I'm sure Edward assumed he had got away with causing problems for our family but if he believed that then he was an even bigger fool than we thought. After talking to the others I agreed he shouldn't be allowed to get away with what he'd done to had given him time to settle down and start his new life with Sulpicia. They had everything, the best clothes, the best furniture, everything to make life as comfortable and relaxing as possible and then the fun started. Peter and Darius had insisted they would make sure got paid back for his little stunt. The first Edward knew that anything was wrong was when his credit card was declined for payment of a new grand piano. After a few attempts he phoned his bank and was told there had been a slight hitch but they were terribly sorry and it had now been sorted out.
Darius sent us a movie of the first step in the "Get Edward" plan. He had waited eagerly for the delivery of said piano when a parcel arrived for him containing a plastic toy grand piano in bright yellow. His face was a picture, he never could take a joke and this was just the start. Everything he ordered on line turned up not quite as he imagined, furniture was doll sized, clothes that would fit GI Joe, and a bouquet of flowers for Valentine's day that were plastic. We heard he had a job talking his way out of that one!
Bella had considered letting bygones be bygones in respect of Edward Cullen but Peter and I talked her out if that, we had other ideas. He was an ass hole and a dangerous one at that so he needed taking down a peg or two...or maybe ten! We started out small, just silly little things that niggled rather than really annoyed him although the plastic flowers caused quite a row, loud so we heard, in fact the whole community heard! Sulpicia didn't speak to him for a week while he went round like a bear with a sore head trying to find proof that Peter had been responsible but of course that was impossible. Mainly because it, along with all his other small problems were down to me. The power of the internet when you knew your way around it!
We lulled him into a false sense of security for a few weeks after that, planning our next strike. He was taking Sulpicia away for a week in a five-star hotel in Cape Cod, and thinking he was being clever he did all the arrangements on the phone personally, as if that would stop us!
He had rented a private jet for the flight but when he got to the airport the pilot had called in sick so the company had hired another. Edward wasn't bothered as long as he got his flight he didn't care but perhaps he should have! I hadn't flown a jet in about five years but I was willing to give it a shot so Darius rigged the computers to get me the job. Let's just say I rather forgot I was flying a passenger jet, it would have made a great stunt plane, it could dive like a missile and it was no slouch at loop the loop. I was just glad the cockpit door was locked because from the noises he was crapping himself while his lady was using language that made even me blush! I made doubly sure I had left the plane before they did because someone had tipped off the police that the passengers were carrying drugs. It was six hours before they got out of the airport custody suite.
Once in the limousine they tried to relax and we allowed that, after all we weren't monsters. Well not all the time! The hotel was a beautiful one and Edward had reserved the penthouse suite although I could see he was nervous, half expecting the reservation to have been cancelled or changed but no and the suite was wonderful with fantastic views over the ocean. Day one went like clockwork and I saw they were starting to relax so it was time for part two of operation "Get Edward".
Once again the credit card gremlins were at work and when he went to buy his mate a diamond necklace it was declined. He had a blazing row with the salesperson then when that got him nowhere he rang the bank only to be told he had closed the account the day before. He did eventually get a new one but it took the rest of the day and by that time Sulpicia was just about ready to go home but when he mentioned renting a jet she baulked so he was forced to buy a car and drive her back which took three days. By the time he got home he was livid and asked for a meeting with the committee as he had a grievance.
As soon as I saw Edwards face I knew this was going to be heated and I was right. He itemised every problem he had over the past three months and demanded the committee do something about it.
"What exactly?"
He looked at me with a scowl,
"We know who is doing this Carlisle. I want them punished."
"I'm sorry Edward but punished for what? Could you tell me which of our laws they have broken?"
He focused his scowl on Darius then,
"Law? They are making a fool out of me. I could have been discovered by the police during that drug stop. Isn't that enough for you?"
"No, not really, you weren't were you? And the other things are mere pranks, you should learn to take a joke Edward or you might find things become far worse."
"Are you threatening me Darius?"
"No, merely pointing out a fact."
"I knew it was you and your precious friends doing this. Just because I pointed out that there was a danger of Bella's brood breaking our laws. In fact they did and if her father hadn't decided when he did they would have been in real trouble or would you have turned a blind eye to the law breaking because of your friendship? I do wonder Darius, if there's one law for them and a different one for the rest of us."
"I see... are you accusing me of being less than impartial in my dealings Edward?"
"Yes I am and 'I'm sick of it."
I saw that Edward had walked right into Darius trap without seeing it.
"Very well, then the committee should convene a meeting to discuss this."
"Good God, you mean I might just get justice after all?"
"Oh I think I can guarantee it Edward."
Carlisle looked at me and shook his head sadly as I left but it needed to be said, the lawmakers should be impartial and I was sure Darius would think twice before allowing favourites again. I went back and told Sulpicia what had happened but she didn't seem as thrilled as I expected.
"I did this for you my love. All this stupidity, ruining our holiday, making our life a misery it's over now. We can stop worrying."
She sighed,
"If you say so Edward. Lets wait and see shall we?"
She seemed very nervous, pacing the room and starting whenever she heard footsteps outside but she wouldn't tell me what the matter was. She didn't seem surprised at the knock on the door an hour later and opened it to reveal Darius, Carlisle, and four others from the committee.
"Could we speak to you?"
She nodded and stepped aside so they could enter then shut the door and came to my side taking my hand in hers.
"We have discussed your accusations and have come to a conclusion which we feel is best for everyone."
"I hope it involves some kind of penalty for the wrongdoing."
"It does Edward. You and your mate are to be exiled back to the Amazon where you were offered sanctuary before. That way there is no danger of your being victimized again."
"But that's not fair, I didn't do anything and we're being punished."
"On the contrary, the accusation you made about my lack of impartiality was taken very seriously and found to be lacking in proof. Your spiteful actions against the Whitlocks however was examined again as well and it was decided you were guilty of attempting to harm an innocent family. You do of course have a choice."
"Yes. You could stay here and stand trial for the offence if you prefer. But of course I will be on the panel that tries you."
"In other words I have no choice."
Darius didn't answer, he just waited for me to decide.
When Darius rang with the news that Edward and Sulpicia were moving back to the Amazon I was delighted. I felt sorry for her, she had done nothing but fall in love with the idiot Edward Cullen, the spiteful and evil Edward Cullen, but I remembered that she hadn't really wanted to come back, it had been his decision so maybe she was happy enough.
"Thank you Darius."
"For what Bella?"
"Edwards exile."
"Oh I didn't do that. Edward is his own worst enemy, Peter and I just helped him along the way with a few gentle nudges. I hope you aren't suggesting I was anything other than impartial?"
"Of course not, heaven forbid! You and Peter will be coming to the twins birthday next week wont you?"
"Bribery now? Of course, see you then."
I put the phone down with a smile, at last Edward had paid for his spite and we were free of him, let the monkeys and jaguars put up with his tantrums from now on. I went out to give the good news to Jasper who was busy building a stable with Caden for the new foal who had been born a few months ago, helped of course by Leah and Lily Rose and overseen by Charlie, our family complete!