber eyes, which reminded the people that saw them of fire. She was rather witty and charismatic, which made her a pretty likeable person, and was kind to everyone, but was powerful and merciful on the battlefield, and believed strongly in justice.

And her kindness was reaching out once again, and this time, it was meant for a lonely little girl.

However, one of the main reasons behind this was to make sure Anna did unlock her 'heritage', a heritage that would change the little princess' life forever ...

Princess Anna was sitting in the shadows of the hallway near her sister's bedroom door, curled up on herself and looking depressed and bored, a disastrous combination for a child. It seems that the young princess tried talking to her sister again, and failed as usual. Pyra sighed, knowing the reason behind the isolation, and put on a kind smile, before walking gently and normal paced towards the princess' location, causing the young girl to look up at her as she approached.

"Good day, Your Highness," she said kindly to Anna, slowing to a stop and bending down slightly to talk to her.

Anna quickly stepped up, stumbling slightly as she did so and replied hastily "G-Good morning, miss."

Pyra smiled slightly wider at this and replied "Please Your Highness, just call me Pyra."

Anna smiled at this and exclaimed "Then call me Anna!"

Pyra chuckled at this and said "Very well then, Anna. What is a young energetic child such as yourself doing inside on a day like this?"

Anna looked a bit down at this and answered sadly "I don't want to play outside if my sister isn't with me. She won't come out of room, ever."

Pyra frowned at this and asked "Why is that?"

Anna just replied sadly "I don't know! She won't tell me why, and tells me to go away. I don't know if it's because of something I did, or said, but want to talk to her face-to-face and play with her again. She doesn't even eat with Mama and Papa and I at meal times that often anymore."

Pyra hummed at this and asked, playing along with the illusion that she didn't know what was wrong "Do you want me to ask your parents' what's wrong? I could find out for you."

Anna shook her head and replied "They won't even tell me why! All I want is my sister and friend back ..."

Pyra felt for the girl, and squatted down until she was almost kneeling on one knee and offered "You know what? I'll spend time with you and play with you as often as I can if you want. And then, we'll find out on how to play with your sister again. Does that sound good to you?"

Anna broke out into a wide and infectious smile and unexpectedly jumped the young knight into a hug, knocking her onto her rear.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you Pyra! I would love that!" she exclaimed happily.

Pyra smiled and hugged her back, saying "No problem, Anna. Now, let's go and have some fun!"

Anna giggled happily and led the young knight by the hand outside, her excited gibbering being heard all the way down the hall.

It was especially heard by the other young princess in her room, locked up in a winter nightmare, crying without a noise at her sister's happiness.

Happiness that wasn't brought to her by her own older sister.


"I hope that's written alright," the figure thought out loud while looking at some notes, "Yep. That'll be alright for the prologue."

A knock came at the door and a portly man entered at the figure's command, carrying a tray of different cheeses, crackers, and a small bowl of fruit and a pitcher of mead with a goblet. The figure said gratefully while the man placed the tray on the far left side of the desk "Thank you, Kai. That'll be all for now."

He bowed to the figure with a smile and exited the room, leaving the figure to consume some of the cheese and crackers, and pour a goblet of fine mead. After a gulp or two of the alcohol, the figure stretched and cracked the figure's back, neck and fingers and began to write the first chapter.