Disclaimer: I do not own Lab Rats.

Thoughts of the truth swirled in the mind of each lab rat. They were all different, and yet they were all similar. Each thought, however private, was expressed, silently, through actions. Actions, which the other lab rats picked up, but made no move to change that.

Thoughts of the truth blared in the mind of each lab rat. All three, Subject A, Subject B, Subject C, had thoughts that trumpeted in their mind each day. But did they let it out? No, they worked as a team—a team perfected flawlessness. Fury, which drove them each apart, brought them back together.

Thoughts of the truth whispered in the mind of each lab rat. The conscience of all three lab rats drove them onward to do the right thing, no matter the selfish voice, also in all three of them, which whispered what the lab rat was really thinking. All three no idea of what the others truthful thoughts were, and yet, so many times, they had almost revealed their thoughts of the truth.

Painful thoughts.

Betraying thoughts.

Selfish thoughts.

Honor-driven thoughts.

They were all thoughts of the truth.