This is just an experiment of sorts for me. I've been bored as of late so I thought that I would give this a go as a Love both Naruto and the Game Of Thrones universe.
I claim no ownership of anything to do with both Naruto (Kishimoto) and Game Of Thrones (George R.R. Martin)
The thought had crossed his mind many times over the last few days. "What will I do?" he would ask himself, over and over. "What will I do when this war is finally over?"
He had foolishly thought he had found an answer to that question, a conclusion drawn upon by a sound and clear mind. "I'm going to be Hokage!" He would have screamed, "The best ever!"
For a time that would have been enough for him, he would have been happy. Now though, the title seemed almost hollow to him, lacklustre and sour.
He didn't know if it had been the constant, almost fanatical, rambling of how broken the world truly was that Obito had spouted before finally coming around to their side, that or Madara's somewhat extreme belief that Naruto now found himself understanding.
He could now see how Madara had come to the conclusion that the Shinju tree was the only way to save mankind, albeit a very extreme solution. With what Hagoromo had shown and told him, Naruto found that it was hard to fault Madara for his actions, no matter how damnable they may have been.
During their time fighting, Naruto had believed that he would be able to reach Madara, to talk him down from his madness, just as he had done for Obito. It had taken his fusing with the spirit of Ashura, one of Hagoromo's two sons that had been reincarnated over the years and ended up within Naruto, for him to understand the futility of that belief.
There were some people in the world that simply could not be saved. Naruto had never liked killing before, having only been forced to do so in dire circumstances, but with the fusing he gained Ashura's knowledge, his experiences and his beliefs to do with as he wished.
He had gained a new conviction from Ashura, to kill. He understood that Madara needed to die and Naruto was the one that had to kill him, it had become his responsibility.
The battle itself had been titanic in proportions. With his already formidable power coupled with that he received from Ashura and Hagoromo, Naruto was finally able to law Madara low. "It seems that your way was stronger after all young Naruto," he had said as he lay in a pool of rapidly expanding blood, his form nothing more than a torso with arms and a head. "It will be up to you now. You have denied the ninja world MY peace, at least promise me you will give it your own."
It was strange Naruto had thought. He had expected Madara to go out screaming and raving but he had died with a soft smile on his face, seeming almost content in the knowledge that the one who had managed to defeat him could finish his goal of bringing peace to the Ninja world. At the point Naruto had made with way shakily back towards his surviving friends and the Alliance forces, rivulets of blood following in his wake.
Naruto's already serious wounds had only been worsened in his finally fight with Madara and he had not yet awakened the god like healing ability he had been promised by Ashura.
He was met by many smiling faces, those of his friends and his reanimated father Minato. The 5 Kage were also present, a warm smile adorning Tsunade's face, she was beaming with pride. Sasuke was there as well, sporting a few new would from his fight with Prime Zetsu that had been controlling Captain Yamato's body.
His father had moved forward to greet him first when the world began to spin, something hard impacted Naruto back and it took him more than a few moments to realise that it was the ground, apparently he'd fallen it seemed, and he lacked the strength required to get back up.
He had heard the numerous cries of alarm but they had sounded muffled, as if they had been shouted from a great distance. His father's concerned face dominated his vision with Tsunade not far behind, her hands glowing an ethereal green.
"Don't bother." he said with a small smile. "It won't do any good, it's too late." he tried to produce a small laugh but only managed to cough blood onto his chin.
"Shut up brat, you don't know what you're talking about!" shouted Tsunade through the tears already streaming down her face. Naruto knew that her quick scan of his body had confirmed what he had said to her, he was dying and he knew there was nothing she could do to stop it.
By now many people had crowded around, forming a tight nit circle of companions, all his friends were there, to see him off it seemed. Once again Naruto attempted a chuckle with the same results.
"It's okay Grandma, we both know that I'm dead in a few minutes and I'd like to live what little time I have left without your old face crying all over me." she seemed to smile slightly at that, the time when such comments had angered her had long since passed.
"Don't be stupid brat, you still need to become Hokage, you can't die yet." she said. Naruto smiled.
"Not enough time it seems." he said bitterly. "Sasuke," he called out "get your ass over here." he said. Sasuke gingerly made his way over before kneeling next to Naruto. Although he hid it well, Naruto could see the grief in his eyes.
"We've never really seen eye to eye on many things have we Sasuke?" he said quietly, getting a small nod from the raven haired boy. "I've got a favour to ask, and seeing as how I'm dying you can't really refuse can you." said Naruto, sporting a big cheesy grin. Sasuke made a small noise, Naruto took it as his version of a laugh.
"I suppose I can't, what is it?" asked Sasuke.
"It's up to you now, you know? You said you wanted to be Hokage, to protect the village, you've got no competition for the hat now." said Naruto, chuckling softly. Sasuke's eyes widened slightly before he smiled and nodded. He stood and made his way back towards their childhood friends.
Naruto looked up into the teary eyes of his father. He went to say something but was interrupted by the near blinding, golden light that the gem of his necklace had begun to emit. Naruto's vision darkened till he could barely see even his father's face in front of him.
He could feel the last of his strength being used up by the glowing crystal around his neck. Before his vision completely faded, Naruto could vaguely make out the shape of the ghostly figure now hovering over his prone form, it seemed somewhat familiar.
In a matter of seconds Naruto's vision had faded to black entirely, he could now only hear muffled voices. It lasted only a few short minutes before he faded completely into unconsciousness.
