Hey everyone- ((edit June 1- I am working on it- but it's longer than expected- give me a couple more days-thank you for your patience))
(((2nd edit June 6... Ok. I'm so sorry! I've been getting involved with my local BLM community; and I didn't work on this chapter at all... Again so sorry. I'll post later this month.)))
Okay, before ya'll freak out, I'm not discontinuing this fic. Let's make that clear. This fic hasn't left me and in all rationally it would upset me more if I didn't finish. I know it's been a year-well over a year, but a lot of personal and family issues have arisen during the past year. My uncle, who was like a father to me passed away in March of 2019. I was working on chapter 39 at the time and he always encouraged my imagination and my obsession with books. Losing him really hurt. I needed time and so did my family. Everything changed so rapidly and to go into detail would be too personal. I was also in school, so I decided to focus on family and school for the time being. Then as summer rolled around, work got increasingly stressful to the point I had to quit after the holiday season. Then at the start of the new year, I found a new job that isn't so stressful, my family was settling down and I was one class away from getting my minor in history (yes, I'm a big history buff, I mean ya'll have read this fic (:P)). Everything seemed to have fallen into place and started working on the next chapter: then Covid-19 happen. Classes were moved online, my job had to close, and my family was left in a state of the unknown.
It was difficult for me to focus on online courses, so I was stressing myself out for not being on top of everything. Also worrying about work and if I was gonna have money to pay bills; my writing was put on the backburner. Now that the semester is over, barely passing with my GPA intact and a minor under my belt- I decided to get back to my fic. Recently someone reviewed asking if I was ok, and I thank you for worrying about me and I can say with full confidence: I'm okay. Frankly… with everything I went through, I like to think that this experience will help my writing. Especially with future chapters… oh yeah, I got some depressing shit coming your way. A lot of self-therapy.
Ironically, I wrote more at work than I ever did at home, in the past three days I wrote 16 pages! Rough drafts, but something! Also, a lot of funny quotes I want to use:
Hugo: "What the fuck is that?
Alfred: "A tarasque!"
Hugo, Juliet, and Takehiko: ….
Hugo: "A what?"
Alfred: "You know, from DnD."
Hugo, Juliet, and Takehiko: ….
Alfred: "Dungeons and Dragons…"
Hugo, Juliet, and Takehiko: …..
Alfred: "Critical Role?"
Hugo, Juliet, and Takehiko: ….
Alfred: "The game the kids play in Stranger Things!"
Hugo, Juliet, and Takehiko: "Ooooooohhhhh."
I could write out the 16+ pages I have, but I'd rather post the entire chapter later.
PS: Also, sorry if you guys thought this was a chapter update, it's just a guest had written the review and I couldn't PM them to reassure them I'm alive and well.