Winx Club Under the Dome

By: FunahoMisaki

(A/N: I own nothing and read last chapter.)

"I don't know what all it meant. I was semi-conscious when I saw the pink stars shoot up to the top of the Dome before falling and replacing the inky blackness with a blinding white magnetic thing that released electromagnetic waves." Bloom said holding up her hand and shaking her head in the negative when Tecna opened her mouth, likely to ask what the 'pink stars' were.

"Why were you semi-conscious?" Tecna asked after a moment of thinking.

"Because I had just been stabbed and decided that it'd be a good idea to run halfway across town in order to save a friend of mine from getting unjustly hanged." Bloom said bluntly and causing everyone to stare at her in disbelief.

"Good thing I did too, I got there just in time to see half the town pass out due to the first electromagnetic wave while Aunt Linda threatened Big Jim to take her, me, Barbie, he was the one about to be hanged so you know, and Big Jim's son Junior to the dome before anyone did anything stupid." Bloom said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"They left the cuffs on Barbie though and he got stuck to the dome as a car was pulled towards it. Aunt Linda freed his cuffs and threw him to the side, but didn't have time to jump away herself. If I hadn't had used my magic to alter the vans path away from her…" Bloom trailed off paling at the thought of what might have happened to her aunt if her magic hadn't had reacted the way it did. Several others paled at the thought of that happening to their parents or family.

"And she was just one of the lives that nearly died in that dome. There was another woman, a nice lady named Alice whose daughter Norrie was one of the ones that had a seizure about the pink stars falling in a straight line, she's a diabetic so she needs insulin. The town only had a limited supply of it though and they ran out but her daughter managed to take some from a house where the owners were trapped outside of the dome. She had a heart attack while helping another woman give birth. If it weren't for my healing powers she would have died too." Bloom said causing everyone to stare at her, she never seemed to be the heroine type of girl.

"I-I saved as many as I could. I grew up around those people often but I cou-couldn't save them all. I tried but I just couldn't…I wasn't old enough, smart enough, or strong enough or… or something!" Bloom said clenching her teeth and fists as she fought back the tears building in her eyes.

"Survivors guilt and PTSD." DuFour said sighing softly as she looked at the red head worried and in understanding.

"Huh?" Musa asked confused as she looked at DuFour.

"Ms. Bloom suffers from Survivors guilt and PTSD otherwise known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She blames herself for the people she couldn't save dying, while trying to live with the memory of that time which has a huge impact on her mental and emotional state." DuFour said causing Griselda and Ophelia to nod their agreement. That sounded right to them.

"Heh. You have no idea just how few people survived, and I don't just mean those in the dome." Bloom said quirking a weak grin.

"Ms. Bloom?" Griselda questioned confused while Bloom gave a hollow laugh and looked out and around at all of the students and teachers, making eye contact with each and every last one of them.

"I hope none of you have family on this planet or close friends…and if you do you'd better pray they leave the planet quickly. Within the next two weeks at the most, tomorrow at the earliest and safest." Bloom said running a hand through her bangs before stopping when she had used her injured hand and grimaced while doing so.

"What makes you say that Miss Bloom?" Ediltrude asked startled at the sudden and rather odd statement while a tired air settled around Bloom.

"If there's at least one thing I remember clearly from that hell…it was the storm…the storm, the debris, the dust, the whole damn inferno!" Bloom said giving a sad smile and trembling slightly as she visibly fought off hysterics.

"Miss Bloom calm down please." DuFour said looking worried as the poor red heads eyes began to gleam with insanity, causing her to throw her head back and let out a loud low and hollow laugh that made everyone shiver.

"Calm down?! Why should I do that? There's no way out and even if there was you wouldn't want to find one after you find out what's going to happen to this world in about two weeks!" Bloom said looking at the silver haired woman with wide crazed eyes.

"All the deaths, the murders, the rapes, the beatings, the shootings, the illness, the drugs! They'll be nothing, NOTHING, compared to what's going to happen outside!" Bloom said laughing hysterically, crazily now. A few of the younger girls looked scared at this, just about everyone else looked scared of Bloom, and the teachers looked worried and alert.

"Ms. Bloom snap out of it!" DuFour said shaking the girls shoulder lightly.

"No! No I don't want to go back! I don't want to snap out of it! That way when the deaths and murders start. That way when I have to bury everyone I won't feel anything! I won't feel anything at all!" Bloom said laughing crazily again until…


Bloom stopped mid laugh at a rough slap across the face, causing her to blink and everyone to stare wide eyed at the normally calm and elegant woman.

"Pull yourself together Miss Bloom! Now is no time for you to go insane or get hysterical!" DuFour almost snapped at the younger girl who blinked for a minute before shaking her head roughly and sighing.

"I lost it again. Sorry…thanks for that Miss DuFour. Sometimes it's the only way to snap me out of it whenever I lose my mind." Bloom said not even bothering to get angry as she gave DuFour a thankful smile.

"Anytime. Now what were you saying before? What's going to happen to the rest of Magix?" DuFour asked sternly causing Bloom to sigh as her smile fell, tilting her head back to rest it against the Dome again. Her words causing shocked gasps and other sounds of shock and disbelief.

"If they don't evacuate the planet…everyone and everything on it outside of this dome will die."