Much to the dismay of the two riders, it had begun to rain, and heavily at that. Tywin Lannister sat astride a regal white destrier wearing a long, black and hooded boiled leather cloak in an attempt to keep as much of the deluge of his person as was possible.
Riding beside him was a young boy, barely 12 summers old, but nearly a man in the eyes of the Gods. The boy had not chosen to wear a cloak as Tywin had, instead opting to let the downpour soak his clothes and wet his shoulder length dirty blonde hair. His name was Jamie, also of the great house of Lannister and son of Tywin, Lord of Casterly Rock. Tywin had sent the rest of the hunting party on ahead, back to Casterly Rock, in favour of spending time riding with his son. They had been half of the way back when the rain began and it had slowed their progress.
Tywin was eager to return to Casterly Rock for his wife Joanna was due to birth him another child in but a few days, it was not something he wanted to be away for. He and his son had ridden in amicable silence for the past few miles, happy to make the rest of the trip home as quite as possible.
"Father," Jamie called out, more than a little worry in his voice. "What is that?" he asked, pointing. Tywin followed his son's gesture and looked up into the cloudy sky. He had not expected to see a bright, golden light rapidly descending from the heavens. It looked like slowed lightning to his eyes. Tywin tried to shout a warning to Jamie, but he was not fast enough, the light struck the earth with great force some ten paces ahead of them.
He fought to maintain control of his frightened mount, seeing Jamie fighting the same battle from the corner of his eye. Mud and rock was thrown high into the air before falling like a heavy, brown rain. In mere moments the only audible sound was the horses; even the rain had stopped completely, as if it had never come at all.
Ahead where the light had impacted now sat a large crater in the earth. Tywin spurred his mount forward slowly, intent on investigating, with Jamie following a short distance behind him. Tywin had seen many things in his life, both the good and the bad that Westeros had to offer.
He was not prepared however to find laying in the bottom of the smoking crater a babe, wrapped in clean white cotton sheets, its hair a bright golden colour like the light of the sun and strange, whisker like marks adorning its cheeks.
Upon closer inspection it was undoubtedly a young boy. At first glance the boy looked much the same as a newborn. There was a small bit of embroidery stitched onto the sheets in black. NARUTO, it read. A strange name, as that was all Tywin could think it to be.
All caution forgotten, Tywin knelt down and carefully scooped the babe off the ground and into his arms. Bright blue eyes stared up into his. What unnerved Tywin the most was that there was a strange intelligence to them.
He also noticed that despite being so small, so young, the boy hadn't uttered a sound, not a single cry. When Jamie was but a newborn he'd wailed for what seemed like days, his twin sister Cersei much the same.
"Father, what should we do with him?" Jamie called out from the lip of the crater. "What indeed?" Tywin thought to himself. A million other questions were flying about within his mind, chief amongst them was Where? Where had the boy come from? There was undoubtedly something special about the boy, there was no denying that, he'd fallen from the sky on a pillar of light after all.
At the moment, Tywin decided that it didn't matter where the boy had come from; his son's question had to be addressed. He could only think of one thing to do at the time, he simply wasn't aware that his decision would greatly affect all of Westeros in the years to come.
"We take him back to Casterly Rock with us. You are never to speak of what has happened here to anyone and you also must not speak of this boy until I say otherwise. Am I clear Jamie?" stressed Tywin. His son nodded, not really understanding why the boy was to remain a secret for the time being. Tywin looked back into the deep blue of the boy's eyes.
"He is to be your brother Jamie, he is to be Naruto Lannister of Casterly Rock." he said as he smiled softly at the child and he was almost certain that he spotted a ghost of a smile cross young Naruto's face.
When light finally returned to Naruto it came hard, hard and fast. He felt strange, incredibly so. He opened his eyes slightly and discovered that it came with great effort. He was still lying on his back it seemed as a dark, cloudy sky loomed overhead.
All attempts to move failed miserably, he couldn't find the strength. He felt as though he was tied up and tried to look down at himself. He didn't know what to expect but he was certainly more than a little frightened and surprised when he saw that his body was smaller than usual, incredibly so.
Naruto had no idea what had happened to him but it seemed as if his body was that of a newborn babies, small and useless. He was tightly wrapped in a white cotton sheet. He heard the sound of something approaching him and looked up to see an older man in a large black cloak standing above him.
The man looked concerned as he picked Naruto up and placed him in his arms gingerly. The man had begun speaking with someone that Naruto couldn't see but he paid little attention to what was being said. Naruto didn't know where he was but he didn't know that it seemed his body had been reverted to that of a newborn child's. He had thankfully retained his memories though he couldn't come up with an explanation.
The man eventually looked back down at Naruto a smiled fatherly. "He is to be your brother Jamie, he is to be Naruto Lannister of Casterly Rock." he said. Naruto smiled. He may not understand what had happened to him but maybe it wouldn't be so bad. All he knew was that he had a few long years ahead of him before he would be able to do anything of worth.
"Being a baby sucks ass." Naruto decided quickly.
Thank for reading, please tell me what you think and if I should continue this at all. Any and all suggestions or ideas are very much welcome here. Also please don't forget to review.
Before I get to far into any more writing I'd first like to know if you guys like the idea of Naruto having an animal? I was thinking either a Lion, much like a Neman Lion, or even ONE dragon, if so I would more than likely base the dragon itself off of Smaug, from the newest Hobbit film.
Neither is also fine with me, give it a vote in your review and I can decide what to do. Again, thank you for reading and please Review!