It was dark. And painful. I haven't eaten in about a month and it had begun to show a long time ago. My home is a prison with no hope of escape. Every day, or night, I don't know, since I have never seen daylight ever since I was brought here, I am taken from my cell and to small room where I am strapped to a white table that dominates the space. They perform experiments… painful experiments that always that make me want to collapse. At the end of the day, I'm exhausted and week. I can barely even move my legs. I wasn't always this fragile, believe me. When I was first brought here, I tried every means of escape I could think of. And I usually have a bunch of escape options on my side. Not this time. Let's just say, after every time I failed to get away, I would be punished. If you thought the experiments were bad, getting punished is much worse.

Sometimes, when I'm really quiet, (which is quite often for me nowadays, seeing as they have taken my ability to speak) I can faintly hear screams coming from very far off. I often wonder who else is here; how many others have they taken? How many more are going to suffer? In this place, no matter how painful it might be, death is a blessing. But it is also impossible. They would make sure of it.

My name is Danny Phantom. Welcome to the School.


Short. I know. this is the prolog. It's suppose to be short. So I was watching the Danny Phantom episode, Reality Trip, and I suddenly had an idea to do this. Good? Not good? Tell me what you think. It's a oneshot now, but I will continue this later on. First though, I want to finish my other story, which should be updated pretty soon. Right now this is just a Danny Phantom Max Ride crossover, but I will add more characters eventually. The characters I'm going to add are:

The Flock (James Patterson)

Jack Frost (DreamWorks Animation)

Percy Jackson (Rick Riordan)

And quite possibly some more. Danny Phantom belongs to Butch Hartman and the School belongs to James Patterson. Might add in one or two OCs, but until then, I own nothing. So yeah. Review